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View Full Version : Denver Post Downplays Recreate 68 While Criticizing Rush Limbaugh

semi liberal girl
04-27-2008, 06:05 AM
While I do not listen to Rush, nor like him, this is over the top for the media. Rush is not to blame if violence breaks out in Denver, the people who riot are

Meanwhile, the media is ignoring those who say they will riot, and attack Rush for pointing out how it will benfit Republicans if they do

Limbaugh dreams of DNC riot
The radio host angers many with his comments on the August convention in Denver.
By Joey Bunch
The Denver Post
Article Last Updated: 04/26/2008 12:56:00 PM MDT

Rush Limbaugh says he is not calling for a riot in Denver during the Democratic National Convention — he only "dreams" of it, to the tune of "White Christmas."

The conservative talker discussed the possibility of Mile High unrest in August on his national radio show for a second day in a row Thursday.

"Now, I am not inspiring or inciting riots. I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming of riots in Denver," he said mimicking the holiday tune.

He explained on air: "Riots in Denver at the Democrat convention would see to it we don't elect Democrats. And that's the best damn thing (that) could happen for this country as far as anything I can think."

Glenn Spagnuolo, an organizer with the protest group Re-create 68, called Limbaugh "a fool."

"We don't need another 5,000 illiterate Limbaugh listeners coming to Colorado," he said, mocking a comment this week by state Rep. Douglas Bruce, R-Colorado Springs, who called migrant workers "illiterate peasants" as he debated a bill to accommodate up to 5,000 guest workers in the state.

04-27-2008, 06:09 AM
Glenn Spagnuolo, an organizer with the protest group Re-create 68, called Limbaugh "a fool."

"We don't need another 5,000 illiterate Limbaugh listeners coming to Colorado," he said, mocking a comment this week by state Rep. Douglas Bruce, R-Colorado Springs, who called migrant workers "illiterate peasants" as he debated a bill to accommodate up to 5,000 guest workers in the state.

true enough....Spagnoulo's already invited all the illiterates he needs......

semi liberal girl
04-27-2008, 06:14 AM
true enough....Spagnoulo's already invited all the illiterates he needs......

and I am sure Sen Obama will send his people

04-27-2008, 08:44 AM
--he debated a bill to accommodate up to 5,000 guest workers in the state.

does he mean a bill to aid and abet criminals ?

04-27-2008, 09:59 AM
I don't understand how anyone that actually listens to Rush could dislike him. He is brilliant, has an incredible since of humor, is insightful, doesn't give a crap about being politically correct, very quick witted and very entertaining. He has the general liberal down pat and knows exactly what they will do before they do. I have listened to his show whenever possible for 13 years, because of the work I've done, he has been a voice from home.

I admit that when my Dad introduced me to his show, I didn't like him because I was a semi-liberal and didn't know sarcasm or a sense of humor. Because my Dad liked him so much I continued to listen until I got it, I am a much better person for it. The common misconception is that his listeners are mind numbed robots, very silly and stupid characterization. His listeners are well informed people who have been frustrated for years because they had no voice, they watched the news media and could see the bias and the lies. Rush came along and was their voice. My father spent 29 years in the Air Force as a fighter/instructor pilot and started another career as a corporate jet pilot for another 20 years. He flew the most sophisticated aircraft of their time and when he flew corporate, he flew Senators and Governors, CEOs and Golf Pros....... he was no dumbass. He loved the idea that he had a guy on the radio that was verbalizing his frustration with politics and politicians....... Rush became his friend while he was in his workshop building rc airplanes or driving. It has been the same with me.

The last 13 years I have had jobs that take me on the road and I spent 12 hours a day in a golf cart illustrating golf holes or waiting for the right lighting to shoot a photograph. No matter where I was I could find Rush's show, even on the Armed Service Network when I was in Puerto Rico, he has been a constant in all of my travels. He has made me laugh out loud during the Clinton scandals and share the latest with the golfers where I am working at the time. He has been responsible for making myself and millions of others more interested in politics than most, enough for us to watch C-Span instead of some sports show. We read the news in a different way noticing trends that aren't as obvious to those with less interest.

Rush Limbaugh isn't the guy most characterize as mean spirited or stupid. He is a man with a cunning insight to politicians and wields an influence that is highly respected among the most powerful people in our country....... plus, he drives the Harry Reids and the Nancy Pelosis nuts.