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red states rule
04-22-2008, 12:15 PM
After his miserable performace in the last debate, Barry Obama has now backed out of the debate set for North Carolina

Once again, Barry is showing why he is not ready for prime time

No debate for Couric

The North Carolina Democratic Party has dropped plans for an April 27 debate, which would have been moderated by CBS's Katie Couric.

Clinton had agreed to the debate; Obama did not, and the party said in a statement that the clock had run out to organize a debate. The party also cited worries about "party unity," after last week's combative debate in Philadelphia, a focused grilling of Senator Barack Obama on topics he would have preferred to avoid.

We regret to inform you that the proposed Democratic Presidential Debate scheduled for April 27 has been cancelled due to time constraints and logistical issues associated with such a large, national event.

You have shown tremendous passion and interest in being a part of history as Democrats are poised this year to elect the first female or African-American President. However, there were also growing concerns about what another debate would do to party unity.

The scrapping of the April 27 debate leaves the prospect for further showdowns between the two candidates unclear.


04-22-2008, 01:00 PM
last week's combative debate in Philadelphia, a focused grilling of Senator Barack Obama on topics he would have preferred to avoid.

And nobody has even started to ask the Dem candidates questions about the biggest single issue. It's the 500-lb gorilla in the room that both candidates would rather avoid dealing with, and so act as though it wasn't there:

"Senator, you have proposed a high degree of Federal involvement in our nation's health care system, with the government essentially being the one who takes payment, doles out compensation, controls what conditions will be treated and who will treat them, etc. You outline what seem to be good reasons for much of this. But isn't it true that since such Federal participation in a health care scheme is not authorized by the Constitution, your entire agenda in this regard is unconstitutional and illegal on its face?"

The question can be asked about a number of subjects - just replace the words "health care" with "mortgage protection" or "retirement insurance" or other such Democrat boondoggle, proposed or established.

The Dem candidates are screaming over how rough and "unfair" it is that they have been questioned about their association with bigots, terrorists, and foreign influence buyers; false accounts of sniper fire, and other such weighty issues.

They haven't seen weighty issues yet. But they're coming.

red states rule
04-22-2008, 01:06 PM
If Barry melted down over questions about his terrorist buddy, and racist Pastor - how can he even try to answer your question Little-Acorn?

Barry is now not putting himslef in a position where he has to answer questions, and I am sure Hillary is pointing this out to the SD's

04-22-2008, 02:41 PM
teh similarities between obama and mfm are striking, both have meltdowns when faced with tough questions

red states rule
04-22-2008, 02:43 PM
teh similarities between obama and mfm are striking, both have meltdowns when faced with tough questions

Thanks for pointing that out

Maybe Barry will start giving "sermons" at his Church as well

04-22-2008, 03:29 PM
And nobody has even started to ask the Dem candidates questions about the biggest single issue. It's the 500-lb gorilla in the room that both candidates would rather avoid dealing with, and so act as though it wasn't there:

"Senator, you have proposed a high degree of Federal involvement in our nation's health care system, with the government essentially being the one who takes payment, doles out compensation, controls what conditions will be treated and who will treat them, etc. You outline what seem to be good reasons for much of this. But isn't it true that since such Federal participation in a health care scheme is not authorized by the Constitution, your entire agenda in this regard is unconstitutional and illegal on its face?"

The question can be asked about a number of subjects - just replace the words "health care" with "mortgage protection" or "retirement insurance" or other such Democrat boondoggle, proposed or established.

The Dem candidates are screaming over how rough and "unfair" it is that they have been questioned about their association with bigots, terrorists, and foreign influence buyers; false accounts of sniper fire, and other such weighty issues.

They haven't seen weighty issues yet. But they're coming.

Exactly. Its funny how the liberals put up such a stink about the "unconstitutionality" of things like wiretapping calls from terrorists overseas, and detaining our battlefield enemies (non-US citizens) at Gitmo.
Yet there isn't a peep about the fact that the constitution doesn't come close to permiting a government takeover of health care.

red states rule
04-22-2008, 03:32 PM
Exactly. Its funny how the liberals put up such a stink about the "unconstitutionality" of things like wiretapping calls from terrorists overseas, and detaining our battlefield enemies (non-US citizens) at Gitmo.
Yet there isn't a peep about the fact that the constitution doesn't come close to permiting a government takeover of health care.

