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GW in Ohio
05-13-2008, 07:28 AM
One more reason to elect Barack Obama president...to confront and eliminate the last vestiges of racism in this country...

Racist Incidents Give Some Obama Campaigners Pause

By Kevin Merida
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, May 13, 2008; A01

Danielle Ross was alone in an empty room at the Obama campaign headquarters in Kokomo, Ind., a cellphone in one hand, a voter call list in the other. She was stretched out on the carpeted floor wearing laceless sky-blue Converses, stories from the trail on her mind. It was the day before Indiana's primary, and she had just been chased by dogs while canvassing in a Kokomo suburb. But that was not the worst thing to occur since she postponed her sophomore year at Middle Tennessee State University, in part to hopscotch America stumping for Barack Obama.

Here's the worst: In Muncie, a factory town in the east-central part of Indiana, Ross and her cohorts were soliciting support for Obama at malls, on street corners and in a Wal-Mart parking lot, and they ran into "a horrible response," as Ross put it, a level of anti-black sentiment that none of them had anticipated.

"The first person I encountered was like, 'I'll never vote for a black person,' " recalled Ross, who is white and just turned 20. "People just weren't receptive."

red states rule
05-13-2008, 07:35 AM
So the Washington Compost see nothing worng with about 90% of balcks voting for the black liberal - but any whites who won't vote for the black liberal is a racist

If anyone brings up Obama's racist comments that person is a racist

If anyone brings up Wright that person is a racist

If anyone questions Obama's partiorism that person is a racist

Well I see Dems are going to draw the race card more often the Jesse James drew his gun

05-13-2008, 07:40 AM
How would electing him "confront and eleminate" racism in this country? Is this what you liberals really believe, is this the real reason you want to see him elected? So you can go around and label people "racist" and have them "eleminated"?

red states rule
05-13-2008, 07:45 AM
How would electing him "confront and eleminate" racism in this country? Is this what you liberals really believe, is this the real reason you want to see him elected? So you can go around and label people "racist" and have them "eleminated"?

How about the real racism liberals showed in 2006?. They showed their real side against conservatives like Michael Steele, Lynn Swan, and Ken Blackwell

05-13-2008, 07:56 AM
One more reason to elect Barack Obama president...to confront and eliminate the last vestiges of racism in this country...

Racist Incidents Give Some Obama Campaigners Pause

By Kevin Merida
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, May 13, 2008; A01

Danielle Ross was alone in an empty room at the Obama campaign headquarters in Kokomo, Ind., a cellphone in one hand, a voter call list in the other. She was stretched out on the carpeted floor wearing laceless sky-blue Converses, stories from the trail on her mind. It was the day before Indiana's primary, and she had just been chased by dogs while canvassing in a Kokomo suburb. But that was not the worst thing to occur since she postponed her sophomore year at Middle Tennessee State University, in part to hopscotch America stumping for Barack Obama.

Here's the worst: In Muncie, a factory town in the east-central part of Indiana, Ross and her cohorts were soliciting support for Obama at malls, on street corners and in a Wal-Mart parking lot, and they ran into "a horrible response," as Ross put it, a level of anti-black sentiment that none of them had anticipated.

"The first person I encountered was like, 'I'll never vote for a black person,' " recalled Ross, who is white and just turned 20. "People just weren't receptive."

For all the hope and excitement Obama's candidacy is generating, some of his field workers, phone-bank volunteers and campaign surrogates are encountering a raw racism and hostility that have gone largely unnoticed -- and unreported -- this election season. Doors have been slammed in their faces. They've been called racially derogatory names (including the white volunteers). And they've endured malicious rants and ugly stereotyping from people who can't fathom that the senator from Illinois could become the first African American president.

"No, I want a president that will salute our flag, and put their hand on the Bible when they take the oath of office."

Obama's campaign workers have grown wearily accustomed to the lies about the candidate's supposed radical Muslim ties and lack of patriotism. But they are sometimes astonished when public officials such as Ball or others representing the campaign of their opponent traffic in these falsehoods.

Karen Seifert, a volunteer from New York, was outside of the largest polling location in Lackawanna County, Pa., on primary day when she was pressed by a Clinton volunteer to explain her backing of Obama. "I trust him," Seifert replied. According to Seifert, the woman pointed to Obama's face on Seifert's T-shirt and said: "He's a half-breed and he's a Muslim. How can you trust that?"

You dumbass white boy, he loathes you for the color of your skin and you bow at his unqualified feet. You must hate the color of your skin too. Are you a wigger? :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

red states rule
05-13-2008, 07:59 AM
You dumbass white boy, he loathes you for the color of your skin and you bow at his unqualified feet. You must hate the color of your skin too. Are you a wigger? :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

Or he could be guilt ridden white liberal like Phil Donahue

05-13-2008, 08:09 AM
..... "White people look out for white people, and black people look out for black people."

...... In Vincennes, the Obama campaign office was vandalized at 2 a.m. on the eve of the primary, according to police. A large plate-glass window was smashed, an American flag stolen. Other windows were spray-painted with references to Obama's controversial former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and other political messages: "Hamas votes BHO" and "We don't cling to guns or religion. Goddamn Wright."

...... Later, there would be bomb threats to three Obama campaign offices in Indiana, including the one in Vincennes, according to campaign sources.

..... Earlier in the campaign, a 68-year-old woman in Carson City, Nev., voiced concern that the country was not ready to elect an African American president.

...... some of the green Obama signs distributed by staffers were burned along the parade route. .....

In a letter to the editor published in a local paper, Tunkhannock Borough Mayor Norm Ball explained his support of Hillary Clinton this way: "Barack Hussein Obama and all of his talk will do nothing for our country. There is so much that people don't know about his upbringing in the Muslim world. His stepfather was a radical Muslim and the ranting of his minister against the white America, you can't convince me that some of that didn't rub off on him.

"No, I want a president that will salute our flag, and put their hand on the Bible when they take the oath of office."

Obama's campaign workers have grown wearily accustomed to the lies about the candidate's supposed radical Muslim ties and lack of patriotism. But they are sometimes astonished when public officials such as Ball or others representing the campaign of their opponent traffic in these falsehoods.

Please explain how these are racist.

red states rule
05-13-2008, 08:16 AM
Please explain how these are racist.

They are oppose Obama

05-13-2008, 08:25 AM
I ran over an Obama sign with my huge SUV. Was that racist too?

red states rule
05-13-2008, 08:27 AM
I ran over an Obama sign with my huge SUV. Was that racist too?

I saw a dog lift his leg on an Obama yard sign - is the dog racist? Or did the racist owner turn the dog into a racist?

GW in Ohio
05-13-2008, 08:28 AM
So the Washington Compost see nothing worng with about 90% of balcks voting for the black liberal - but any whites who won't vote for the black liberal is a racist

If anyone brings up Obama's racist comments that person is a racist

If anyone brings up Wright that person is a racist

If anyone questions Obama's partiorism that person is a racist

Well I see Dems are going to draw the race card more often the Jesse James drew his gun

You are not very bright, are you?

Let me give you the Cliff's Notes version of this thread......

Americans are free to vote for whoever they want. Vote against Obama because you think he'd make a lousy president.

But if you vote against him solely because he's black, you are a racist. (You're also a dinosaur, because your kind is dying off, and being replaced by younger Americans for whom race is not an issue.)

Do you get it now? Or should I......speak.....verrrrrrrry....slowly........?

05-13-2008, 08:30 AM
You are not very bright, are you?

Let me give you the Cliff's Notes version of this thread......

Americans are free to vote for whoever they want. Vote against Obama because you think he'd make a lousy president.

But if you vote against him solely because he's black, you are a racist. (You're also a dinosaur, because your kind is dying off, and being replaced by younger Americans for whom race is not an issue.)

Do you get it now? Or should I......speak.....verrrrrrrry....slowly........?You are so ignorant! Obama is a far left wing wingnut.

red states rule
05-13-2008, 08:31 AM
You are not very bright, are you?

Let me give you the Cliff's Notes version of this thread......

Americans are free to vote for whoever they want. Vote against Obama because you think he'd make a lousy president.

But if you vote against him solely because he's black, you are a racist. (You're also a dinosaur, because your kind is dying off, and being replaced by younger Americans for whom race is not an issue.)

Do you get it now? Or should I......speak.....verrrrrrrry....slowly........?

So blacks that are voting for Barry because he is black - are they racists as well?

GW in Ohio
05-13-2008, 08:39 AM
So blacks that are voting for Barry because he is black - are they racists as well?

If a black American voted against Hillary, or Edwards, or McCain because they are white, that black American would be a racist.

If you asked black voters why they are voting for Obama, they would tell you they believe he would make the best president.

Why don't you go ask some? Do you know any black Democrats?

05-13-2008, 08:39 AM
Please explain how these are racist.

There're not.
But to the O-bah-bah-ma sheep anyone who opposes them must have bad intentions.
Their intensions are all good, they want peace, to end racism and gay bashing, save the environment, tax the greedy evil corporations and give to the poor.
Anyone who opposes those good intentions must have bad intentions. They must be warmongerers, racists, homophobes, and they are greedy and do not care about the environment.

GW in Ohio
05-13-2008, 08:40 AM
You are so ignorant! Obama is a far left wing wingnut.

I don't have a problem with you opposing Obama because you think he's a "far left wingnut."

red states rule
05-13-2008, 08:41 AM
If a black American voted against Hillary, or Edwards, or McCain because they are white, that black American would be a racist.

If you asked black voters why they are voting for Obama, they would tell you they believe he would make the best president.

Why don't you go ask some? Do you know any black Democrats?

YEs I do, And they have said they are voting for Obama because it is time for a black President

As usual, libs defend their racism while looking for racism (real or not) for the right

05-13-2008, 08:41 AM
If a black American voted against Hillary, or Edwards, or McCain because they are white, that black American would be a racist.

If you asked black voters why they are voting for Obama, they would tell you they believe he would make the best president.

Why don't you go ask some? Do you know any black Democrats?

LOL, because they believe he'd make the best President? No shit sherlock, the point is why do they think he'd make the best President?

red states rule
05-13-2008, 08:43 AM
LOL, because they believe he'd make the best President? No shit sherlock, the point is why do they think he'd make the best President?

because he is liberal and he is black

Dems have turned this election into a battle of the races and the sexes

05-13-2008, 08:44 AM
I don't have a problem with you opposing Obama because you think he's a "far left wingnut."

He is a far left nut. Thats a fact. Only the most liberal person would vote against a crackdown on infanticide. Only far left liberals would support a ban on ALL semi-automatic weapons. Only far left liberals support an unconsitutional government takeover of the health care industry.

Moderates do not support those agendas, only left wing morons.

red states rule
05-13-2008, 08:46 AM
He is a far left nut. Thats a fact. Only the most liberal person would vote against a crackdown on infanticide. Only far left liberals would support a ban on ALL semi-automatic weapons. Only far left liberals support an unconsitutional government takeover of the health care industry.

Moderates do not support those agendas, only left wing morons.

You left out all the goodies he wants to give illegals, trillions in new taxes, and nearly $900 billion in new federal spending

It is a liberal moonbats dream platform

05-13-2008, 08:54 AM
I don't have a problem with you opposing Obama because you think he's a "far left wingnut."
Well if he were more like Colin Powell and less like Rev. Wright then color wouldn't be a problem.

red states rule
05-13-2008, 08:56 AM
Well if he were more like Colin Powell and less like Rev. Wright then color wouldn't be a problem.

Then Barry would not be running as a Dem, and then REAL racism would be coming from the left

05-13-2008, 08:56 AM
I don't have a problem with you opposing Obama because you think he's a "far left wingnut."

Attempt #2: Please explain how these are racist. http://www.debatepolicy.com/showpost.php?p=243644&postcount=7

GW in Ohio
05-13-2008, 09:47 AM
Attempt #2: Please explain how these are racist. http://www.debatepolicy.com/showpost.php?p=243644&postcount=7

Glockie: Here's the deal about racism (and by extension, about the whole "hate crimes" thing)........

If you oppose a candidate solely because he's black, you're a racist.

If you oppose a black candidate because you think his positions on the issues suck, you're not a racist.

If you destroy an Obama sign, or heave a brick through his campaign headquarters window, or phone in a bomb threat because you don't like the idea of a black guy being president, then you're a racist.

But if you destroy an Obama sign, or heave a brick through his campaign headquarters window, or phone in a bomb threat because you don't like his politics, then you're merely an asshole.

If you assault a black man because you "don't like niggers," you're guilty of assault and it's a hate crime.

But if you assault a black man because you had an argument with him, or because you got drunk, or some other specious reason not related to his race, then you're merely a felon.

Get it?

(For anybody who still doesn't get it....and many of you are thick as a brick....I'll leave it to someone trained in special education.)

05-13-2008, 09:53 AM
Glockie: Here's the deal about racism (and by extension, about the whole "hate crimes" thing)........

If you oppose a candidate solely because he's black, you're a racist.

If you oppose a black candidate because you think his positions on the issues suck, you're not a racist.

If you destroy an Obama sign, or heave a brick through his campaign headquarters window, or phone in a bomb threat because you don't like the idea of a black guy being president, then you're a racist.

But if you destroy an Obama sign, or heave a brick through his campaign headquarters window, or phone in a bomb threat because you don't like his politics, then you're merely an asshole.

If you assault a black man because you "don't like niggers," you're guilty of assault and it's a hate crime.

But if you assault a black man because you had an argument with him, or because you got drunk, or some other specious reason not related to his race, then you're merely a felon.

Get it?

(For anybody who still doesn't get it....and many of you are thick as a brick....I'll leave it to someone trained in special education.)How about if you vote for a white candidate becasue they are white. Are you racist?

If you vote for a black candidate only because he is black. Are you racist?

with over 90% of black voters voting for the ONLY black candidate makes it appear VERY suspecious. IF 90% of the white voters were voting for the only white candidate the blacks would be screaming racism. Why?

If blacks were actually voting based on issues than they would be more evenly split and not so lopsided. Whites are more evenly split on voting for Hillary and Obama.

05-13-2008, 09:53 AM
Glockie: Here's the deal about racism (and by extension, about the whole "hate crimes" thing)........

If you support a candidate solely because he's black, you're a racist.

If you oppose a black candidate because you think his positions on the issues suck, you're not a racist.

This is all that needs to be said.

05-13-2008, 09:54 AM
If a black American voted against Hillary, or Edwards, or McCain because they are white, that black American would be a racist.

If you asked black voters why they are voting for Obama, they would tell you they believe he would make the best president.

Why don't you go ask some? Do you know any black Democrats?

Ask them WHY they think he would make the best POTUS, and see how many answers have any substance to them other than, "because he's black."

I do ask as a matter of fact. Most give very non-specific reasons which equate to "because he's black." What is truly interesting is how their answers fail when I ask them to compare Hillary to Barrack. Kinda telling in my opinion....

05-13-2008, 09:54 AM
Glockie: Here's the deal about racism (and by extension, about the whole "hate crimes" thing)........

If you oppose a candidate solely because he's black, you're a racist.

If you oppose a black candidate because you think his positions on the issues suck, you're not a racist.

If you destroy an Obama sign, or heave a brick through his campaign headquarters window, or phone in a bomb threat because you don't like the idea of a black guy being president, then you're a racist.

But if you destroy an Obama sign, or heave a brick through his campaign headquarters window, or phone in a bomb threat because you don't like his politics, then you're merely an asshole.

If you assault a black man because you "don't like niggers," you're guilty of assault and it's a hate crime.

But if you assault a black man because you had an argument with him, or because you got drunk, or some other specious reason not related to his race, then you're merely a felon.

Get it?

(For anybody who still doesn't get it....and many of you are thick as a brick....I'll leave it to someone trained in special education.)

That's all great but you didn't answer my question. Maybe I need to make it more clear.

Attempt #3: Please explain how the author of the article that you posted knows that these are racist. http://www.debatepolicy.com/showpost.php?p=243644&postcount=7

GW in Ohio
05-13-2008, 10:05 AM
Ask them WHY they think he would make the best POTUS, and see how many answers have any substance to them other than, "because he's black."

I do ask as a matter of fact. Most give very non-specific reasons which equate to "because he's black." What is truly interesting is how their answers fail when I ask them to compare Hillary to Barrack. Kinda telling in my opinion....

It really bothers some of you right wingers that black Americans overwhelmingly support Obama.

Why is it so important to you?

People can vote for whoever they like. Are you surprised that there's a viable black candidate for president for the first time in our history, and black Americans support him overwhelmingly?

What the hell do you care who they support?

If I were you, I'd be more concerned about propping up the extremely weak GOP candidate. This guy wants to carry on the Bush foreign policy?

Good luck!

red states rule
05-13-2008, 10:06 AM
It really bothers some of you right wingers that black Americans overwhelmingly support Obama.

Why is it so important to you?

People can vote for whoever they like. Are you surprised that there's a viable black candidate for president for the first time in our history, and black Americans support him overwhelmingly?

What the hell do you care who they support?

If I were you, I'd be more concerned about propping up the extremely weak GOP candidate. This guy wants to carry on the Bush foreign policy?

Good luck!

You are bothered over white racism (real of not) but blatant black racism does not bother you

More liberal double standards

GW in Ohio
05-13-2008, 10:08 AM
That's all great but you didn't answer my question. Maybe I need to make it more clear.

Attempt #3: Please explain how the author of the article that you posted knows that these are racist. http://www.debatepolicy.com/showpost.php?p=243644&postcount=7

Glockie: Most people, who are less kind than I, would say you are the stupidest sonofabitch that ever lived.

But I, who am more kind, will merely say you're being deliberately obtuse.

And a real pain in the ass.

05-13-2008, 10:22 AM
It really bothers some of you right wingers that black Americans overwhelmingly support Obama.

Why is it so important to you?

People can vote for whoever they like. Are you surprised that there's a viable black candidate for president for the first time in our history, and black Americans support him overwhelmingly?

What the hell do you care who they support?

If I were you, I'd be more concerned about propping up the extremely weak GOP candidate. This guy wants to carry on the Bush foreign policy?

Good luck!

I don't consider Obama a viable candidate for POTUS irregardless of his skin color.

I find it ironic that so many Obama supporters get in a tizzy about his chances to be the first black POTUS, and that historically the majority of public offices have been held by white men. Doesn't that strike you as have strong racist bents?

I'm no fan of McCain, but compared to either Hilary or Barrack, he's the lesser of three evils with at least a small chance of promoting conservatism.

red states rule
05-13-2008, 10:25 AM
I don't consider Obama a viable candidate for POTUS irregardless of his skin color.

I find it ironic that so many Obama supporters get in a tizzy about his chances to be the first black POTUS, and that historically the majority of public offices have been held by white men. Doesn't that strike you as have strong racist bents?

I'm no fan of McCain, but compared to either Hilary or Barrack, he's the lesser of three evils with at least a small chance of promoting conservatism.

McCAin shoud be cutting Barry a new one - but he wants to run a "civil" campaign. McCain still thinks the liberal media that loved him over the years, will still love him during the campaign

He is still giving the finger to his conservative base, taking their votes for granted

05-13-2008, 10:27 AM
Glockie: Most people, who are less kind than I, would say you are the stupidest sonofabitch that ever lived.

But I, who am more kind, will merely say you're being deliberately obtuse.

And a real pain in the ass.

That's all great but you again didn't answer my question. I'm not sure how I can make it more clear than I already did.

The fact that you now insult me suggests that you know the answer and just don't like it.

But I'll be more open-minded than that, and give you a 5th try at it.

Attempt #5: Please explain how the author of the article that you posted knows that these are racist. http://www.debatepolicy.com/showpost.php?p=243644&postcount=7

05-13-2008, 10:45 AM
Those were some of the lamest incidents for that to be called racism..One person said "They would not vote for a black man"...oooooooooooooooooooo

This whole Presidential race is becoming a JOKE..

And the Obambam workers sound like a bunch of whiny babies..

red states rule
05-13-2008, 10:47 AM
Those were some of the lamest incidents for that to be called racism..One person said "They would not vote for a black man"...oooooooooooooooooooo

This whole Presidential race is becoming a JOKE..

And the Obambam workers sound like a bunch of whiny babies..

Libs have made this eelction about race and gender. Based on their comments they want a fucking babysitter/nanny and not the leader of the country

05-13-2008, 10:54 AM
It really bothers some of you right wingers that black Americans overwhelmingly support Obama.

Why is it so important to you?

People can vote for whoever they like. Are you surprised that there's a viable black candidate for president for the first time in our history, and black Americans support him overwhelmingly?

What the hell do you care who they support?

If I were you, I'd be more concerned about propping up the extremely weak GOP candidate. This guy wants to carry on the Bush foreign policy?

Good luck!

Americans do not "overwhelmingly" support Obama. He is no where near 51% in polls much less approaching 60%+ which would be considered "overwhelming".

You should be worried about your extremely weak candidate. He wants to carry on the Carter domestic and foreign policy.

red states rule
05-13-2008, 11:00 AM
Americans do not "overwhelmingly" support Obama. He is no where near 51% in polls much less approaching 60%+ which would be considered "overwhelming".

You should be worried about your extremely weak candidate. He wants to carry on the Carter domestic and foreign policy.

Here is what Dems are united on

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/9BzuMJq9f1I&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/9BzuMJq9f1I&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

05-13-2008, 11:08 AM
You are not very bright, are you?

Let me give you the Cliff's Notes version of this thread......

Americans are free to vote for whoever they want. Vote against Obama because you think he'd make a lousy president.

But if you vote against him solely because he's black, you are a racist. (You're also a dinosaur, because your kind is dying off, and being replaced by younger Americans for whom race is not an issue.)

Do you get it now? Or should I......speak.....very....slowly........?

If I didn't want to vote for Obambam because he is black..that is my friggin prerogative..and I would dare you to call me a racist to my face because of it..

red states rule
05-13-2008, 11:10 AM
If I didn't want to vote for Obambam because he is black..that is my friggin prerogative..and I would dare you to call me a racist to my face because of it..

If he did I wiould hope his medical ins is paid up. Or has Obama care so you are paying for it Stephanie

05-13-2008, 11:12 AM
One more reason to elect Barack Obama president...to confront and eliminate the last vestiges of racism in this country...

