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View Full Version : Washington Post Runs Hit Piece On McCain

red states rule
04-20-2008, 10:00 AM
Libs have been running around screaming how old cattle future trades, friendships with terrorists, and racist church sermons are so irrelevant

However, the Washington Compost ran a front page story on a event in John McCains life from 1992 when - gasp - he may have lost his temper

The Washington Compst must be getting worried watching the Dems stumble around in a daze

McCain: A Question of Temperament

By Michael Leahy
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, April 20, 2008; Page A01

John McCain cupped a fist and began pumping it, up and down, along the side of his body. It was a gesture familiar to a participant in the closed-door meeting of the Senate committee who hoped that it merely signaled, as it sometimes had in the past, McCain's mounting frustration with one of his colleagues.

But when McCain leaned toward Charles E. Grassley and slowly said, "My friend . . ." it seemed clear that ugliness was looming: While the plural "my friends" was usually a warm salutation from McCain, "my friend" was often a prelude to his most caustic attacks. Grassley, an Iowa Republican with a reputation as an unwavering legislator, calmly held his ground. McCain became angrier, his fist pumping even faster.

It was early 1992, and the occasion was an informal gathering of a select committee investigating lingering issues about Vietnam War prisoners and those missing in action, most notably whether any American servicemen were still being held by the Vietnamese. It is unclear precisely what issue set off McCain that day. But at some point, he mocked Grassley to his face and used a profanity to describe him. Grassley stood and, according to two participants at the meeting, told McCain, "I don't have to take this. I think you should apologize."

McCain refused and stood to face Grassley. "There was some shouting and shoving between them, but no punches," recalls a spectator, who said that Nebraska Democrat Bob Kerrey helped break up the altercation.

Grassley said recently that "it was a very long period of time" before he and McCain spoke to each other again, though he declined, through a spokesman, to discuss the specifics of the incident.

for the complete article

04-20-2008, 11:11 AM
as much as you dislike McCain and have sworn never to vote for him, I wonder why this would matter to you in the least?:laugh2:

red states rule
04-20-2008, 11:35 AM
as much as you dislike McCain and have sworn never to vote for him, I wonder why this would matter to you in the least?:laugh2:

Because unlike you, I call them as I see them

You on the other hand, see everything thru your Obama tinted glasses

Dems are desperate right now, and the liberal media is showing how desperate they are

04-20-2008, 12:13 PM
Because unlike you, I call them as I see them

You on the other hand, see everything thru your Obama tinted glasses

Dems are desperate right now, and the liberal media is showing how desperate they are

that's odd...How in the world would you know how democrats feel at this point in time??

Unlike you, I really AM a democrat and I can honestly say that I am not the least bit desperate.

It will be a good campaign and we will tar and feather McSame with the Bush legacy. It will be quite fun!

red states rule
04-20-2008, 12:14 PM
that's odd...How in the world would you know how democrats feel at this point in time??

Unlike you, I really AM a democrat and I can honestly say that I am not the least bit desperate.

It will be a good campaign and we will tar and feather McSame with the Bush legacy. It will be quite fun!

Since you have been ignoring the Obama threads, you would not know about how the libs feel

They are worried about the incivil war, and how badly Barry stumbled in the last debate

04-20-2008, 12:53 PM
It will be a good campaign and we will tar and feather McSame with the Bush legacy. It will be quite fun! HEY MORON from Maine McCain will wipe that shit eating grin off of Obamas Face. It will be fun to see Osama try to deny his Racist Views along with his known friendship with a known terrorist a convicted felon and a racist preacher When McCain's done you can stick a fork in The Racist Negro cause he'll be done

red states rule
04-20-2008, 12:55 PM
HEY MORON from Maine McCain will wipe that shit eating grin off of Obamas Face. It will be fun to see Osama try to deny his Racist Views along with his known friendship with a known terrorist a convicted felon and a racist preacher When McCain's done you can stick a fork in The Racist Negro cause he'll be done

With MFM, examples of McCain temper from 1992 is relevent

But Barry's friendship with racists and terrorists are not

04-20-2008, 01:28 PM
With MFM, examples of McCain temper from 1992 is relevent

But Barry's friendship with racists and terrorists are not Like I said earlier There's a sucker born every Minute Obama supporters are proof of this

red states rule
04-20-2008, 01:30 PM
Like I said earlier There's a sucker born every Minute Obama supporters are proof of this

and with some, it is party before all else. Nothing to matters to these people except political power, and they do not care what has to be sacrificed to attain it. Such things as truth, reason, logic, and national security. Those mere details are expendible to them

04-20-2008, 05:29 PM
HEY MORON from Maine McCain will wipe that shit eating grin off of Obamas Face. It will be fun to see Osama try to deny his Racist Views along with his known friendship with a known terrorist a convicted felon and a racist preacher When McCain's done you can stick a fork in The Racist Negro cause he'll be done

time will tell, won't it? you have your vision of what will happen in November and I have mine.

red states rule
04-20-2008, 06:05 PM
time will tell, won't it? you have your vision of what will happen in November and I have mine.

If you took off your Barry tinted glasses you would have the same vision as REDWHITEBLUE2

04-20-2008, 06:14 PM
that's odd...How in the world would you know how democrats feel at this point in time??

Unlike you, I really AM a democrat and I can honestly say that I am not the least bit desperate.

It will be a good campaign and we will tar and feather McSame with the Bush legacy. It will be quite fun!

Funny, wasn't that long ago you were using proper titles and names. I quite remember your saying you respected McCain...but I guess that doesn't matter now.


red states rule
04-20-2008, 06:16 PM
Funny, wasn't that long ago you were using proper titles and names. I quite remember your saying you respected McCain...but I guess that doesn't matter now.


I remember how liberals praised McCain for opposing so many of Pres Bush's policies

He was a maverick according to the liberal media

They held that opinion up to the second McCain locked up the nomination

04-20-2008, 06:16 PM
With MFM, examples of McCain temper from 1992 is relevent

But Barry's friendship with racists and terrorists are not

I don't think that McCain's temper is relevant in the least. He's YOUR candidate....if he has a hair trigger temper, he will undoubtedly have plenty of opportunities to show that to the voters in the fall campaign. Let them decide then whether it is meaningful.

04-20-2008, 06:17 PM
If you took off your Barry tinted glasses you would have the same vision as REDWHITEBLUE2

and if you pulled your head out of your ASS, you'd have amuch different perspective as well.

red states rule
04-20-2008, 06:19 PM
and if you pulled your head out of your ASS, you'd have amuch different perspective as well.

Now the "preacher" side of you is starting to come out

04-20-2008, 06:24 PM
Funny, wasn't that long ago you were using proper titles and names. I quite remember your saying you respected McCain...but I guess that doesn't matter now.


I DO respect John McCain. He went to a very tough school and served in an honorable profession. I must admit I had a great deal MORE respect for him before he let Dubya totally smear him in SC in 2000 and before he became a shill for Bush's idiotic war in Iraq. But at this point, it is really all about winning the election, isn't it? It is about who will continue the war in Iraq, who will continue the failed economic policies of Bush, who will be appointing supreme court justices... I can respect John McCain but still strongly prefer that he not win the presidency. I will however say, and have said before, that if we HAVE to have a republican president, John McCain is perhaps the least onerous... kinda like having Susan Collins and Oly Snowe as republican senators. I will vote against then every time, but am not THAT disappointed when they win!

04-20-2008, 06:26 PM
Now the "preacher" side of you is starting to come out

oh...I am sorry. claiming I look at the world through rose colored glasses is completely different than saying you have your head up your ass. One of those idioms is so completely polite and the other so completely repugnant! [/sarcasm off]

red states rule
04-20-2008, 06:26 PM
I DO respect John McCain. He went to a very tough school and served in an honorable profession. I must admit I had a great deal MORE respect for him before he let Dubya totally smear him in SC in 2000 and before he became a shill for Bush's idiotic war in Iraq. But at this point, it is really all about winning the election, isn't it? It is about who will continue the war in Iraq, who will continue the failed economic policies of Bush, who will be appointing supreme court justices... I can respect John McCain but still strongly prefer that he not win the presidency. I will however say, and have said before, that if we HAVE to have a republican president, John McCain is perhaps the least onerous... kinda like having Susan Collins and Oly Snowe as republican senators. I will vote against then every time, but am not THAT disappointed when they win!