By going along with wiretapping terrorists, libs would be trying to win "Bush's War". They could never do that

By pushing for government run health care, libs are expanding their power, and making more people dependent on government. Which is what they live for

04-22-2008, 03:45 PM
major mistake, I think.....now, the last debate people will remember is the one he blew....better to have tried to improve his image and leave on a high note....

red states rule
04-22-2008, 03:47 PM
major mistake, I think.....now, the last debate people will remember is the one he blew....better to have tried to improve his image and leave on a high note....

It is getting better. On Your World With Neil Cavuto, Lanny Davis said if Howie Dean had anything to do with Obama not taking part in the debate - he needs to resign

The war is getting hotter

04-22-2008, 08:35 PM

Here's my quick list of questions for both of them:

Senator, the 10th Amendment to the Constitution states that the federal government does not have any power which is not specifically granted to it by the Constitution. How then, do you justify your continued support of many spending programs that have no basis within the Constitution?

[Inevitable follow up] To regulate interstate commerce is to exert legal authority over the movement of goods and services specifically as it pertains to crossing state lines. How, then, do you expand that definition to support payments to the owners of farmland for not growing crops, since that is neither regulation, nor does it involve the movement of goods or services across state lines?

How does that justify price floors for many staple foods, since those transactions take place between a single customer and the store in which he is located, or between one farmer and the buyer, both of which take place within a single state?

How does that justify taxing a person's individual income for the purpose of paying retirement funds and medical bills for the elderly, since that is not a regulation nor does it directly affect the movement of goods or services across state lines?


Senator, your voting record shows continual support for rather large corn subsidies, high price floors on corn, high tariffs on foreign corn and cane sugar (a superior sweetener to corn syrup), and large payments to the creation of corn ethanol, despite the fact that it has been shown that it takes more fuel to make ethanol than is produced, it is no 'cleaner' than gas, and is inferior in every fashion to sugar cane or switch grass ethanol. These subsidies and tariffs have led to many negative effects among American citizens, including rising food prices and inferior soft drinks and candies sweetened with corn syrup instead of sugar, and, in fact, only seem to benefit the corn farmers who collect this high-priced welfare, despite the fact that most, if not all, would survive in a freer market. Given the negative affects on the vast majority of American citizens, is your reason for continued support due to the fact that Iowa, a state completely dependent on corn sales, holds the first major presidential caucus during every election cycle?

Does this mean your vote is for sale in exchange for small amounts of political power?

Senator, your repeated refusal to call a vote on the judicial nominees currently before the Senate has resulted in dozens of vacancies in federal courts throughout the nation, leading to a clogged justice system and a less safe society. What is your reason for this?

If that is the case, why not call them up for a vote, vote against them, then wait for the next nominee?

Senator, you have repeatedly joined your party in saying that Iraq is the 'wrong war in the wrong place at the wrong time.' Could you give me an example of a right war in the right place at the right time? It doesn't even have to be from American history.

Hypothetical: If the [insert attacked faction's name] had intelligence believed to be accurate that indicated [insert attacker's name] was about to attack them, would they be justified in attacking first to prevent the strike? If not, what reason would you give for allowing [insert casualties] to be maimed or killed when you had the knowledge and the power to prevent it?

Is a philosophical moral high ground concerning preemptive strikes worth the lives of [insert casualties] people?

For Clinton:

Senator Clinton, when asked to produce documents pertaining to activities at the Rose Law Firm, you denied their existence, yet they were later found in your room at the White House with your fingerprints on them. How do you explain this?

Senator Clinton, during the Nixon impeachment proceedings, you were asked to file a brief pertaining to the rights of the president to have council at the proceedings. While writing the brief, you concealed an established precedent supporting the president's right to council, then wrote a brief claiming there was no precedent. Why did you do this? Is this not the reason you were fired from that law firm?

Senator Clinton, as a common excuse throughout your campaign, you have pleaded 'stress,' and even cried over it at one point. If you cannot handle the stress of a campaign, how would you handle the stress associated with running the free world?

For Obama:

Senator Obama, all this talk of change is nice, but what would you change? How much would you change it? Is it bad enough to need changing?

