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View Full Version : Liberal Hypocrisy At It's Finest

red states rule
05-08-2008, 09:33 AM
Now that lawmakers are taxing University endowments, the liberal haven Harvard is screaming "You are taxing success"

Well, that is one of the foundations of liberalism. Get used to it if Dems win in Novemeber. it will only get worse

Lawmakers target $1b endowments
Exempt status of schools debated

Massachusetts lawmakers desperate for additional revenue are eyeing the endowments of deep-pocketed private colleges to bolster the state's coffers by more than $1 billion a year, asserting that the schools' rising fortunes undercut their nonprofit status.

more stories like thisLegislators have asked state finance officials to study a plan that would impose a 2.5 percent annual assessment on colleges with endowments over $1 billion, an amount now exceeded by nine Massachusetts institutions. The proposal, which higher education specialists believe is the first of its kind across the country, drew surprising support at a debate on the State House budget last week and is attracting attention in higher education circles nationally.

The idea has prompted a range of questions, including whether it is legal to infringe upon private colleges' tax-exempt status or single them out based on their wealth. It also faces significant opposition from the colleges and some skeptical lawmakers.

But proponents say the colleges' vast accumulations of wealth - Harvard University has the biggest endowment at $34 billion - and their often modest contributions to their host communities justify the assessment.

for the complete article


05-08-2008, 01:39 PM
Where is the hypocrisy?

red states rule
05-08-2008, 01:40 PM
Where is the hypocrisy?

The libs at Harvard are whining over having to pay taxes on their accumlated wealth. They are the ones crying how the government is taxing success

Which is what conservatives have said about libs for decades - and what libs have denied

That is the hypocrisy

05-08-2008, 01:49 PM
I see but I would not consider all the people at Harvard liberal.

red states rule
05-08-2008, 01:51 PM
I see but I would not consider all the people at Harvard liberal.

Colleges are a haven for liberals. The faculity and staff are overwhelmingly liberal

But they do believe in diversity. They have liberals, liberal hacks, and moonbat liberals

05-08-2008, 02:33 PM
Colleges are a haven for liberals. The faculity and staff are overwhelmingly liberal

But they do believe in diversity. They have liberals, liberal hacks, and moonbat liberals

Your ideas must grow out of a template in your head as I found college professors a very mixed bag when it came to politics etc.

red states rule
05-08-2008, 02:36 PM
Your ideas must grow out of a template in your head as I found college professors a very mixed bag when it came to politics etc.

It is a fact College staff is mostly liberal. Much like the MSM liberal media

05-08-2008, 03:27 PM
How can any serious person deny Harvard is Liberal? They must be smoking crack.

red states rule
05-08-2008, 03:30 PM
How can any serious person deny Harvard is Liberal? They must be smoking crack.

Liberasl do not see them as liberal, They see them as if they were looking in the mirros

Few liberals admit they are liberal.

05-08-2008, 03:39 PM
Liberasl do not see them as liberal, They see them as if they were looking in the mirros

Few liberals admit they are liberal. I think they take these whacked out positions in order to avoid dealing with real debates that they know they can't win.

red states rule
05-08-2008, 03:40 PM
I think they take these whacked out positions in order to avoid dealing with real debates that they know they can't win.

and it porvides an escape from the real world

Hagbard Celine
05-08-2008, 03:43 PM
Colleges are a haven for liberals. The faculity and staff are overwhelmingly liberal

But they do believe in diversity. They have liberals, liberal hacks, and moonbat liberals

"Colleges are a haven for liberals." I think we've reached the root idea here. RSR resents educated people. i.e. "libs." If it weren't so sad it'd be a huge joke.

red states rule
05-08-2008, 03:44 PM
"Colleges are a haven for liberals." I think we've reached the root idea here. RSR resents educated people. i.e. "libs." If it weren't so sad it'd be a huge joke.

They may be "educated" but they have zero common sense

05-08-2008, 03:54 PM
They may be "educated" but they have zero common sense
Not so much educated as indoctrinated.

Abbey Marie
05-08-2008, 04:02 PM
Your ideas must grow out of a template in your head as I found college professors a very mixed bag when it came to politics etc.

Really? Then you must tell me where you went to college- I might suggest it to my daughter. I was a political science major, and never ran across even a moderate professor.

red states rule
05-08-2008, 04:04 PM
Really? Then you must tell me where you went to college- I might suggest it to my daughter. I was a political science major, and never ran across even a moderate professor.

In HS and College most of the teachers were all libs. A Social Studies teacher once held up the famous Newsweek with Global Colloing on the cover, and spent 30 minutes telling us how man is destroying the planet

In College my Economics professor ranted how the Reagan tax cuts would destroy the fiber of society

05-08-2008, 04:11 PM
Colleges are a haven for liberals. The faculity and staff are overwhelmingly liberal

But they do believe in diversity. They have liberals, liberal hacks, and moonbat liberals

Even Harvard has conservatives:


However, it is very difficult to gain a position:


05-08-2008, 07:18 PM
It is a fact College staff is mostly liberal. Much like the MSM liberal media

You guys must still be in that cave. Catholic colleges are very conservative and there are lots of them. And most subjects taught there are not ideology courses last I checked.

And MSM is conservative today, the attempt at fairness makes everything they do mediocre. Lame bias by the wingnuts, aka rsr.

05-08-2008, 07:21 PM
You guys must still be in that cave. Catholic colleges are very conservative and there are lots of them. And most subjects taught there are not ideology courses last I checked.

And MSM is conservative today, the attempt at fairness makes everything they do mediocre. Lame bias by the wingnuts, aka rsr.

Cool, give me the name of a conservative Catholic College.

Abbey Marie
05-08-2008, 10:38 PM
You guys must still be in that cave. Catholic colleges are very conservative and there are lots of them. And most subjects taught there are not ideology courses last I checked.

And MSM is conservative today, the attempt at fairness makes everything they do mediocre. Lame bias by the wingnuts, aka rsr.

Nope. I went to ta Catholic college. Jesuit, and quite liberal. Even the Theology department.

05-09-2008, 05:40 AM
How can any serious person deny Harvard is Liberal? They must be smoking crack.

the administrative officers must be conservatives....after all Harvard has survived over a hundred years.....that wouldn't have happened if it was run by liberals.....

05-09-2008, 06:17 AM
Cool, give me the name of a conservative Catholic College.

LaSalle. Notre Dame.

05-09-2008, 06:28 AM
LaSalle. Notre Dame.

Notre Dame conservative? You jest. I must admit while knowing of La Sallian educators, I'd not heard of La Salle University. Can't really tell how liberal/conservative they may be. However, reading their mission statement, pretty hard to think they've given up core Catholic objectives of peace and justice, which interpretations tend to lead to more than a bit of activism.

As a Christian Brothers University, La Salle continues in the Catholic traditions of the innovative educator John Baptist de La Salle, who founded the order. The University engages in programs in which students' personal, social and religious values may take root and in which students may grow in mature attitudes and behavior in all human relationships. The University strives to foster an environment of faith which produces a reciprocal respect among all persons in the community and to establish an atmosphere in which community members may openly bear witness to their convictions on world peace and social justice....

As an undergraduate institution, La Salle is committed to a liberal arts education which assists students in liberating themselves from narrow interests, prejudices, and perspectives, and in learning to observe reality with precision, to judge events and opinions critically and independently, to think logically, to communicate effectively, and to sharpen aesthetic perception. Students are encouraged to seek wisdom; that is, to grasp those basic principles which can give order to particular facts. The University urges students to confront the ultimate questions of human experience: who am I? where does my destiny lie? how am I to reach it?


Yep, not the stuff of the status quo, which is my guess towards your definition of conservative?

05-09-2008, 06:29 AM
Nope. I went to ta Catholic college. Jesuit, and quite liberal. Even the Theology department.

That's just what I was thinking, anyone who's dealt with Jesuits know their quick minds and tendencies towards anarchy if involved in politics at all. ;)

Abbey Marie
05-09-2008, 02:11 PM
That's just what I was thinking, anyone who's dealt with Jesuits know their quick minds and tendencies towards anarchy if involved in politics at all. ;)

Eggzackery, K. :cheers2: