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View Full Version : Top Ten Reasons Liberals Are Friggin Idiots

05-09-2008, 03:09 AM
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/aw8TCCkvnkQ&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/aw8TCCkvnkQ&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

05-09-2008, 05:55 AM
A few observations from a dyed in the wool liberal and proud of it.

First, the ordering is wrong, number one should be taxes. Even abortion didn't get the religious right up in arms over government, it was taxes that did that. Now what does that say about 'so called conservatives?' I use 'so called' as not every conservative will fit my reply. It says money is more important than children or the society that supports you and your family.

Abortion. Liberals are not pro abortion they are pro Constitution and the Constitution says we have a right to privacy in our lives. At the same time conservatives have no trouble bombing and killing the children of Iraq or withholding aid to agencies that support children in Africa. This is hypocrisy at the highest level as it supports cells - actually it just moralizes - but living people don't matter.

Health care should be a right for every citizen at a reasonable level of care. That's why we moved from the cave, that's why we created democracy, we are a social animal, far advanced from nature, it is time we lived up to that status. We can kill brilliantly, let's see how well we can do helping.

Our borders. That could be solved quickly, enforce the laws about hiring illegals and they won't come. Does anyone think that will happen, hardly as they provide America with a cheap work force, a force conservatives support as they rail against unions and worship at the altar of corporate fascism. Cheap labor is their goal and they are making us a third world nation with the separation of rich and poor. Statistics show we are close already.

Terrorist. Most terrorists die in a glorified martyrdom that makes negotiations a bit difficult. But talking rather than bombing seems like a good first choice. Iraq was completely contained, and while Saddam was an evil dictator he was their evil dictator. Nations need to create themselves, we did, and we created the best there is based on enlightenment liberalism. Bravo US.

John Kerry served this nation, more than one can say about Bush Cheney.

I already posted how Gore helped with the Internet, could one imagine Bush having the same impact. "dah! wats a inter net." Sorry, but Gore did some darn fine work, think this is mostly jealousy.

Dean was a MD, again did some good work, Cheney padded his pockets, who contributed more. Sorry, I am throwing the people conservative support in your faces but picking on others deserves the same in return. Touche.

Someone keeps elected Kennedy, doubt the whole voting block is liberal, he must be doing something right. Good guy in spite of some problems.

Michael Moore is free to document because America is free, while conservatives want a fascist type censorship I'll take our freedoms any day and not censorship. And no one has really countered Michael's work convincingly.

Again this represents something I have written and others have observed over and over again. Conservatism is about calling the other names, blaming the other, pointing out flaws of the other, while its accomplishments are hard to find.......and what is found ain't pretty.

Hagbard Celine
05-09-2008, 09:13 AM
The saddest part is that some overweight, dour schlub actually spent its time making that video--probably late at night in its mom's basement while eating a malomar.

05-09-2008, 09:28 AM
The saddest part is that some overweight, dour schlub actually spent its time making that video--probably late at night in its mom's basement while eating a malomar.

hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! :laugh2:

I tried to rep you for the chuckle but it said i had to spread some around!

love the malomar part....


05-09-2008, 09:29 AM
Abortion. Liberals are not pro abortion they are pro Constitution and the Constitution says we have a right to privacy in our lives. At the same time conservatives have no trouble bombing and killing the children of Iraq or withholding aid to agencies that support children in Africa. This is hypocrisy at the highest level as it supports cells - actually it just moralizes - but living people don't matter.

Liberals are not pro Constitution. They are pro intemperate the Constitution. Twist it to make it say what you what to say. Freedom of privacy has nothing to do with abortion. And I real get sick of that lame excuse we are bombing women and children in iraq. We are not. But there are millions of fetus' killed every year.

Health care should be a right for every citizen at a reasonable level of care. That's why we moved from the cave, that's why we created democracy, we are a social animal, far advanced from nature, it is time we lived up to that status. We can kill brilliantly, let's see how well we can do helping.

Heath care is not and never has been a right. The more socialized medicine becomes the less quality you will have. Democracies have nothing to do with heath care. Under socialized medicine the government controls if and when you get treated.

