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View Full Version : Matthews Disses Dittoheads: 'Manipulable'

04-30-2008, 05:11 PM
video at their site..

By Mark Finkelstein | April 30, 2008 - 17:53 ET

Dittoheads, you've been dissed. Chris Matthews has dismissed you as a bunch of mind-numbed robots. CNBC's John Harwood seconded the insult. It happened on this evening's Hardball as Matthews mused about the potential impact of Operation Chaos on the upcoming primaries.

CHRIS MATTHEWS: How much of a move do you hear, John Harwood, the so-called Operation Chaos is going to play next Tuesday in Indianapolis [sic], the effort by Rush Limbaugh, the lovable Rush Limbaugh, I must say, to encourage Republicans, registered Republicans, to go vote for Hillary just to cause chaos and perhaps get her the nomination? How big a role will that be?

JOHN HARWOOD: My suspicion, Chris, is that's a lot more talk than action. I think there aren't that many voters who can be manipulated in that way to go make trouble in a primary election. And one of the things that's striking--

MATTHEWS: But when you call yourself a "dittohead," it seems to me you've already defined yourself as someone who is, uh, let's put it this way—manipulable.

read it all here..

04-30-2008, 05:25 PM
Dittoheads, you've been dissed. Chris Matthews has dismissed you as a bunch of mind-numbed robots. CNBC's John Harwood seconded the insult.

This is supposed to be news?

I almost get the impression that a requirement for membership in liberal society, is to diss a conservative, such as a Limbaugh listener. And the less evidence you provide to back up your smears, the more points you get.

At least itcertainly seems that way, from the number of people who keep trying it.

"News", it ain't. :lame2:

04-30-2008, 05:38 PM
isn't the point of chris mathew's show to maipulate his followers.....

red states rule
04-30-2008, 05:46 PM
isn't the point of chris mathew's show to maipulate his followers.....

On the night of the PA primary, Chris was on the verge of tears when Barry lost by 10 points

He was blaming the racist rural voters for the loss - not that Obama was a lousy candidate who let his arrogant liberalsim show thru

04-30-2008, 05:49 PM
I just found it funny..

Being dissed by prissy Chrissy...who says when he hears Obambam speak, it sends a tingle up his leg..:cow:

04-30-2008, 05:50 PM
The objective of all conservative talk shows (and the Fox Network) is to develop loyal followers. Heaven forbid they should ever try to think for themselves.
"Good afternoon Rush. You are a great American!"
"Thank you. You are a great American for thinking that I am a great American!"

red states rule
04-30-2008, 05:53 PM
The objective of all conservative talk shows (and the Fox Network) is to develop loyal followers. Heaven forbid they should ever try to think for themselves.
"Good afternoon Rush. You are a great American!"
"Thank you. You are a great American for thinking that I am a great American!"

Given Chris's ratings, by us talking about Chris's comments - we just tripled the number of people who know about them

BTW it is Sean who calls his callers Great MAericnas - not Rush

04-30-2008, 05:55 PM
On the night of the PA primary, Chris was on the verge of tears when Barry lost by 10 points

He was blaming the racist rural voters for the loss - not that Obama was a lousy candidate who let his arrogant liberalsim show thru

yes.....because unless you vote for a black man .... because he is black .... like 90% of black voters .... you are a racist ......

red states rule
04-30-2008, 05:56 PM
yes.....because unless you vote for a black man .... because he is black .... like 90% of black voters .... you are a racist ......

I always thought ''texas hold 'em'' was the number one card game in America. looks like ''let's play the race card'' is now.

04-30-2008, 05:57 PM
Wow... what an original comment. we are robots because some of us decided that operation Chaos would be a fun way to meet our objectives.

Does that make Matthews manipulable because Obama is convincing him to vote for him and speak out on his behalf?

04-30-2008, 05:58 PM
I always thought ''texas hold 'em'' was the number one card game in America. looks like ''let's play the race card'' is now.

i prefer "spades" myself.....


04-30-2008, 05:59 PM
Given Chris's ratings, by us talking about Chris's comments - we just tripled the number of people who know about them

BTW it is Sean who calls his callers Great Americans - not Rush

No shit..
A lot of liberal talking heads, can only WISH they had the 20 million a day audience that conservative Rush has..:coffee:

red states rule
04-30-2008, 05:59 PM
Wow... what an original comment. we are robots because some of us decided that operation Chaos would be a fun way to meet our objectives.

Does that make Matthews manipulable because Obama is convincing him to vote for him and speak out on his behalf?

I susoect Chris is pissed since he comes in near last place in the ratings on a nightly basis, and Rush has been on top of the rarings mountain for a long time

red states rule
04-30-2008, 06:03 PM
I just found it funny..

Being dissed by prissy Chrissy...who says when he hears Obambam speak, it sends a tingle up his leg..:cow:

Look how Chris does against Fox News


04-30-2008, 06:15 PM
Non-conservatives don't need radio programs to tell them what to think. We make our own decisions.
Conservative radio is for those of you that don't have anything else to do during the workday. Rush and his ilk are good entertainment for those with the easy life. Good that you all have someone to support you though.

red states rule
04-30-2008, 06:17 PM
Non-conservatives don't need radio programs to tell them what to think. We make our own decisions.
Conservative radio is for those of you that don't have anything else to do during the workday. Rush and his ilk are good entertainment for those with the easy life. Good that you all have someone to support you though.

You should have told that to the deep pocket liberals who invested (and lost) tens of millions in the now bankrupt Air America :laugh2:

04-30-2008, 06:25 PM
You should have told that to the deep pocket liberals who invested (and lost) tens of millions in the now bankrupt Air America :laugh2:

so...what is your long term strategy for incorporating this SLG character into you soap opera? Is "she" going to be just a side character - like the soup nazi - who makes occasional appearances? Will you develop this romantic interest story line with RSR culminating in bedside cyber-nuptials, or perhaps will "she" take a more leading role as your character is written out of the script?

Discuss your thematic character development strategy... please. I am fascinated!

04-30-2008, 06:29 PM
Non-conservatives don't need radio programs to tell them what to think.

Looks like gabby is stuck on the "conservatives can't think for themselves" drone. As usual, without providing the slightest evidence or backing for her "opinion".

(Hint for gabby: People who think, can back up what they say.) :lol:

04-30-2008, 06:30 PM
so...what is your long term strategy for incorporating this SLG character into you soap opera? Is "she" going to be just a side character - like the soup nazi - who makes occasional appearances? Will you develop this romantic interest story line with RSR culminating in bedside cyber-nuptials, or perhaps will "she" take a more leading role as your character is written out of the script?

Discuss your thematic character development strategy... please. I am fascinated!

Please refrain from derailing more threads to argue about RSR and SLG. If you want to discuss it create a thread in the lounge or something. Id just like to see these threads stay on topic.

04-30-2008, 06:31 PM
[QUOTE=gabosaurus;238896]Non-conservatives don't need radio programs to tell them what to think. We make our own decisions.

When I hear some liberal reguritate that line..I just laugh my ass off..
Like we all NEED some radio host tell us what we NEED to do that day..:coffee:

red states rule
04-30-2008, 06:33 PM

When I hear some liberal reguritate that line..I just laugh my ass off..
Like we all NEED some radio host tell us what we NEED to do that day..:coffee:

The fact is, conservative talk radio tells the other side of the issues the liberal media will not talk about

Libs then respond with the usual crap or the Fairness Doctrine

04-30-2008, 06:45 PM
Non-conservatives don't need radio programs to tell them what to think. We make our own decisions. Conservative radio is for those of you that don't have anything else to do during the workday. Rush and his ilk are good entertainment for those with the easy life. Good that you all have someone to support you though.

based on what.....a whim....god forbid you listen to or read a variety of sources....