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red states rule
04-15-2008, 06:14 AM
Now young women are feeling Hillary is getting a bad rap and they see sexism as the reason she is losing

Not that she is a serial liar. Not that she is incompetent. Not that she thought the nominataion was here right and did not plan nb having to earn it

No, these women are seeing a poor women being bashed by men

I hope they keep that attitude and keep Hillary's scorthed Earth campaign going

Hey, Obama boys: Back off already!
Young women are growing increasingly frustrated with the fanatical support of Barack and gleeful bashing of Hillary.

By Rebecca Traister

April 14, 2008 | Dana Lossia, a 29-year-old labor lawyer in Brooklyn, describes herself as a "pretty big Obama supporter. " She worked for a year at Michelle Obama's Public Allies Chicago, where she met Barack a few times. She called him "the most inspiring, amazing person, a different kind of politician." Of Hillary Clinton, whom Lossia supported in her Senate runs, Lossia said, "I just think she's acted badly during this campaign."

And yet, as Lossia wrote in a recent e-mail, "I've been really bothered by what I perceive as sexism [among some male Obama supporters] and have spent hours defending [Clinton] ... A lot of guys just can't stand Hillary, and it's the intensity of their irritation with her that disturbs me more than their devotion to Obama."

This riveting Democratic primary campaign has provided us with its own stock characters: There are the young "Daily Show"-watching Obama-maniacs getting over their irony addiction by falling earnestly in love with the senator from Illinois. There are the pissed-off second-wave feminists, uptight and out of touch, howling as their dream of seeing a woman in the Oval Office fades. And then there are the young women caught between them.

According to the media script, these cool young customers have embodied their elders' worst nightmare of a generation that takes feminism's victories for granted by throwing over Hillary Clinton for her challenger faster than you can say "I've got a crush on Obama." These young women are way over feminism, we're told, and perceive gender bias to be an antiquated notion. They are embarrassed and annoyed by the public entreaties of warhorses like Gloria Steinem and Robin Morgan. Pressure from their forebears only serves to alienate them from the second wave and drive them further into the disheveled embrace of the "Yes We Can!" dude down the block.

There is truth to this exaggerated electoral tableau. Young people are voting for Obama; Clinton is a troubling candidate for many women and men; and there is a sense that younger women feel more distant from second-wave feminist leaders than ever before.

Yet some female voters have begun to express nearly as much disenchantment with the Obama-mania of their peers as with their Clinton-promoting mothers. And even while they voice dismay over the retro tone of the pro-Clinton feminist whine, a growing number of young women are struggling to describe a gut conviction that there is something dark and funky, and probably not so female-friendly, running below the frantic fanaticism of their Obama-loving compatriots

for the complete article


04-15-2008, 10:03 AM
has anyone even been talking about Clinton yesterday? Or is not talking about her the sexism everyones talking about here?

red states rule
04-15-2008, 10:05 AM
has anyone even been talking about Clinton yesterday? Or is not talking about her the sexism everyones talking about here?

This year voters are in a Catch 22 with the left

If you do not vote for Barry you are a racist

If you do not vote for Hillary you are a sexist

If you vote for McCAin you are a warmonger

04-15-2008, 10:10 AM
This year voters are in a Catch 22 with the left

If you do not vote for Barry you are a racist

If you do not vote for Hillary you are a sexist

If you vote for McCAin you are a warmonger

I do not think that democrats who vote against Obama in the primaries are necessarily racist, although some may be. I do not thing that democrats who vote against Hillary in the primaries are necessarily sexist, although some may be. I think that, regardless of who wins our nomination, democrats will overwhelmingly vote against the war and against four more years of Bush policies.

red states rule
04-15-2008, 10:21 AM
I do not think that democrats who vote against Obama in the primaries are necessarily racist, although some may be. I do not thing that democrats who vote against Hillary in the primaries are necessarily sexist, although some may be. I think that, regardless of who wins our nomination, democrats will overwhelmingly vote against the war and against four more years of Bush policies.

Libs are already playing the race and sexist card. There are few differences between Hillary and Obama

Both are tax and spend liberals who believe government is the answer to all the folks wants, needs, and desires

04-15-2008, 10:31 AM
Libs are already playing the race and sexist card. There are few differences between Hillary and Obama

Both are tax and spend liberals who believe government is the answer to all the folks wants, needs, and desires

I disagree in your distortion of their beliefs.... but agree that they are very much alike, which is why the democrats who support them both will find it easy to get behind the eventual winner of our primary process. One thing UNITES democrats and many many independents, and that is the desire to be DONE with the Bush administration and with those who have supported and facilitated its incompetence.

red states rule
04-15-2008, 10:40 AM
I disagree in your distortion of their beliefs.... but agree that they are very much alike, which is why the democrats who support them both will find it easy to get behind the eventual winner of our primary process. One thing UNITES democrats and many many independents, and that is the desire to be DONE with the Bush administration and with those who have supported and facilitated its incompetence.

We can all see how united your party is right now :laugh2:

04-15-2008, 10:52 AM
Time for the Hobbit breakdown

I disagree in your distortion of their beliefs....

What's the distortion? Both have supporters who claim that only racists or sexists won't vote for their candidate and every time somebody mentions a problem to them, the solution is always more government spending on handouts. I'd say the assessment is spot on.

but agree that they are very much alike,

Good to see you're not a total moron.

which is why the democrats who support them both will find it easy to get behind the eventual winner of our primary process.

You've got to be kidding. The Democrat party is the party of emotion, where anger, fear, and 'feeling good' rule how they vote. With all the anger and venom being spewed by both sides in the primary, do you really think they're just going to throw it all down, kiss, and make up as soon as the primary's over? There are saints with less forgiveness than that. No, I see a huge chunk of the party's votes going to Nader over the bitterness of not winning their preferred nomination. In addition, how many sensible independents do you think are going to look at those two vipers and think, "Gee, this immature, mudslinging, hot-tempered, childish jerk is just who we need running the most powerful country on Earth?"

One thing UNITES democrats and many many independents, and that is the desire to be DONE with the Bush administration and with those who have supported and facilitated its incompetence.

If that were enough to win an election, Kerry would have won in '04. There are enough people who either agree with Bush or are sickened by the downright treasonous way the Democrats have denigrated and undermined the President of the United States that a party running on that platform would have to win in spite of, rather than because of, that.

Operation Chaos is succeeding. The entire country is getting to see what kind of whiny, 2-year-old douchebags the Democrats have running their party.

Abbey Marie
04-15-2008, 11:03 AM
I disagree in your distortion of their beliefs.... but agree that they are very much alike, which is why the democrats who support them both will find it easy to get behind the eventual winner of our primary process. One thing UNITES democrats and many many independents, and that is the desire to be DONE with the Bush administration and with those who have supported and facilitated its incompetence.

I can forsee race riots if Obama loses.

04-15-2008, 11:09 AM
Time for the Hobbit breakdown

What's the distortion? Both have supporters who claim that only racists or sexists won't vote for their candidate and every time somebody mentions a problem to them, the solution is always more government spending on handouts. I'd say the assessment is spot on.

that is what you would say. As a democrat, who has attended caucuses and committee meetings where these issues have been discussed, I have a different assessment.

You've got to be kidding. The Democrat party is the party of emotion, where anger, fear, and 'feeling good' rule how they vote. With all the anger and venom being spewed by both sides in the primary, do you really think they're just going to throw it all down, kiss, and make up as soon as the primary's over? There are saints with less forgiveness than that. No, I see a huge chunk of the party's votes going to Nader over the bitterness of not winning their preferred nomination. In addition, how many sensible independents do you think are going to look at those two vipers and think, "Gee, this immature, mudslinging, hot-tempered, childish jerk is just who we need running the most powerful country on Earth?"

again...you opinion as to the eventual behavior of self identified democratic voters is certainly your own, not mine...and mine, I believe, is a bit more valid because I AM one and because I interact with many democrats and have had lengthy discussions with them about this very issue.

If that were enough to win an election, Kerry would have won in '04. There are enough people who either agree with Bush or are sickened by the downright treasonous way the Democrats have denigrated and undermined the President of the United States that a party running on that platform would have to win in spite of, rather than because of, that.

Again.... an opinion. I disagree. Kerry was a weak candidate who tactically was consistently out maneuvered. I do not completely discount the possibility that it may happen again, but I doulbt it. As my oldest son just said on Sunday, The democrats rarely miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. I think this year will be different, but then, that is MY opinion.
Operation Chaos is succeeding. The entire country is getting to see what kind of whiny, 2-year-old douchebags the Democrats have running their party.

04-15-2008, 11:10 AM
I can forsee race riots if Obama loses.

gosh... I bet that makes you salivate!

red states rule
04-15-2008, 11:10 AM
I can forsee race riots if Obama loses.

A liberal group has promised just that. Not because if Obama loses, but because of the rules the Dems set down for Denver

Recreate ‘68 threatens Democrat convention in Denver

By Michelle Malkin • March 21, 2008 09:46 AM

“When things blow up because the police have to enforce a permit that the Democrats got, don’t blame us for that.”

Remember that quote. Protest organizers from “Recreate ‘68″ are throwing a tantrum over the Democrat Party’s permit process. Will they ignore it as an idle threat? Or, keeping in mind the history of left-wing violence against law enforcement, will they take the nutballs seriously for once? Via the Rocky Mountain News (hat tip - reader Katharine):

Denver could face a “dangerous situation” on the first day of the Democratic National Convention, war protesters said Thursday, after losing a coveted permit for Civic Center to the convention host committee.

“When things blow up because the police have to enforce a permit that the Democrats got, don’t blame us for that,” said Glenn Spagnuolo, an organizer for the Re-create 68 Alliance.

“Blame the Democrats for trying to silence dissent in the city of Denver.”

The lottery for permits to protest, pray or hold other events in city parks during the DNC Aug. 24 through 28 resumed Thursday after the city bungled the drawing Tuesday by accidentally leaving out some of the applicants’ names.

