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05-15-2008, 12:24 PM
Obama says Bush falsely accuses him of appeasement

WASHINGTON - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama accused President Bush on Thursday of launching a "false political attack" with a comment about appeasing terrorists and radicals.

The Illinois senator interpreted the remark as a slam against him but the White House denied that Bush's words were in any way directed at Obama, who has said as president he would be willing to personally meet with Iran's leaders and those of other regimes the United States has deemed rogue.

In a speech to Israel's Knesset, Bush said: "Some seem to believe that we should negotiate with the terrorists and radicals, as if some ingenious argument will persuade them they have been wrong all along.

"We have heard this foolish delusion before. As Nazi tanks crossed into Poland in 1939, an American senator declared: 'Lord, if I could only have talked to Hitler, all this might have been avoided.' We have an obligation to call this what it is — the false comfort of appeasement, which has been repeatedly discredited by history."

Obama responded with a statement, seizing on Bush's remarks even as it was unclear to whom the president was referring.

"It is sad that President Bush would use a speech to the Knesset on the 60th anniversary of Israel's independence to launch a false political attack," Obama said in the statement his aides distributed. "George Bush knows that I have never supported engagement with terrorists, and the president's extraordinary politicization of foreign policy and the politics of fear do nothing to secure the American people or our stalwart ally Israel."

The White House said Bush's comment wasn't a reference to Obama.

"It is not," press secretary Dana Perino told reporters in Israel. "I would think that all of you who cover these issues and have for a long time have known that there are many who have suggested these types of negotiations with people that the president, President Bush, thinks that we should not talk to. I understand when you're running for office you sometimes think the world revolves around you. That is not always true. And it is not true in this case."


05-15-2008, 02:03 PM
Obama will no doubt be an appeaser, if this moon cricket gets elected expect terrorism within this country to live on.

05-15-2008, 02:22 PM
Obama will no doubt be an appeaser, if this moon cricket gets elected expect terrorism within this country to live on.

nice slur......if terrorisim in this country would "live on" could you point out what terrorisim is living here currently....

05-15-2008, 02:28 PM
nice slur......if terrorisim in this country would "live on" could you point out what terrorisim is living here currently....

Just suggesting that acts like 911 will be repeated is all. This guy is not prepared to lead the country. I don't think most democrats see the threat serious enough to enhance homeland security while consuming more of our money on other useless taxes. I dunno the answer to this problem but it sure won't be Obama.

05-15-2008, 03:15 PM
Just suggesting that acts like 911 will be repeated is all. This guy is not prepared to lead the country. I don't think most democrats see the threat serious enough to enhance homeland security while consuming more of our money on other useless taxes. I dunno the answer to this problem but it sure won't be Obama.

i guarantee the us will be hit again.....

who the president is will have no bearing on this though......

05-15-2008, 03:29 PM
It's becoming nauseating having to listen to the boy king and his supporters whining about every little so called slight..

can you just picture this little whiny baby in the white house..

05-15-2008, 05:21 PM
they say when you protest something that no one accuses you of its a sure sign you are guilty of it. I think that applies here.

05-15-2008, 05:26 PM
they say when you protest something that no one accuses you of its a sure sign you are guilty of it. I think that applies here.


how does he know President Bush wasn't talking about Jimma Carter?
I can't even stand much more of Obambam and his supporters..

05-15-2008, 05:37 PM
I can't even stand much more of Obambam and his supporters..

what will happen when you reach your limit?

05-15-2008, 05:39 PM
what will happen when you reach your limit?

I'll throw up on them.:cheers2:

05-15-2008, 07:22 PM
I'll throw up on them.:cheers2:

I am sure the threat of that will change some attitudes!

05-15-2008, 08:06 PM
I am sure the threat of that will change some attitudes!

so what do you think of your boy's egotistical response? as if he is the only one who espouses that view. what an idiot...

05-15-2008, 08:10 PM
so what do you think of your boy's egotistical response? as if he is the only one who espouses that view. what an idiot...

he is the presumed nominee who has said he would talk with Israel's enemies.... and it is election year.... and he is a highly successful lawyer who graduated from Harvard Law and was editor of the Law Review.... I am not sure who should be calling who an idiot in that situation.

05-15-2008, 08:11 PM
he is the presumed nominee who has said he would talk with Israel's enemies.... and it is election year.... and he is a highly successful lawyer who graduated from Harvard Law and was editor of the Law Review.... I am not sure who should be calling who an idiot in that situation.

Where was he 'a highly successful lawyer'? Why did he and Michelle have to live in a cramped 3 bdr condo until the bought their megahouse? Michelle has detailed their sufferings.

05-15-2008, 08:14 PM
he is the presumed nominee who has said he would talk with Israel's enemies.... and it is election year.... and he is a highly successful lawyer who graduated from Harvard Law and was editor of the Law Review.... I am not sure who should be calling who an idiot in that situation.

so he is the only that bush could be talking about, no one else...it appears idiots vote for idiots...and don't forget he did not know the difference between rejection and denouncing someone...just because you went to harvard doesn't automatically make you smart

05-15-2008, 08:15 PM
just because you went to harvard doesn't automatically make you smart

being at the top of your class at Harvard Law does.

05-15-2008, 08:21 PM
being at the top of your class at Harvard Law does.

so, obama is the ONLY one who supports the appeasement stance...he hasn't proved himself very smart in live debates...one can be smart in the books, but an idiot overall...

05-15-2008, 08:28 PM
being at the top of your class at Harvard Law does.

getting good grades means what exactly......in the real world....

05-15-2008, 08:43 PM
so, obama is the ONLY one who supports the appeasement stance...he hasn't proved himself very smart in live debates...one can be smart in the books, but an idiot overall...

fuck you and your "appeasement stance" bullshit. Obama supports talking to our enemies. So does Bush. His secdef and secstate are talking with Iran right fucking now. his top general has spent months talking with the very terrorists who killed american troops by the score in Iraq. Are THEY appeasers?

Obama DOES happen to be the presumptive democratic nominee and the only one of the two remaining democratic candidates who has said he would talk with Iran and other enemies. Bush IS a republican politician. YOu figure it out.

05-15-2008, 08:46 PM
getting good grades means what exactly......in the real world....

I guess you are asking because you have never had the experience first hand?

Being editor of the Harvard Law review means you REALLY understand the law. Being a successful community organizer means you really understand the issues that confront working class people. Being a successful politician means you really understand how to move your agenda forward in a shark tank of bipartisan acrimony. Are you really suggesting that Obama is not a smart guy? really????

05-15-2008, 08:47 PM
fuck you and your "appeasement stance" bullshit. Obama supports talking to our enemies. So does Bush. His secdef and secstate are talking with Iran right fucking now. his top general has spent months talking with the very terrorists who killed american troops by the score in Iraq. Are THEY appeasers?

Obama DOES happen to be the presumptive democratic nominee and the only one of the two remaining democratic candidates who has said he would talk with Iran and other enemies. Bush IS a republican politician. YOu figure it out.

only an egotistical ass would think bush is talking directly about him when there are a cadre of other appeasers out there...

and no thanks, i don't swing that way

05-15-2008, 08:49 PM
I guess you are asking because you have never had the experience first hand?

Being editor of the Harvard Law review means you REALLY understand the law. Being a successful community organizer means you really understand the issues that confront working class people. Being a successful politician means you really understand how to move your agenda forward in a shark tank of bipartisan acrimony. Are you really suggesting that Obama is not a smart guy? really????

and what are his successes? having so many no shows...he never took his being a senator serious, he used it solely as a platform to grab the presidency

05-15-2008, 08:50 PM
and what are his successes? having so many no shows...he never took his being a senator serious, he used it solely as a platform to grab the presidency

oh yeah...that's right.... he was never a politician at ALL before he entered the US Senate.:lol:

05-15-2008, 08:52 PM
only an egotistical ass would think bush is talking directly about him when there are a cadre of other appeasers out there...

and no thanks, i don't swing that way


that is bullshit limbaugh rhetoric. I actually expected more from you.

most all of the media outlets thought he was talking about Obama as well...

