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05-06-2008, 08:43 PM
I haven't seen it thrown in yet. Hillary still has a firm grim on it now, but that may change a bit later.
Obama has a double digit lead in North Carolina and seems certain to win that state's 100-plus delegates.
Hillary needs a big win in Indiana, but with 75 percent of the vote counted, has 52 percent of the vote to 47 percent for Obama.

Rush Limbaugh is a non-factor. As is the Mad Reverend.

Hillary's people say she will "re-evaluate her campaign" following tonight's vote totals.

05-06-2008, 11:06 PM
with 90% of the black vote, gee, obama is a strong candidate

05-06-2008, 11:46 PM
with 90% of the black vote, gee, obama is a strong candidate

Yes, because people can't have individual opinions, hence why every woman votes for Clinton. Maybe, just maybe, using 9/11 as political fodder was the wrong way to go. I fear for her safety when she goes back to NYC:rolleyes:

Anyhoo, current tally puts it as:

NC 99% reporting 44 delegates remain
Obama 56% 40 pledged delegates
Clinton 41% 31 pledged delegates

IN 92% reporting 10 delegates remain
Clinton 51% 32 pledged delegates
Obama 49% 29 pledged delegates

Obama is coming out of this round by a 6 delegate lead thus far, though that may change just a little bit.

05-06-2008, 11:50 PM
True, but still not my point. Which is -- WHERE IS THE TOWEL? WHY HASN'T IT BEEN THROWN IN YET?

05-07-2008, 05:13 AM
True, but still not my point. Which is -- WHERE IS THE TOWEL? WHY HASN'T IT BEEN THROWN IN YET?

because no one has pried it from her cold, dead hand.....

05-07-2008, 07:06 AM
True, but still not my point. Which is -- WHERE IS THE TOWEL? WHY HASN'T IT BEEN THROWN IN YET?

Because this race is going to the Convention. its been obvious for months.

red states rule
05-07-2008, 07:12 AM
Because this race is going to the Convention. its been obvious for months.

The liberal media is giddy this morning. They are not even trying to hide their bias

Should Barry get the nod, the bias will get even worse

As Steph Says It's 'Over,' Sawyer Proclaims 'It Was a Great Night'
By Mark Finkelstein | May 7, 2008 - 08:01 ET

What kind of night is one on which Hillary Clinton, in the eyes of many, lost her shot at the nomination? "A great night"—according to Diane Sawyer.

Sawyer made her remark at the opening of today's GMA. She started with some shtick with co-anchor Robin Roberts, displaying a series of cards explaining she was losing her voice, then managed to get out these words:

DIANE SAWYER: It was a great night last night. What a night, huh?

Any ambiguity as to what made last night "great" was resolved when the duo immediately moved to a discussion of last night's primary election results, culminating in Roberts displaying the front pages of today's New York Post and Daily News, which respectively proclaimed "Toast!" and "Hil Needs a Miracle." George Stephanopoulos came on and confirmed the tabloids' grim prognosis, saying the Dem race "is over."


05-07-2008, 11:13 AM
The liberal media is giddy this morning. They are not even trying to hide their bias

Should Barry get the nod, the bias will get even worse

As Steph Says It's 'Over,' Sawyer Proclaims 'It Was a Great Night'
By Mark Finkelstein | May 7, 2008 - 08:01 ET

What kind of night is one on which Hillary Clinton, in the eyes of many, lost her shot at the nomination? "A great night"—according to Diane Sawyer.

Sawyer made her remark at the opening of today's GMA. She started with some shtick with co-anchor Robin Roberts, displaying a series of cards explaining she was losing her voice, then managed to get out these words:

DIANE SAWYER: It was a great night last night. What a night, huh?

Any ambiguity as to what made last night "great" was resolved when the duo immediately moved to a discussion of last night's primary election results, culminating in Roberts displaying the front pages of today's New York Post and Daily News, which respectively proclaimed "Toast!" and "Hil Needs a Miracle." George Stephanopoulos came on and confirmed the tabloids' grim prognosis, saying the Dem race "is over."


