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View Full Version : The Dark Side Of diversity

04-28-2008, 09:31 PM




From, hiring people based on their race

to accepting incoming freshman based on race

and many others

Diversity seems to be like communism, great in theory terrible in application.

You cant really have social justice as many conservative radio talk show hosts say, because (and they are right), you cant legislate fairness and you can only make an equal playing field, not an equal outcome.

I cant understand how liberals can say, well if we make more private schools, and give vouchers that can pay for poor and inner city kids, who are sadly more often then not, trapped in a school that is set up for failure then they will suffer more.

Well, if a man is hungry, you dont say well, if we feed him, he'll want more food.

I would think the more compassionate, and common sense thing to do, is instead of creating diversity of race or color, which by definition, atleast according to martin luther king is racist, create diversity of ideas in college and high schools, and level the playing field in high schools, not by throwing money at the problem, but by having real leadership, and MORE competition which stricter standards.

Most of the ideas i put forth are ideas, ive heard from talk radio, and fox news, but if they are good ideas who cares where they come from.

Even al gore had a good idea, with his lock box, should i ignore it cause he's liberal?


Featured Blog: Racial Comedy Not a Laughing Matter

roducer Exposes Racial and Physical Comedy Crutches

By Jessica Flores

Why is race a factor when booking a comedy show? For example, I was recently asked to find a “Hispanic” or “Asian” comedian for an event. What does that mean? Do they want a good, funny comedian who happens to be of Hispanic or Asian decent?

Or do they want anyone who is Hispanic or Asian to fit some theme of diversity? I knew they meant the latter. Wanting to promote diversity is all well and good, but when I look for a comedian I look for someone who is original, thought provoking, creative and hysterical. I look for someone who doesn’t have to exploit their race for more than 90 percent of their material for laughs. When comedians rely on their race, religion, gender or sexual orientation for the bulk of their sets, it’s hackdom at its worst. It’s unoriginal, unimaginative and completely cliché.


Since the massacre of 32 students and teachers at Virginia Tech, the mainstream media have obsessed over the fact the crazed gunman was able to buy a Glock in the state of Virginia.

Little attention has been paid to the Richmond legislators who voted to make "Hokie Nation," a Middle American campus of 26,000 kids, a gun-free zone where only the madman had a semi-automatic.

Almost no attention has been paid to the fact that Cho Seung-Hui was not an American at all, but an immigrant, an alien. Had this deranged young man who secretly hated us never come here, 32 people would be heading home from Blacksburg for summer vacation.

What was Cho doing here? How did he get in?

According to the fbi, hate crimes up 8%, of that, against blacks up 0.4 percent, against whites 7.6

Look it up if you dont believe me, it was in the latest fbi report on hate crimes
P.S. I'd like to thank dennis pragur and glen beck for their wonderful ideas, and their civility towards those they disagree with, without them, i couldnt make this thread

Disclaimer: Yes david duke is racist, doesnt his point wrong though. For example, if i were a compulsive gambler, and i said dont gamble, i may be a hypocrite, but am i lying no. I would like to see more open minded ness to people you dont agree with, because maybe, they have a point, even if you dont like them or agree with them, that being said here is the article


he Dark Side of Diversity

By Rep. David Duke, PhD

This photo and article was sent by my friends in Sweden. It shows a picture of a rape victim named Linda. She became one of the many Swedish recipients of multicultural enrichment at the hands of immigrants.

In Sweden, a nation with a 10 percent non-European population, 80 percent of the rapes and practically 100 percent of gang rapes are committed by non-Europeans. Sweden has undergone a radical increase in non-Whites over just the last 20 years. With that demographic change, robbery, rape and murder have increased many fold. Gang rape, a crime unknown in Sweden 20 years ago is now commonplace.

04-28-2008, 09:52 PM

On the Great Seal of the United States, first suggested by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, there was to be emblazoned a new motto: "E Pluribus Unum" -- "Out of many, one."

It was in their unity, not their diversity, that the strength of the colonies resided. So Patrick Henry believed, as he declared, "The distinctions between Virginians, Pennsylvanians, New Yorkers and New Englanders are no more. I am not a Virginian, but an American."

National identity must supersede state identity for America to survive.

Yet it has lately become fashionable to say that America is great not because she is united, but because she is diverse. It is because America is a multicultural, multiracial, multiethnic, multilingual nation that she is a great nation. A corollary is that the more diverse America becomes, the better and greater she becomes.

After the Los Angeles riot of 1992, Vice President Dan Quayle was asked by his Japanese hosts if perhaps America did not suffer from too much diversity. "I begged to differ with my hosts," Quayle retorted. "I explained that our diversity is our strength."
And so our rulers, marinated in the myths that we "are a nation of immigrants" and "our diversity is our strength," continue to embrace mass immigration, the more the better. But are the myths true?


