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View Full Version : National Debt Verses Campaign Promises

04-29-2008, 08:35 AM
The budget of the US is in trouble and we keep borrowing money and paying interest on the borrowed money, more and more debt will be coming due as the unfunded liabilities of Social Security and Medicare come home to roost in just a few years. Yet, politicians continue to make promises and congress continues to justify every program that are not necessarily justifiable, like NASA or other non critical programs.

How about we sell some of our jewelry to pay for all campaign promises, NASA and other non critical programs? We have a lot of gold http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Official_gold_reserves and we have federal lands so if we can't afford a program but are unwilling to kill the program then either sell some gold or sell federal land or mineral rights under the land to the highest bidder to prove how necessary that spending is.

How about a yard sale in stead of borrowing for Medicaid for illegal aliens? What say you?