Our borders. That could be solved quickly, enforce the laws about hiring illegals and they won't come. Does anyone think that will happen, hardly as they provide America with a cheap work force, a force conservatives support as they rail against unions and worship at the altar of corporate fascism. Cheap labor is their goal and they are making us a third world nation with the separation of rich and poor. Statistics show we are close already.

Your only half right. Libs want the borders open and the illegals pouring in because it means votes. Illegal voting to be sure. They also want amnesty for the votes as well. Your right crack down on the employers and the illegal problem will dry up.

Terrorist. Most terrorists die in a glorified martyrdom that makes negotiations a bit difficult. But talking rather than bombing seems like a good first choice. Iraq was completely contained, and while Saddam was an evil dictator he was their evil dictator. Nations need to create themselves, we did, and we created the best there is based on enlightenment liberalism. Bravo US.

You have a better chance negotiating with a rabid dog than you do talking with terrorists or terrorist nations. saddam is over and done with, we have moved on to other objectives. We are at war with islam. Not a few fanatics but the ideology of islam. An ideology that wants to tear down your social world and return us to the caves. An ideology that is a polar opposite of democracy.

While the founding fathers were radical for their day, they were hardly liberal. They formed a republic, not a democracy.

John Kerry served this nation, more than one can say about Bush Cheney.

Kerry is scum who turned on his own and betrayed this country. He served in the military only to promote his political ambitions. Bush did serve in the guard and was a pilot. Cheney did not serve and admits that he made every effort to avoid serving in the military. clinton left the country to avoid serving not to mention reneging on his ROTC commitment. I don't hear any condemnation about him.

I already posted how Gore helped with the Internet, could one imagine Bush having the same impact. "dah! wats a inter net." Sorry, but Gore did some darn fine work, think this is mostly jealousy.

Gore was in a position to do something political concerning the internet ideas at the time. al - the ego - gore tried to take credit for the internet, when all he did was get some appropriations for the people that really did work on it.

Dean was a MD, again did some good work, Cheney padded his pockets, who contributed more. Sorry, I am throwing the people conservative support in your faces but picking on others deserves the same in return. Touche.

howie dean is another ego maniac who is way beyond his level of incompetence. Cheney was a CEO and knows how to run a business. howie got his position to appease the moonbats.

Someone keeps elected Kennedy, doubt the whole voting block is liberal, he must be doing something right. Good guy in spite of some problems.

There's nothing good about that drunk son of bitch. All I can say for Mass is they are the stupidest people in this country. They repeatedly put a murder and a traitor in public office. I do wish the kennedy curse would hurry up and get that bastard.

Michael Moore is free to document because America is free, while conservatives want a fascist type censorship I'll take our freedoms any day and not censorship. And no one has really countered Michael's work convincingly.

The fat ass is free to make all the movies he wants. But they need to be labeled properly as propaganda films and not documentaries. He is a liar and it has been proven. He's never been censored. He's just been exposed. Your free to defend him. But lies can only be defended with more lies.

Again this represents something I have written and others have observed over and over again. Conservatism is about calling the other names, blaming the other, pointing out flaws of the other, while its accomplishments are hard to find.......and what is found ain't pretty.

You have tried to defend liberalism by attacking conservatism. Defending incompetents and liars. And making excuses. In fact doing all the things you accuse conservatists of doing. It's another oft repeated lie. If you repeat it long enough you will eventually come to believe it yourself. Looks like your succeeding.

05-09-2008, 09:53 AM
A few observations from a dyed in the wool liberal and proud of it.

First, the ordering is wrong, number one should be taxes. Even abortion didn't get the religious right up in arms over government, it was taxes that did that. Now what does that say about 'so called conservatives?' I use 'so called' as not every conservative will fit my reply. It says money is more important than children or the society that supports you and your family.

Abortion. Liberals are not pro abortion they are pro Constitution and the Constitution says we have a right to privacy in our lives.

What a crock of shit. Abortion is first and foremost the number one issue driving conservatives. Its not a big campaign issue because the courts have taken away the right for the people to pass laws restricting it, so there is not much any politician can do about it.
And where in the constitution is there a 'right to privacy'? What does a 'right to privacy' even mean? A right is an immunity from persecution from government, so I don't understand how anyone could be persecuted for 'privacy'. Its not an action.
Secondly, what does privacy have to do with abortion? Does this supposed 'right to privacy' trump all other rights? If a man rapes a woman in his own home, does that mean its a private affair between him and the victim? This logic makes no sense to me.

At the same time conservatives have no trouble bombing and killing the children of Iraq or withholding aid to agencies that support children in Africa. This is hypocrisy at the highest level as it supports cells - actually it just moralizes - but living people don't matter.

I'd like to know where in the conservative agenda there is a will to bomb and kill children, of any country. The killing of innocent children in a war is a consequence of war. Its strange that liberals always want conservatives to only see the liberals' intentions and not their results with whatever liberal agenda they are pushing. Yet this is reversed when they critize conservatives. Liberals always claim their intentions are to help people, like their welfare programs or gun bans in urban areas. When conservatives point out the results of those policies, we're told it doesn't matter, the liberals' intentions were for the 'good of the people'. But if conservatives want to end a dictatorship and try to spread democracy, liberals give no credit to the good intentions of that policy, all they do is look at the bad, and overlook the good of it.

Health care should be a right for every citizen at a reasonable level of care. That's why we moved from the cave, that's why we created democracy, we are a social animal, far advanced from nature, it is time we lived up to that status. We can kill brilliantly, let's see how well we can do helping.

Again, a right is an immunity from the government. The term 'right to health care' makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. How or why would anyone be persecuted for recieving or providing medical care?
Everyone wants a good health care system, to infer that conservatives don't want health care is absurd. We want great and low cost health care, which is why we believe the government should stay far away from it.
And another little factoid that liberals refuse to acknowledge is the constitution gives no authority whatsoever to the federal government to take over the health care industry.

Our borders. That could be solved quickly, enforce the laws about hiring illegals and they won't come. Does anyone think that will happen, hardly as they provide America with a cheap work force, a force conservatives support as they rail against unions and worship at the altar of corporate fascism. Cheap labor is their goal and they are making us a third world nation with the separation of rich and poor. Statistics show we are close already.

I agree the laws need to be enforced. I think the best way is to crack down on the businesses that attract the illegals. Arizona got it right and passed a law coming down hard on businesses, and its sent the illegals running out of the state. Its time to do it nationaly.

John Kerry served this nation, more than one can say about Bush Cheney.

John McCain served this nation, more than one can say about Barack Obama.

I already posted how Gore helped with the Internet, could one imagine Bush having the same impact. "dah! wats a inter net." Sorry, but Gore did some darn fine work, think this is mostly jealousy.

Gore helped with the internet? He is a joke within the professional IT community. I would know because I'm in it.

Dean was a MD, again did some good work, Cheney padded his pockets, who contributed more. Sorry, I am throwing the people conservative support in your faces but picking on others deserves the same in return. Touche.

Someone keeps elected Kennedy, doubt the whole voting block is liberal, he must be doing something right. Good guy in spite of some problems.

Michael Moore is free to document because America is free, while conservatives want a fascist type censorship I'll take our freedoms any day and not censorship. And no one has really countered Michael's work convincingly.
What conservatives have ever suggested Moore be censored? Another rediculous assumption.

05-09-2008, 10:03 AM
Abortion is first and foremost the number one issue driving conservatives.

Well, MALE conservatives, maybe. Most women conservatives mind their own business about it, very properly. Some don't want abortion to be legal, but mostly it's males dying to get some sort of control back over women. I think you all should mind your own business. Not everything is about men.

I'd like to know where in the conservative agenda there is a will to bomb and kill children, of any country. The killing of innocent children in a war is a consequence of war.

And that's okay? Suggestion: forget about abortion, which only affects fetuses that aren't even people yet, and put this kind of energy into NOT killing innocent children in war. If you are against abortion, it does not make sense to be in favor of bombing children in the next paragraph!

the constitution gives no authority whatsoever to the federal government to take over the health care industry.

Doesn't forbid it, either. Doesn't give authority to tax liquor, or insist children be schooled, lots of things.

05-09-2008, 11:01 AM
One reason why conservatives are idiots:

actsnoblemartin is offline
I love April so much


05-09-2008, 01:59 PM
Midcan5 has so far put out the better discussion. He used point by point arguments without childish antics.

05-09-2008, 03:45 PM
Midcan5 has so far put out the better discussion. He used point by point arguments without childish antics.

midcan at least had something to say.

05-09-2008, 04:05 PM
midcan at least had something to say.He's a good, honest, man...from the years I have known him.

And we disagree on many things, but he always thoroughly expresses his position and always trys to argue the argument, in a more gentlemanly manner.


05-09-2008, 04:31 PM
He's a good, honest, man...from the years I have known him.

And we disagree on many things, but he always thoroughly expresses his position and always trys to argue the argument, in a more gentlemanly manner.


Something april15 has never done since posting here.

05-09-2008, 05:25 PM
Midcan5 has so far put out the better discussion. He used point by point arguments without childish antics.

midcan is a pussy on this board and the old board. when i post on the old board, the tool, midcan, only insults me, with no debate. 90% of the time, he/she does the same here. don't support a fool, unless you want to be one too...

05-09-2008, 06:02 PM
Something april15 has never done since posting here.And most likely never will!

05-09-2008, 07:38 PM
And I real get sick of that lame excuse we are bombing women and children in iraq. We are not. But there are millions of fetus' killed every year.

Are you saying that the only people who have died in Iraq at our hands are men?

Heath care is not and never has been a right. The more socialized medicine becomes the less quality you will have. Democracies have nothing to do with heath care. Under socialized medicine the government controls if and when you get treated.

I like my socialized medicine as it is far far better than the high priced HMO I used to have... I am with the VA... how about you?

Your only half right. Libs want the borders open and the illegals pouring in because it means votes. Illegal voting to be sure. They also want amnesty for the votes as well. Your right crack down on the employers and the illegal problem will dry up.

I'm all for putting the EMPLOYERS who hire illegal aliens in jail and confisgating ALL their properties... Does that sound liberal to you?

You have a better chance negotiating with a rabid dog than you do talking with terrorists or terrorist nations. saddam is over and done with, we have moved on to other objectives. We are at war with islam. Not a few fanatics but the ideology of islam. An ideology that wants to tear down your social world and return us to the caves. An ideology that is a polar opposite of democracy.

Then you must be a disciple of Parsley... and what a wacko he is... we are NOT at war with Islam, we are war with islamist extremists... don't you read the memoes?

Kerry is scum who turned on his own and betrayed this country. He served in the military only to promote his political ambitions. Bush did serve in the guard and was a pilot. Cheney did not serve and admits that he made every effort to avoid serving in the military. clinton left the country to avoid serving not to mention reneging on his ROTC commitment. I don't hear any condemnation about him.

Kerry volunteered for Viet nam and served in a combat role... there was absolutely no guarantee that he wouldn't be killed. Bush served in the National Guard, true, but he got into it because his daddy pulled strings to get him in, do you believe that is kosher? Should the spawn of the rich and powerful skate on their patriotic duty? Cheney is a hardcore chickenhawk good at shooting quail and his friends, but really poor at defending his country. Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar and a draft dodger... to quote a cheneyism... so?

There's nothing good about that drunk son of bitch. All I can say for Mass is they are the stupidest people in this country. They repeatedly put a murder and a traitor in public office. I do wish the kennedy curse would hurry up and get that bastard.

how very christian of you... you know, Gaffer... Jesus expressed many liberal view points... taking care of the ill... the homeless... the criminal... how is it that you conservatives have forgotten his teachings?

The fat ass is free to make all the movies he wants. But they need to be labeled properly as propaganda films and not documentaries. He is a liar and it has been proven. He's never been censored. He's just been exposed. Your free to defend him. But lies can only be defended with more lies.

Did you see Sick-o? pretty damn good movie...

You have tried to defend liberalism by attacking conservatism. Defending incompetents and liars. And making excuses. In fact doing all the things you accuse conservatists of doing. It's another oft repeated lie. If you repeat it long enough you will eventually come to believe it yourself. Looks like your succeeding.

