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04-28-2008, 08:32 AM
When shocking no longer is:


UN troops 'armed DR Congo rebels'

The UN has covered up claims that its troops in Democratic Republic of Congo gave arms to militias and smuggled gold and ivory, the BBC has learned.

The allegations, based on confidential UN sources, involve Pakistani and Indian troops working as peacekeepers.

The UN investigated some of the claims in 2007, but said it could not substantiate claims of arms dealing.

UN insiders told the BBC's Panorama they had been prevented from pursuing their inquiries for political reasons.

Gold and ivory

The United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (Monuc) is the global body's largest, with 17,000 troops spread across the country.

It's true they did, give us arms. They said it was for the security of the country 'Kung-fu' FNI leader

The BBC's Martin Plaut, who returned to DR Congo to follow up his initial investigation into the allegations, says they have managed to bring a measure of stability since they were first established by the UN in February 2000.

Our correspondent says these are not the only allegations to have been brought against peacekeepers in DR Congo.

In December 2006, then UN Secretary General Kofi Annan said Moroccan troops had been involved in widespread sexual abuse.

04-28-2008, 07:13 PM
I heard several in-depth reports about this on BBC World. The bloke from the UN in charge of operations in the area was so obviously covering up it was a joke. Pakistan and India, who supplied the troops involved, were also covering up. It's a total disgrace. But you know the problem? Pakistan and India supply more troops to the UN than anyone else, so the UN will allow them to get away with this crap. Maybe if the UN wasn't beholden and western nations were a little more involved this type of corruption wouldn't happen.

Oops done it now, I'll be accused of racism I suppose.

04-28-2008, 07:24 PM
I heard several in-depth reports about this on BBC World. The bloke from the UN in charge of operations in the area was so obviously covering up it was a joke. Pakistan and India, who supplied the troops involved, were also covering up. It's a total disgrace. But you know the problem? Pakistan and India supply more troops to the UN than anyone else, so the UN will allow them to get away with this crap. Maybe if the UN wasn't beholden and western nations were a little more involved this type of corruption wouldn't happen.

Oops done it now, I'll be accused of racism I suppose.

How many 'Western' nations are there? How many others? That has been the problem that accompanied the better news that African, Middle Eastern, Asian, South/Central American countries were liberated. It has caused a calamity of voices about what is 'right' in any problem area of the world.

It's become obvious to me that the UN doesn't have the wherewithal to deal with this responsibly. We need to remove ourself from the forum. Perhaps another, perhaps not.

04-28-2008, 08:31 PM
How many 'Western' nations are there? How many others? That has been the problem that accompanied the better news that African, Middle Eastern, Asian, South/Central American countries were liberated. It has caused a calamity of voices about what is 'right' in any problem area of the world.

It's become obvious to me that the UN doesn't have the wherewithal to deal with this responsibly. We need to remove ourself from the forum. Perhaps another, perhaps not.

We can piss and moan about the UN as much as we like but that doesn't fix it. I do believe it's riddled with corruption in some of its agencies but "some" isn't all, it isn't even the majority. There are so many agencies outside the one like this that we read about that function well, the place needs a frigging steam clean.

04-28-2008, 08:37 PM
french + un = congo disaster.........seems like typical operating procedure.....anyone want to name any other french colonies having issues over the past ....say decade.....

04-28-2008, 08:42 PM
We can piss and moan about the UN as much as we like but that doesn't fix it. I do believe it's riddled with corruption in some of its agencies but "some" isn't all, it isn't even the majority. There are so many agencies outside the one like this that we read about that function well, the place needs a frigging steam clean.

The US should leave. Find an alternative or not.

04-28-2008, 09:00 PM
No one gives a shit about human rights violations against innocent Africans. Their too busy screaming about the civil rights of terrorists in Gitmo.

04-28-2008, 11:58 PM
I heard several in-depth reports about this on BBC World. The bloke from the UN in charge of operations in the area was so obviously covering up it was a joke. Pakistan and India, who supplied the troops involved, were also covering up. It's a total disgrace. But you know the problem? Pakistan and India supply more troops to the UN than anyone else, so the UN will allow them to get away with this crap. Maybe if the UN wasn't beholden and western nations were a little more involved this type of corruption wouldn't happen.

Oops done it now, I'll be accused of racism I suppose.

Seems to me the better solution would be to abolish the UN. Then there is no corruption to worry about. Its not like its actually preventing war in the world. What the heck is the point of it other than to provide politicians places to send friends and family to give them cushy jobs?

04-29-2008, 12:10 AM
I think even if it were abolished there would still be a need for it in some other form. I don't know a lot about the UN. My memories of it though go back to when it gave the West and the Soviet Bloc an arena for discussion (and for histrionics - Kruschev banging his shoe on the desk) and helped avoid WWIII in 1962.

I do believe the world needs the UN or something like the UN. I also believe the UN needs to be sorted out and not abandoned. As I indicated it seems many of its agencies seem to be able to work without scandals, the problem seems to lie with the peacekeeping operations. I heard the woman in charge of internal investigations speaking on the BBC World Service and even thought it was just a radio interview and I couldn't see her body language I knew she was evading and blocking. The BBC have found them out, the UN needs to do some sorting out in that area.