Their "bias" toward the person who has the 100+ delegate lead that's still expanding it? That's not bias, RSR, that's looking at the score and seeing who's winning. I know you're one of those Operation Chaos (more like Operation Jerk me off) lamers, but even if she does well in the remaining contests, it's over, because now the superdelegates are heading over to Obama, and the head of the DNC is saying it's time to line up behind Obama, and be done with it.

red states rule
05-07-2008, 11:18 AM
Their "bias" toward the person who has the 100+ delegate lead that's still expanding it? That's not bias, RSR, that's looking at the score and seeing who's winning. I know you're one of those Operation Chaos (more like Operation Jerk me off) lamers, but even if she does well in the remaining contests, it's over, because now the superdelegates are heading over to Obama, and the head of the DNC is saying it's time to line up behind Obama, and be done with it.

So when did the nets go from reporting the news to being cheerleaders?

You can dismiss Operation Chaos all you want, without it Hillary would have been knocked out along time ago

Operation Chaos has also allowed Obama to be examined more closely. The liberal media is still doing all they can to cover for him, but the truth about Barry is getting out

Abbey Marie
05-07-2008, 02:52 PM
Their "bias" toward the person who has the 100+ delegate lead that's still expanding it? That's not bias, RSR, that's looking at the score and seeing who's winning. I know you're one of those Operation Chaos (more like Operation Jerk me off) lamers, but even if she does well in the remaining contests, it's over, because now the superdelegates are heading over to Obama, and the head of the DNC is saying it's time to line up behind Obama, and be done with it.

Wow, what spin. When a particular candidate does well, and a TV news personality terms it a "great night", that is pure unadulterated bias in favor of candidate. In fact, it's the exact terminology you would hear from inside the Obama campaign. Frankly, I find it hard to believe that you really do not see it.

red states rule
05-07-2008, 02:56 PM
Wow, what spin. When a particular candidate does well, and a TV news personality terms it a "great night", that is pure unadulterated bias in favor of candidate. In fact, it's the exact terminology you would hear from inside the Obama campaign. Frankly, I find it hard to believe that you really do not see it.

Here is another example of liberal bias toward Obama. this time from Keith Overbite at DNCTV


Olbermann Accuses FNC of Overcovering Jeremiah Wright

"And yet, with the saturation, including one television operation that has done almost nothing but broadcast this story since it first broke, with the wildest exaggerations and the broadest of interpretations possible, with this thing being hammered again and again in all kinds of different outlets, the exit polling today was, it was about a 50-50 split, whether it made any registration at all with these voters in these two states. And that included not just those with whom it made a negative registration, but also those who might have thought he did a good job separating himself from Reverend Wright after the last set of, sort of, goofy comments. So the whole thing about how big an issue this was, and not just how big a negative issue, it really does, thank goodness, prove, I think, some of the limitations of the media and of negative campaigning."


05-07-2008, 05:47 PM
So when did the nets go from reporting the news to being cheerleaders?

I think it was sometime in 1972-75......

red states rule
05-07-2008, 05:50 PM
I think it was sometime in 1972-75......

Now with talk radio, cable news, and the internet; the liberal media no longer has the monopoly they once had

So they to show their bias more clearly to get their points across

05-07-2008, 10:04 PM
This thread is about NOTHING but ClassAct's ridiculously stupid claim that Obama was about to throw in the towel. A "prediction" obviously backed by RSR, in all his delusional glory.

red states rule
05-07-2008, 11:26 PM
This thread is about NOTHING but ClassAct's ridiculously stupid claim that Obama was about to throw in the towel. A "prediction" obviously backed by RSR, in all his delusional glory.

Where did I say your boy was going to throw in the towel?

I want both Barry and Hillary to keep fighting it out, and ripping into each other. I am enjoying the war within your party.

05-08-2008, 09:35 AM
I haven't seen it thrown in yet. Hillary still has a firm grim on it now, but that may change a bit later.
Obama has a double digit lead in North Carolina and seems certain to win that state's 100-plus delegates.
Hillary needs a big win in Indiana, but with 75 percent of the vote counted, has 52 percent of the vote to 47 percent for Obama.

