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05-05-2008, 10:45 AM
in a general election, a liberal can't win

Well, except when they do. Your "liberal" Bill Clinton won twice, for eight years, all without my vote.

Hillary supporters wil play the sexist card, just as the Obama people play the race card

I'm thinking not...........no one is interested in voting for someone for president because men are mean to women. It's too important for those games. Will men be mean and not vote for Hillary because she's a woman?? Duh, sure, but I doubt anyone will mention it because there's no votes in making that case.

Besides, there's a lot more women voters than men, so that's all right. http://www.pagealumni.us/boards/style_emoticons/default/evil1.gif

red states rule
05-05-2008, 10:49 AM
Well, except when they do. Your "liberal" Bill Clinton won twice, for eight years, all without my vote.

I'm thinking not...........no one is interested in voting for someone for president because men are mean to women. It's too important for those games. Will men be mean and not vote for Hillary because she's a woman?? Duh, sure, but I doubt anyone will mention it because there's no votes in making that case.

Besides, there's a lot more women voters than men, so that's all right. http://www.pagealumni.us/boards/style_emoticons/default/evil1.gif

Bill lied about being a liberal. Then you have the libs who wore their liberalsim like a badge of honor

McGovern, Mondale, Dukakis, Gore, and Kerry

Both Obama and Hillary wear their liberalism on their sleeve

When I see Hillary supporters on TV they whine how the "girl" is getting beat up. Gag me with a spoon!!!

05-05-2008, 11:10 AM
When I see Hillary supporters on TV they whine how the "girl" is getting beat up. Gag me with a spoon!!!

Is that what you are worried about??

Darn, I thought you were worried that she was WINNING.

red states rule
05-05-2008, 11:13 AM
Is that what you are worried about??

Darn, I thought you were worried that she was WINNING.

I am not worried at all

With the prolonged war, both Hillary and Obama have been beaten bloody. The party is imploding, and Dems are ripping each other

I am looking forward to the pending train wreck that is going to happen in Denver

05-05-2008, 11:16 AM
I am looking forward to the pending train wreck that is going to happen in Denver

I personally think that Denver is going to be a love-in.

Everybody is going to all be so in luv with each other and the Amurican Peeeple that we will all feel gagged wif a spoon.

They'll do Hillary/Obambox and it'll be just a great big patriotic love fest, after which they'll go tear up McCain.

red states rule
05-05-2008, 11:20 AM
I personally think that Denver is going to be a love-in.

Everybody is going to all be so in luv with each other and the Amurican Peeeple that we will all feel gagged wif a spoon.

They'll do Hillary/Obambox and it'll be just a great big patriotic love fest, after which they'll go tear up McCain.

Not if the FL and MI delegates have anything to say

They have said they will shut down the convention before it starts if they are not seated

and you have the kooks from "Recreate Chicago 68"

05-05-2008, 11:27 AM
Not if the FL and MI delegates have anything to say

They have said they will shut down the convention before it starts if they are not seated

and you have the kooks from "Recreate Chicago 68"

Yeeeeesssssssss................................... ............

The FL and MI issue interests me more.

I discount the "recreate Chicago '68" nonsense, because I was there then.

It was a police riot, as was widely described in the press later. The protestors, including me, were totally nonviolent. Completely.

So "recreating" it as a riot is historically inaccurate and I bet I won't be the only one to come out and say that if they try it on. People will be disgusted.

05-05-2008, 11:28 AM
Wait --------------------

People being disgusted is what you are hoping for.

Ooops, missed that for a minute. http://wade.hu/smiley/kategoriak/%E1llatok/animal-smiley-016.gif

red states rule
05-05-2008, 11:28 AM
Yeeeeesssssssss................................... ............

The FL and MI issue interests me more.

I discount the "recreate Chicago '68" nonsense, because I was there then.

It was a police riot, as was widely described in the press later. The protestors, including me, were totally nonviolent. Completely.

So "recreating" it as a riot is historically inaccurate and I bet I won't be the only one to come out and say that if they try it on. People will be disgusted.

Do not discount them. Denver is worried about them

There is nothing more violent then liberal peace groups hitting the streets

05-05-2008, 11:39 AM
Do not discount them. Denver is worried about them

There is nothing more violent then liberal peace groups hitting the streets

With ski masks on like the terrorists. http://www.emotty.com/images/emoticons/571.pngSeems to be the new fashion.

Yeah, that would really be appealing.

05-05-2008, 01:20 PM
Yeeeeesssssssss................................... ............

The FL and MI issue interests me more.

I discount the "recreate Chicago '68" nonsense, because I was there then.

It was a police riot, as was widely described in the press later. The protestors, including me, were totally nonviolent. Completely.

So "recreating" it as a riot is historically inaccurate and I bet I won't be the only one to come out and say that if they try it on. People will be disgusted.

A guy I knew was an army MP at the Chicago riots. A cute little thing with flowers in her hair walked up to him smiling and bashed him in the arm with a coke bottle. He put his arm up to shield his head which is what she was aiming for. He got a broken arm out of the deal. So that shoots down your completely nonviolent remarks. There was over reaction by the police, but they were spurred on by agitators that were doing violent acts against the police and others. A lot of violent groups like the weathermen were present at Chicago. Backed by communists and socialist that make hillery and obama look like Reaganites. The news was careful to only show the police reaction and not what provoked it.

Maybe your little group was peaceful and nonviolent but a lot weren't.

GW in Ohio
05-05-2008, 01:27 PM
'Should have done it "months" ago?' You mean should have done it YEARS ago.

Hussein is a typical, lying, gas bag, politician fuck. He's only, ALL OF A SUDDEN throwing the reverend under the bus because he's running for President. Any IMBICILE can see that. Hussein is a lying piece of shit.

Better make that "President Lying Piece of Shit" after he takes McCain to the woodshed this summer.

Obama may have Jeremiah Wright weighing him down, but McCain has 8 years of Bush/Cheney incompetence and clusterfucks to carry around.

Nobody gonna bear that load.....

red states rule
05-05-2008, 01:35 PM
Better make that "President Lying Piece of Shit" after he takes McCain to the woodshed this summer.

Obama may have Jeremiah Wright weighing him down, but McCain has 8 years of Bush/Cheney incompetence and clusterfucks to carry around.

Nobody gonna bear that load.....

I remember libs saying the same crap when they said Kerry was going to win

Obama is losing key voting blocks, and is stumbling and bumbling around showing how inexperienced he really is

05-05-2008, 01:56 PM
A guy I knew was an army MP at the Chicago riots. A cute little thing with flowers in her hair walked up to him smiling and bashed him in the arm with a coke bottle. He put his arm up to shield his head which is what she was aiming for. He got a broken arm out of the deal. So that shoots down your completely nonviolent remarks.

No, you are completely wrong in every particular.

Your "army MP" wasn't there and is lying like a Lebanese carpet. It was the Illinois National Reserves, of course. I saw them come into town from the South Side through Hyde Park, standing in the back of troop carrier trucks, all making the V peace sign at me and yelling encouragement: they were in the Guard so they didn't have to go to Vietnam, they were communicating they were on our side! Well, on the side of a very young woman, anyway.

Your story your tall-tale-telling friend told is a bunch of hooey! The Guard was in Grant Park, where they tried to sequester the protestors till we broke out, and the Guard STAYED in Grant Park --- it did not move across the train lines into Chicago; that was when the police took over.

For heaven's sake, I was sitting right in front of the whole assembled Guard group, platoon, squad, whatever it was, not all that many ------- they were all lined up, standing, and we were sitting directly in front of them. Nobody hit them!!

Some girls did put daisies in their rifles, and that showed up on the cover of Life, but there was no violence on either side (remember, the Guard was substantially on our side!). Didn't seem very polite to me, and I didn't do the flower thing. I suggest you put no faith in anything else this guy who told this pile says about anything, unless you are simply making it all up yourself.

The protestors suddenly moved sideways toward the bridges, led by calls to do so ("Run! Run for the bridges! Get across!) probably by Tom Hayden among others, and he was wearing a Groucho mask for fear of being identified, the History Channel showed, though I never saw him. Groucho? What can I say?

A single National Guard soldier on each of three bridges held us off successfully with tear gas grenades, which they did indeed shoot at the crowd, not to any particular effect but it held the bridges, so we kept going from bridge to bridge north till we found the commuter bridge by the Art Institute. That was full of cars but no soldiers, so we all ran across, hundreds of kids, stopping traffic cold to the sound of furious horn honking, and the soldiers didn't follow: no one saw anymore of the Illinois National Guard that night. Their brief had been to keep us in Grant Park. They failed. That was that.

There was over reaction by the police, but they were spurred on by agitators that were doing violent acts against the police and others.

Nonsense. There was zero, ZIP, violence by the demonstrators in those terrible circles of light made by the high TV camera platforms. Or anywhere else. I saw it, I know. What actually happened was that fool young men, attracted by the TV lights and cameras, one after the other made.......no doubt harsh remarks to the police, the crowd pressing into a circle around them, and a pair of cops would grab one and beat him and then another young man would do the same and they'd grab and beat him, and the TV cameras broadcast it all to the nation.

Pretty futile scene, IMO. Dumb thing to do; the women had better sense than to get involved in that. But the only violence was on the part of the cops. They were pretty angry, all right.

A lot of violent groups like the weathermen were present at Chicago.

That's right. But they did no violence that night, and their violence otherwise was limited (on that occasion) to breaking car windows. Boy, I well remember the morning I opened the Chicago Tribune and saw a girl from my dorm at school photographed with a whole streetful of broken windows behind her. Not AT ALL the thing. But the Weathermen didn't do anything violent at that convention protest ----- it was very tightly controlled; highly organized with arm-banded marshalls and white-coated med students and residents. The marshalls kept people from running, for example; I'll never forget that feeling of mob panic.

What you are forgetting, gaffer, is how very seriously people took the Ghandi system of non-violent protest in those days.

Now, not so much.

Backed by communists and socialist that make hillery and obama look like Reaganites.

True, the leaders were often communists. Never mind socialists: they were communists. I knew some of them, and there it is.

The news was careful to only show the police reaction and not what provoked it.

Nothing provoked that police riot but Mayor Daley. He was really mad, and he ordered it. The whole world knew that at the time; now people are trying to twist history for their own politics. Mayor Daley mouthing "Fuck you" on national television ------ a famous image.

red states rule
05-05-2008, 01:58 PM
Denver looks to be a fun place come August

Group Looks To Re-Create Bloody 1968 Chicago Democratic Convention In Denver
Posted by Brian Montopoli

Will Denver '08 bring up memories of Chicago '68?

It will if a group called Re-create 68 have anything to say about it. The group is promising "demonstrations that will rival those at the bloody 1968 Democratic convention in Chicago" at the August's Democratic National Convention in Denver, according to the Rocky Mountain News.

The Re-create 68 Alliance is upset that a permit for the Civic Center, a "spacious plaza" that "has been used for major public events and celebrations representing the diversity and cultural heritage of Colorado and Denver," according to the city of Denver's Web site, went to the Denver 2008 Convention Host Committee following a redraw for permits during the convention.

"When things blow up because the police have to enforce a permit that the Democrats got, don’t blame us for that," Glenn Spagnuolo, an organizer for the group, told the News.

The Host Committee points out that it is not the same as the Democratic National Committee, but Re-create 68 says Democrats are "trying to silence dissent in the city of Denver."

The group, which claims 50,000 protesters will join them in August, has vowed to march from Civic Center to the Pepsi Center (where the convention is being held) on August 24th, permit or no.


05-05-2008, 02:07 PM
Group Looks To Re-Create Bloody 1968 Chicago Democratic Convention In Denver

Yeah, yeah. They'll have to bring some meaner police along with them than Denver ever had, lemme tell you, if they mean to "recreate" Chicago 1968.

The police have a LOT more experience with demonstrations now than they did then, and I very much doubt Denver will have any police riot, so if there is going to be violence, the demonstrators will have to provide all of it.

This is all such nonsense ---- what do they want, besides a lot of attention?

We knew very well what we all, 100% of us, wanted --------- we wanted them to nominate Eugene McCarthy, the peace candidate! I went to the airport that day to see him arrive, and I DID see him. As well as a girl covered, clothed, head to toe back and front, in "We love Gene" buttons.

What do these turkeys want, just to cause trouble and be violent?? Darn.

They need a positive cause. They need something big they are trying to GET.

A permit doesn't cut it. Pretty weak.

red states rule
05-05-2008, 02:19 PM
Yeah, yeah. They'll have to bring some meaner police along with them than Denver ever had, lemme tell you, if they mean to "recreate" Chicago 1968.

The police have a LOT more experience with demonstrations now than they did then, and I very much doubt Denver will have any police riot, so if there is going to be violence, the demonstrators will have to provide all of it.

This is all such nonsense ---- what do they want, besides a lot of attention?

We knew very well what we all, 100% of us, wanted --------- we wanted them to nominate Eugene McCarthy, the peace candidate! I went to the airport that day to see him arrive, and I DID see him. As well as a girl covered, clothed, head to toe back and front, in "We love Gene" buttons.

What do these turkeys want, just to cause trouble and be violent?? Darn.

They need a positive cause. They need something big they are trying to GET.

A permit doesn't cut it. Pretty weak.

They do have a positive cause. To show the real side of peace loving lefties

Libs usually act this way when they do not get their way

05-05-2008, 02:51 PM
Well Mundame I don't think he was lying to me. He did mention they were securing a park. It might have been that his army unit was attached to the guard unit you saw. We didn't go into it in much detail. It just came up in passing. He was scheduled to go to Vietnam and had it delayed because of the broken arm. He was more a high school acquaintance than a friend of mine. But when I found out he was in Vietnam we did some comparison of things we saw.

I know a bullshiter when I see one, and he ain't one. Maybe his incident didn't occur anywhere near you. He also didn't know what happened with the girl, if they arrested her or she got away or what. Sounds like it was an isolated incident.

The irony of it is, he's the kind of guy that if he wasn't in the army he would probably have been there with you.

red states rule
05-07-2008, 05:53 AM
Now Stephen King has a hair up his ass, after his comments were repeated over the internet

AP: 'Stephen King Fires Back After [NewsBusters] Blogger Attacks Remarks'
By Noel Sheppard | May 6, 2008 - 20:10 ET

The battle between NewsBusters and horror novelist Stephen King went national Tuesday when the Associated Press picked up the story moments ago.

For those that haven't been following this, on Monday, NewsBusters reported King's disgraceful comments -- made in front of a group of high school students at the Library of Congress in April -- about people who can't read having few options other than to enlist in the Army.

This surprisingly prompted King to post a blurb at his website encouraging readers to send a message to me stating, "Hi, Noel—Stephen King says to shut up and I agree."