This is not a reason to vote for Obama. Not even remotely. Vote for him because you support his ideas, his platform, because he has the experience you want in your President. Vote for him because you believe he will do the best job, because he is the better of two candidates. To vote for him for any other reason, especially because you want to send a message, because you want "to confront and eliminate the last vestiges of racism in this country" makes you no better than the bigots you rail against, and, odds are, a successful campaign based on such votes would not achieve the effect you desire.

If you asked black voters why they are voting for Obama, they would tell you they believe he would make the best president.

Why don't you go ask some? Do you know any black Democrats?

Interestingly, I do know a few Black voters, Democrats and Republicans. Some of the Republicans tell me they are voting for Obama, when asked for their reasons, they tell me openly because he is Black, "because he looks like me." They admit that they do not agree with most of his stances, but want to be a part of history. Of the Democrats I have asked, more than half give the exact same reasons, putting his policies last on their list of reasons. Some have even said they will vote for him because he is a man. Of the White Democrats I know, I hear similar reasoning in about the same percentages, though the ones I find who support Hillary put their like minded ideas closer to, if not number one, the top of their list of reasons for supporting her.

Let's not pretend that those who vote Democrat or support Obama are any better or any smarter than those who find that their interests lie with another candidate. That would be disingenuous and intellectually dishonest.

I'm no fan of McCain, but compared to either Hilary or Barrack, he's the lesser of three evils with at least a small chance of promoting conservatism.

One must be careful when approaching an election with this sort of attitude. Sometimes the Devil we know is indeed worse than the Devil we don't know.

05-13-2008, 12:38 PM
If a black American voted against Hillary, or Edwards, or McCain because they are white, that black American would be a racist.

If you asked black voters why they are voting for Obama, they would tell you they believe he would make the best president.

Why don't you go ask some? Do you know any black Democrats?

wait, your OP states we should elect a black president simply to end racism in this country. so you are voting for him based on skin color -- racist

GW in Ohio
05-13-2008, 12:50 PM
wait, your OP states we should elect a black president simply to end racism in this country. so you are voting for him based on skin color -- racist

Naw, that's just one reason to vote for Obama. There are many others. He's the best candidate out there. Most of the black American who are voting for him would say the same thing.

GW in Ohio
05-13-2008, 12:50 PM
A brilliant article in today's Salon.com by Gary Kamiya, on the coming Obama vs. McCain showdown.....


May 13, 2008 | The coming presidential election will present America with the starkest political choice it has faced in a generation. On one side, we have Barack Obama -- the first black candidate to make it to the finals, a staunch liberal who opposes the Bush administration's Iraq war and its massive giveaway to the rich. On the other, we have John McCain, a onetime maverick who expeditiously crawled back into the far-right bosom of the GOP and is running as Son of Bush.

It's the collision of an irresistible force with an immovable object. Obama, combined with Bush's disastrous legacy, is the irresistible force. Obama is a consummately skilled and pragmatic politician who has inspired millions of young voters, owns the black vote, and has demonstrated he can appeal to independents and swing voters outside the traditional Democratic constituency. Forget the recent polls showing that some Hillary Clinton supporters won't vote for him -- once Clinton gracefully bows out of the race, her supporters will close ranks around Obama. Anyone who seriously thinks a significant number of them are going to vote for McCain is delusional. The Democrats will go into November united and energized.

And, of course, they will benefit enormously from the train-wreck presidency of George W. Bush. According to a CNN poll, Bush is the most unpopular president in modern American history: a staggering 71 percent of Americans disapprove of how he is handling the job, the first time any president's disapproval rating has reached into the 70s. Support for Bush's signature achievement, the war in Iraq, is also at an all-time low, with 68 percent opposed to it. Things are no better for the Republicans on the domestic front, with voters battered by record-high gas prices and a tanking economy. On the issues, there is simply no ray of hope anywhere for the GOP.

05-13-2008, 12:53 PM
:lol:was that written by a fifth grader..


05-13-2008, 12:57 PM
A brilliant article in today's Salon.com by Gary Kumbaya, .... You're making that guys name up now, ain't ya?:laugh2:

Attempt #6: Please explain how the author of the article that you posted knows that these are racist. [url]http://www.debatepolicy.com/showpost.php?p=243644&postcount=7[/url

05-13-2008, 12:58 PM
Naw, that's just one reason to vote for Obama. There are many others. He's the best candidate out there. Most of the black American who are voting for him would say the same thing.

why is a vote for him, as compared to hillary and mccain, a vote to end racism? because he is black, don't weasle out of what you said in the OP...you did not offer one single policy of obama's that would make a vote for him end racism, it is because he is black. are you saying the other two candidates are FOR racism?

GW in Ohio
05-13-2008, 12:59 PM
You're making that guys name up now, ain't ya?:laugh2:

Attempt #6: Please explain how the author of the article that you posted knows that these are racist. [url]http://www.debatepolicy.com/showpost.php?p=243644&postcount=7[/url

Christ, you're tedious.

Does your wife ever tell you that?

GW in Ohio
05-13-2008, 01:05 PM
why is a vote for him, as compared to hillary and mccain, a vote to end racism? because he is black, don't weasle out of what you said in the OP...you did not offer one single policy of obama's that would make a vote for him end racism, it is because he is black. are you saying the other two candidates are FOR racism?

Let me try and help you understand.....

If this particular black man (Obama) gets elected president.......

It will demonstrably show that America is no longer a racist country.
It will show every black person in the US that they, too, can go as high as their talents and abilities can carry them.
It will show lots of Americans that black people are just like them.
It will show lots of other white Americans that a black man can be better educated, smarter, and better looking than them.

05-13-2008, 01:06 PM
"But suppose God is black? What if we go to Heaven and we, all our lives, have treated the Negro as an inferior, and God is there, and we look up and He is not white? What then is our response?" Robert F. Kennedy

05-13-2008, 01:06 PM
Christ, you're tedious.

Does your wife ever tell you that?:lame2:

Attempt #7: Please explain how the author of the article that you posted knows that these are racist. http://www.debatepolicy.com/showpost.php?p=243644&postcount=7

05-13-2008, 01:09 PM
If a black American voted against Hillary, or Edwards, or McCain because they are white, that black American would be a racist.

If you asked black voters why they are voting for Obama, they would tell you they believe he would make the best president.

Why don't you go ask some? Do you know any black Democrats?

yep...they said they are voting for him because he is black.....i also know people that are voting for hillary because she is a woman....and mccain because he is a vet....i know people that voted for jfk because he was good looking.....

free country.....you get to vote for whatever reason you want.....

05-13-2008, 01:11 PM
Naw, that's just one reason to vote for Obama. There are many others. He's the best candidate out there. Most of the black American who are voting for him would say the same thing.

name three things he will do better than the other two.....

05-13-2008, 01:14 PM
Let me try and help you understand.....

If this particular black man (Obama) gets elected president.......

It will demonstrably show that America is no longer a racist country.
It will show every black person in the US that they, too, can go as high as their talents and abilities can carry them.
It will show lots of Americans that black people are just like them.
It will show lots of other white Americans that a black man can be better educated, smarter, and better looking than them.

Oh for crying out loud..
if this is the reasons people are voting for the half white half black man for President, we are in BIG TROUBLE..:poke:

05-13-2008, 01:25 PM
Let me try and help you understand.....

If this particular black man (Obama) gets elected president.......

It will demonstrably show that America is no longer a racist country.
It will show every black person in the US that they, too, can go as high as their talents and abilities can carry them.
It will show lots of Americans that black people are just like them.
It will show lots of other white Americans that a black man can be better educated, smarter, and better looking than them.

you do realize that everything you just said supports my assertion that you are voting for him solely because he is black we should vote for him in order to end racism. you are supporting him because of the color of his skin - not his policies - in order to end racism. you said that is not right and that a vote like this would be racist.

i don't care why you vote for him, but you said, such a vote is racist.

