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Joe Steel
05-10-2008, 08:05 AM
It promises to be a day for her to remember. She's lived a life of privilege and her family is affluent. Her wedding will reflect the life of America's elite. No pain. No privation.

How many will never have a wedding day because Bush had them killed?

How many will have modest weddings because Bush has had the economy rigged?

05-10-2008, 08:11 AM
It promises to be a day for her to remember. She's lived a life of privilege and her family is affluent. Her wedding will reflect the life of America's elite. No pain. No privation.

How many will never have a wedding day because Bush had them killed?

How many will have modest weddings because Bush has had the economy rigged?

I figure a few thousand---how many won't get married because their lives were cut short because of disease, accidents, drug addiction, alcoholism, suicide etc etc etc before Bush even became president ?

05-10-2008, 09:22 AM
How many will never have a wedding day because Bush had them killed?

How many will have modest weddings because Bush has had the economy rigged?

How does Bush rig the economy with the Dems in control of congress? And correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't he wealthy before becoming President?

And how many will have modest weddings because they've had so much money taken away from them throughout their lives by the Dems to help the "disadvantaged"? And since the Dems have started more wars in our history, and are responsible for MANY more deaths in said wars, how do you feel about those people that never had a wedding?

Joe Steel
05-10-2008, 09:33 AM
I figure a few thousand---how many won't get married because their lives were cut short because of disease, accidents, drug addiction, alcoholism, suicide etc etc etc before Bush even became president ?

Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis are dead.

Millions of Americans are destitute or are approaching that sad state.

Because of Bush.

Joe Steel
05-10-2008, 09:40 AM
How does Bush rig the economy with the Dems in control of congress? And correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't he wealthy before becoming President?

Yes; and he's rigged the economy to make himself and his class richer.

What's your point?

And how many will have modest weddings because they've had so much money taken away from them throughout their lives by the Dems to help the "disadvantaged"?


Taxes don't impoverish anyone.

And since the Dems have started more wars in our history, and are responsible for MANY more deaths in said wars, how do you feel about those people that never had a wedding?

The Democrats have started no wars.

In some cases, they've been saddled with Republican blundering which has ended in wars which are begun by others when Democrats are in office.

Bush started a war. He has killed 26-year-old Iraqi women. Most of those who have survived are impoverished and destitute. Few will be able to afford even a traditional wedding dress much less a designer original.

05-10-2008, 09:48 AM
The Democrats have started no wars.

That's all you needed to say, and expected from you. I suggest you look at your revisionist history again.

World War One - Woodrow Wilson - More than 11 Million Dead

World War Two - Franklin D. Roosevelt - 62 Million Dead

Korean War - Harry S. Truman - 8 Million Plus Dead

Atomic Bombs Dropped on Japan - Harry S. Truman - 250 Thousand Dead

Bay of Pigs War/Invasion - John F. Kennedy

Vietnam War - John F. Kennedy

05-10-2008, 12:02 PM
Wow. Jealous much?

05-10-2008, 12:15 PM
Bush Derangement Syndrome..

Seek Help..


05-10-2008, 12:37 PM
For God's sake, what could there possibly be to criticize about a young woman's marriage?
This is not about Bush or his policy. It is about his daughter. Let her get married in peace!

**wonders how some people can be so bitter and stupid**

05-10-2008, 01:23 PM
you are going to whine about a wedding? Come on joe grow up.

05-10-2008, 01:52 PM
It promises to be a day for her to remember. She's lived a life of privilege and her family is affluent. Her wedding will reflect the life of America's elite. No pain. No privation.

How many will never have a wedding day because Bush had them killed?

How many will have modest weddings because Bush has had the economy rigged?

Yea, what an awful person she is. She had the Whitehouse at her disposal for her wedding which could have been attended by Heads of State and the opulence that entails but instead she is being wed at her families ranch in West Texas near a pond on the grounds. Yea, she certainly doesn't have her head on right........... what a lousy role model compared to such luminary women her age as Britney, Lindsey, Paris..... etc.

From Wikipedia..........

Teaching career
Before leaving Washington, D.C. in Summer 2006, Bush taught at Elsie Whitlow Stokes Community Freedom Public Charter School for a year and a half. She took a leave of absence from the Charter School teaching position to work at a shelter several days a week as part of an internship for UNICEF's Educational Policy Department in Latin America, specifically in Panama. After her internship for UNICEF, she returned to her teaching position at the charter school in Washington, D.C., where she is again currently teaching.
In 2007, Jenna Bush began marketing a book proposal with the assistance of Robert B. Barnett, a Washington attorney. The title of the book is Ana's Story: A Journey of Hope and it chronicles her experiences working with UNICEF sponsored charities in Latin America, including visits to drought stricken Paraguay in 2006, while working as an intern for United Nations Children's Fund. HarperCollins announced in March 2007 it would publish the book and it was released September 28, 2007, with an initial printing of 500,000 copies. Her share of the profits will go to UNICEF; the remainder will go to the woman whose life is the basis of the book, assisting in the young woman's continuing education. During the book tour, to promote the book, Bush appeared on the Ellen DeGeneres Show and called her father and mother, as DeGeneres interviewed her. Bush wrote a second book, in conjunction with her mother, which is designed to encourage children to read. The book, entitled "Read All About It!", was published on April 22, 2008, also by HarperCollins.

05-10-2008, 01:57 PM
Joe must wake up every morning in a pit of misery and despair.

05-10-2008, 02:35 PM
Joe must wake up every morning in a pit of misery and despair.

I was thinking he should be the poster boy for that study of happy conservatives and angst filled liberals. ;)

05-10-2008, 03:49 PM
Joe must wake up every morning in a pit of misery and despair.

I can't imagine living like that. the sheer hopelessness of it.

Abbey Marie
05-10-2008, 04:59 PM
I was thinking he should be the poster boy for that study of happy conservatives and angst filled liberals. ;)


Joe, shall we all stop getting married and having children because of the hundreds of thousands of abortions that liberals allow to happen?

You seem consumed with sadness and bitterness. Jenna Bush is a sweet and giving young woman who seems pretty likable, but I know it's hard to enjoy the happiness of others when you personally are so unhappy. Hugs to you for your state of mind.

05-11-2008, 01:30 AM
poverty began when bush became president :dunno:

is it gonna end when he leaves too? :laugh2:

Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis are dead.

Millions of Americans are destitute or are approaching that sad state.

Because of Bush.

Joe Steel
05-11-2008, 06:14 AM
For God's sake, what could there possibly be to criticize about a young woman's marriage?
This is not about Bush or his policy. It is about his daughter. Let her get married in peace!

**wonders how some people can be so bitter and stupid**

What about Iraqi women?

Should they be allowed to be married in peace?

US military strafes Iraqi wedding party, killing at least 40 (http://www.wsws.org/articles/2004/may2004/wedd-21m.shtml)

red states rule
05-11-2008, 06:16 AM
Joe must wake up every morning in a pit of misery and despair.

Even reading the exit polls from 2004 does not cheer him anymore

Joe Steel
05-11-2008, 06:17 AM
That's all you needed to say, and expected from you. I suggest you look at your revisionist history again.

World War One - Woodrow Wilson - More than 11 Million Dead

World War Two - Franklin D. Roosevelt - 62 Million Dead

Korean War - Harry S. Truman - 8 Million Plus Dead

Atomic Bombs Dropped on Japan - Harry S. Truman - 250 Thousand Dead

Bay of Pigs War/Invasion - John F. Kennedy

Vietnam War - John F. Kennedy

I'm aware of American history. More importantly, I understand it. Obviously, you don't.

red states rule
05-11-2008, 06:18 AM
I'm aware of American history. More importantly, I understand it. Obviously, you don't.

and you constantly try rewrite it

Joe Steel
05-11-2008, 06:22 AM
Yea, what an awful person she is. She had the Whitehouse at her disposal for her wedding which could have been attended by Heads of State and the opulence that entails but instead she is being wed at her families ranch in West Texas near a pond on the grounds. Yea, she certainly doesn't have her head on right........... what a lousy role model compared to such luminary women her age as Britney, Lindsey, Paris..... etc.

I guess my posting was too subtle for you. Let me be clearer.

This isn't about Jenna Bush. This is about a political system which allows an elite to inflict pain and suffering on millions without experiencing any of it themselves. Bush's wedding is merely the latest example.

Joe Steel
05-11-2008, 06:28 AM
Joe, shall we all stop getting married and having children because of the hundreds of thousands of abortions that liberals allow to happen?

I don't see the connection to Bush's wedding. What's your point?

You seem consumed with sadness and bitterness.

No. I consumed with a thirst for justice.

No justice. No peace.

Jenna Bush is a sweet and giving young woman who seems pretty likable, but I know it's hard to enjoy the happiness of others when you personally are so unhappy. Hugs to you for your state of mind.

This isn't about Jenna Bush. This is about an elite which we allow to escape the consequences if their acts.

Joe Steel
05-11-2008, 06:29 AM
poverty began when bush became president

No but Bush made it worse.

"The number of Americans living in severe poverty has expanded dramatically under the Bush administration, with nearly 16 million people now living on an individual income of less than $5,000 (£2,500) a year or a family income of less than $10,000, according to an analysis of 2005 official census data.

"The analysis, by the McClatchy group of newspapers, showed that the number of people living in extreme poverty had grown by 26 per cent since 2000. Poverty as a whole has worsened, too, but the number of severe poor is growing 56 per cent faster than the overall segment of the population characterised as poor - about 37 million people in all according to the census data. That represents more than 10 per cent of the US population, which recently surpassed the 300 million mark.

Poverty Gap in US Has Widened under Bush (http://www.commondreams.org/headlines07/0227-02.htm)

05-11-2008, 06:37 AM
I'm aware of American history. More importantly, I understand it. Obviously, you don't.

Bottom line - the DEMS were responsible for starting or getting us involved in said wars - which ultimately killed the amounts named. I don't care if you want to deny it or acknowledge it, the board already knows you're a partisan hack. You like to twist anything you can to fit into your agenda of Bush and/or Republican bashing. Too bad rewriting the FACTS cannot be done.

red states rule
05-11-2008, 06:41 AM
No but Bush made it worse.

"The number of Americans living in severe poverty has expanded dramatically under the Bush administration, with nearly 16 million people now living on an individual income of less than $5,000 (£2,500) a year or a family income of less than $10,000, according to an analysis of 2005 official census data.

"The analysis, by the McClatchy group of newspapers, showed that the number of people living in extreme poverty had grown by 26 per cent since 2000. Poverty as a whole has worsened, too, but the number of severe poor is growing 56 per cent faster than the overall segment of the population characterised as poor - about 37 million people in all according to the census data. That represents more than 10 per cent of the US population, which recently surpassed the 300 million mark.

Poverty Gap in US Has Widened under Bush (http://www.commondreams.org/headlines07/0227-02.htm)

You do know that the 12 to 20 millon illegals are included in your poverty number

and after 40 years of liberal social programs and redistribution of
about $9 trillion poverty is worse then ever. So what is your exit plan on your failed war on poverty?

05-11-2008, 06:44 AM
You do know that the 12 to 20 millon illegals are included in your poverty number

In Joe's fucked up world "it is our responsibility" to help out the leeching, uneducated, poor ILLEGALS.

red states rule
05-11-2008, 06:48 AM
In Joe's fucked up world "it is our responsibility" to help out the leeching, uneducated, poor ILLEGALS.

Obama made a slip when he said his health care plan would cover the 40 million people who do not have health ins

That does include illegals. So Jim, as usual, you are correct.

Joe Steel
05-11-2008, 12:30 PM
Bottom line - the DEMS were responsible for starting or getting us involved in said wars - which ultimately killed the amounts named. I don't care if you want to deny it or acknowledge it, the board already knows you're a partisan hack. You like to twist anything you can to fit into your agenda of Bush and/or Republican bashing. Too bad rewriting the FACTS cannot be done.

Understanding facts is not rewriting them. You should try it sometime.

red states rule
05-11-2008, 12:32 PM
Understanding facts is not rewriting them. You should try it sometime.

He does. That is why your ass is always on the ropes and grasping at straws.

Joe Steel
05-11-2008, 12:54 PM
He does. That is why your ass is always on the ropes and grasping at straws.

Even if that were true, grasping at straws is better than embracing the straw man.

Democrats have started no wars. Your hero knows it but is trying to weasel away from admitting it.

red states rule
05-11-2008, 12:55 PM
Even if that were true, grasping at straws is better than embracing the straw man.

Democrats have started no wars. Your hero knows it but is trying to weasel away from admitting it.

You are doing both. You are backing the racist America hating Obama boy

05-11-2008, 02:58 PM
I guess my posting was too subtle for you. Let me be clearer. This isn't about Jenna Bush.

Then why is the thread titled "Jenna's Wedding"? You can't get much clearer than that.

By making threads like this, you are putting yourself down on a same level as sick trolls like RSR. You can't go much lower.

red states rule
05-11-2008, 03:01 PM
Then why is the thread titled "Jenna's Wedding"? You can't get much clearer than that.

By making threads like this, you are putting yourself down on a same level as sick trolls like RSR. You can't go much lower.

No, you are much lower Gabby. DP is not scraping the bottom of the barrel with you, they found you under it

05-11-2008, 03:33 PM
Democrats have started no wars. Your hero knows it but is trying to weasel away from admitting it.

Ok, Joe, I'll humor you. Explain to me Woodrow Wilson formally declaring war on Germany in 1917, and Roosevelt declaring war on Japan in 1941.

Polk in the Mexican/American war as well if you'd like to go back a little further.

Let the twisting begin, Joe! I'll leave out all the military efforts that the Dems started for now that didn't include formal declarations of war but still were battles that ultimately cost thousands upon thousands of lives.

05-11-2008, 03:38 PM
Ok, Joe, I'll humor you. Explain to me Woodrow Wilson formally declaring war on Germany in 1917, and Roosevelt declaring war on Japan in 1941.

Polk in the Mexican/American war as well if you'd like to go back a little further.

Let the twisting begin, Joe! I'll leave out all the military efforts that the Dems started for now that didn't include formal declarations of war but still were battles that ultimately cost thousands upon thousands of lives.

What does this have to do with Jenna Bush's wedding?

05-11-2008, 03:50 PM
What does this have to do with Jenna Bush's wedding?

As much as Joe's opening post. You're naive if you think his trolling had anything at all to do with her wedding and more to do with taking an opportunity to do some more uneducated bashing.

05-11-2008, 03:52 PM
Jim, I have already addressed that issue.
Why are you feeding the trolls?

05-11-2008, 03:56 PM
Jim, I have already addressed that issue.
Why are you feeding the trolls?

Joe the troll doesn't care if you addressed it or not. I would suggest you go a few forums lower if you truly wanted to discuss Jenna's wedding and/or the circumstances. Joe rarely makes it past the first 2 forums before his brain stops functioning. If you try and convince him that the wedding was non-political he'll just tell you it was "rhetorical convenience".

Joe Steel
05-12-2008, 07:11 AM
Then why is the thread titled "Jenna's Wedding"? You can't get much clearer than that.

By making threads like this, you are putting yourself down on a same level as sick trolls like RSR. You can't go much lower.

Because it's about Jenna's wedding not the person.

Joe Steel
05-12-2008, 07:13 AM
Ok, Joe, I'll humor you. Explain to me Woodrow Wilson formally declaring war on Germany in 1917, and Roosevelt declaring war on Japan in 1941.

Polk in the Mexican/American war as well if you'd like to go back a little further.

Let the twisting begin, Joe! I'll leave out all the military efforts that the Dems started for now that didn't include formal declarations of war but still were battles that ultimately cost thousands upon thousands of lives.

Did Woodrow Wilson shoot Archduke Ferdinand?

Did Franklin Roosevelt invade Poland?

Joe Steel
05-12-2008, 07:17 AM
What does this have to do with Jenna Bush's wedding?

Nothing. The poster is a notorious spinner and strawman hugger. This is a diversion to th stop the discussion of conservative elitism.

red states rule
05-12-2008, 08:07 AM
Nothing. The poster is a notorious spinner and strawman hugger. This is a diversion to th stop the discussion of conservative elitism.

You suffer from Bush Derangement Syndrome and can't pass up a chance to attack Pres Bush, and now you attack his family

05-12-2008, 08:10 AM
It promises to be a day for her to remember. She's lived a life of privilege and her family is affluent. Her wedding will reflect the life of America's elite. No pain. No privation.

How many will never have a wedding day because Bush had them killed?

How many will have modest weddings because Bush has had the economy rigged?

How many will never have a wedding because libs allowed them to be aborted?

Gesh man you need to get a life.

05-12-2008, 08:33 AM
Did Woodrow Wilson shoot Archduke Ferdinand?

Did Franklin Roosevelt invade Poland?

Doesn't matter, they both formally declared war and sent our troops into battle. I could go on and on as to why Bush or his father sent our troops into battle, who might have started or provoked it, but your bias wouldn't accept that. The bottom line is that the 3 democrats I mentioned formally declared war and sent troops into battle. And as you libs like to say, the buck stops with the president, so therefore they are responsible for all the troops who lost their lives at their directive.

And how about Truman indiscriminately killing 150,000 instantly with the atomic bomb? Do the innocent lives taken there fall on Bush's hands too? Are the deaths that come about under a Democrat presidents directives somehow better than when it's a Republican calling the shots?

The US has formally declared war 5 times in our history and 3 of those times were by Democrats.

red states rule
05-12-2008, 08:35 AM
Now you did it Jim. Joe will have to get another roll of Duct tape to wrap around his head to keep it from exploding

05-12-2008, 08:37 AM
Now you did it Jim. Joe will have to get another roll of Duct tape to wrap around his head to keep it from exploding

He'll just tell me I don't know my history and still claim the Dems never started any wars and they aren't responsible for deaths. I'm starting to believe that Joe is truthmatter's husband, and neither give a shit about facts.

red states rule
05-12-2008, 08:52 AM
He'll just tell me I don't know my history and still claim the Dems never started any wars and they aren't responsible for deaths. I'm starting to believe that Joe is truthmatter's husband, and neither give a shit about facts.

OMG Jim. Can you see the kids they would breed given their limited gene pool?

05-12-2008, 10:33 AM
It promises to be a day for her to remember. She's lived a life of privilege and her family is affluent. Her wedding will reflect the life of America's elite. No pain. No privation.

How many will never have a wedding day because Bush had them killed?

How many will have modest weddings because Bush has had the economy rigged?
You forgot to mention all the queers that can't get married because that's all George Bush's fault too. :pee:

Joe Steel
05-12-2008, 12:26 PM
Doesn't matter, they both formally declared war and sent our troops into battle. I could go on and on as to why Bush or his father sent our troops into battle, who might have started or provoked it, but your bias wouldn't accept that. The bottom line is that the 3 democrats I mentioned formally declared war and sent troops into battle. And as you libs like to say, the buck stops with the president, so therefore they are responsible for all the troops who lost their lives at their directive.

And how about Truman indiscriminately killing 150,000 instantly with the atomic bomb? Do the innocent lives taken there fall on Bush's hands too? Are the deaths that come about under a Democrat presidents directives somehow better than when it's a Republican calling the shots?

The US has formally declared war 5 times in our history and 3 of those times were by Democrats.

What part of "didn't start the war" don't you understand?

05-12-2008, 12:37 PM
What part of "didn't start the war" don't you understand?

False regarding Wilson, it was NOT the assassination of Ferdinand and Sophie that brought US into war, rather resumed uboat activity as an excuse, months after his reelection. Wilson meant to get us into that war.

Roosevelt was just biding time growning the military industrial complex you no doubt complain so much about, while ensuring that the Empire of UK would be dead and gone forever. The Japanese only hastened, not caused out entrance, it was coming in any case.

05-12-2008, 02:22 PM
What part of "didn't start the war" don't you understand?

So there was no alternative but to send troops to foreign soil? And where these directives to send troops into battle from Democrats? Who is ultimately responsible for the troops? I think I know your answers as I've seen you apply them to GWB before.

Thanks for playing again, partisan dipshit! :laugh2:

Joe Steel
05-13-2008, 02:40 PM
False regarding Wilson, it was NOT the assassination of Ferdinand and Sophie that brought US into war, rather resumed uboat activity as an excuse, months after his reelection. Wilson meant to get us into that war.

I never said it was. I said Wilson didn't start the war.

Roosevelt was just biding time growning the military industrial complex you no doubt complain so much about, while ensuring that the Empire of UK would be dead and gone forever. The Japanese only hastened, not caused out entrance, it was coming in any case.

That's just nonsense.

Abbey Marie
05-13-2008, 02:45 PM
That's just nonsense.

I think I'll put my money on Kathianne, the HISTORY teacher.

Abbey Marie
05-13-2008, 02:49 PM
And back to the thread topic, here is a pic of the beautiful bride reciting vows before the cross:


05-13-2008, 03:01 PM
He is one lucky guy! :boobies:

red states rule
05-13-2008, 03:06 PM
He is one lucky guy! :boobies:

I would say they are both lucky. I hope they have a lifetime of joy and happiness

05-13-2008, 03:20 PM
I would say they are both lucky. I hope they have a lifetime of joy and happiness
Something tells me that he got the better end of the deal.

05-13-2008, 03:26 PM
So..do we get to celebrate weddings while the war is still going? Or are we going to have to foreswear them until every injustice in the world has been addressed to the satisfaction of sad-eyed liberals?

In which case, fire up those embryo burners, the abortion numbers are going to skyrocket....but I'm sure that's not a tragedy.

Remember, everybody. Act depressed and sad until everybody falls in line with your point of view, and make sure you try to spoil any happiness that others might try to grab for themselves...

Hagbard Celine
05-13-2008, 03:30 PM
I figure a few thousand---how many won't get married because their lives were cut short because of disease, accidents, drug addiction, alcoholism, suicide etc etc etc before Bush even became president ?

I guess the fact that people did die before Bush became president means that the deaths Bush caused should be forgiven? That's a great defense. I'll remember that the next time I'm on trial for murder.
"Your Honor, with all due respect, people did die of other things before I ever killed this guy. I'm not a professional attorney or a board certified geologist, but I'm pretty sure that excuses me."

05-13-2008, 03:32 PM

In which case, fire up those embryo burners, the abortion numbers are going to skyrocket....but I'm sure that's not a tragedy.

Aren't you glad that you joined this site? Look how quickly I convinced you that abortion is good for amerika! Down with Bush, evil corporations, and Cheny!

red states rule
05-13-2008, 03:32 PM
I guess the fact that people did die before Bush became president means that the deaths Bush caused should be forgiven? That's a great defense. I'll remember that the next time I'm on trial for murder.
"Your Honor, with all due respect, people did die of other things before I ever killed this guy. I'm not a professional attorney or a board certified geologist, but I'm pretty sure that excuses me."

Hag proves libs live to spread as much misery around as possible

Hag try watching Fahrenheit 911 one more time - maybe it will cheer you up

Hagbard Celine
05-13-2008, 03:35 PM
And back to the thread topic, here is a pic of the beautiful bride reciting vows before the cross:


Man, Jenna lost a lot of weight. She really did get herself looking fit for this wedding. I wonder if she has on white garters and other cool stuff under that dress? I'll bet she does. Is that Reverend Wright? :laugh:

05-13-2008, 03:36 PM
Abortion = good and exemplifies freedom! Freedom to indulge in sex, freedom to make choices about one's body without interference....
Marriage/childbirth = bad and those who indulge in it before they're of legal age should not be accorded choice. Or liberty. And should be subjected to gynocological exams and dna testing and have their babies taken away.

Got it.

red states rule
05-13-2008, 03:37 PM
Man, Jenna lost a lot of weight. She really did get herself looking fit for this wedding. I wonder if she has on white garters and other cool stuff under that dress? I'll bet she does. Is that Reverend Wright? :laugh:

It can't be Wright. The Pastor is smiling and not foaming at the mouith

Hagbard Celine
05-13-2008, 03:39 PM
Hag proves libs live to spread as much misery around as possible

Hag try watching Fahrenheit 911 one more time - maybe it will cheer you up

Thanks for that. Every now and then a little bit of inane nonsense is just what the board needs to lighten the mood.

Abbey Marie
05-13-2008, 03:39 PM
It can't be Wright. The Pastor is smiling and not foaming at the mouith

Everyone looks so happy. Must be because they are all haters, right? :laugh2:

red states rule
05-13-2008, 03:39 PM
Thanks for that. Every now and then a little bit of inane nonsense is just what the board needs to lighten the mood.

Yes, and you are our little gentle ray of sunstroke

05-13-2008, 03:39 PM
Man, Jenna lost a lot of weight. She really did get herself looking fit for this wedding. I wonder if she has on white garters and other cool stuff under that dress? I'll bet she does. Is that Reverend Wright? :laugh:
Why don't you ask the pastor? The look on his face tells me that he knows for certain.

red states rule
05-13-2008, 03:40 PM
Everyone looks so happy. Must be becuase they are all haters, right? :laugh2:

Now if they had a pic of someone with a sneer on their face, that would tell us who the token lib at the wedding was :laugh2:

05-13-2008, 03:41 PM
Abortion = good and exemplifies freedom! Freedom to indulge in sex, freedom to make choices about one's body without interference....
Marriage/childbirth = bad and those who indulge in it before they're of legal age should not be accorded choice. Or liberty. And should be subjected to gynocological exams and dna testing and have their babies taken away.

Got it.
You're taking your new found enlightenment a bit to far, ain't ya? :laugh2:

Hagbard Celine
05-13-2008, 03:44 PM
Abortion = good and exemplifies freedom! Freedom to indulge in sex, freedom to make choices about one's body without interference....
Marriage/childbirth = bad and those who indulge in it before they're of legal age should not be accorded choice. Or liberty. And should be subjected to gynocological exams and dna testing and have their babies taken away.

Got it.

Yes, because if a person stands for the right to choice it must automatically mean that that person hates marriage and life in general :rolleyes:. Good to know that we've taken-on yet another two-dimensional conservative stereotype who sees the world in the black and white extremes. Welcome to the board. You'll be comfortable here.

05-13-2008, 03:49 PM
You're taking your new found enlightenment a bit to far, ain't ya? :laugh2:

Not new found, hence the tirade.

05-13-2008, 03:50 PM
Yes, because if a person stands for the right to choice it must automatically mean that that person hates marriage and life in general :rolleyes:. Good to know that we've taken-on yet another two-dimensional conservative stereotype who sees the world in the black and white extremes. Welcome to the board. You'll be comfortable here.

Only the ones who say we MUSTN'T question underage girls in abortion clinics or notify their parents about their pregnancy because they have a right to privacy; but we MUST detain, test, and separate underage girls who enter into marriages and choose to have their babies.

Hagbard Celine
05-13-2008, 03:55 PM
Only the ones who say we MUSTN'T question underage girls in abortion clinics or notify their parents about their pregnancy because they have a right to privacy; but we MUST detain, test, and separate underage girls who enter into marriages and choose to have their babies.

In other words, you're citing two rare, specific and unrelated instances and connecting them with an illogical leap, which you then use to make a blanket statement about a huge group of people who've made a personal choice that relates their own health. Well done.

05-13-2008, 05:01 PM
In other words, you're citing two rare, specific and unrelated instances and connecting them with an illogical leap, which you then use to make a blanket statement about a huge group of people who've made a personal choice that relates their own health. Well done.

Enlighten me, then.
Do you think underage girls in abortion clinics should be tested to find out who the fathers of their babies are, and separated from their families until you know whether or not "unhealthy practices" are being condoned?

And do you think it is good and right that the FDLS girls who had babies while underage be separated from their children, given DNA tests and gynocological exams based upon the premise that it's illegal for underage girls to have sex?

red states rule
05-13-2008, 05:03 PM
Enlighten me, then.
Do you think underage girls in abortion clinics should be tested to find out who the fathers of their babies are, and separated from their families until you know whether or not "unhealthy practices" are being condoned?

And do you think it is good and right that the FDLS girls who had babies while underage be separated from their children, given DNA tests and gynocological exams based upon the premise that it's illegal for underage girls to have sex?

Don't try to reason with Hag. He is proud graduate of the Liberal School of Snobbery and Double Standards

Joe Steel
05-13-2008, 05:22 PM
I think I'll put my money on Kathianne, the HISTORY teacher.


Ever bet needs a loser. I guess you'll do.

05-13-2008, 07:45 PM

Ever bet needs a loser. I guess you'll do.

Joe, you poor 'worrier', what part of US entrance into WWI by Wilson do you not see as optional? All he had to do is put a moratorium on trade with Europe. Granted, many would have ignored, but he would not have brought us into war, it would have been 'their' problem. He didn't, he didn't want to. He wanted into war, so that he could bring his fascist ideas to a world wide audience.

Joe Steel
05-13-2008, 08:18 PM
Joe, you poor 'worrier', what part of US entrance into WWI by Wilson do you not see as optional? All he had to do is put a moratorium on trade with Europe. Granted, many would have ignored, but he would not have brought us into war, it would have been 'their' problem. He didn't, he didn't want to. He wanted into war, so that he could bring his fascist ideas to a world wide audience.

Did Woodrow Wilson shoot Archduke Ferdinand?

Did Wilson attack anyone before someone shot the Archduke?

05-13-2008, 08:23 PM
Did Woodrow Wilson shoot Archduke Ferdinand?

Did Wilson attack anyone before someone shot the Archduke?

Your cheesy backout on the "Dems never started a war" is to proclaim that they didn't "start" it, even if they formally declared war, and even if they sent US troops to foreign soil to engage the enemy.

Then stop with your rants about Bush and his wars, that were started by Saddam Hussein's regime and army that continually fired upon US planes & the Muslim fanatics.

05-13-2008, 08:47 PM
Did Woodrow Wilson shoot Archduke Ferdinand?

Did Wilson attack anyone before someone shot the Archduke?

Total strawman. Did or did not Europe clamor for war? When it finally found an excuse, did each country think they would emerge as the premier power? Did the US want in, via the populace? No, it took Wilson.

Joe Steel
05-14-2008, 06:33 AM
Total strawman. Did or did not Europe clamor for war? When it finally found an excuse, did each country think they would emerge as the premier power? Did the US want in, via the populace? No, it took Wilson.


It is precisely the issue the first poster raised. He said Wilson started the war not that the Wilson and the US entered after a series of provocations and consideration of the national interest. He said Wilson started the war. That's just not so.

Joe Steel
05-14-2008, 06:35 AM
So there was no alternative but to send troops to foreign soil? And where these directives to send troops into battle from Democrats? Who is ultimately responsible for the troops? I think I know your answers as I've seen you apply them to GWB before.

Thanks for playing again, partisan dipshit! :laugh2:

Too tough for you, dumbass?

Did Wilson start WWI or didn't he?

Joe Steel
05-14-2008, 06:41 AM
Your cheesy backout on the "Dems never started a war" is to proclaim that they didn't "start" it, even if they formally declared war, and even if they sent US troops to foreign soil to engage the enemy.

Then stop with your rants about Bush and his wars, that were started by Saddam Hussein's regime and army that continually fired upon US planes & the Muslim fanatics.

I've never heard anyone say he believes Woodrow Wilson was the driving force behind WWI. He never bombed Berlin and gave the Kaiser an ultimatum, did he?

05-14-2008, 06:43 AM
I've never heard anyone say he believes Woodrow Wilson was the driving force behind WWI. He never bombed Berlin and gave the Kaiser an ultimatum, did he?

You got us on that one. Woodrow Wilson never even flew a bomber. :laugh2:

Joe Steel
05-14-2008, 01:11 PM
You got us on that one. Woodrow Wilson never even flew a bomber. :laugh2:

Oddly, George W. Bush did fly a combat aircraft but ran-away from combat.

Abbey Marie
05-14-2008, 01:25 PM
Another pic of the beautiful bride on her happy day:


05-14-2008, 01:31 PM
Another pic of the beautiful bride on her happy day:


This is going to sound way gay, but that's a great dress.

red states rule
05-14-2008, 01:34 PM
Another pic of the beautiful bride on her happy day:


I have to agree with Glock now, Her husband is a lucky man

Abbey Marie
05-14-2008, 01:35 PM
This is going to sound way gay, but that's a great dress.

I agree, it's stunning. :)

05-14-2008, 02:35 PM
This is going to sound way gay, but that's a great dress. Doesn't sound gay at all. Now if you were commenting on hubby....

05-15-2008, 07:33 AM
This is going to sound way gay, but that's a great dress.

Looks good on her.....but would look better in a heap at the foot of my bed.