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View Full Version : Obama's Feet of Clay

red states rule
04-16-2008, 06:40 AM
No question Barry stepped in it when he showed his liberal arrogance toward people who live in small town America.

His own words show Barry is not ready for prime time or to be President


For Obama the consequences seem both short and long term. In the short run, Obama's words are likely to do serious damage to his campaign in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania working class voters constitute about 40 percent of the Democratic vote. Obama's claim to understand and to identify with them has been dealt a serious blow after a largely successful two week surge in the state. The Clinton campaign is already capitalizing on the controversy. It may be enough to propel her to that big victory that seemed so unlikely only a few days ago.

Longer term his comments deriding the religious and cultural values of working class Americans will cause some to dismiss his claim to be a national unifier. Indeed, his remarks make his unity theme sound like little more than a campaign con. He has probably assured that the nomination race will now go on well past Pennsylvania--to an ultimate fate that few if any can predict.