05-13-2008, 01:43 PM
you do realize that everything you just said supports my assertion that you are voting for him solely because he is black we should vote for him in order to end racism. you are supporting him because of the color of his skin - not his policies - in order to end racism. you said that is not right and that a vote like this would be racist.

i don't care why you vote for him, but you said, such a vote is racist.
Bingo. GuiltyWhite in Ohio has shown himself to be racist in this very thread.

GW in Ohio
05-13-2008, 01:56 PM
Bingo. GuiltyWhite in Ohio has shown himself to be racist in this very thread.

Oh, my goodness....

Those brilliant debaters, Yurt and Glockie (Lincoln and Douglas have nothing on them) have demonstrably proven that I am a racist.

This makes it acceptable for every right winger here to espouse racist sentiments.

I should have known better than to come here and try and defeat these able conservatives. They've bested me again.

I salute you.....:salute::salute::salute:

05-13-2008, 02:01 PM
Oh, my goodness....

Those brilliant debaters, Yurt and Glockie (Lincoln and Douglas have nothing on them) have demonstrably proven that I am a racist.

This makes it acceptable for every right winger here to espouse racist sentiments.

I should have known better than to come here and try and defeat these able conservatives. They've bested me again.

I salute you.....:salute::salute::salute:

I'm free to espouse any damn thing I want..if you don't like it and think it racist........tough shit..:dance:

05-13-2008, 02:01 PM
Oh, my goodness....

Those brilliant debaters, Yurt and Glockie (Lincoln and Douglas have nothing on them) have demonstrably proven that I am a racist.

This makes it acceptable for every right winger here to espouse racist sentiments.

I should have known better than to come here and try and defeat these able conservatives. They've bested me again.

I salute you.....:salute::salute::salute:

1. Those should be white flags of surrender for you.
2. Yurt alone deserves the credit for proving your racism.
3. I merely pointed out your inability to defend your accusations of racism from the OP.

05-13-2008, 02:04 PM
All I know is that every time I say I'm not voting for Obama, even when I delineate the reasons (he's liberal, he wants to pull out the troops, he believes in national healthcare, and I personally believe he's an elitist and hates America) I get told that my REAL reason for not liking him is because he's black.

I'm not sure how much more precise I can be. The fact is, the lefties want to believe if their baby loses, it's because the majority of Americans are racist pigs. It shows what they think of the people of this country.

05-13-2008, 02:06 PM
"But suppose God is black? What if we go to Heaven and we, all our lives, have treated the Negro as an inferior, and God is there, and we look up and He is not white? What then is our response?" Robert F. Kennedy

I worry about that a whole lot so if when I die and go see God is black I'm gwanna ax him why he just don't make us all da same.

05-13-2008, 02:06 PM
All I know is that every time I say I'm not voting for Obama, even when I delineate the reasons (he's liberal, he wants to pull out the troops, he believes in national healthcare, and I personally believe he's an elitist and hates America) I get told that my REAL reason for not liking him is because he's black.

I'm not sure how much more precise I can be. The fact is, the lefties want to believe if their baby loses, it's because the majority of Americans are racist pigs. It shows what they think of the people of this country.Without even thinking I covered myself for that when I voted in the NC primary last week. I voted for Alan Keyes. :coffee:

GW in Ohio
05-13-2008, 02:21 PM
I'm free to espouse any damn thing I want..if you don't like it and think it racist........tough shit..:dance:

Why, yes, you are, stephanie.

This is America, after all.

red states rule
05-13-2008, 02:26 PM
I worry about that a whole lot so if when I die and go see God is black I'm gwanna ax him why he just don't make us all da same.

Be careful what you wish for. God could be a black conservative and the libs will have Hell to pay

05-13-2008, 02:38 PM
Oh, my goodness....

Those brilliant debaters, Yurt and Glockie (Lincoln and Douglas have nothing on them) have demonstrably proven that I am a racist.

This makes it acceptable for every right winger here to espouse racist sentiments.

I should have known better than to come here and try and defeat these able conservatives. They've bested me again.

I salute you.....:salute::salute::salute:

are you that weak? if you can't handle it....

05-13-2008, 02:41 PM
People are going to get tired of the liberals and the Democrat party continually accusing them of being racist..

I hope it turns off a lot of people who end leaving, or not joining the Democrat party..

Abbey Marie
05-13-2008, 02:55 PM
People are going to get tired of the liberals and the Democrat party continually accusing them of being racist..

I hope it turns off a lot of people who end leaving, or not joining the Democrat party..

I agree, Stephanie. By continually throwing that word around where it doesn't apply, what they are doing is taking the punch out of the term. In the end, because of all the crying wolf and false accusations, the losers will be the actual victims of racism.

05-13-2008, 03:47 PM
Be careful what you wish for. God could be a black conservative and the libs will have Hell to pay

Just can't resist that liberal jab can ya ? :poke:

red states rule
05-13-2008, 03:49 PM
Just can't resist that liberal jab can ya ? :poke:

Given what liberals have said about black conservatives, it is more like pointing out the obivious.

Or will you say libs have treated black conservatives with the upmost of respect?

05-13-2008, 04:11 PM
My question is, what happens when some idiot or nutjob shoots one of these Obama supporters or staff workers?

I don't think the country is ready for the kind of fissures this election could open up.

The nonsense about Obama being a Muslim, America-hating traitor alone is enough to inspire a small amount of nutjobs and malcontents to action.

How will people react? Or God forbid, somebody puts a bullet in Obama?

We have enough nuts out there its a decent possibility. After all, we don't need gun control, we need nut control.

05-13-2008, 04:15 PM
Given what liberals have said about black conservatives, it is more like pointing out the obivious.

Or will you say libs have treated black conservatives with the upmost of respect?

Pointing out the obvious is something you outta be quite familiar with--You have managed to turn the word liberal into a meaningless utterance. :smoke:

red states rule
05-13-2008, 04:18 PM
Pointing out the obvious is something you outta be quite familiar with--You have managed to turn the word liberal into a meaningless utternance. :smoke:

Wow, you sure did address the point of liberal respect toward black Conservatives

Tossing Oreo cookies at Michael Stele, caling Justice Thomas an Uncle Tom, or Codi Rice a house maid

Yep, there is nothing like they kind "respect" the left shows black conservatives.

05-13-2008, 04:19 PM
My question is, what happens when some idiot or nutjob shoots one of these Obama supporters or staff workers?

I don't think the country is ready for the kind of fissures this election could open up.

The nonsense about Obama being a Muslim, America-hating traitor alone is enough to inspire a small amount of nutjobs and malcontents to action.

How will people react? Or God forbid, somebody puts a bullet in Obama?

We have enough nuts out there its a decent possibility. After all, we don't need gun control, we need nut control.

Easy----Hillary starts screaming "damn the racist pigs" and gets elected.

red states rule
05-13-2008, 04:20 PM
Easy----Hillary starts screaming "damn the racist pigs" and gets elected.

and Obamas "Pastor" screams "God damn America" and Barry squirms

05-13-2008, 04:23 PM
Wow, you sure did address the point of liberal respect toward black Conservatives

Tossing Oreo cookies at Michael Stele, caling Justice Thomas an Uncle Tom, or Codi Rice a house maid

Yep, there is nothing like they kind "respect" the left shows black conservatives.

