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View Full Version : Stay Home? Vote For McCain? Really?

04-23-2008, 01:45 PM
I keep seeing reports in the news that tell me there is a percentage of those who support Hillary Clinton will either stay home and not vote or vote for McCain rather than vote for Barack Obama. These same news stories say that the inverse is true of a certain percentage of Obama supporters. I must say that I find this curious, especially when I consider the last seven years of bitterness that has been constantly flowing from the Democrats on the whole.

The idea that there are some who, after seven years of hatred towards the current administration, after seven years of anger and vitriol, after seven years of vowing to return their party to the White House and glory and prosperity to the country, would rather risk a continued Republican occupation of the Oval Office than vote for the nominee of their party simply baffles me.

While I do not necessarily vote the party line, choosing instead to base my vote on who I believe is best suited for the office or position in question, I do understand the tendency of some to put their check next to the name with the (D) or the (R) without thought. I have done it myself on occasion, usually when I feel that the choices given are nothing more than two sides of the same coin.

So, now we have a situation in which enough people are claiming that they will vote for the opposition, or not vote at all, that it could have a real effect on the general election, and not in favor of their party, not in favor of the principles they generally claim to hold dear.

In lieu of voting for Obama/Clinton, they'd rather poke the party in the eye with a sharp stick and risk electing McCain? Really?

I find that hard to believe.

Gadget (fmr Marine)
04-23-2008, 04:06 PM
I honestly think the coming election is McCain's to lose, at this point. He will have to really do something STOOOOOPID to lose the election. (is Dan Quayle available as a running mate....that would be stupid)

04-23-2008, 04:28 PM
I keep seeing reports in the news that tell me there is a percentage of those who support Hillary Clinton will either stay home and not vote or vote for McCain rather than vote for Barack Obama.

Wishful thinking by fox and newsmax that's picking up a little echo.

Anyone who's saying this now is just venting. They'll never actually do it.

04-23-2008, 04:32 PM
I think this goes to show what I've thought for a while. This election isnt going to be about the past. its going to be able the future and the direction they want the country to go in.

04-23-2008, 04:36 PM
I think this goes to show what I've thought for a while. This election isnt going to be about the past. its going to be able the future and the direction they want the country to go in.

If you're right, it doesn't bode well for McSame, no matter who his Democratic opponent is.

04-23-2008, 04:38 PM
Anyone who's saying this now is just venting. They'll never actually do it.

I tend to agree. Though we won't really know until November.

04-23-2008, 05:11 PM
I keep seeing reports in the news that tell me there is a percentage of those who support Hillary Clinton will either stay home and not vote or vote for McCain rather than vote for Barack Obama. These same news stories say that the inverse is true of a certain percentage of Obama supporters. I must say that I find this curious, especially when I consider the last seven years of bitterness that has been constantly flowing from the Democrats on the whole.

The idea that there are some who, after seven years of hatred towards the current administration, after seven years of anger and vitriol, after seven years of vowing to return their party to the White House and glory and prosperity to the country, would rather risk a continued Republican occupation of the Oval Office than vote for the nominee of their party simply baffles me.

While I do not necessarily vote the party line, choosing instead to base my vote on who I believe is best suited for the office or position in question, I do understand the tendency of some to put their check next to the name with the (D) or the (R) without thought. I have done it myself on occasion, usually when I feel that the choices given are nothing more than two sides of the same coin.

So, now we have a situation in which enough people are claiming that they will vote for the opposition, or not vote at all, that it could have a real effect on the general election, and not in favor of their party, not in favor of the principles they generally claim to hold dear.

In lieu of voting for Obama/Clinton, they'd rather poke the party in the eye with a sharp stick and risk electing McCain? Really?

I find that hard to believe.

Thats because McCain is one of three Democrats running for office. Of course the moonbat liberals would never vote for him because of his pro-life stance and the fact he won't back down from Jihadists, but alot of the more moderate democrats who aren't that political like McCain.

04-23-2008, 05:22 PM
Thats because McCain is one of three Democrats running for office. Of course the moonbat liberals would never vote for him because of his pro-life stance and the fact he won't back down from Jihadists, but alot of the more moderate democrats who aren't that political like McCain.

Excellent point. I can honestly say that that angle had not entered my thought process.

04-23-2008, 05:47 PM
...alot of the more moderate democrats who aren't that political like McCain.

I suspect that for every such Democrat there are at least 2 or 3 hard-core, far right Republicans who will stay home out of disgust for McCain.

04-23-2008, 05:55 PM
I suspect that for every such Democrat there are at least 2 or 3 hard-core, far right Republicans who will stay home out of disgust for McCain.

And let the socialists like Hillary or Barack into office? Not bloody likely! there might be a few here and there, but in the end I expect most of them to go ahead and vote for McCain simply to be voting AGAINST either socialist candidate.

04-23-2008, 06:16 PM
I think that this is setting up to be an election that a viable third party (no, not Nader. I said viable). Face facts, both parties are arguing like they are the only game in town, only people are starting to be like, "well this game sucks".

We could see a true third party come out of this election. They just have to get out there, and slap both sides in the face hard enough, and publically enough that they have to take notice. The candidates are right, though, we do need a change, and until we change the variables in this equation, it's just always going to be the same answer.

04-23-2008, 06:27 PM
Can't stomach McAmnesty. I'm either writing in Ron Paul or voting the Libertarian nominee. Haven't decided yet.

04-23-2008, 06:46 PM
And let the socialists like Hillary or Barack into office? Not bloody likely! there might be a few here and there, but in the end I expect most of them to go ahead and vote for McCain simply to be voting AGAINST either socialist candidate.I'm about as hard core as they come and I'll be holding my nose and voting for McCain.