The do-over went smoothly.

But when Jenny Anderson, event planner for the Denver 2008 Convention Host Committee, won the permit for Civic Center for a kick-off Aug. 24, Spagnuolo accused the committee of creating a “very serious, dangerous situation . . . for everybody.”

Re-create 68 - which has promised demonstrations that will rival those at the bloody 1968 Democratic convention in Chicago - will be at Civic Center on Aug. 24, with or without a permit, he said.


04-15-2008, 11:11 AM
We can all see how united your party is right now :laugh2:

and your party was not very united when YOUR primary process was going on...and now, that your party has picked a RINO, your party is still not united.... mine will be.:lol:

Abbey Marie
04-15-2008, 11:12 AM
gosh... I bet that makes you salivate!

Really? Why is that?

red states rule
04-15-2008, 11:21 AM
and your party was not very united when YOUR primary process was going on...and now, that your party has picked a RINO, your party is still not united.... mine will be.:lol:

Our party is more united behind Mccain then you guys are

I do not see Republicans going for the throats of other Republicans like I see on your side

04-15-2008, 11:22 AM
Really? Why is that?

I think you would like to see civil unrest that law and order conservatives would then control.

red states rule
04-15-2008, 11:25 AM
I think you would like to see civil unrest that law and order conservatives would then control.

OK, cue up the Twilight Zone music for MFM

Libs riot, and conservatives are to blame for it

04-15-2008, 11:25 AM
No, these women are seeing a poor women being bashed by men

I hope they keep that attitude and keep Hillary's scorthed Earth campaign going

Okay. Certainly Hillary is being bashed by men: look at what people are saying here! And it's worse other places.

I think a lot of men are afraid of a powerful, able woman like Hillary.

04-15-2008, 11:27 AM
Libs riot, and conservatives are to blame for it

I never implied that conservatives would be to blame. where do you get that? I said that conservatives would enjoy it. you, yourself, have already hoped for violence and civil unrest in Denver.

red states rule
04-15-2008, 11:29 AM
I never implied that conservatives would be to blame. where do you get that? I said that conservatives would enjoy it. you, yourself, have already hoped for violence and civil unrest in Denver.

It would show how unstable how the moonbat wing of your party is.

and they are the one running your party, and pulling the strings

red states rule
04-15-2008, 11:30 AM
Okay. Certainly Hillary is being bashed by men: look at what people are saying here! And it's worse other places.

I think a lot of men are afraid of a powerful, able woman like Hillary.

No, we do not want that women

She is a serial liar, as well as a tax and spend liberal

Abbey Marie
04-15-2008, 11:37 AM
I think you would like to see civil unrest that law and order conservatives would then control.

That's so far off, it's ludicrous. And your stereotyping of Conservatives is really quite astounding.

04-15-2008, 11:52 AM
I do not think that democrats who vote against Obama in the primaries are necessarily racist, although some may be. I do not thing that democrats who vote against Hillary in the primaries are necessarily sexist, although some may be. I think that, regardless of who wins our nomination, democrats will overwhelmingly vote against the war and against four more years of Bush policies.

I really should point out to you that its too late to vote against the war. The war is happening already. its been happening since before Osama Bin Laden had his martyrs fly planes into the WTC. We are at war. voting against it wont make it go away. If we put down all our weapons and stop fighting, we will still be at war. Simply because we dont fight, doesnt mean we arent at war. it just means we arent defending ourselves from it.

All of Bush's bad policies are magnified in both Hillary and Obama, and to a lesser extent McCain. Its going to be more bad policy regardless who is elected.

04-15-2008, 11:52 AM
I disagree in your distortion of their beliefs.... but agree that they are very much alike, which is why the democrats who support them both will find it easy to get behind the eventual winner of our primary process. One thing UNITES democrats and many many independents, and that is the desire to be DONE with the Bush administration and with those who have supported and facilitated its incompetence.

Then you have you vote against any politician.

04-15-2008, 11:53 AM
care to edit that so I can figure out what you are trying to say?

04-15-2008, 01:15 PM
I can forsee race riots if Obama loses.

Sharpton has already said if the superdelegates vote for Hillary as the nominee, they'd better have a good reason, or there're will be trouble.

So, yep, riots. I'm not wringing my hands in glee either. If he looses his supporters need to accept defeat like the adults they are.

04-15-2008, 01:29 PM
I think you would like to see civil unrest that law and order conservatives would then control.

how does enforcing the law create civil unrest?

04-15-2008, 01:36 PM
how does enforcing the law create civil unrest?

I never said it did.

MFM: I would like to see it rain so the grass would grow.
avatar: How does grass growing cause rain?

04-15-2008, 02:19 PM
gosh... I bet that makes you salivate!
You tried that one on me and got your ass handed to you. What makes you think Abbey won't hand you yours again? Are you sexist? :lol:

red states rule
04-15-2008, 02:33 PM
You tried that one on me and got your ass handed to you. What makes you think Abbey won't hand you yours again? Are you sexist? :lol:

yes, and paranoid as well