Who gives a shit about what liberals say about conservative blacks? I mean really---tell us something important from time to time. Do you have any point besides "liberals suck" ?

red states rule
05-13-2008, 04:26 PM
Who gives a shit about what liberals say about conservative blacks? I mean really---tell us something important from time to time. Do you have any point besides "liberals suck" ?

Anyone who claims to hate racism of any kind should care

But some only have such selective outrage (along with their selective momory) pick and choose what rasicm they get outraged over

05-13-2008, 05:11 PM
One must be careful when approaching an election with this sort of attitude. Sometimes the Devil we know is indeed worse than the Devil we don't know.

No doubt. But I'm from Illinois, and Obama is not an unkown quantity here. In some ways he is not as much to the left as Hillary, but in others he's a lefty nutter. I may despise McCain for some of his positions, but putting platforms side-by-side, McCain has more "pro" attributes than either Clinton or Obama, at least for me.

05-13-2008, 05:16 PM
Anyone who claims to hate racism of any kind should care

But some only have such selective outrage (along with their selective momory) pick and choose what rasicm they get outraged over

And you're just now figuring this out ?

red states rule
05-13-2008, 05:19 PM
And you're just now figuring this out ?

I found it out along time ago. You seem to be still trying to work it out.

red states rule
05-13-2008, 05:35 PM
More the Obama church of racism and hate

Not Over

The Reverend Jeremiah Wright may have stepped down as pastor, but the Trinity United Church of Christ may continue to haunt Barack Obama.

Newsmax reports the new Senior Pastor, Otis Moss, has called biblical patriarch Abraham a pimp, said Noah and Moses were thugs and said Jesus had a "soft spot for thugs." Moss has also praised late rapper Tupac Shakur as a prophet despite his profanity-laced lyrics that glorify violence and a criminal record including assault and sexual abuse.

Cybercast News reports another pastor as the church, reverend Reginald Williams, has written in the church bulletin that the Pentagon trains Latin Americans to become terrorists and the major TV networks are run by right wing racists who see blacks as subhuman.

The Obama campaign has not yet responded to our request for a comment.


05-13-2008, 06:48 PM
So blacks that are voting for Barry because he is black - are they racists as well? Ok Repeat after me ONLY WHITE PEOPLE CAN BE RACIST

05-13-2008, 07:34 PM
No doubt. But I'm from Illinois, and Obama is not an unkown quantity here. In some ways he is not as much to the left as Hillary, but in others he's a lefty nutter. I may despise McCain for some of his positions, but putting platforms side-by-side, McCain has more "pro" attributes than either Clinton or Obama, at least for me.

You and I both, regarding Illinois, so where is it you find Obama substantially to the right of Hillary?

Pale Rider
05-13-2008, 08:27 PM
name three things he will do better than the other two.....

Well now there ya go manu... ruining all the fun asking the hussein supporters for something of substance... that just screwed everything up.

05-13-2008, 08:36 PM
If a black American voted against Hillary, or Edwards, or McCain because they are white, that black American would be a racist.

If you asked black voters why they are voting for Obama, they would tell you they believe he would make the best president.

Why don't you go ask some? Do you know any black Democrats?

So what matters is voting 'for' or 'against'

If I vote for Obama because hes black thats ok
If I vote for Hillary because shes white that ok..

but if I for against Obama because hes black or against Hillary because shes white thats racist....:lame2:

Damn...the convoluted reasoning of liberals is astounding....

red states rule
05-14-2008, 05:39 AM
Well now there ya go manu... ruining all the fun asking the hussein supporters for something of substance... that just screwed everything up.

Now lets get one thing straight. Barry is running for President on a change theme

The last thing he wants is to be bothered being asked to provide details on how he will bring about that change

You people are to busy clingng to your guns and Religion. If you are smart, you will cling to your 401K, saving account, checking account, and the rest of your money

Barry wants it and will take it if he gets the chance

GW in Ohio
05-14-2008, 07:24 AM
name three things he will do better than the other two.....

Plan for a Clean Energy Future

“Well, I don't believe that climate change is just an issue that's convenient to bring up during a campaign. I believe it's one of the greatest moral challenges of our generation. That's why I've fought successfully in the Senate to increase our investment in renewable fuels. That's why I reached across the aisle to come up with a plan to raise our fuel standards… And I didn't just give a speech about it in front of some environmental audience in California. I went to Detroit, I stood in front of a group of automakers, and I told them that when I am president, there will be no more excuses — we will help them retool their factories, but they will have to make cars that use less oil.”


“When I am this party's nominee, my opponent will not be able to say that I voted for the war in Iraq; or that I gave George Bush the benefit of the doubt on Iran; or that I supported Bush-Cheney policies of not talking to leaders that we don't like. And he will not be able to say that I wavered on something as fundamental as whether or not it is ok for America to torture — because it is never ok… I will end the war in Iraq… I will close Guantanamo. I will restore habeas corpus. I will finish the fight against Al Qaeda. And I will lead the world to combat the common threats of the 21st century: nuclear weapons and terrorism; climate change and poverty; genocide and disease. And I will send once more a message to those yearning faces beyond our shores that says, "You matter to us. Your future is our future. And our moment is now.”

Plan for Immigration

“The time to fix our broken immigration system is now… We need stronger enforcement on the border and at the workplace… But for reform to work, we also must respond to what pulls people to America… Where we can reunite families, we should. Where we can bring in more foreign-born workers with the skills our economy needs, we should”

— Barack Obama, Statement on U.S. Senate Floor, May 23, 2007

How's that?

05-14-2008, 07:29 AM
Plan for a Clean Energy Future

“Well, I don't believe that climate change is just an issue that's convenient to bring up during a campaign. I believe it's one of the greatest moral challenges of our generation. That's why I've fought successfully in the Senate to increase our investment in renewable fuels. That's why I reached across the aisle to come up with a plan to raise our fuel standards… And I didn't just give a speech about it in front of some environmental audience in California. I went to Detroit, I stood in front of a group of automakers, and I told them that when I am president, there will be no more excuses — we will help them retool their factories, but they will have to make cars that use less oil.”


“When I am this party's nominee, my opponent will not be able to say that I voted for the war in Iraq; or that I gave George Bush the benefit of the doubt on Iran; or that I supported Bush-Cheney policies of not talking to leaders that we don't like. And he will not be able to say that I wavered on something as fundamental as whether or not it is ok for America to torture — because it is never ok… I will end the war in Iraq… I will close Guantanamo. I will restore habeas corpus. I will finish the fight against Al Qaeda. And I will lead the world to combat the common threats of the 21st century: nuclear weapons and terrorism; climate change and poverty; genocide and disease. And I will send once more a message to those yearning faces beyond our shores that says, "You matter to us. Your future is our future. And our moment is now.”

Plan for Immigration

“The time to fix our broken immigration system is now… We need stronger enforcement on the border and at the workplace… But for reform to work, we also must respond to what pulls people to America… Where we can reunite families, we should. Where we can bring in more foreign-born workers with the skills our economy needs, we should”

— Barack Obama, Statement on U.S. Senate Floor, May 23, 2007

How's that?

Piss poor---he doesn't explain how he is going to do it or how he will pay for it. He may as well go for a chicken in every pot and a hybrid in every garage.

GW in Ohio
05-14-2008, 07:38 AM
Piss poor---he doesn't explain how he is going to do it or how he will pay for it. He may as well go for a chicken in every pot and a hybrid in every garage.

Dilloduck: If we extricate ourselves from the gigantic fuckaround that Bush created in Iraq we will save $billions, which can then be put to good use here at home.

05-14-2008, 07:56 AM
A brilliant article in today's Salon.com by Gary Kamiya, on the coming Obama vs. McCain showdown.....


May 13, 2008 | The coming presidential election will present America with the starkest political choice it has faced in a generation. On one side, we have Barack Obama -- the first black candidate to make it to the finals, a staunch liberal who opposes the Bush administration's Iraq war and its massive giveaway to the rich. On the other, we have John McCain, a onetime maverick who expeditiously crawled back into the far-right bosom of the GOP and is running as Son of Bush.

It's the collision of an irresistible force with an immovable object. Obama, combined with Bush's disastrous legacy, is the irresistible force. Obama is a consummately skilled and pragmatic politician who has inspired millions of young voters, owns the black vote, and has demonstrated he can appeal to independents and swing voters outside the traditional Democratic constituency. Forget the recent polls showing that some Hillary Clinton supporters won't vote for him -- once Clinton gracefully bows out of the race, her supporters will close ranks around Obama. Anyone who seriously thinks a significant number of them are going to vote for McCain is delusional. The Democrats will go into November united and energized.

And, of course, they will benefit enormously from the train-wreck presidency of George W. Bush. According to a CNN poll, Bush is the most unpopular president in modern American history: a staggering 71 percent of Americans disapprove of how he is handling the job, the first time any president's disapproval rating has reached into the 70s. Support for Bush's signature achievement, the war in Iraq, is also at an all-time low, with 68 percent opposed to it. Things are no better for the Republicans on the domestic front, with voters battered by record-high gas prices and a tanking economy. On the issues, there is simply no ray of hope anywhere for the GOP.

It doesn't take much for you to throw that brilliant word around does it. Obamessiah, this pathetic author........ I bet you think Rodrigue's blue dogs are brilliant also.

Obamessiah is a trained liar, a defender of the indefensible, a nut case with issues going back to a childhood screwed up by his shithead father. Next you will be recommending Ekhart Tolle, an insane clown brought to us by that imbecile Oprah.:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

05-14-2008, 08:03 AM
Plan for a Clean Energy Future

“Well, I don't believe that climate change is just an issue that's convenient to bring up during a campaign. I believe it's one of the greatest moral challenges of our generation. That's why I've fought successfully in the Senate to increase our investment in renewable fuels. That's why I reached across the aisle to come up with a plan to raise our fuel standards… And I didn't just give a speech about it in front of some environmental audience in California. I went to Detroit, I stood in front of a group of automakers, and I told them that when I am president, there will be no more excuses — we will help them retool their factories, but they will have to make cars that use less oil.”


“When I am this party's nominee, my opponent will not be able to say that I voted for the war in Iraq; or that I gave George Bush the benefit of the doubt on Iran; or that I supported Bush-Cheney policies of not talking to leaders that we don't like. And he will not be able to say that I wavered on something as fundamental as whether or not it is ok for America to torture — because it is never ok… I will end the war in Iraq… I will close Guantanamo. I will restore habeas corpus. I will finish the fight against Al Qaeda. And I will lead the world to combat the common threats of the 21st century: nuclear weapons and terrorism; climate change and poverty; genocide and disease. And I will send once more a message to those yearning faces beyond our shores that says[sic], "You matter to us. Your future is our future. And our moment is now.”

Plan for Immigration

“The time to fix our broken immigration system is now… We need stronger enforcement on the border and at the workplace… But for reform to work, we also must respond to what pulls people to America… Where we can reunite families, we should. Where we can bring in more foreign-born workers with the skills our economy needs, we should”

— Barack Obama, Statement on U.S. Senate Floor, May 23, 2007

How's that?

1. Energy: spend and regulate.
2. Al Queda: cut and run, give terrorists Constitutional rights, I’m a leader (with no experience).
3. Actually thhe time was 20 years ago. Or 10. Or 5 even. What have you done since you’ve been a Senator on this issue? Oh that’s right: nothing.

05-14-2008, 08:04 AM
Plan for a Clean Energy Future

“Well, I don't believe that climate change is just an issue that's convenient to bring up during a campaign. I believe it's one of the greatest moral challenges of our generation. That's why I've fought successfully in the Senate to increase our investment in renewable fuels. That's why I reached across the aisle to come up with a plan to raise our fuel standards… And I didn't just give a speech about it in front of some environmental audience in California. I went to Detroit, I stood in front of a group of automakers, and I told them that when I am president, there will be no more excuses — we will help them retool their factories, but they will have to make cars that use less oil.”


“When I am this party's nominee, my opponent will not be able to say that I voted for the war in Iraq; or that I gave George Bush the benefit of the doubt on Iran; or that I supported Bush-Cheney policies of not talking to leaders that we don't like. And he will not be able to say that I wavered on something as fundamental as whether or not it is ok for America to torture — because it is never ok… I will end the war in Iraq… I will close Guantanamo. I will restore habeas corpus. I will finish the fight against Al Qaeda. And I will lead the world to combat the common threats of the 21st century: nuclear weapons and terrorism; climate change and poverty; genocide and disease. And I will send once more a message to those yearning faces beyond our shores that says, "You matter to us. Your future is our future. And our moment is now.”

Plan for Immigration

“The time to fix our broken immigration system is now… We need stronger enforcement on the border and at the workplace… But for reform to work, we also must respond to what pulls people to America… Where we can reunite families, we should. Where we can bring in more foreign-born workers with the skills our economy needs, we should”

— Barack Obama, Statement on U.S. Senate Floor, May 23, 2007

How's that?

Who couldn't say that, the question is how will he do any of it. Anyone can make empty promises that make the "not so bright" heads swirl. The problem is the real world, this clown doesn't live in it. He has been handed shit for nothing his whole life. He is trained to make shit look like German Chocolate cake, to make Charles Manson look innocent, to make Jerimiah Wright seem relevant........ that is what skilled lawyers do, they are used car salespeople. They promise you a great car and once you buy it, don't know you. I don't buy anything this fraud with the chimp ears is selling.

05-14-2008, 08:07 AM
.....gigantic fuckaround that Bush created ......Attempt #8: Please explain how the author of the article that you posted knows that these are racist. http://www.debatepolicy.com/showpost.php?p=243644&postcount=7

GW in Ohio
05-14-2008, 08:10 AM
Attempt #8: Please explain how the author of the article that you posted knows that these are racist. http://www.debatepolicy.com/showpost.php?p=243644&postcount=7

You have way too much time on your hands.

Perhaps you could find a hobby.......?

Oh...wait...you have one.......making a pest of yourself on Debate Policy.

GW in Ohio
05-14-2008, 08:16 AM
It doesn't take much for you to throw that brilliant word around does it. Obamessiah, this pathetic author........ I bet you think Rodrigue's blue dogs are brilliant also.

Obamessiah is a trained liar, a defender of the indefensible, a nut case with issues going back to a childhood screwed up by his shithead father. Next you will be recommending Ekhart Tolle, an insane clown brought to us by that imbecile Oprah.:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

Okay, I was challenged to provide three ways Obama is a better candidate than McCain or Hillary (who is still snapping around his ankles like a deranged Yorkie).

So I did.

And now here's the shocker.....

The right-wing wackos at Debate Policy didn't accept any of my reasons for preferring Obama.

Whoa! Stop the presses........

This guy (Sitarro) even goes so far as to claim that Obama is insane.

Welcome to Alice's Through the Looking Glass world at Debate Policy where the resident dittoheads just make stuff up on the spot.

05-14-2008, 09:44 AM
No doubt. But I'm from Illinois, and Obama is not an unknown quantity here. In some ways he is not as much to the left as Hillary, but in others he's a lefty nutter. I may despise McCain for some of his positions, but putting platforms side-by-side, McCain has more "pro" attributes than either Clinton or Obama, at least for me.