Senator Obama, you have stated you will sit down and talk with terrorist leaders who have stated their intent to kill as many American infidels as possible and wipe Israel, our ally, off the face of the map. What would you talk about? What, precisely, would you say? How would you do anything differently than the failures that came before you?

Senator Obama, you claim to be a unifier that will look beyond such things as race, yet many quotes from your book and those you surround yourself with indicate antagonism towards whites. How would you assure the American people you aren't going to simply fuel the fire?

Well, there's the startup. If the questions were like this, however, nobody would ever participate in debates.

04-22-2008, 08:48 PM
The sad thing is, even FOX wouldn't ask any of these questions.

04-22-2008, 09:01 PM
Obama went to a campaign rally last weekend and was spotted taking bites out of several cookies, then placing them back on the tray.
Surely this cost him key votes in Pennsylvania.

04-22-2008, 09:20 PM
how does someone "back out of" a place they never were in?

Obama never agreed to a debate. It is hard to back out of a debate you never agreed to in the first place. He doesn't NEED to debate her in NC... he's gonna kick her ass there without a debate.

04-22-2008, 09:20 PM
how does someone "back out of" a place they never were in?

Obama never agreed to a debate. It is hard to back out of a debate you never agreed to in the first place. He doesn't NEED to debate her in NC... he's gonna kick her ass there without a debate.

because most blacks will vote vote another black regardless, typical black people

red states rule
04-22-2008, 09:23 PM
how does someone "back out of" a place they never were in?

Obama never agreed to a debate. It is hard to back out of a debate you never agreed to in the first place. He doesn't NEED to debate her in NC... he's gonna kick her ass there without a debate.

Like he is doing to her in PA?:laugh2:

04-22-2008, 09:25 PM
because most blacks will vote vote another black regardless, typical black people

Why does Obama draw so much of the affluent white vote? Hillary dominates the trailer trash vote, but the wealthy, professional whites preferred Obama.
At the same time, the wealthy, professional blacks preferred Hillary. She is more friendly toward business interests.
Now I see why RSR leans more to Hillary.

04-22-2008, 09:28 PM
how elitist, hmmmm

red states rule
04-22-2008, 09:28 PM
Why does Obama draw so much of the affluent white vote? Hillary dominates the trailer trash vote, but the wealthy, professional whites preferred Obama.
At the same time, the wealthy, professional blacks preferred Hillary. She is more friendly toward business interests.
Now I see why RSR leans more to Hillary.

Yes Gabby, the bitter people voted today, and Barry is getting his ass kicked

Operation Chaos scored an impressive victory today for Hillary. The uncivil war will go on in your party

Barry has ducked out on the next debate, and after spending a record amount in PA ihe is losing by more then 120,000 votes

It is going all the way to Denver :clap:

04-22-2008, 09:29 PM
Like he is doing to her in PA?:laugh2:

no. like he WILL do to her in NC.

Her margin is single digits in the keystone state.... this after being up by 20 points two months ago.

red states rule
04-22-2008, 09:31 PM
no. like he WILL do to her in NC.

Her margin is single digits in the keystone state.... this after being up by 20 points two months ago.

After record spending he still loses big. the final numbers are not in yet - but he now close to losing by 130,000

Operation Choas has done it again :laugh2:

04-22-2008, 09:33 PM
After record spending he still loses big. the final numbers are not in yet - but he now close to losing by 130,000

Operation Choas has done it again :laugh2:

ho hum.

YOu still have yet to explain how someone can "back out of" something they never were IN in the first place.

I'll wait.

04-22-2008, 09:33 PM
Why does Obama draw so much of the affluent white vote? Hillary dominates the trailer trash vote, but the wealthy, professional whites preferred Obama.
At the same time, the wealthy, professional blacks preferred Hillary. She is more friendly toward business interests.
Now I see why RSR leans more to Hillary.

do you deny that obama carries approximately 85% of the black vote? i see you are in line with obama on your trailer trash comment, no surprise.

red states rule
04-22-2008, 09:35 PM
ho hum.

YOu still have yet to explain how someone can "back out of" something they never were IN in the first place.

I'll wait.

After his last great debate MFM< I do not blame Barry for ducking the debate, He got his ass kicked, and he has no desire to have it happen again

The rookie is running for cover. Barry is getting wiped out in PA :laugh2:

You go right ahead and spin for him - in your eyes he can do no wrong

04-22-2008, 09:38 PM
At 10:30 p.m. EDT, with 51 percent of the precincts reporting, Hillary had 54 percent of the vote to 46 percent for Obama.
Last weekend, even Obama's campaign expected to lose by 10 percentage points. His goal was to keep it close, since the delegates will by proportioned by the popular vote percentage.

So let's see -- a full month ago, Hillary had a lead of 12-15 percent in the polls. She is currently winning by eight.

What the Pittsburgh Gazette said about the voting:

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton won support from two of three whites without college degrees, and about the same number of whites from families earning under $50,000 a year.

Rush certainly did a good job of galvanizing the trailer trash vote. :p

04-22-2008, 09:40 PM
After his last great debate MFM< I do not blame Barry for ducking the debate, He got his ass kicked, and he has no desire to have it happen again

The rookie is running for cover. Barry is getting wiped out in PA :laugh2:

You go right ahead and spin for him - in your eyes he can do no wrong

you claimed he backed out. I challenged that claim...and you run away from it.

why am I not surprised?:laugh2:

red states rule
04-22-2008, 09:40 PM
At 10:30 p.m. EDT, with 51 percent of the precincts reporting, Hillary had 54 percent of the vote to 46 percent for Obama.
Last weekend, even Obama's campaign expected to lose by 10 percentage points. His goal was to keep it close, since the delegates will by proportioned by the popular vote percentage.

So let's see -- a full month ago, Hillary had a lead of 12-15 percent in the polls. She is currently winning by eight.

What the Pittsburgh Gazette said about the voting:

Rush certainly did a good job of galvanizing the trailer trash vote. :p

and after outspending Hillary by nearly 3 - 1, he is getting his ass kicked and losing by over 140,000 votes

Yes Gabby, the bitter vote turned out and the war within your party will go on :laugh2:

04-22-2008, 09:42 PM
A much more telling factor, which could decide the outcome in a way that votes can not:

Obama still has a "war chest" estimated at $50 million. Clinton has $4-6 million.

On the Philadelphia Inquirer site, approximately 70 percent of Hillary supporters questioned had never listened to Rush.
Pennsylvania is a closed primary. There is no crossover voting.

red states rule
04-22-2008, 09:45 PM
A much more telling factor, which could decide the outcome in a way that votes can not:

Obama still has a "war chest" estimated at $50 million. Clinton has $4-6 million.

On the Philadelphia Inquirer site, approximately 70 percent of Hillary supporters questioned had never listened to Rush.
Pennsylvania is a closed primary. There is no crossover voting.

and he is going to have to keep spending it. One of the objectives of Operation Chaos. With this big win, Hillary will take in some cash

Hillary can now go tot he SD's and remind them Barry keeps losing the "big states"

and she is pushing for FL and MI to count. Will libs tell those voters to piss off and not count them? That will help Hillary as well

Operation Chaos is exceeding all expectations

04-22-2008, 09:48 PM
Obama still has a "war chest" estimated at $50 million. Clinton has $4-6 million.

He will need it, he out spent Hillary at more than 2 to 1 and still could not seal the deal. No doubt about it Pennsylvania is a very important general election state and it doesn't look good for Obama in November.

red states rule
04-22-2008, 09:58 PM
He will need it, he out spent Hillary at more than 2 to 1 and still could not seal the deal. No doubt about it Pennsylvania is a very important general election state and it doesn't look good for Obama in November.

He wil need it

He is down by 10 points and more then 190,000 votes

Will Obama suporters now blame Diebold for his defeat?

04-22-2008, 10:00 PM
you claimed he backed out. I challenged that claim...and you run away from it.

why am I not surprised?:laugh2:

and he keeps running!:lol:

red states rule
04-22-2008, 10:02 PM
and he keeps running!:lol:

Yep, he is running away from the debate in NC

Is Barry a track star now? :laugh2:

04-22-2008, 10:04 PM
Yep, he is running away from the debate in NC

Is Barry a track star now? :laugh2:

how can he back out of something he never was in?

can you answer that question, or merely tap dance around it?

red states rule
04-22-2008, 10:07 PM
how can he back out of something he never was in?

can you answer that question, or merely tap dance around it?

Funny how Bary was all for debates until he was asked hard questions and looked like a goof on economic questions

Keep spinning for him MFM. After tonight he will need all the help he can get

10 points down, losing by more then 190,000 votes - and keep the books open

Chris Mathews and Keith Overbite are just as upset as you are over this crushing loss :laugh2:

04-22-2008, 10:12 PM
He will need it, he out spent Hillary at more than 2 to 1 and still could not seal the deal. No doubt about it Pennsylvania is a very important general election state and it doesn't look good for Obama in November.

The numbers I heard tonight were closer to 3:1 spending rather than 2:1. This makes Clinton's double-digit win even bigger.

red states rule
04-22-2008, 10:13 PM
The numbers I heard tonight were closer to 3:1 spending rather than 2:1. This makes Clinton's double-digit win even bigger.

Yep, Barry could not spend his way to a win in PA

It should tell him something about his economic policies

04-22-2008, 10:22 PM
Funny how Bary was all for debates until he was asked hard questions and looked like a goof on economic questions

Keep spinning for him MFM. After tonight he will need all the help he can get

10 points down, losing by more then 190,000 votes - and keep the books open

Chris Mathews and Keith Overbite are just as upset as you are over this crushing loss :laugh2:

just answer the question: you claimed he had "backed out of" the debate in NC. Please explain how someone can back out of something they were never in to begin with?

I'll wait.

red states rule
04-22-2008, 10:24 PM
just answer the question: you claimed he had "backed out of" the debate in NC. Please explain how someone can back out of something they were never in to begin with?

I'll wait.

Keep spinning MFM

You were the guy saying Hillary would win by single digits tonight :laugh2:

He is losing by over 200,000 votes right now

04-22-2008, 10:31 PM
Yep, Barry could not spend his way to a win in PA

It should tell him something about his economic policies

You left out the reference to the poll which shows that the economy was the most important issue for 55% of Democrat voters in Pennsylvania. Bur the numbers do not support the proposition that it was Obama's economic policies which led to his failing to win Pennsylvania (pigeonhole principle).

I'd say his comments in San Francisco came back to bite him in the ass here. I can't prove it of course, but I believe it is more likely that those statements became the wedge issue for the state.

red states rule
04-22-2008, 10:33 PM
You left out the reference to the poll which shows that the economy was the most important issue for 55% of Democrat voters in Pennsylvania. Bur the numbers do not support the proposition that it was Obama's economic policies which led to his failing to win Pennsylvania (pigeonhole principle).

I'd say his comments in San Francisco came back to bite him in the ass here. I can't prove it of course, but I believe it is more likely that those statements became the wedge issue for the state.

His comments did. I live in rural PA, a small town

Alot of people were pissed off, and it showed tonight

04-22-2008, 10:36 PM
After his miserable performace in the last debate, Barry Obama has now backed out of the debate set for North Carolina

simple question: YOu stated above that Obama has "now backed out of the debate set for North Carolina". Your words.

How can someone "back out of" something they were never in to begin with?

Or do you not stand by your words?:lol:

red states rule
04-22-2008, 10:38 PM
simple question: YOu stated above that Obama has "now backed out of the debate set for North Carolina". Your words.

How can someone "back out of" something they were never in to begin with?

Or do you not stand by your words?:lol:

Why don't you admit your boy does not want to have to address the hard questons? He backed out and wants nothing to do with a debate

He gets his ass kicked tonight, and now he gives the finbger to the Dem voters in NC

This clown is not ready for the big leagues MFM

04-22-2008, 10:38 PM
His comments did. I live in rural PA, a small town

Alot of people were pissed off, and it showed tonight

What ought to worry the Democrats is that if Hillary is "selected" in the Democrat primary, she won't be able to count on the activist base which Obama draws on - blacks and students. Certainly the portion of the Democrat base which supports Obama would shift to Hillary without a problem, but the activists are (IMHO) unlikely to make that shift.

Of course as the primaries drag on, I think we have a greater chance of seeing a Clinton/Obama ticket again. The question is: which party will get top-billing?

red states rule
04-22-2008, 10:40 PM
What ought to worry the Democrats is that if Hillary is "selected" in the Democrat primary, she won't be able to count on the activist base which Obama draws on - blacks and students. Certainly the portion of the Democrat base which supports Obama would shift to Hillary without a problem, but the activists are (IMHO) unlikely to make that shift.

Of course as the primaries drag on, I think we have a greater chance of seeing a Clinton/Obama ticket again. The question is: which party will get top-billing?

and the downside to blacks and students staying home is :laugh2:

Neither one will be happy with the VP slot. Both have to big an ego

04-22-2008, 10:44 PM
and the downside to blacks and students staying home is :laugh2:

Neither one will be happy with the VP slot. Both have to big an ego

Especially after Obama gave a proverbial "hell no!" when it was mentioned early on that perhaps he could be Clinton's VPOTUS. Kinda makes it tough for him to even consider being her VPOTUS these days.

And I don't think Hillary would settle for VPOTUS, although she would be the first female VPOTUS (landing her that coveted place in history). On the other hand, she is a professional politician, and those critters have no problems contradicting themselves or flip-flopping.

red states rule
04-22-2008, 10:46 PM
Especially after Obama gave a proverbial "hell no!" when it was mentioned early on that perhaps he could be Clinton's VPOTUS. Kinda makes it tough for him to even consider being her VPOTUS these days.

And I don't think Hillary would settle for VPOTUS, although she would be the first female VPOTUS (landing her that coveted place in history). On the other hand, she is a professional politician, and those critters have no problems contradicting themselves or flip-flopping.

The Democrats are imploding. The war will continue

Hillary would never be the one on the bottom :laugh2:

04-22-2008, 11:06 PM
Midnight on the East Coast, 85 percent of the precincts reporting. Clinton has 55 percent of the vote to 45 percent for Obama.
Clinton was expected to win by 10 percentage points. She is winning by 10 percentage points. Only someone as dense as RSR could consider that an "ass kicking." She didn't pick up any ground.

I found these two comments to be especially insightful:

Pittsburgh newspaper:

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton won support from two of three whites without college degrees, and about the same number of whites from families earning under $50,000 a year.


I live in rural PA, a small town

Is that perfect or what? :laugh2:

Hillary would never be the one on the bottom

Unfortunately, you will never be on the top or bottom. And time is running out... :lmao:

04-22-2008, 11:10 PM
By the way, from what I read, if RSR voted for Hillary today, that makes him an officially recorded and registered Democrat for the upcoming election.

RSR, if you need any tree hugging tips, just let me know.

04-22-2008, 11:17 PM
Actually Gaby, the predictions were for Hillary to carry PA by a 4-5% margin. A 10% margin is remarkable, all-the-more-so because Obama outspent Hillary $3:1.

This was a significant win for Hillary in that it returns the primaries to being neck-and-neck. If she performs on a similar level in Indiana, I think she will have a shot of taking the popular vote as well as the delegate vote.

And although I loathe Hillary, I give her kudos for one helluva speech tonight.

04-22-2008, 11:20 PM
By the way, from what I read, if RSR voted for Hillary today, that makes him an officially recorded and registered Democrat for the upcoming election.

RSR, if you need any tree hugging tips, just let me know.

no, he can switch back for the presidential race

04-22-2008, 11:27 PM
RSR can vote for whoever he wants in November. But his voter card is marked "Democrat."
I bet if you search his trailer, there is a DVD of "An Inconvenient Truth" hidden someplace.

04-23-2008, 12:29 AM
RSR can vote for whoever he wants in November. But his voter card is marked "Democrat."
I bet if you search his trailer, there is a DVD of "An Inconvenient Truth" hidden someplace.

too bad we are not all as fortunate as you to live in million dollar homes and spit on people who are less fortunate than them....what a life you have, i'm so envious, make sure those illegals you hire recycle now

red states rule
04-23-2008, 05:46 AM
too bad we are not all as fortunate as you to live in million dollar homes and spit on people who are less fortunate than them....what a life you have, i'm so envious, make sure those illegals you hire recycle now

She is a bitter liberal. Have you seen the cost of latees, tofu, and hybrids?