And you and the TO defend conservatism by attacking liberals... what's the difference?

05-09-2008, 09:05 PM
Are you saying that the only people who have died in Iraq at our hands are men?

The only people that have purposely died in iraq at our hands are men.

I like my socialized medicine as it is far far better than the high priced HMO I used to have... I am with the VA... how about you?

I have VA too. I'm on 100% disability. The service has been excellent. Though about ten years ago that wasn't the case. Had to wait three months to get my gall bladder removed. Been a lot of improvements recently. Think it has anything to do with the current administration?

I'm all for putting the EMPLOYERS who hire illegal aliens in jail and confisgating ALL their properties... Does that sound liberal to you?

Actually it sounds very liberal. I never mentioned jailing anyone or confiscating property. Maybe jail time on a second offense. A real heavy fine should do it for the first offense. Maybe confiscation on the third offense providing they are still in business. we already have the laws on the books, they just need to be enforced.

Then you must be a disciple of Parsley... and what a wacko he is... we are NOT at war with Islam, we are war with islamist extremists... don't you read the memoes?

Extremist include anyone that believes in the quran and believes the quran is law over anything else including national laws. Just because they aren't picking up guns or blowing themselves up does not mean they are not extremists or sympathizers. It's not a small minority, it's a large majority. We are at war with islam. You and the libs and even Bush and his administration refuse to acknowledge that fact.

how very christian of you... you know, Gaffer... Jesus expressed many liberal view points... taking care of the ill... the homeless... the criminal... how is it that you conservatives have forgotten his teachings?

Your assuming because I'm a conservative that I'm a christian. I despise kennedy and have no guilt about wishing he would choke on a chicken bone while feeding his fat face. Guilt trips don't work on me. I rarely forgive, I never forget and I always try to get revenge. Within legal means.

Did you see Sick-o? pretty damn good movie...

No I didn't see it. I have no desire to watch communist propaganda nor will I put a penny in his pocket. He's another one that could keel over dead and I'd dance like a arab on 911.

And you and the TO defend conservatism by attacking liberals... what's the difference?

I attack lies, half truths and spin. I usually avoid personal attacks except in a few cases. I'm not on here for pissing matches. When a lib comes on and spouts about conservatives and lists all the things they supposedly do, and I look at it and see it is exactly what libs do all the time, I respond.

Would be nice to see the democrat party back in the control of rational, thinking people again, instead of being run by the looney toons. You have a party full of vicious, hateful moonbats. Many post on this board. I have discussions with the rational dems. I tear into the hate mongers and chronically stupid. Then there are the few that I keep on permanent ignore because they have nothing to add to anything on this board.

I'm also a registered independent. Have been since 1968. Never heard a democrat I liked or a republican I trusted.

05-09-2008, 11:09 PM
Well, MALE conservatives, maybe. Most women conservatives mind their own business about it, very properly. Some don't want abortion to be legal, but mostly it's males dying to get some sort of control back over women. I think you all should mind your own business. Not everything is about men.
I don't even know what you are talking about. Its not about men and women or "control". Its about murdering out of convenience.

And that's okay? Suggestion: forget about abortion, which only affects fetuses that aren't even people yet, and put this kind of energy into NOT killing innocent children in war. If you are against abortion, it does not make sense to be in favor of bombing children in the next paragraph!

Yea, it doesn't surprise me you'd want all conservatives to "forget about abortion".

And by the way, we focus ALOT of energy into NOT killing innocents in war. Why the fuck do you think we don't just carpet bomb our enemies, or just use nukes? We wouldn't had lost ONE US solder life in the war on terror if we had just dropped nukes on all of our middle eastern enemies. Instead, we send ground troops in and use laser guided missles in order to AVOID killing all of the innocent people. So don't you fucking DARE suggest our military isn't doing everything possible to avoid those innocent lives. We fucking do EVERYTHING to do the right thing and fight our enemies the right way, only to have it thrown back in our faces by shitbag liberals like yourself, who are too blind to see the bigger picture.

Doesn't forbid it, either. Doesn't give authority to tax liquor, or insist children be schooled, lots of things.
No shit sherlock, there are many things that are unconstitutional that are being carried out by the government.

05-10-2008, 12:06 AM
Christians are superior to Jews. Christians and Jews are superior to Muslims. The Christian/Jew World is larger than the Muslim World. Not so.

If faith is your resolution then you can have faith that faith alone will not sustain you. Talk to a suicide bomber. That's right, the suicide bomber is dead and unavailable for conversation. What do the dead soldiers of America have to say? In case of doubt, talk to Mary Tillman or about 4,000 other American mothers.

It didn't have to be this way.

05-11-2008, 01:40 AM
I was just having fun, and thought my conservative friends would like this.

To my liberal friends, why not just make a thread about how lame conservatives are, rather then get so worked up over a stupid thread i made.

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/aw8TCCkvnkQ&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/aw8TCCkvnkQ&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

05-11-2008, 09:19 AM
A few observations from a dyed in the wool liberal and proud of it.

First, the ordering is wrong, number one should be taxes. Even abortion didn't get the religious right up in arms over government, it was taxes that did that. Now what does that say about 'so called conservatives?' I use 'so called' as not every conservative will fit my reply. It says money is more important than children or the society that supports you and your family.

See, was I asking so much? alright now, I'm gonna give fair credit where its due

Abortion. Liberals are not pro abortion they are pro Constitution and the Constitution says we have a right to privacy in our lives. At the same time conservatives have no trouble bombing and killing the children of Iraq or withholding aid to agencies that support children in Africa. This is hypocrisy at the highest level as it supports cells - actually it just moralizes - but living people don't matter.

Okay, for Abortion, which is always one of those issues where everyone has a strong opiniion, it's like this: People for, in general, are looking at privacy/personal choice, while the anti-abortion (of both stripes, not all are conservative) generally believe that the life of the baby that would otherwise be is the the priority to be protected.

Now, hold up there a sec. We may be guilty of many things with Iraq, but we aren't the ones who have an entire tactic referred to as Operation: Human Shield. Yes, we are fighting in Iraq, and normally, we would fight away from the cities, except that our enemy won't do that. Now, going in was flat wrong, it was a bullshit war built upon one man's hubris, but that ship's already sunk. However, we are not bombing children. We are bombing buildings, and then the people we're fighting over there grab children and others to pack into the building. We also haven't bombed really since the initial shock and awe assault, and are now down to just the in city fighting with guns, since most of the fighting now is against individual targets in a populated area.

I believe that we have a moral obligation to see things through in Iraq, screw the whole AQ thing, we took out their infrastructure, and we need to replace it with something better.

Health care should be a right for every citizen at a reasonable level of care. That's why we moved from the cave, that's why we created democracy, we are a social animal, far advanced from nature, it is time we lived up to that status. We can kill brilliantly, let's see how well we can do helping.

Health care already is a right, you can go to any free clinic for free health care. But really, you want the same people who were in charge of Katrina, and Walter Reed to be in charge of your health care? To quote Jeff Foxworthy, "No thanks, I'll just die."

Also, where are we getting the money for that system? I mean, hell, we've spent billions of federal education, and the grades only gotten worse. How much are we going to have to spend for socialized health care?

Our borders. That could be solved quickly, enforce the laws about hiring illegals and they won't come. Does anyone think that will happen, hardly as they provide America with a cheap work force, a force conservatives support as they rail against unions and worship at the altar of corporate fascism. Cheap labor is their goal and they are making us a third world nation with the separation of rich and poor. Statistics show we are close already.

True, and the fence is idiotic, because it's a 700 mile fence for a 2100 mile border. The main thing is that the businesses that are hiring them need to get hit, as opposed to focusing on the individual illegals.

Also alot of those conservatives, are, um, in unions, so they're not really against unions, although, honestly, unions are a part of the problem, seeing as how they keep insisting that the companies need to keep raising their employees pay. this of course, just results in higher prices, and thus, the creation of new jobs in China.

We are not close to becoming a third world nation, unless you can show me stats from a neutral 3rd party. These "if we scare them enough, maybe they'll do what we want" tactics being used by those who have a moral obligation to report true findings are such a debasement.