At this juncture I tend to agree with you Cocky. While my political leanings are admittedly moderate, swinging slightly left on certain social issues, I do not like where Obama and Hillary come down, for me they are too far left. I have yet to commit to any candidate having voted for Fred Thompson in the California primary despite his departure from the race. Come November I may fall into the Libertarian camp. My ultimate hope is for the emergence of a viable third, maybe even fourth, party by 2012.

05-14-2008, 10:20 AM

Welcome to Alice's Through the Looking Glass world at Debate Policy where the resident dittoheads just make stuff up on the spot.

Just like your OP:

Attempt #9: Please explain how the author of the article that you posted knows that these are racist. http://www.debatepolicy.com/showpost.php?p=243644&postcount=7

05-14-2008, 11:33 AM
Plan for a Clean Energy Future

“Well, I don't believe that climate change is just an issue that's convenient to bring up during a campaign. I believe it's one of the greatest moral challenges of our generation. That's why I've fought successfully in the Senate to increase our investment in renewable fuels. That's why I reached across the aisle to come up with a plan to raise our fuel standards… And I didn't just give a speech about it in front of some environmental audience in California. I went to Detroit, I stood in front of a group of automakers, and I told them that when I am president, there will be no more excuses — we will help them retool their factories, but they will have to make cars that use less oil.”


“When I am this party's nominee, my opponent will not be able to say that I voted for the war in Iraq; or that I gave George Bush the benefit of the doubt on Iran; or that I supported Bush-Cheney policies of not talking to leaders that we don't like. And he will not be able to say that I wavered on something as fundamental as whether or not it is ok for America to torture — because it is never ok… I will end the war in Iraq… I will close Guantanamo. I will restore habeas corpus. I will finish the fight against Al Qaeda. And I will lead the world to combat the common threats of the 21st century: nuclear weapons and terrorism; climate change and poverty; genocide and disease. And I will send once more a message to those yearning faces beyond our shores that says, "You matter to us. Your future is our future. And our moment is now.”

Plan for Immigration

“The time to fix our broken immigration system is now… We need stronger enforcement on the border and at the workplace… But for reform to work, we also must respond to what pulls people to America… Where we can reunite families, we should. Where we can bring in more foreign-born workers with the skills our economy needs, we should”

— Barack Obama, Statement on U.S. Senate Floor, May 23, 2007

How's that?

so you're saying hillary and mccain do not stand for any of these things? and you still have not shown, assuming this is so different from the other two, HOW this "better"....cut and paste doesn't cut it, explain how this is better than the other two...

GW in Ohio
05-14-2008, 11:38 AM
so you're saying hillary and mccain do not stand for any of these things? and you still have not shown, assuming this is so different from the other two, HOW this "better"....cut and paste doesn't cut it, explain how this is better than the other two...

Hillary holds many of the same positions as Obama, but he's shown himself to be a lot more presidential than her during this long, protracted primary season.

As for McCain........:lol::laugh2::dance::laugh2::lol:

05-14-2008, 11:49 AM
Hillary holds many of the same positions as Obama, but he's shown himself to be a lot more presidential than her during this long, protracted primary season.

As for McCain........:lol::laugh2::dance::laugh2::lol:

you were asked why obama is better, name three things, you listed three things that you now admit (at a minimum) hillary has as well...

i believe mccain's energy and immigration are very similar

05-14-2008, 11:49 AM
Hillary holds many of the same positions as Obama, but he's shown himself to be a lot more presidential than her during this long, protracted primary season. But you just admitted that you were supporting Obama because he's black.

Pale Rider
05-14-2008, 11:54 AM
Plan for a Clean Energy Future

“Well, I don't believe that climate change is just an issue that's convenient to bring up during a campaign. I believe it's one of the greatest moral challenges of our generation. That's why I've fought successfully in the Senate to increase our investment in renewable fuels. That's why I reached across the aisle to come up with a plan to raise our fuel standards… And I didn't just give a speech about it in front of some environmental audience in California. I went to Detroit, I stood in front of a group of automakers, and I told them that when I am president, there will be no more excuses — we will help them retool their factories, but they will have to make cars that use less oil.”
Is this a joke? Renewable fuels and car that uses less oil? See, this is just another prime example of hussein belching out hot air but not saying anything. But you slug this kool aide down like your dying of thirst.

In contrast to hussein the racist, hillary has come up with a study that says there's enough wind power between Texas and North Dakota to power all of America, and she plans to build wind generators to do just that. See the difference there? Whether or not this will work, at least hillary has laid out a "SPECIFIC." Something your little lop eared, black man who hates whitely, turd hasn't, and doesn't do.


“When I am this party's nominee, my opponent will not be able to say that I voted for the war in Iraq; or that I gave George Bush the benefit of the doubt on Iran; or that I supported Bush-Cheney policies of not talking to leaders that we don't like. And he will not be able to say that I wavered on something as fundamental as whether or not it is ok for America to torture — because it is never ok… I will end the war in Iraq… I will close Guantanamo. I will restore habeas corpus. I will finish the fight against Al Qaeda. And I will lead the world to combat the common threats of the 21st century: nuclear weapons and terrorism; climate change and poverty; genocide and disease. And I will send once more a message to those yearning faces beyond our shores that says, "You matter to us. Your future is our future. And our moment is now.”
This man is dangerous. Simple as that. No experience, and endorsed by Hamas. hussein is one dangerous man. He shouldn't even be in congress.

Plan for Immigration

“The time to fix our broken immigration system is now… We need stronger enforcement on the border and at the workplace… But for reform to work, we also must respond to what pulls people to America… Where we can reunite families, we should. Where we can bring in more foreign-born workers with the skills our economy needs, we should”

— Barack Obama, Statement on U.S. Senate Floor, May 23, 2007
Great.... amnesty.... and while you illegals are at it, hey, BRING YOUR FAMILIES, we'll pay for EVERYBODY. What a fucking traitorous pile of steaming dog shit.

How's that?
Only someone that looks like this would support hussein the lop eared racist...


05-14-2008, 11:55 AM
How does one show themselves to be "more Presidential"?

the American idol worship of the child king........is kinda WEIRD..:coffee:

red states rule
05-14-2008, 12:18 PM
How does one show themselves to be "more Presidential"?

the American idol worship of the child king........is kinda WEIRD..:coffee:

The liberal media was in spin mode before the WV pols closed. The MFM clone over at DNC TV played the race card Tues morning

Chris Matthews: West Virginians Decided Decades Ago to Oppose Obama
By Scott Whitlock | May 13, 2008 - 16:28 ET

Guest hosting on Tuesday's "Morning Joe," MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews assigned dark motives to the voters of West Virginia and repeatedly reaffirmed that nobody should be surprised if Barack Obama loses the May 13 primary to Hillary Clinton. According to Matthews, "You could have predicted West Virginia 20 years ago on this one." Making his racial overtones more clear, Matthews derided, "These people made up their mind in '57."

This was all too much for fellow guest host Pat Buchanan. One of the few conservatives on MSNBC, he first laughed and then alluded to the fact that West Virginia has been almost exclusively controlled by Democrats: "What an indictment! What an indictment of your party, Chris!" Matthews snidely responded by claiming his remarks indicated "a suggestion of understanding the geography of America." He followed up by jokingly referring to Buchanan's previous presidential runs and not-so subtlety asking, "How did you do in West Virginia? Pretty good, huh?"


05-14-2008, 01:19 PM
How does one show themselves to be "more Presidential"?

the American idol worship of the child king........is kinda WEIRD..:coffee:

because he "dresses" better :laugh2: