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View Full Version : McCain: Hero or Traitor?

04-15-2008, 08:58 PM
This web appeared during McCain's unsuccessful 2000 Presidential campaign. It is still relevant today, because all of the facts are still the same.


04-15-2008, 11:53 PM
This web appeared during McCain's unsuccessful 2000 Presidential campaign. It is still relevant today, because all of the facts are still the same.


who he was, or was not, back in vietnam, is no more relevant today than Obama's grandfather, or grandmother. It is just as insignificant as Bush's DUI when he was 25 (I know, none of us ever screw up with alcohol in our early to mid-20s, but cut him a little slack here). He was pumped up as a hero becuase that's what the military needed at the time, and for all we know, the cameras were put there as a dog & pony show by the North Vietnamese.

This belief that we are ever going to get a perfect candidate, or that we must denounce our "rivals" with vehemence, while turning blinded eyes to failings of our own "side", is both outmoded, and completely hypocritical. There is never going to be a perfect candidate, none of us will get that, my only hope is to get a human one.

04-16-2008, 05:55 AM
From Gab's link, suppossed "evidence" of McCains "treason":

While testifying before the Senate Select Committee, the very man McCain claims was responsible for his own torture, his interrogator, "The Bug" was appearing. When the moment of confrontation came, McCain rose from his seat, walked from the podium to the floor and stood face to face with the man who was responsible for torturing him and countless other Prisoners of War...McCain then grabbed the man and embraced him!

According to the looney Gabs, forgive and forget, live and let live, are now treasonable offenses.

04-16-2008, 11:31 AM
According to the looney Gabs, forgive and forget, live and let live, are now treasonable offenses.

Ask any vet if they are willing to forgive someone who collaborated with their enemy.

Glock, are you willing to forgive and forget with the people who attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon?

04-16-2008, 11:35 AM
Ask any vet if they are willing to forgive someone who collaborated with their enemy.

Glock, are you willing to forgive and forget with the people who attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon?

Don't know, doubt Glock does either. We can never know what it is we are made of in this world, until we are presented with the challenge to our beliefs. Aside from forgive and forget though, it was also a statement, "You have no power over me any longer". It is the same as a woman who chooses to keep the baby of the man who raped her, not all, or even many, are up to it emotionally, but they do exist.

Also, if we really want to be honest, it isn't as if US troops didn't just as bad to the Vietnamese as they did to us.

04-16-2008, 11:47 AM
Also, if we really want to be honest, it isn't as if US troops didn't just as bad to the Vietnamese as they did to us.

Good point. The same can be said about the current conflict. It is just not currently PC to bring that fact up.

04-16-2008, 12:05 PM
Ask any vet if they are willing to forgive someone who collaborated with their enemy.

Glock, are you willing to forgive and forget with the people who attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon?

Forgive now means collaborate with. Do you have the same hatred of Jane Fonda as you do with John McCain?

Sure, forgiven and forgotten. They're all dead anyway.

04-16-2008, 12:07 PM
Good point. The same can be said about the current conflict. It is just not currently PC to bring that fact up.

this true of all wars. Terrible crimes are committed by both sides, because you cannot fight and kill so determinedly for so long without it affecting you, wihtout making rash decisions that cost innocent lives.

This is why we are working to rotate troops out more often, so that they we have the number of troops we need in there, but without leaving them there for so long that they returned shell shocked.

Abbey Marie
04-16-2008, 12:33 PM
It's war, folks, not a tea party.

04-16-2008, 01:54 PM
mccain injected the dude with a needle of tree frog ass juice during the hug.....the bug is dead.....

04-16-2008, 01:59 PM
This web appeared during McCain's unsuccessful 2000 Presidential campaign. It is still relevant today, because all of the facts are still the same.


He's more of a hero than you'll ever be, and more of hero than Obama will ever be too.

Not that we expect liberals to accept that, they revere someone who has devoted his whole life to socialist politics as a hero than anyone who has served in the military.

04-16-2008, 03:13 PM
Not that we expect liberals to accept that, they revere someone who has devoted his whole life to socialist politics as a hero than anyone who has served in the military.

So why didn't you support Kerry? He is more of a hero than McCain. At least Kerry didn't collaborate with the enemy.

04-16-2008, 03:22 PM
So why didn't you support Kerry? He is more of a hero than McCain. At least Kerry didn't collaborate with the enemy.

You didn't support Kerry because he was in the war, you supported him for the same reason you do Obama - he was a flamming socialist promoting your agenda.

I know thats why I opposed Kerry, not because of his war record or lack of one.

You are also lying, Kerry very willingly collabortated with the enemy when he met with them in Paris in 1971. Thats a fact, that even Kerry acknowledges.

Even if McCain "collaborated" with the enemy, I would assume it was done under duress. The man was tortured you know. Can't say I would of lasted long under the same conditions. Unlike you I acknowledge the fact that torture can and does work most of the time because every man has a breaking limit.

04-16-2008, 03:28 PM
So why didn't you support Kerry? He is more of a hero than McCain. At least Kerry didn't collaborate with the enemy.

Collaborate...that's one hell of an accusation. I certainly hope you have a link to some proof of this. Something more than finger pointing by a group upset families, maybe some documentation? something more than a piece of paper signed after years of torture. Tell me, after being tortured for years at the hands of your captors, what would you be willing to do to put an end to the pain? What would Kerry do? What would any of us do? Collaborate. The reward for his "collaboration" was apparently gaining the inability to raise his arms above his shoulders.

04-16-2008, 04:39 PM
So why didn't you support Kerry? He is more of a hero than McCain. At least Kerry didn't collaborate with the enemy.

:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::l augh2: