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View Full Version : Immigrant worker: No more money to Mexico

Hagbard Celine
05-01-2008, 11:52 AM
ANAHEIM, California (CNN) -- As he fixes a broken sliding glass door at an apartment in Anaheim, California, Eduardo Gutierrez worries about his parents in Mexico.
He can no longer afford to send the $200 to $300 a month he had been sending back home to support his ailing father.

"I kind of feel bad that I can't help my parents," said Gutierrez, a legal immigrant who has worked in the United States for 20 years. "I try. But I can't these days, and it's a tough situation."

Gutierrez said he earns $18.50 an hour as a glazier, installer and fixer of glass in all shapes and sizes.

But with the U.S. economy sagging, his hours have shrunk -- even as his gas and grocery bills have skyrocketed along with other expenses. He's struggling just to support his wife and three children.


I hate, HATE to say it, but this is actually a good thing to come out of the oil companies' ass raping of the American populace. Hey, we can't drive anywhere without gouging half of our paychecks, but atleast Jose can't afford to funnel money into Mexico anymore! :thumb: