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View Full Version : Recycle cops 'freaking out' residents

04-21-2008, 05:14 PM
:eek:coming to your neighborhood soon..

Font Size: Decrease Increase Print Page: Print By Karen Collier | April 21, 2008
LOCAL council bin police wearing head lamps are prowling neighbourhoods in the middle of the night to check whether residents are recycling.

At least one contractor hired by the City of Monash in Melbourne has been threatened with the sack after peering into rubbish bins by torchlight and spooking elderly homeowners at 1am.

It is understood several other councils pay bin cops to hunt down rogue recyclers.

City of Monash spokeswoman Jodie Harrison confirmed a "rubbish auditor" had been warned to switch to more reasonable hours after "freaking out" residents.

Disturbed householders have discovered bin police kitted out with miners' hats and and inspecting garbage bins that are left by footpaths for collection.

Dozens of recycling and green waste bins are checked three times a week.

Residents flouting the rules have warning stickers placed on their bins and risk being slapped with a garbage collection ban.

Ms Harrison defended the council's rubbish checks, saying contaminated waste ruined an entire truckload destined for compost, mulch or recycling.

But she agreed the "unreasonable" patrol times should be changed.

read the rest.

04-21-2008, 06:00 PM
rubbish mate

My Winter Storm
04-21-2008, 08:33 PM
Fair enough, people should be recycling, but I do agree the 'inspection' times should be changed.

04-21-2008, 10:53 PM
How about if the city wants everything to be recycled they just go thru the garbage at the dump.

My Winter Storm
04-22-2008, 03:41 AM
How about if the city wants everything to be recycled they just go thru the garbage at the dump.

Too much time.

Don't you people have separate bins for recycling? Over here, we have two bins, a blue one for recyling, and a green one for other rubbish. The green bins are collected every week, the blue recycling ones are collected every fortnight.

But then, the US just has trash cans, don't they?

04-22-2008, 03:54 AM
:eek:coming to your neighborhood soon..

Font Size: Decrease Increase Print Page: Print By Karen Collier | April 21, 2008
LOCAL council bin police wearing head lamps are prowling neighbourhoods in the middle of the night to check whether residents are recycling.

At least one contractor hired by the City of Monash in Melbourne has been threatened with the sack after peering into rubbish bins by torchlight and spooking elderly homeowners at 1am.

It is understood several other councils pay bin cops to hunt down rogue recyclers.

City of Monash spokeswoman Jodie Harrison confirmed a "rubbish auditor" had been warned to switch to more reasonable hours after "freaking out" residents.

Disturbed householders have discovered bin police kitted out with miners' hats and and inspecting garbage bins that are left by footpaths for collection.

Dozens of recycling and green waste bins are checked three times a week.

Residents flouting the rules have warning stickers placed on their bins and risk being slapped with a garbage collection ban.

Ms Harrison defended the council's rubbish checks, saying contaminated waste ruined an entire truckload destined for compost, mulch or recycling.

But she agreed the "unreasonable" patrol times should be changed.

read the rest.

They have a similar system over in England, some council’s have put micro-chips on their bins ('chip n bin'), this records how much waste is being put into each bin. The idea being that they will be able to charge those who produce more than is deemed the average amount of waste. Not that this takes into account the fact that some people live on their own and others are married with several children. The system has be delightfully titled 'pay as you throw'
