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05-11-2008, 08:33 PM
Thanks to the idiots that read an article or see a fear inducing segment of a 'news' program:


School closed after whooping cough outbreak
Friday, May 09, 2008 | 5:58 PM
By Matt Keller

EL SOBRANTE, CA (KGO) -- The Contra Costa County Health Department is closing East Bay Waldorf School in El Sobrante until Monday because of a whooping cough outbreak. More than a dozen cases have been reported.

In the East Bay, a contagious disease has shut down an entire school.

Whooping cough has made more than a dozen kids sick. It's easy to avoid with a simple vaccine...

Students attending California schools are required to get immunizations for whooping cough but parents can opt out.

The state averages a 99 percent immunization rate. But at East Bay Waldorf School, health officials say less than 50 percent are protected from the disease and say that's why it was able to spread so easily.


and of course the even more idiotic politicians:


008.05.05 • 15:43 EDT
McCain, Obama, Clinton push dangerous vaccine-autism myth

Last week federal health officials announced an alarming health stat: The United States is on track to see its highest incidence of measles since 2001, an increase that reflects many new infections in children whose parents, citing "personal beliefs," eschew vaccinations.

What personal belief would cause people to refuse to vaccinate their kids? The parents put stock in a repeatedly disproven idea that immunizations cause autism -- a belief for which, insanely, all three presidential candidates have recently expressed some sympathy.

So far in 2008, there have been 64 cases of measles in the U.S.; there were just 30 cases in all of 2007. These numbers are far smaller than stats we saw in the early 1990s -- in 1994, the L.A. Times notes, there were more than 900 cases of measles. Since then, the federal government has funded immunizations for low-income children, and infection rates plummeted through the '90s.

During the last few years, though, parents -- mainly upper-income parents -- across the country and the world have begun to forgo vaccinations. And it's in their children that we're now seeing infections....

05-11-2008, 08:42 PM
In San Diego, TB outbreaks are so commonplace, that people take them in stride. The majority are traced back to students that are in this country illegally. I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same here.

05-11-2008, 08:43 PM
I feel bad for the kids that get sick, but nothing for the parents that wouldn't get their kids vaccinated. That's just plain stupid. They deserve every bit of the heartache. Another media scare, but this times lives are affected.

05-11-2008, 08:45 PM
In San Diego, TB outbreaks are so commonplace, that people take them in stride. The majority are traced back to students that are in this country illegally. I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same here.

Could be part of the problem, but mostly seems to be upper class deal, based on faux scientific 'causality' with autism. Study after study have proven this untrue, but still they risk it. More than that, put many adults at risk as the immunizations begin to wear off.

05-11-2008, 08:57 PM
Could be part of the problem, but mostly seems to be upper class deal, based on faux scientific 'causality' with autism. Study after study have proven this untrue, but still they risk it. More than that, put many adults at risk as the immunizations begin to wear off.

I think you will find that most of those "upper class" are liberals and scientologists. And the illegals are bringing it in.

05-11-2008, 09:01 PM
I think you will find that most of those "upper class" are liberals and scientologists. And the illegals are bringing it in.

Actually it's mostly been unimmunized kids traveling to Europe; where even more are not immunized; catching these diseases and bringing them back. I was pretty sure I posted on the measles from Sweden?

05-11-2008, 09:22 PM
Actually it's mostly been unimmunized kids traveling to Europe; where even more are not immunized; catching these diseases and bringing them back. I was pretty sure I posted on the measles from Sweden?

Yeah you did post that. It may be the case, but I'm inclined to blame the illegals for as much of it or more simply because they aren't vaccinated for anything. Whooping cough isn't coming from Sweden. Neither is TB.

Mr. P
05-11-2008, 09:57 PM
It's the illegals. Come on, many more of them than the Tom Cruise type.

05-11-2008, 09:57 PM
a tree hugger buddy of mine's kids go there.....morons...

05-12-2008, 12:27 AM
Well, the list of immunizations is getting ridiculous. I mean, seriously, we did survive some 10k years of evolution prior to the creation of vaccines.

Kids get sick, this is so that later, when they are adults, they don't get killed off by stupid diseases, you know, like what happened to the Native Americans when we got here,

05-12-2008, 11:35 AM
Well, the list of immunizations is getting ridiculous. I mean, seriously, we did survive some 10k years of evolution prior to the creation of vaccines.

Kids get sick, this is so that later, when they are adults, they don't get killed off by stupid diseases, you know, like what happened to the Native Americans when we got here,

Yep, and people had kids die at fantastic rates. It is criminal that parents would not educate themselves enough to know the dangers they are exposing their children and others to.

05-12-2008, 12:13 PM
Well, the list of immunizations is getting ridiculous. I mean, seriously, we did survive some 10k years of evolution prior to the creation of vaccines.

Kids get sick, this is so that later, when they are adults, they don't get killed off by stupid diseases, you know, like what happened to the Native Americans when we got here,Yaa and it is also why people had 8-10 kids because only a few would reach adulthood,

By your reasoning we should do away with all OB/GYN and prenatal care as well. I mean after all women have been having children for millions of years right. Who cares if a high percentage used to die in child birth, who cares if there is a way to prevent it, who cares if safer practices are available I mean its not like people didn't die in the past or anything..... Why should we care if they survive today!!!

05-31-2008, 01:40 AM
and here we go:


7 measles cases confirmed in DuPage County
Friday, May 30, 2008 | 4:20 PM

Health officials have now confirmed seven cases of measles in DuPage County.

All are school age children and the Department of Public Health suspects the children did not receive adequate vaccinations.

The Illinois school code allows parents to opt out of vaccinating children for religious or medical reasons.

Measles is a very infectious and unpleasant disease that can result in dangerous complications. In rare cases, a person may suffer encephalitis, which is an inflammation of the brain.

A week ago:


Case of measles in DuPage County prompts state to issue health warning
Vaccinations urged for people not already immune to the disease

By Joseph Sjostrom

Tribune reporter

10:06 PM CDT, May 23, 2008

A case of measles in a school-age child in DuPage County this month prompted the state's top public health official to warn Friday that all children and adults should be vaccinated against the potentially dangerous disease if they're not already immune to it.

Measles is infectious and should be suspected in any person with a fever, rash, cough, runny nose and red, runny eyes, according to a statement released Friday by the Illinois Department of Public Health. People who might have measles should consult a doctor and have a laboratory test performed for the infection which, if positive, must be reported to the local health department within 24 hours.

Measles is rare in the United States, but the disease strikes about 20 million people a year worldwide and kills about 1 million people a year, said Susan Hofer, a state public health spokeswoman.

"Diseases like measles are still out there, which is why it's important to make sure vaccinations are up to date," said Damon Arnold, director of the Illinois Department of Public Health....

These kids were not immunized, parental decision:


Posted: Friday, 30 May 2008 8:30PM

Seven Children With Measles Spotted in DuPage

Seven cases of measles have been confirmed in school-age children in DuPage County, bringing new urgency to health officials’ calls for vaccinations for all children. The Illinois Department of Public Health confirmed six new cases Friday, and said investigation of the patients and people close to them is ongoing. Health officials believe the children did not receive adequate vaccinations, possibly for religious or medical reasons. ...

05-31-2008, 12:13 PM
So should children be forced to get immunizations?

05-31-2008, 12:17 PM
So should children be forced to get immunizations?

If they arent immunized they shouldnt be allowed in schools where they can infect others.

05-31-2008, 12:27 PM
If they arent immunized they shouldnt be allowed in schools where they can infect others.

So then you think they should be immunized.

05-31-2008, 12:32 PM
So then you think they should be immunized.


05-31-2008, 12:38 PM

I disagree. If a parent believes that the risk of immunizing their child is greater than the risk of not immunizing them, why should they be forced to do so?

05-31-2008, 12:48 PM
I disagree. If a parent believes that the risk of immunizing their child is greater than the risk of not immunizing them, why should they be forced to do so?

There will always be exceptions but the problem is when you have a child that CAN NOT be immunized due to medical reasons who comes in contact with a person that has not been immunized by choice. You build a protective shell around the community and those individuals who are unable to be immunized by requiring that other be immunized. I understand that this is a touchy issue but didn't the Supreme Court rule on this years back, about the good of the community.

TIME magazine has a very good article in it discussing this very issue, you should pick up a copy and give it read. Very interesting and pretty much on topic.

I will add that most people who do not get their children immunized rely on those of who do to protect their children.

05-31-2008, 02:51 PM
So should children be forced to get immunizations?

Absent a real medical issue, yes. One they are at risk, as this outbreak and another in CA, show. Once the virus is introduced, the odds of the non-immunized are much higher.

Two, during the incubation period, they can infect older people, who either couldn't be immunized or whose immunizations are wearing down.

Problem is, parents today don't realize just how dangerouse those 'childhood' illnesses can be.

05-31-2008, 08:39 PM
I disagree. If a parent believes that the risk of immunizing their child is greater than the risk of not immunizing them, why should they be forced to do so?

Why are the needs of one more important than the needs of many? If these parents homeschool their child and keep them away from the general public then I have no problem with it. However that means one can not take the child to go shopping or anything that may inflict others.

it is pretty selfish when you think about it...Subjecting your carrier child on to others.