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View Full Version : Military admitting more convicted felons

04-21-2008, 03:11 PM
Most of them are not eligible for other job. The sex offenders can't live near you. But the military will gladly take them, in order to provide the necessary cannon fodder for the continuing Bush War.
Next thing you know, they will be admitting homosexuals. If they can't find enough armed robbers and pedophiles.


04-21-2008, 03:30 PM
Most of them are not eligible for other job. The sex offenders can't live near you. But the military will gladly take them, in order to provide the necessary cannon fodder for the continuing Bush War.
Next thing you know, they will be admitting homosexuals. If they can't find enough armed robbers and pedophiles.


Sure. The people who have alternatives in life aren't going over to that sandbox to get killed or maimed for nothing! The smarter people are not signing up.

Given that MOST of America heartily disapproves of this war, how is it a "service" to your country to sign up for a war that the people do not want and only want to get out of?

Really, I think it's an immoral thing to do.

So it doesn't surprise me that the Army is lowering and lowering its standards, trying to get ANYone, warm bodies, whatever they can. The better people don't want to go waste themselves on a war the country doesn't want. Good for them, I say.

04-21-2008, 03:59 PM
We have young people that have criminal pasts, who want to make something of themselves and the military is giving them the chance and you all want to condemn them and the military. It's a positive for them and the military. All cases are judged individually.

I don't have a problem with it.

04-21-2008, 04:05 PM
We have young people that have criminal pasts, who want to make something of themselves and the military is giving them the chance and you all want to condemn them and the military. It's a positive for them and the military. All cases are judged individually.

I don't have a problem with it.

you see liberals do not belive in redemption......

04-21-2008, 04:06 PM
We have young people that have criminal pasts, who want to make something of themselves and the military is giving them the chance and you all want to condemn them and the military. It's a positive for them and the military. All cases are judged individually.

I don't have a problem with it.

cannon fodder is cannon fodder... whether they have criminal records clearly is not that important when the pentagon is under the gun to fight two wars and the CJCS says that they can't put the troops into Afghanistan that they NEED to because of the continuing commitments in Iraq.

04-21-2008, 04:08 PM
cannon fodder is cannon fodder... whether they have criminal records clearly is not that important when the pentagon is under the gun to fight two wars and the CJCS says that they can't put the troops into Afghanistan that they NEED to because of the continuing commitments in Iraq.

isn't obama's buddy from the weathermen a convicted felon .....

04-21-2008, 04:08 PM
From the article:

"There were no Air Force recruits with waivers for felony convictions in 2007."

At least we are keeping our standards. One thing to look at is this. How many of youth today have a criminal record, as compared to 20 years ago. Is the percentage higher? If it is, then the percentage of enlistees with conduct issues today would also be higher, just on a percentage basis.


04-21-2008, 04:11 PM
isn't obama's buddy from the weathermen a convicted felon .....

no. he was never convicted of anything.


Joe Steel
04-21-2008, 04:11 PM
We have young people that have criminal pasts, who want to make something of themselves and the military is giving them the chance and you all want to condemn them and the military. It's a positive for them and the military. All cases are judged individually.

I don't have a problem with it.

It's not giving them a chance that bothers me. It's giving them machine guns and the training to use them that I find upsetting.

Joe Steel
04-21-2008, 04:16 PM
I wonder why all those college republicans don't sign-up. You'd think they'd be all fired-up to kill for George Bush. They're all so brave. At least, that's the way it seems from their internet posting.

04-21-2008, 04:28 PM
no. he was never convicted of anything.


cool.....he should join the army then

04-21-2008, 05:08 PM
cool.....he should join the army then

They could give him a job blowing shit up.

04-21-2008, 05:13 PM
I agree, because i dont think felons in principle, and obviously this is a case by case base deserve a 2nd chance, and shouldnt just be thrown away because they made a mistake

We have young people that have criminal pasts, who want to make something of themselves and the military is giving them the chance and you all want to condemn them and the military. It's a positive for them and the military. All cases are judged individually.

I don't have a problem with it.

04-21-2008, 06:45 PM
If they are good enough to be chatting with your daughter online, they are good enough for the military.

04-21-2008, 06:54 PM
If they are good enough to be chatting with your daughter online, they are good enough for the military.

In many cases YES, they are good enough to date and even marry my daughter, especially if these are the crimes they're committing.

For example, in several of the Marine sex crime cases, the offender was a teenager involved in consensual sex with another underage teen. In one Army case, a 13-year-old who threw a match into his school locker was charged with arson and had to receive a felony waiver six years later.

These "offense's" deserved to be waved and the people given a second chance.

Should no one, in your liberal view, be given a second chance. Maybe if they were illegal you'd have a different opinion of their law breaking??????

04-21-2008, 06:55 PM
Most of them are not eligible for other job. The sex offenders can't live near you. But the military will gladly take them, in order to provide the necessary cannon fodder for the continuing Bush War.
Next thing you know, they will be admitting homosexuals. If they can't find enough armed robbers and pedophiles.


If they are good enough to be chatting with your daughter online, they are good enough for the military.

Pedophiles? Give me a break. Don't you read the articles you post?

For example, in several of the Marine sex crime cases, the offender was a teenager involved in consensual sex with another underage teen.

04-21-2008, 07:31 PM
Some, but not all.
As a former marine, don't you long for the day when the U.S. military adhered to strict recruiting standards? Now, they are literally begging anyone to enlist.

04-21-2008, 07:35 PM
Some, but not all.
As a former marine, don't you long for the day when the U.S. military adhered to strict recruiting standards? Now, they are literally begging anyone to enlist.

If the guy can make it through boot camp, he has my respect. Not something I would expect you to understand.

Also, Marine is a proper name and always capitalized.

04-21-2008, 07:48 PM
Some, but not all.
As a former marine, don't you long for the day when the U.S. military adhered to strict recruiting standards? Now, they are literally begging anyone to enlist.

In my day there lots of guys who were given the option by a judge to enlist or go to jail. Those guys tended to become fine upstanding citizens after their service. In fact the service is what turned them around.

Now days the military's recruitment practices are more stringent than ever.

04-22-2008, 08:51 AM
Reuters, 4/22

Military Waivers on the Rise (http://www.washingtonpost.com/?sub=new)
Pentagon accepting more recruits with criminal backgrounds to meet tough recruiting goals.

Oh, well, I suppose it's a sort of eugenics. Why save and protect the criminals from getting blown up in Iraq while we send the good kids there to die to no point?

Probably a good idea to make up an Army of criminals, really.