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View Full Version : Barry Obama Has A Bad Night

red states rule
04-17-2008, 06:26 AM
Seems the silver tongued messiah was a hard time asking hard questions in last nights Democrat debate

For the first time, Obama is having to give specifics on his policies and is being asked about his inner circle

He tried to duck them

Obama kept on defensive during debate

Sen. Barack Obama faced his toughest grilling yet in a presidential debate Wednesday night, spending the first 45 minutes of his last scheduled meeting with Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton defending his own words and his associations with several controversial figures.

Clinton allowed Obama to do most of the talking during the first half of the debate, and for good reason - moderators Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos from ABC News quizzed the Illinois senator on a litany of unpleasant topics. The now-familiar list included whether Obama understood that Pennsylvanians found his comments about the bitterness of small town America to be patronizing; why he did not disassociate himself earlier from the Rev. Jeremiah Wright; and why he maintains a relationship with a former member of the radical 1960s group, Weather Underground.

Obama tried several times to move the questioning away from what he suggested were side issues that have little bearing on people’s lives.

“What's important is to make sure that we don't get so obsessed with gaffes that we lose sight of the fact that this is a defining moment in our history,” Obama said at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia. “For us to be obsessed with this – these kinds of errors – I think is a mistake. And that's not what our campaign has been about.”

for the complete article