Terrorist. Most terrorists die in a glorified martyrdom that makes negotiations a bit difficult. But talking rather than bombing seems like a good first choice. Iraq was completely contained, and while Saddam was an evil dictator he was their evil dictator. Nations need to create themselves, we did, and we created the best there is based on enlightenment liberalism. Bravo US.

True, on the first two. However, "we did, and we created the best there is based on enlightenment liberalism" is incorrect. What we created in this country is based upon the unity of both conservative and liberal ideas. We seem to have lost sight on that one.

John Kerry served this nation, more than one can say about Bush Cheney.

And Kerry could have won, if he would have simply stuck to the points he started with, instead of pulling the flip on all of his main points. They made jokes out of taking his sound bites and putting them in debate against each other. That was wholly his own fault, and the shots at his military career came out of that.

I already posted how Gore helped with the Internet, could one imagine Bush having the same impact. "dah! wats a inter net." Sorry, but Gore did some darn fine work, think this is mostly jealousy.

Now, no one is accusing bush of being a computer tech, but Gore's claim that he "invented the internet" was wrong, and he got slapped for it. He did not invent anything, he may have helped it along, but that does not make him the Wright Brothers.

Dean was a MD, again did some good work, Cheney padded his pockets, who contributed more. Sorry, I am throwing the people conservative support in your faces but picking on others deserves the same in return. Touche.

Except that since Bush and Cheney have a 29% approval raiting, and dropping, most conservatives now don't support either of them, and haven't for a while now. However, you are otherwise correct, this little roundy-round was started by Acts.

Someone keeps elected Kennedy, doubt the whole voting block is liberal, he must be doing something right. Good guy in spite of some problems.

Ah yes, the nebulous "mass appeal", meaning that there is someone who can get both sides to go with him on stuff. You have to admit as well, though, the Schwarzenegger is also such a leader, whether or not you agree with his politics.

Michael Moore is free to document because America is free, while conservatives want a fascist type censorship I'll take our freedoms any day and not censorship. And no one has really countered Michael's work convincingly.

They don't want fascist censorship (would everyone develop some mental muscles, and just stop throwing around the fascist thing? I swear to god, both sides seem to think the other wants to go back to WWII Germany), they want Moore to shut the fuck up. He is a pundit, and, like Ann Coulter, spins his statements in favor of his group, and both of them need to go the fuck away, and stop being a part of the problem.

Again this represents something I have written and others have observed over and over again. Conservatism is about calling the other names, blaming the other, pointing out flaws of the other, while its accomplishments are hard to find.......and what is found ain't pretty.

Ah, ah, you were doing so well, then this last one. Please stop doing that, it really is a part of the problem ,and it really does offend people who might otherwise back you up.... like me, a conservative.


05-11-2008, 09:40 AM
I was just having fun, and thought my conservative friends would like this.

To my liberal friends, why not just make a thread about how lame conservatives are, rather then get so worked up over a stupid thread i made.

Probably because you just directly insulted them, and when they do post an anti-conservative thread, they get neg repped and insulted on massive scale.

I know you see this as just being 'funny', but it really isn't, not for the people you insult when you do it. How can you hope to have any actual form of debate, when both sides keep tearing into each other? And you're actively encouraging it, and that just boggles the mind.

Also, as another point, Acts, it, uh, wasn't funny at all. sorry man, but there is no way to look at that thing and laugh.

05-12-2008, 02:43 PM
See, was I asking so much? alright now, I'm gonna give fair credit where its due

That's fair.

05-12-2008, 04:48 PM
I didnt consider that.

Personally, i dont like when my conservative friends abuse the neg rep system, by punishing liberals for opening, yes daring to open their mouths.

as far as this just being funny, youre right it was stupid.

Probably because you just directly insulted them, and when they do post an anti-conservative thread, they get neg repped and insulted on massive scale.

I know you see this as just being 'funny', but it really isn't, not for the people you insult when you do it. How can you hope to have any actual form of debate, when both sides keep tearing into each other? And you're actively encouraging it, and that just boggles the mind.

Also, as another point, Acts, it, uh, wasn't funny at all. sorry man, but there is no way to look at that thing and laugh.