Another example of your "respect"

You have posted how you can't wait for the ads showing McCain as a traitor. You claimed he gave the enemy information while he was a POW, or signed a confession. Something along those lines

04-20-2008, 06:29 PM
Another example of your "respect"

You have posted how you can't wait for the ads showing McCain as a traitor. You claimed he gave the enemy information while he was a POW

I claimed that he gave more than name rank and serial number. I am claiming that he signed a "confession" to get better treatment. DO you deny that?

And I CAN'T wait for the swiftboating of McCain to begin because it will be former POW's that attack him...and, given what the republicans did to Kerry, turnabout is fair play, as far as I am concerned.

04-20-2008, 06:31 PM
I don't think that McCain's temper is relevant in the least. He's YOUR candidate....if he has a hair trigger temper, he will undoubtedly have plenty of opportunities to show that to the voters in the fall campaign. Let them decide then whether it is meaningful.

Odds are against him having a Howard "ARRRRRRRRGGGGHHHHH!" Dean moment though....

red states rule
04-20-2008, 06:31 PM
I claimed that he gave more than name rank and serial number. I am claiming that he signed a "confession" to get better treatment. DO you deny that?

And I CAN'T wait for the swiftboating of McCain to begin because it will be former POW's that attack him...and, given what the republicans did to Kerry, turnabout is fair play, as far as I am concerned.

Any proof or just another example of your "respect"?

Given how long McCain has been in politics, if what you are "claiming" is true - it would have been made public along time ago

04-20-2008, 06:36 PM
Any proof or just another example of your "respect"?

Given how long McCain has been in politics, if what you are "claiming" is true - it would have been made public along time ago

are you suggesting that McCain did NOT sign a confession while a POW? That has been public knowledge for decades.

red states rule
04-20-2008, 06:38 PM
are you suggesting that McCain did NOT sign a confession while a POW? That has been public knowledge for decades.

Oh really?

Do you have a link from a cedible source?

04-20-2008, 06:40 PM
I claimed that he gave more than name rank and serial number. I am claiming that he signed a "confession" to get better treatment. DO you deny that?

And I CAN'T wait for the swiftboating of McCain to begin because it will be former POW's that attack him...and, given what the republicans did to Kerry, turnabout is fair play, as far as I am concerned.

According to McCain, he gave no useful information. What's ironic here is we are arguing each others positions. ;)

04-20-2008, 06:42 PM
Oh really?

Do you have a link from a cedible source?


red states rule
04-20-2008, 06:47 PM

So what information did he give?

04-20-2008, 06:55 PM
So what information did he give?

more than name rank and serial number, which is all he was supposed to give.

I said he had signed a confession in order to improve his treatment....you then said:

"Given how long McCain has been in politics, if what you are "claiming" is true - it would have been made public along time ago"

I gave you a credible link to McCain's own words where he admitted to signing a confession to improve his treatment.

so I guess you were fucking wrong, weren't you?:laugh2:

04-20-2008, 06:59 PM

Seems he faltered then through serendipity of the NV, was able to overcome. You blame him?

04-20-2008, 07:19 PM
Seems he faltered then through serendipity of the NV, was able to overcome. You blame him?

blame him?

Will I enjoy watching irate former POWs go after him and rip him to shreds like the swifties did to Kerry?


red states rule
04-20-2008, 07:22 PM
blame him?

Will I enjoy watching irate former POWs go after him and rip him to shreds like the swifties did to Kerry?


Yes, MFM's "respect" is a sight to behold

If that is all you have to brand him a traitor, you are more deperate then I thought you were

04-20-2008, 07:24 PM
Yes, MFM's "respect" is a sight to behold

If that is all you have to brand him a traitor, you are more deperate then I thought you were

YOu were the one who said my claims were baseless. I proved you wrong.

I am not desperate. I will, however, enjoy watching the Vietnam Veterans against McCain smear him the same way that the SBVT crowd smeared Kerry.

Politics is not a game for sissies. He knew that going into it.

red states rule
04-20-2008, 07:27 PM
YOu were the one who said my claims were baseless. I proved you wrong.

I am not desperate. I will, however, enjoy watching the Vietnam Veterans against McCain smear him the same way that the SBVT crowd smeared Kerry.

Politics is not a game for sissies. He knew that going into it.

First you say your "respect" John McCain

Then you say he is a traitor

They you say how you look forward to him being ripped to shreads

Yes, MFM your "respect" is becoming well know to all of us

04-20-2008, 07:30 PM
First you say your "respect" John McCain

Then you say he is a traitor

They you say how you look forward to him being ripped to shreads

Yes, MFM your "respect" is becoming well know to all of us

I respect his service, but I do not respect him. I, like MFM, also look forward to how the VVAM will treat him and how he reacts. This should be very interesting.

04-20-2008, 07:31 PM
First you say your "respect" John McCain

Then you say he is a traitor

They you say how you look forward to him being ripped to shreads

Yes, MFM your "respect" is becoming well know to all of us

I do respect him. I respect him for getting through Annapolis...I know how hard that is...I respect him for his military service...I know how hard that is, as well. I respect him for his time as a POW.... I have no idea what that would be like, but I can only imagine it was horrific. I do NOT respect him for his unprincipled actions in the wake of the 2000 SC primary, and I do NOT respect him for his unflagging support for an open ended commitment to the misquided war in Iraq. I don't think I ever called him a traitor, but suggested that there were many vietnam veterans and former POW's who think he is.

04-20-2008, 07:40 PM
I do respect him. I respect him for getting through Annapolis...I know how hard that is...I respect him for his military service...I know how hard that is, as well. I respect him for his time as a POW.... I have no idea what that would be like, but I can only imagine it was horrific. I do NOT respect him for his unprincipled actions in the wake of the 2000 SC primary, and I do NOT respect him for his unflagging support for an open ended commitment to the misquided war in Iraq. I don't think I ever called him a traitor, but suggested that there were many vietnam veterans and former POW's who think he is.

Yet recently you've been referring to him as McSame. Great way to back a fellow soldier, well in your case a fellow sailor, regardless of rank.

04-20-2008, 07:46 PM
Yet recently you've been referring to him as McSame. Great way to back a fellow soldier, well in your case a fellow sailor, regardless of rank.
I am not "backing" him. I hope he gets his ass kicked in November. But that does not mean that I would not sit with him at an O Club and share sea stories over multitudinous beers until last call.

Politics IS a contact sport and not one for sissies. Given what republicans allowed SBVT to do to John Kerry in 2004, I really have ZERO problem with seeing McCain suffer similar treatment at the hands of vietnam veterans. If the swiftboating of Kerry had not occurred, I am sure I would be more sympathetic.

04-20-2008, 07:50 PM
I am not "backing" him. I hope he gets his ass kicked in November. But that does not mean that I would not sit with him at an O Club and share sea stories over multitudinous beers until last call.

Politics IS a contact sport and not one for sissies. Given what republicans allowed SBVT to do to John Kerry in 2004, I really have ZERO problem with seeing McCain suffer similar treatment at the hands of vietnam veterans. If the swiftboating of Kerry had not occurred, I am sure I would be more sympathetic.

Ok, some you feel were unfair to Kerry, so now you are doing the same to McCain. It follows that McCain was also unfair to Kerry, backing what you considered unfair. Right? That would be logical.

04-20-2008, 07:52 PM
Ok, some you feel were unfair to Kerry, so now you are doing the same to McCain. It follows that McCain was also unfair to Kerry, backing what you considered unfair. Right? That would be logical.

I think McCain actually spoke out against the swifties.... but, like I said, I got nothing against McCain... I just have no problems with him being treated the same way Kerry was. He signed on for all of that when he sought his party's nomination.

04-20-2008, 07:54 PM
I think McCain actually spoke out against the swifties.... but, like I said, I got nothing against McCain... I just have no problems with him being treated the same way Kerry was. He signed on for all of that when he sought his party's nomination.

So why do you use 'McSame'?

04-20-2008, 08:50 PM
I am not "backing" him. I hope he gets his ass kicked in November. But that does not mean that I would not sit with him at an O Club and share sea stories over multitudinous beers until last call.

Politics IS a contact sport and not one for sissies. Given what republicans allowed SBVT to do to John Kerry in 2004, I really have ZERO problem with seeing McCain suffer similar treatment at the hands of vietnam veterans. If the swiftboating of Kerry had not occurred, I am sure I would be more sympathetic.

yet you whine like a sissy when i point out obama's flaws, you say i'm obsessed and a racist, maybe you should not play with the big boys...because you can't handle it when someone criticizes your profit.

04-20-2008, 09:40 PM
yet you whine like a sissy when i point out obama's flaws, you say i'm obsessed and a racist, maybe you should not play with the big boys...because you can't handle it when someone criticizes your profit.

I am not whining. I have no problem with your pointing out Obama's "flaws"....I merely think your obsession with them borders on the unnatural, that's all. And what the fuck do you mean? My "profit"? what the fuck does "profit" have to do with anything? Am I making any money after expenses in this debate, "counselor"?

04-20-2008, 09:42 PM
I am not whining. I have no problem with your pointing out Obama's "flaws"....I merely think your obsession with them borders on the unnatural, that's all. And what the fuck do you mean? My "profit"? what the fuck does "profit" have to do with anything? Am I making any money after expenses in this debate, "counselor"?

obamassiah is a profit, he can do no wrong in your eyes, but he is no true "prophet" merely a profit mr. salty mouth

04-20-2008, 09:42 PM
So why do you use 'McSame'?

because a vote for him will be the "same" as a third term for the chimp.

I don't recall you criticizing folks on the right for their purposeful twisting of Obama's name, or Hillary's for that matter.

04-20-2008, 09:43 PM
obamassiah is a profit, he can do no wrong in your eyes, but he is no true "prophet" merely a profit mr. salty mouth

he is the positive difference between the sales price of an item and the cost of it?

and you claim to be an attorney?:lol:

04-20-2008, 09:48 PM
because a vote for him will be the "same" as a third term for the chimp.

I don't recall you criticizing folks on the right for their purposeful twisting of Obama's name, or Hillary's for that matter.

Nor did you see me using such. It's wrong, from any of us.

04-20-2008, 09:48 PM
Nor did you see me using such. It's wrong, from any of us.

but yet you only see fit to call a democrat on it?

04-20-2008, 09:56 PM
but yet you only see fit to call a democrat on it?

What is this, 'official whining Democrat month?'

04-20-2008, 10:03 PM
What is this, 'official whining Democrat month?'

not at all....I just point out your hypocrisy of publicly castigating me for things which you let your team get away with all day long.

I am not whining. I certainly don't expect even handed treatment from republicans, and if I wanted a board where all I got was positive feedback from a preponderance of fellow democrats, I could certainly find that. I enjoy standing here as a distinct minority and holding my ground.

04-20-2008, 10:19 PM
not at all....I just point out your hypocrisy of publicly castigating me for things which you let your team get away with all day long.

I am not whining. I certainly don't expect even handed treatment from republicans, and if I wanted a board where all I got was positive feedback from a preponderance of fellow democrats, I could certainly find that. I enjoy standing here as a distinct minority and holding my ground.

Sure you are whining. You and I both know, as does RSR, Pale, OCA that I've called all out. They've dinged me as have I them, well RSR hasn't, but I've already said that. I've called you too and dinged and you retaliated for the ding, not what I said. All is well and good.

Now that an election is coming up and they aren't acting as you wish, you call me a hypocrite. I call you disingenuous.

04-20-2008, 10:36 PM
he is the positive difference between the sales price of an item and the cost of it?

and you claim to be an attorney?:lol:

are you drunk? what are you babbling about? you're slow on the uptake as usual cupcake... its a play on words potty mouth...as i have explained to you numerous times before when you try to "get me" on this...think about it

04-20-2008, 10:39 PM
Sure you are whining. You and I both know, as does RSR, Pale, OCA that I've called all out. They've dinged me as have I them, well RSR hasn't, but I've already said that. I've called you too and dinged and you retaliated for the ding, not what I said. All is well and good.

Now that an election is coming up and they aren't acting as you wish, you call me a hypocrite. I call you disingenuous.

thats the troof....mfm is just a big baby

04-20-2008, 10:43 PM
are you drunk? what are you babbling about? you're slow on the uptake as usual cupcake... its a play on words potty mouth...as i have explained to you numerous times before when you try to "get me" on this...think about it

using the word profit instead of prophet is pretty nonsensical and sophomoric. If it is your version of humor, don't quit your day job. In any case, ambulances are easier to chase in daylight.

04-20-2008, 10:52 PM
using the word profit instead of prophet is pretty nonsensical and sophomoric. If it is your version of humor, don't quit your day job. In any case, ambulances are easier to chase in daylight.

if you had better reading comprehension skills, we wouldn't even be discussing this:

obamassiah is a profit, he can do no wrong in your eyes, but he is no true "prophet" merely a profit mr. salty mouth

since you allege you are the son of a former attorney, surely you know that an attorney can practice more than just personal injury....though we can all see that you have a "great" sense of humor...and ability to inspire others toward God....

profit fits him and his million dollar home

04-20-2008, 11:04 PM
maybe you should not play with the big boys...because you can't handle it when someone criticizes your profit.

nice tap dancing after your typo.:lol:

listen little man, I was wiping the floor with little pricks like you before you were born.:poke:

and I know that there are many legal specialties... it just seems that, given your apparent lack of real intelligence, that you would be relegated to chasing ambulances and handing out dog eared business cards in hopes of getting some clients. I'll bet you advertise too, don't you?

04-20-2008, 11:10 PM
nice tap dancing after your typo.:lol:

listen little man, I was wiping the floor with little pricks like you before you were born.:poke:

and I know that there are many legal specialties... it just seems that, given your apparent lack of real intelligence, that you would be relegated to chasing ambulances and handing out dog eared business cards in hopes of getting some clients. I'll bet you advertise too, don't you?

typo? huh? are you that ignorant? i put the word in quotes :poke:

just because you like to wipe floors with your little prick doesn't mean you have to share it with the rest of us ;)

04-20-2008, 11:20 PM
typo? huh? are you that ignorant? i put the word in quotes :poke:

just because you like to wipe floors with your little prick doesn't mean you have to share it with the rest of us ;)

go look at post #41. no quotes.


lame comeback, by the way.... it is true that you are just a wet behind the ears little puke young enough to be my son.... and I have been playing this game of politics since you were shitting in your diapers.

04-20-2008, 11:28 PM
go look at post #41. no quotes.


lame comeback, by the way.... it is true that you are just a wet behind the ears little puke young enough to be my son.... and I have been playing this game of politics since you were shitting in your diapers.

you have already tried to "get me" on this before silly floor wiper, and i already told you before i use the word profit when i do not believe they are true prophet. you are lying as usual and trying to make a point out of nothing because you know you can't get me on any real debate issues.

your mind is demented and it shows in your words, wiping floors and pricks, now talking about shitting in diapers... you're one sick old man

04-20-2008, 11:37 PM
you have already tried to "get me" on this before silly floor wiper, and i already told you before i use the word profit when i do not believe they are true prophet. you are lying as usual and trying to make a point out of nothing because you know you can't get me on any real debate issues.

your mind is demented and it shows in your words, wiping floors and pricks, now talking about shitting in diapers... you're one sick old man

and do you use the word pagen when you don't want to correctly spell pagan?

You have all sorts of cute excuses for your piss poor grasp of the language. How the hell do you write briefs that don't get laughed at?

I am not sick at all...other than being sick of your uppity bullshit.

red states rule
04-21-2008, 08:21 AM
What is this, 'official whining Democrat month?'


MFM is the clear winner of this award