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View Full Version : Blue Dogs vow to bite on Iraq spending bill

red states rule
05-08-2008, 08:08 AM
Well, there are some Dems who want to cut back on the insane level of spending

Dems are trying to attach goodies to a war funding bill and are playing politics with the troops

Blue Dogs vow to bite on Iraq spending bill
By Mike Soraghan
Posted: 05/07/08 07:54 PM [ET]

A small group of fiscally conservative Blue Dog Democrats is threatening to block the emergency war spending bill over a program for veterans’ benefits not offset with tax hikes or spending cuts.

Because of that problem, and the efforts by House Republicans to stall floor action with procedural motions, the vote on the carefully crafted supplemental measure could be delayed until Friday or next week.

“Some of us oppose creating a new entitlement program in an emergency spending bill, whether it’s butchers, bakers or candlestick-makers,” said Rep. John Tanner (D-Tenn.), a founding member of the Blue Dog Coalition who serves on the House leadership team as a deputy whip.

The so-called GI Bill of Rights, authored by Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.), would give veterans money for college and cost $720 million in its first two years. But critics say that could grow to billions in future years.

House Democratic leaders attached it to the supplemental spending bill figuring Bush wouldn’t dare veto veterans’ benefits. If he did, Republicans would pay a steep political cost.

for the complete article
