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Pale Rider
05-09-2008, 02:02 PM
The OTHER Obama

By Michael Reagan
May 9, 2008

Here we go again. After being subjected to eight years of the collegial presidency of Bill and Hillary, when we were told that when we got Bill we got Hillary as a bonus, it looks as if we are facing another twofer: Barack and Michelle.

Effete liberal Democrats are all but canonizing Barack Obama, who they see as one of their own -- cool, detached, impressively intellectual -- all in all what Pat Buchanan described as something fresh out of the faculty lounge, where lofty thoughts abound and contempt for the great unwashed is hardly concealed.

That may be an apt description, implying that the Barack Obama who scorned ordinary folks in small towns who, he sneered, cling to such lower-class crutches as religion and guns, is above the distractions of the madding crowd.

It does not, however, fit the other half of the new twofer, Michelle Obama, who far from being above it all is down there in the trenches acting like the flame-throwing liberal activist she is. To know her is to know what her husband really believes.

Article continues here... (http://www.gopusa.com/commentary/mreagan/2008/mr_05091.shtml)

05-09-2008, 02:11 PM
Michelle Obama, who far from being above it all is down there in the trenches acting like the flame-throwing liberal activist she is. To know her is to know what her husband really believes.

Yes, this worries me: Michelle is a window into his extreme leftism.
On the other hand, he DOES have the furthest left voting record in the U.S. Senate, so that's pretty obvious right there.

Pale Rider
05-09-2008, 02:27 PM
Yes, this worries me: Michelle is a window into his extreme leftism.
On the other hand, he DOES have the furthest left voting record in the U.S. Senate, so that's pretty obvious right there.

I think most anybody that's done even a smidgen of research on hussein knows all about this. The article is for those who try to deny or ignore the facts... you know the ones... the ones that cry at husseins speeches and make excuses for his twenty year association with the racist rev wright.

05-09-2008, 02:30 PM
The article is for those who try to deny or ignore the facts... you know the ones... the ones that cry at husseins speeches and make excuses for his twenty year association with the racist rev wright.

Yeahbut ------------- these people presumably LIKE Obama's leftism.

He can't be too far left for them.

Pale Rider
05-09-2008, 03:16 PM
Yeahbut ------------- these people presumably LIKE Obama's leftism.

He can't be too far left for them.

True. Those are your racist, elitists and moonbats. We even have a couple here.

05-09-2008, 10:58 PM
She is not nearly as palatable as Barrack.

05-09-2008, 11:53 PM
Yum, yum, eat 'em up from the 'lil rascals is what you are saying, mb?

She is not nearly as palatable as Barrack.

Enjoy your supper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!