Destroying America

We know Dick Lamm as the former Governor of Colorado. In that context his thoughts are particularly poignant. Last week there was an immigration overpopulation conference in Washington, DC, filled to capacity by many of American's finest minds and leaders. A brilliant college professor by the name of Victor Davis Hanson talked about his latest book, Mexifornia, explaining how immigration -- both legal and illegal -- was destroying the entire state of California. He said it would march across the country until it destroyed all vestiges of The American Dream.

Moments later, former Colorado Governor Richard D. Lamm stood up and gave a stunning speech on how to destroy America. The audience sat spellbound as he described eight methods for the destruction of the United States. He said,

"If you believe that America is too smug, too self-satisfied, too rich, then let's destroy America. It is not that hard to do. No nation in history has survived the ravages of time. Arnold Toynbee observed that all great civilizations rise and fall and that 'An autopsy of history would show that all great nations commit suicide.' "


While checking on the status of the Somali refugee rape case we reported a few days ago, I found this account of another horrible crime in the same Minneapolis-St. Paul newspaper. Why is it that those promoting the wonderous things diverse cultures bring to America avoid mentioning the dark side?

And to think that you paid for Afif Abdiaziz Ahmed, and others like him, to come to America. You gave him airfare to get here, cash to start out, English language lessons, medical care, subsidized housing and food stamps. A case worker likely helped him find a job. And now, you will pay for lifetime nursing care for the woman he brutalized and can never live on her own.

Advocates and law enforcement authorities say domestic violence often is a taboo topic in the male-dominated Somali community.


“The level of brutality in this case really set it apart from most cases we’ve dealt with,” Gaertner said. “It’s amazing she survived. The lifelong results of those injuries are absolutely tragic.”


Ahmed showed no signs of remorse, said St. Paul police Sgt. Paul Schnell. Nor did he offer any explanation beyond telling police that he cut her face and genitals so “she will never mess with another man again,” the complaint said.


It appears that her face had been beaten and cut numerous times,” the police report said of the victim. “Her head had so many lacerations and so much blood on it, her face was hard to identify as a human head.”


Ahmed beat her with his fists and a metal pole. He raped her with a knife

If you are as angry as I am, tell your elected officials that this must stop. And, while you are at it, copy this horrific story and send it to Senators Kennedy, Levin, and Biden who wrote and sponsored the Refugee Act of 1980.


This article deals with a people and nation having the same history, heritage, culture and traditions; it does not recommend racism and bigotry as a solution. On the other hand the entire flea bag of liberal inspired affirmative action, racial preferences, diversity and multiculturalism, bringing genocide upon all things Confederate and Southern, will not continue indefinitely. Those who would join us in a free and independent Confederate States of America must willingly accept our history, heritage, culture and nation as their own, regardless of race.

The option is for them to find their way to the nearest border, again regardless of race, any other option is nothing less then insanity. Under a liberated Confederate States of America, the mass immigration of any group, whose arrival would further dilute our history, heritage and culture, will be considered an unlawful invasion and an attempt to deny our people their unalienable rights. Once we are free and independent once more, WE WILL restore our Confederate, Southern history, heritage, culture and nation to dominance, within the borders of our own nation.

There was once a day when new immigrants by and large came here legally, expecting to surrender the language and culture of their former nation, then become part of the common language and culture of their newly adopted homeland. It was expected that the overwhelming percentage of them would come from European, and therefore from a ‘Christian Nation.’ Well Europe is no longer Christian, today’s immigrants are seldom legal and they normally do not learn English, let along join a common culture. Particularly since a common culture no longer exists!!

04-28-2008, 10:02 PM
Diversity is not the problem. The problem is quotas based on race and gender.

04-29-2008, 09:29 AM
Diversity seems to be like communism, great in theory terrible in application.

Well said!! I love this comment. I think I have to steal it. http://wade.hu/smiley/kategoriak/%E1llatok/animal-smiley-016.gif

hjmick said, "Diversity is not the problem. The problem is quotas based on race and gender."

What happened to selection by merit and objective standards? Could we have that back, please?

04-29-2008, 09:34 AM
hjmick said, "Diversity is not the problem. The problem is quotas based on race and gender."

What happened to selection by merit and objective standards? Could we have that back, please?

That's where I'm at, I don't give a flying bat fart about the color of your skin or your gender, just as long as you're the best person for the job.

04-29-2008, 09:34 AM
and that is fundamentally the problem.

the thought isnt, i want the best candidate, the thought is, i wanna feel good about myself, so lets get a minority or woman.

or, i dont wanna be sued so hire a minority

oh and for the record, anything i write here is fair game for you to use :)

Well said!! I love this comment. I think I have to steal it. http://wade.hu/smiley/kategoriak/%E1llatok/animal-smiley-016.gif

hjmick said, "Diversity is not the problem. The problem is quotas based on race and gender."

What happened to selection by merit and objective standards? Could we have that back, please?