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05-02-2008, 07:19 PM
Livingstone out, Conservatives in:


Beating Ken Livingstone in an electoral contest is a feat that was beyond even Margaret Thatcher or Tony Blair.

Thatcher decided to abolish the Greater London council when Livingstone was its leader in the 1980s because she had no confidence that the Conservatives would ever be able to take control through the ballot box.

And when Tony Blair and the New Labour machine managed to stop Livingstone being selected as the party's official candidate before the first mayoral elections in 2000, Livingstone went on to run as an independent and, as he put it himself, "smashed" Labour into the ground.

But if the predictions about the outcome of this year's mayoral contest are correct – the Tories and Labour both expect a Johnson victory – the Livingstone election-winning magic has disappeared....

Note nothing is said about his being pro-Islamic...

05-02-2008, 07:35 PM
Yup, its offical Boris is our new Mayor

Boris Johnson has won the race to become the next mayor of London - ending Ken Livingstone's eight-year reign at City Hall.

The Conservative candidate won with 1,168,738 first and second preference votes, compared with Mr Livingstone's 1,028,966 on a record turnout.

, how good or bad this will be for the Torries only time will tell.

I must enqire about the 'Note nothing is said about his being pro-Islamic...' are you saying Ken was pro-Islamic?

05-02-2008, 07:40 PM
Yup, its offical Boris is our new Mayor


, how good or bad this will be for the Torries only time will tell.

I must enqire about the 'Note nothing is said about his being pro-Islamic...' are you saying Ken was pro-Islamic?

Uh yeah. http://muslimonline.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=5573&pid=80273&st=0&#entry80273



05-02-2008, 08:11 PM
I dey know, it all seems a lil too ropey for my liking,

your first source is from the website 'muslim online (http://muslimonline.org/forum/index....=0&#entry80273)' it is a topic 'boris or livingstone' there are 5 replies, one asking "which would you vote for", and 3 of them from 'keekee' i'm not sure what this source proves, other than there is someone who goes by the web-name 'KeeKee' who wants to vote for ken.

The second source (
http://www.newenglishreview.org/blog.../blog_id/14286) also seems to contain meaningless points such as...

Ken does live like a Muslim, 5 children by 3 different women, kept in three different establishments, at least one of whom was put in her place with a public slap.

This seems a rather grossly ignorant statement to make, and does nothing to add to the credibility of the artical. It then goes on to explain that ken invited clerics to the city hall ect. well shouldn't he? after all there is a sizable Muslim population and London is a metropolitan city, i would find it uch stranger (and to a point wrong) if he had not welcomed these men of peace, after 7/7 there has been a growing feeling in Britain that we must embrace Islam to show that we are not against it, we are against extremism, a role which ken has tied to fulfill, and according to the artical hasn't done to bad a job.

As for the last artical

Prominent Muslim organizations and individuals have pledged to back Ken Livingstone as mayor of London,
Does this show that ken is pro-Islamic or Islamic sects are pro-ken? I have found nothing in the articals given that would lead me to think that ken's links with the Muslim community have been in anyway harmful to London, and from what i have herd and seen over the past few years i would think quiet the opposite.

BTW just to make clear, i am a Boris fan, i also find something unnerving about Ken, so i am glad that we have a new mayor, i just think it is misleading that you have labeled ken as pro-Islamic, as those who are not as aware of the politics of Britain could easily draw the wrong conclusions from it.

05-02-2008, 08:35 PM
I dey know, it all seems a lil too ropey for my liking,

your first source is from the website 'muslim online (http://muslimonline.org/forum/index....=0&#entry80273)' it is a topic 'boris or livingstone' there are 5 replies, one asking "which would you vote for", and 3 of them from 'keekee' i'm not sure what this source proves, other than there is someone who goes by the web-name 'KeeKee' who wants to vote for ken.

The second source (
http://www.newenglishreview.org/blog.../blog_id/14286) also seems to contain meaningless points such as...

This seems a rather grossly ignorant statement to make, and does nothing to add to the credibility of the artical. It then goes on to explain that ken invited clerics to the city hall ect. well shouldn't he? after all there is a sizable Muslim population and London is a metropolitan city, i would find it uch stranger (and to a point wrong) if he had not welcomed these men of peace, after 7/7 there has been a growing feeling in Britain that we must embrace Islam to show that we are not against it, we are against extremism, a role which ken has tied to fulfill, and according to the artical hasn't done to bad a job.

As for the last artical
Does this show that ken is pro-Islamic or Islamic sects are pro-ken? I have found nothing in the articals given that would lead me to think that ken's links with the Muslim community have been in anyway harmful to London, and from what i have herd and seen over the past few years i would think quiet the opposite.

BTW just to make clear, i am a Boris fan, i also find something unnerving about Ken, so i am glad that we have a new mayor, i just think it is misleading that you have labeled ken as pro-Islamic, as those who are not as aware of the politics of Britain could easily draw the wrong conclusions from it.

That was a convincing reply. :rolleyes:

05-02-2008, 08:37 PM
That was a convincing reply. :rolleyes:

That was an even more convincing counter-reply :laugh2:

05-12-2008, 11:49 PM
And good for you, kitty. You suck. But, you already know that, don't you?