Rush Limbaugh is a non-factor. As is the Mad Reverend.

Hillary's people say she will "re-evaluate her campaign" following tonight's vote totals.Hey gaby, I've been posting on my old site as time permits and there I'm a Hillary supporter. You see, I want her to win so she will destroy the party since the Afro American voters are so immature they would revolt. My argument for NC and IN was based on thinking that the African American voters would react negatively toward Obama outing his reverend and vote for Hillary. Blacks are so blind in their support for Obama he could say Negroes stink and still get their votes at this point simply because he has nappy hair and skin that looks like theirs.

Hillary and Obama are tied regardless what the press states they are tied and she has the greater support of a majority that will allow the Democrats to win in the fall. Obama needs to throw in the towel for the good of the party.

Hillary Supporters: What's on your mind? Tell us your frustrations, let's talk it out.Hillary has won equally to Obama and even more so with Democratic voters, she has a better chance to win in the fall. The base argument is that the Afro American Democratic voters are immature and will revolt if they don't get their way verses that Clinton's support group will suck it up even though she has equally won, why won't Hillary voters revolt equally to Afro Americans? Obama has support 91% of African American voters and Afro Americans are a very small minority in America, these AA voters are the majority of his support followed by young ideological voters followed by highly educated voters. The group identified supporting Obama cannot elect the president alone and it will be very easy for the party to be broken into splinters if the party tries. There are millions of Democrats, Independents and Republicans that wouldn't pee on Obama if he was on fire. He is an empty suit with a standard speech that says he is not beholding to special interest groups and will work across party and race lines to find utopia, but all the Democrats and Republicans in the House and Senate are beholding to special interest groups so he is an empty suit. What will happens if someone challenges Obama on special interests support?

Here is the debate that will end Obama's AA backed nomination victory in the fall:
The seeds have been sown already to end the Democratic victory with the mention of a tax holiday on high gas prices. High energy prices and jobs are center stage in the working class (that isn't Obama's support group unless they are AA) and the Republicans only need to explain when, where, why and how it came to this point to win over these voters. The argument is that oil companies make too much money so we should take it away and give it to the working class and build green machines, or we should drill, do nukes, open natural gas exploration, clean coal, make gas from coal and oil shale and at the same time work towards a green machine.

Obama: I do not owe anything to special interest groups (including environmental lobby?) I will give you $1,000 tax credit to cover the $5 oil I will remove oil company incentives and direct them towards green energy. Fill in the blank ________years green will take over and you will work in a union green machine factory, be heating your house, providing electricity from the products of your labor and oil will be history.

McCain: The environmental lobby is responsible for high energy prices and the loss of many of your jobs. Natural gas in Mexico and Canada costs 20% of what natural gas costs in America so manufacturers are forced to move to those areas to meet bottom line profit. We buy oil and gas from Canada and Mexico where they are allowed to convert oil shale to oil and produce natural gas economically while we cannot compete, our money is exported to these countries and the Mid East because of the environmental lobby. If the US government took every penny of big oil's profit and took away all of their government support the price of gas would drop only a very small margin as Senator Obama argued against the gas tax holiday. As demand grows along with out population under Obama's plan no help for high gas prices will happen until the green machine is complete. Senator Obama are you controlled by the environmental lobbyists? Obama how many years will it take to make your green machine? Working class folks, can you buy an electric car, my guess is that you couldn't even afford an electric golf cart while paying $5 gas to go to work?

My point is that Obama needs to throw in the towel because he will allow McCain to win, I don't want McCain to win! I want Hillary to destroy the Democratic Party and go on to win so she will have a dysfunctional administration and use her first two years beating up politicians that supported Obama. This will allow the Republican Party time to become Republicans once again and take over congress and the presidency.

Obama is in a losing category and will not get the support from the working class so he should throw in the towel, the Democratic Party should be wise enough to see that African Americans are dumb as rocks to support Obama at 91% rate as he makes fun of his lifetime reverend. What are the African American vote percentage in the US population maybe 16%, youth 5% and rich white assholes 10%? Obama means sure defeat so the only intelligent thing to do would be for him to throw in the towel, or, the Democratic Party could cause his lifespan to be shortened otherwise they are bound to experience defeat.

red states rule
05-08-2008, 09:38 AM
Hang in there ClassAct. This is not over yet. it looks bad, but the Clintons never give up

Hillary can go to court to have the FL and MI folks seated. She can run as an Independent. Fianlly, she can strongarm the SD's bu using the usual Clinton tactics

05-08-2008, 09:58 AM
Hang in there ClassAct. This is not over yet. it looks bad, but the Clintons never give up

Hillary can go to court to have the FL and MI folks seated. She can run as an Independent. Fianlly, she can strongarm the SD's bu using the usual Clinton tacticsObama is maxed out on negro vote support, maxed out on blind youth vote, maxed out on rich yuppie vote and full of shit.

red states rule
05-08-2008, 10:12 AM
Obama is maxed out on negro vote support, maxed out on blind youth vote, maxed out on rich yuppie vote and full of shit.

But he is NOT getting the white working class, the female vote, and the Reagan Dems

He is another blue nosed liberal who shows what a snob he is when he thinks the cameras are off

05-08-2008, 10:24 AM
But he is NOT getting the white working class, the female vote, and the Reagan Dems

He is another blue nosed liberal who shows what a snob he is when he thinks the cameras are offObama is going to get his ass handed to him in WV and KY. The elite will be scratching their heads and talking about how stupid white folks are... like I said Obama is maxed out in his hood and the other 80% of America see his empty suit.

red states rule
05-08-2008, 10:26 AM
Obama is going to get his ass handed to him in WV and KY. The elite will be scratching their heads and talking about how stupid white folks are... like I said Obama is maxed out in his hood and the other 80% of America see his empty suit.

Obama does have the liberal media in his abck pocket to echo his talking points

And he does not have to pay for it

Case in point:

Veteran Washington Reporter: Media 'Took Much Too Long' on Wright
By Brent Baker | May 8, 2008 - 02:26 ET

“It took much too long for major news media outlets to appreciate the importance of the Wright connection” to Barack Obama, Don Campbell, who spent “nearly two decades as a Washington reporter, editor and columnist for Gannett Newspapers and USA Today,” asserted in a Wednesday op-ed piece for USA Today. The headline over the piece by Campbell, now journalism lecturer at Emory University in Atlanta, asked: “Wright story: What took so long?” Only after “the most incendiary clips...landed on YouTube” were the news media, Campbell observed, “dragged into the controversy holding their noses, but by then Obama had the goal line in sight.”


05-08-2008, 10:59 AM
You two need to get a room. Your lovefest needs a home outside this board.
It would give RSR something to do. Since he obviously has nothing to do in life outside of posting on this board.
Talk about a burden on society...

red states rule
05-08-2008, 11:01 AM
You two need to get a room. Your lovefest needs a home outside this board.
It would give RSR something to do. Since he obviously has nothing to do in life outside of posting on this board.
Talk about a burden on society...

Facts to hard for you to face Gabby? It must be hard for you having your ass blown out of the water on every thread

If I was a burden on society, I would be backing Obama to keep that government check coming every month

05-08-2008, 11:08 AM
You two need to get a room. Your lovefest needs a home outside this board.
It would give RSR something to do. Since he obviously has nothing to do in life outside of posting on this board.
Talk about a burden on society...Gabby are you on my team or what? Do you support Hillary or the loser?

red states rule
05-08-2008, 11:09 AM
Gabby are you on my team or what? Do you support Hillary or the loser?

She may give you a firm maybe on who is backing. Libs loyality to any candidate is subject to change based on polls and focus groups

05-08-2008, 11:19 AM
She may give you a firm maybe on who is backing. Libs loyality to any candidate is subject to change based on polls and focus groupsIt would be fun to watch Keith Olbermann and the left if one of those hayseeds in WV or KY popped a cap on Obama to see how quick they transform to worship Clinton.

red states rule
05-08-2008, 11:20 AM
It would be fun to watch Keith Olbermann and the left if one of those hayseeds in WV or KY popped a cap on Obama to see how quick they transform to worship Clinton.

Keith Overbite and Chris Matthews both love and worship Barry. Should Hillary find a way to stick the knofe in Barry's back, it would be fun to se how they react

05-08-2008, 12:55 PM
I am behind Obama, the candidate of his party.

RSR, on the other hand, has pledged his support to Jane Fonda McCain.

red states rule
05-08-2008, 12:57 PM
I am behind Obama, the candidate of his party.

RSR, on the other hand, has pledged his support to Jane Fonda McCain.

Can you site one post where I said I was voting for McCain?

05-08-2008, 02:31 PM
Can you site one post where I said I was voting for McCain?

Ya gotta vote for someone who can win or you're out of the game, RSR.

That's the dilemma I may soon face: I'll have to give up politics.

red states rule
05-08-2008, 02:33 PM
Ya gotta vote for someone who can win or you're out of the game, RSR.

That's the dilemma I may soon face: I'll have to give up politics.

Unlike libs, I will not compromise my principals for political power.

05-08-2008, 03:12 PM
Unlike libs, I will not compromise my principals for political power.

I don't know what that means if you aren't going to vote for either of the two main candidates.

It doesn't make much sense to complain about BOTH candidates ---------

Does it?

05-08-2008, 03:14 PM
I don't know what that means if you aren't going to vote for either of the two main candidates.

It doesn't make much sense to complain about BOTH candidates ---------

Does it?

when all candidates do not represent your values it does....

red states rule
05-08-2008, 03:14 PM
I don't know what that means if you aren't going to vote for either of the two main candidates.

It doesn't make much sense to complain about BOTH candidates ---------

Does it?

They are both liberals. That is enough for me not to vote for either of them

05-08-2008, 03:19 PM
when all candidates do not represent your values it does....

Yeahbut ---------- we're locked into this choice.

No other choice has a chance of winning!

So to complain about both of them is just to make a noise to no point, right?

If it's Obama vs. McCain, I may not vote or I may vote Libertarian just to make a protest vote, but I can't quite see the point of raining on BOTH parades. That would just be complaining to make a noise, wouldn't it?

Because we can't do anything about it in that case. We're out of the game. The decision goes to other people, who believe in one or the other, but we don't.

I always felt that way about people who didn't vote: they don't have a right to talk politics. I remember a party once where this guy buttonholed me for a couple hours talking vehemently about politics, and he finally said he wasn't going to vote at all! He wasn't even registered.

I left. Sheeeeeeeesh, what a cheat. He cheated me out of all that time I spent listening to him like he's a serious citizen, but he wasn't.

red states rule
05-08-2008, 03:21 PM
Yeahbut ---------- we're locked into this choice.

No other choice has a chance of winning!

So to complain about both of them is just to make a noise to no point, right?

If it's Obama vs. McCain, I may not vote or I may vote Libertarian just to make a protest vote, but I can't quite see the point of raining on BOTH parades. That would just be complaining to make a noise, wouldn't it?

Because we can't do anything about it in that case. We're out of the game. The decision goes to other people, who believe in one or the other, but we don't.

I always felt that way about people who didn't vote: they don't have a right to talk politics. I remember a party once where this guy buttonholed me for a couple hours talking vehemently about politics, and he finally said he wasn't going to vote at all! He wasn't even registered.

I left. Sheeeeeeeesh, what a cheat. He cheated me out of all that time I spent listening to him like he's a serious citizen, but he wasn't.

Is winning worth forgetting about what you beleive in and what you believe is right?

05-08-2008, 03:24 PM
Is winning worth forgetting about what you beleive in and what you believe is right?

I'm already on that side. I'm not voting for the main candidates if it's Barama and McSame.

My point is that it puts us out of the main action, since voting for one or the other IS the main action. So it seems pointless just to keep saying we hate them both. That's complaining just to make a noise.

I think you have to be for something to talk politics.

You can't just be against everyone!

red states rule
05-08-2008, 03:26 PM
I'm already on that side. I'm not voting for the main candidates if it's Barama and McSame.

My point is that it puts us out of the main action, since voting for one or the other IS the main action. So it seems pointless just to keep saying we hate them both. That's complaining just to make a noise.

I think you have to be for something to talk politics.

You can't just be against everyone!

There is not a dimes worth of differecne between Hillary or Obama. Are you voting for her because she is a women?

Abbey Marie
05-08-2008, 03:26 PM
I'm already on that side. I'm not voting for the main candidates if it's Barama and McSame.

My point is that it puts us out of the main action, since voting for one or the other IS the main action. So it seems pointless just to keep saying we hate them both. That's complaining just to make a noise.

I think you have to be for something to talk politics.

You can't just be against everyone!

I agree with you there. It seems that people who are against everything eventually become either professional protestors, conspiracy theorists, or both.

Abbey Marie
05-08-2008, 03:26 PM
There is not a dimes worth of differecne between Hillary or Obama. Are you voting for her because she is a women?

My MIL is.

05-08-2008, 03:27 PM
My MIL is.

so is my sil............

05-08-2008, 03:29 PM
There is not a dimes worth of differecne between Hillary or Obama. Are you voting for her because she is a women?

Sure. Why not? All the blacks vote for Obalama because he's black.

So I can vote for Hillary because she's a woman.

I can do whatever I please, actually. If she is nominated, which I now doubt she will be.

Say, you didn't change the subject, did you?

I was asking how we can justify talking about presidential politics if we don't intend to vote for EITHER main candidate.

Abbey Marie
05-08-2008, 03:30 PM
so is my sil............

The funny thing is, at this point, I want her to vote for Hillary.

05-08-2008, 03:32 PM
I agree with you there. It seems that people who are against everything eventually become either professional protestors, conspiracy theorists, or both.

Yeah. Well, I'm an optimist and so have always found someone to be enthusiastic about in the elections (often to be disillusioned later, but we often are....). If I can't see any reason to support either candidate this time, it's clear this is a common problem this election, and maybe things will get better another year.

red states rule
05-08-2008, 03:56 PM
Sure. Why not? All the blacks vote for Obalama because he's black.

So I can vote for Hillary because she's a woman.

I can do whatever I please, actually. If she is nominated, which I now doubt she will be.

Say, you didn't change the subject, did you?

I was asking how we can justify talking about presidential politics if we don't intend to vote for EITHER main candidate.

So now it is OK to base your vote of race and gender and not the issues?

I can voice my displeasure with the choices even if I dicide to vote for none of the above

05-08-2008, 04:02 PM
So now it is OK to base your vote of race and gender and not the issues?

Of course. It's okay for me to vote or not vote or do whatever I want on whatever basis I want. Hey, I'm not wearing a burka yet.......

I can voice my displeasure with the choices even if I dicide to vote for none of the above


red states rule
05-08-2008, 04:07 PM
Of course. It's okay for me to vote or not vote or do whatever I want on whatever basis I want. Hey, I'm not wearing a burka yet.......


If I remember correctly, you were upset over blacks voting for Barrry because he is black

At least you admit the issues are a secondary consideration when voting for Hillary

As far as the burka, give Dems time if they win. The terrorists are counting on them winning

05-08-2008, 04:32 PM
RSR is an expert at avoiding the real points in favor of spin and propaganda.

red states rule
05-08-2008, 04:34 PM
RSR is an expert at avoiding the real points in favor of spin and propaganda.

Funny, I have chased you away from enough threads, and blown you ass away on several others

05-08-2008, 04:36 PM
Funny, I have chased you away from enough threads, and blown you ass away on several others

Chased me away? That is usually because I have a job and a family. Two things you do not have. Thus, you have much more time to frequent this board than I do.

red states rule
05-08-2008, 04:38 PM
Chased me away? That is usually because I have a job and a family. Two things you do not have. Thus, you have much more time to frequent this board than I do.

You have ran away from several threads with your tail tucked between your legs

05-08-2008, 04:41 PM
Thanks for avoiding the question, as usual. :lmao: