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View Full Version : Who is youre political hero and why

05-04-2008, 10:42 PM
My political hero is Golda Meir, because she was a champion for israel, when nearly everyone else abandoned her


05-05-2008, 07:48 AM
Reagan, for defeating the Soviets and freeing millions of east Eurpoeans.

05-05-2008, 08:08 AM
Ronald Reagan, because he really knew how to be a president.

05-05-2008, 11:53 AM
never really thought about it.

05-05-2008, 01:15 PM
Paul Wellstone, just a damn fine person. Al Gore for his gentleman's concession but eventual great success and for his work in creating the technology this is being written on, his vision. Ralph Nader, thorn in the side of all that stinks, FDR greatest president in modern complex times, Jimmy Carter a moral man who lives by it, Arlen Specter, great strength of character under a tough situation, LBJ and MLK, the idealist and the implementer, great men. For a few.

05-05-2008, 01:44 PM
.... Al Gore for his gentleman's concession but eventual great success and for his work in creating the technology this is being written on, his vision. .....

Holy shit- you must be on crack. After he was dragged out of the Supreme Court 2 weeks after the election he gained 30 pound and grew a beard. You actually believe that he invented the internet?

05-05-2008, 01:47 PM
Holy shit- you must be on crack. After he was dragged out of the Supreme Court 2 weeks after the election he gained 30 pound and grew a beard. You actually believe that he invented the internet?

That was OT as you would tell me, not invent, assist. "But the real question is what, if anything, did Gore actually do to create the modern Internet? According to Vincent Cerf, a senior vice president with MCI Worldcom who's been called the Father of the Internet, "The Internet would not be where it is in the United States without the strong support given to it and related research areas by the Vice President in his current role and in his earlier role as Senator."

The inventor of the Mosaic Browser, Marc Andreesen, credits Gore with making his work possible. He received a federal grant through Gore's High Performance Computing Act. The University of Pennsylvania's Dave Ferber says that without Gore the Internet "would not be where it is today."

Joseph E. Traub, a computer science professor at Columbia University, claims that Gore "was perhaps the first political leader to grasp the importance of networking the country. Could we perhaps see an end to cheap shots from politicians and pundits about inventing the Internet?""


05-05-2008, 02:28 PM
And his gentlemanly concession?