05-15-2008, 08:58 PM

that is bullshit limbaugh rhetoric. I actually expected more from you.

most all of the media outlets thought he was talking about Obama as well...

It's easy to get confused:



The president could have been speaking of any number of Democrats. Say, Jimmy Carter, who in April, 2008 said: “Through more official consultations with these outlawed leaders [Hamas and Syria], it may yet be possible to revive and expedite the stalemated peace talks between Israel and its neighbors. In the Middle East, as in Nepal, the path to peace lies in negotiation, not in isolation.”

Or Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, freelance diplomat, who in December 2007 said: “the road to Damascus is a road to peace.”

Or, perhaps he meant Speaker Pelosi in April 2007: “I believe in dialogue. As my colleagues have said over and over again, unless you communicate, you cannot understand each other. You cannot reach agreement.”

Or maybe he meant recent Obama endorser and former North Carolina senator John Edwards, who, according to his own press release in February of last year, believes “the U.S. should step up our diplomatic efforts by engaging in direct talks with all the nations in the region, including Iran and Syria.”

Or Bill Richardson, who has said, about meeting with Iran and Syria: “They’re bad folks … But you don’t have peace talks with your friends.”

It could have been about Congressman Henry Waxman, who in April said: “A Democratic administration would go back and try to open that possibility up for discussions [with Iran] of a grand bargain of one sort or another ... Democrats would certainly have seen that as a missed opportunity.”

Or Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich: “I can go to Syria. I can go to Iran and work to craft a path towards peace. And I will … How can you change peopled minds if you don’t meet with them?”

Or former Democratic presidential candidates and senators Chris Dodd and John Kerry, who met with Syria’s al-Assad and said: “As senior Democrats on the Foreign Relations Committee, we felt it was important to make clear that while we believe in resuming dialogue, our message is no different: Syria can and should play a more constructive role in the region … We concluded that our conversation was worthwhile, and that … resuming direct dialogue with Syria should be pursued.”

Or the former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, from April 10: “[Diplomats] can deliver some pretty tough messages … You don’t begin with a president of the country, but you do need to talk to your enemy.”....

05-15-2008, 09:00 PM
right Kathianne...If they are "appeasers", then so is Bush and Gates and Rice and Petraeus.

Is that your story? or does the appeaser word only apply to democrats?

05-15-2008, 09:01 PM
right Kathianne...If they are "appeasers", then so is Bush and Gates and Rice and Petraeus.

Is that your story? or does the appeaser word only apply to democrats?

Right, as with other issues, you are appearing more hypocritical with each post.

05-15-2008, 09:04 PM
Right, as with other issues, you are appearing more hypocritical with each post.

when Gates and Rice talk to Iran, are they appeasers?

When Petraeus negotiates with, and then gives money and arms to the very terrorist thugs who killed our soldiers, is HE an appeaser?

simple questions.

05-15-2008, 09:08 PM
when Gates and Rice talk to Iran, are they appeasers?

When Petraeus negotiates with, and then gives money and arms to the very terrorist thugs who killed our soldiers, is HE an appeaser?

simple questions.

When did Gates or Rice speak with Iran? When did Petraeus?

05-15-2008, 09:16 PM
Better response than either MM or myself:


Re: The Obama Campaign Goes Completely Insane
Peter Wehner - 05.15.2008 - 3:47 PM

I completely concur with John. The President’s speech was a beautiful, eloquent address celebrating the birth of the Jewish state. Here is the offending passage:

Some seem to believe we should negotiate with terrorists and radicals, as if some ingenious argument will persuade them they have been wrong all along. We have heard this foolish delusion before. As Nazi tanks crossed into Poland in 1939, an American senator declared: “Lord, if only I could have talked to Hitler, all of this might have been avoided.” We have an obligation to call this what it is–the false comfort of appeasement, which has been repeatedly discredited by history.

Obama’s faux anger in reaction to Bush’s speech is ludicrous. For one thing, the President did not even mention Senator Obama in his speech. What the President was rebutting was a (fairly prevalent) cast of mind, one which is shared by Obama but by many others–including Jimmy Carter, who just returned from the region, as well as a people serving in Bush’s own State Department.

For Obama’s communications director to call the President’s remarks an “unprecedented political attack on foreign soil” is utter nonsense. More than that, though, Obama’s reaction is exactly the kind of “distraction” that he constantly complains about–even when the issues raised are legitimate ones to discuss (like his association with the Reverend Wright). To take a serious address like the one President Bush delivered in Israel today and shoehorn it into a campaign is exactly the kind of thing that drags down political discourse in America–and is the opposite of what Obama claims to represent.

With every passing week, it seems, the gap between what Obama says he is and how he acts is widening. His campaign’s latest attack looks contrived, petty, and stupid–unworthy even of our “old politics.”

Abbey Marie
05-15-2008, 09:22 PM
Excellent quote from President Bush, and excellent article about it.

Nice find, K! :clap:

05-15-2008, 09:25 PM
when Gates and Rice talk to Iran, are they appeasers?

When Petraeus negotiates with, and then gives money and arms to the very terrorist thugs who killed our soldiers, is HE an appeaser?

simple questions.

appeasment is to buy off an aggressor by concessions usually at the sacrifice of principles ......

don't recall gates or rice buying off iran......don't recall patreus sacrifing his principles.....but i am sure you can link me up....or insult me....your choice....

05-15-2008, 09:39 PM
appeasment is to buy off an aggressor by concessions usually at the sacrifice of principles ......

don't recall gates or rice buying off iran......don't recall patreus sacrifing his principles.....but i am sure you can link me up....or insult me....your choice....

are you suggesting that Petraeus did not provide arms and money to the sunni warlords in exchange for their commitment to not fight us but to fight Al Qaeda instead?

and when has Obama - or any democrat - advocated buying off an aggressor?

05-15-2008, 09:42 PM
I guess you are asking because you have never had the experience first hand?

Being editor of the Harvard Law review means you REALLY understand the law. Being a successful community organizer means you really understand the issues that confront working class people. Being a successful politician means you really understand how to move your agenda forward in a shark tank of bipartisan acrimony. Are you really suggesting that Obama is not a smart guy? really????

And this.... "oh so smart" clown is being played with by the President, the President that is supposedly an idiot....... gotta love it. Obammysiah is a joke.

05-15-2008, 09:47 PM
are you suggesting that Petraeus did not provide arms and money to the sunni warlords in exchange for their commitment to not fight us but to fight Al Qaeda instead?

and when has Obama - or any democrat - advocated buying off an aggressor?

i thought i typed slow.....don't recall patreus sacrifing his principles

clinton bought off somali war lords and oposing factions in serbia and kosovo.....

you forgot to link me up to gates rice negotiations in iran....

05-15-2008, 09:53 PM
When did Gates or Rice speak with Iran? When did Petraeus?


The Bush administration held three rounds of discussions with Iran about security in Iraq last year, including two at the ambassadorial level, and Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that Washington needed to "figure out a way to develop some leverage ... and then sit down and talk with" Iran.


Petraeus spoke with - and negotiated with - the sunni warlords who still had american blood on their hands....got them to quit killing americans and start killing AQ. AND he gave them money to pay their thugs and weapons to arm them with....the very same thugs who had killed our troops. But Petraeus and his boss are heroes.... because, obviously, they are republicans.

05-15-2008, 09:54 PM
i thought i typed slow.....don't recall patreus sacrifing his principles

clinton bought off somali war lords and oposing factions in serbia and kosovo.....

you forgot to link me up to gates rice negotiations in iran....

when did I say he DID. He bought off our enemies...he paid the killers of american soldiers with money and weapons on condition that they would use them against AQ instead of us. what do you call that?

and when has Obama sacrificed his principles - or those of the Bush administration's - by advocating the same stuff that Team Bush has already done.

05-15-2008, 09:58 PM
And this.... "oh so smart" clown is being played with by the President, the President that is supposedly an idiot....... gotta love it. Obammysiah is a joke.

I am so glad you condone and support the president of the united states playing cheap, tawdry political games whilst addressing the legislature of a foreign nation. I can't say I am all that surprised.

05-15-2008, 10:07 PM
appeasment is to buy off an aggressor by concessions usually at the sacrifice of principles ......

Right. Bush calls Obalama an appeaser, but that's completely incorrect as far as we know now. An appeaser tries to satisfy a dictator by giving him what he wants (such as Czechoslovakia) in the hopes that he'll stop his arming and generally warlike behavior: stop building all the Panzers and training troops, for instance.

We know appeasement doesn't work.

BUSH has done the most that way, in all the talks with North Korea and giving in to everything they want all the time. While they build nuke factories in Syria.

I don't care for Obamalama's "I'll talk with any criminal anywhere anytime," but how different is it from Bush constantly flying over to Saudi Arabia and begging them (fruitlessly) to increase oil production? I can remember when heads of other states had to come to US, we weren't told we have to go there like Cheney and Bush constantly do, not that it does any good.

Bush said Obama is appeasing, but he isn't.

Bush also said it is "unforgiveable" to let Iran get nukes, but it is BUSH who has lost nuclear non-proliferation for us!! If he hadn't made such a botch of the Iraq and Afghan wars, Iran wouldn't be riding so high.

I think Bush losing nuclear non-proliferation is actually far more dangerous even than these forever-losing wars he can't get out of. So what does he do? Bush blames Obama for it!! Darn, I don't like Obama, but that's just unfair.

Bush is why Iran is getting nukes.

05-15-2008, 10:07 PM
Obambam and his loony toon supporters are out of their frikken minds, out in the twilight zone somewhere....

No time was his NAME mentioned..

They even paraded out the loony toony twins, Biden and Kerry..:coffee:

05-15-2008, 10:19 PM
Right. Bush calls Obalama an appeaser, but that's completely incorrect as far as we know now. An appeaser tries to satisfy a dictator by giving him what he wants (such as Czechoslovakia) in the hopes that he'll stop his arming and generally warlike behavior: stop building all the Panzers and training troops, for instance.

We know appeasement doesn't work.

BUSH has done the most that way, in all the talks with North Korea and giving in to everything they want all the time. While they build nuke factories in Syria.

I don't care for Obamalama's "I'll talk with any criminal anywhere anytime," but how different is it from Bush constantly flying over to Saudi Arabia and begging them (fruitlessly) to increase oil production? I can remember when heads of other states had to come to US, we weren't told we have to go there like Cheney and Bush constantly do, not that it does any good.

Bush said Obama is appeasing, but he isn't.

Bush also said it is "unforgiveable" to let Iran get nukes, but it is BUSH who has lost nuclear non-proliferation for us!! If he hadn't made such a botch of the Iraq and Afghan wars, Iran wouldn't be riding so high.

I think Bush losing nuclear non-proliferation is actually far more dangerous even than these forever-losing wars he can't get out of. So what does he do? Bush blames Obama for it!! Darn, I don't like Obama, but that's just unfair.

Bush is why Iran is getting nukes.

please show me where bush said obama's name....

Abbey Marie
05-15-2008, 10:24 PM
please show me where bush said obama's name....

They all know Obamalamadingdong is showing all signs of being an appeaser, so they assumed Bush could only have meant him. Funny, isn't it? :laugh2:

05-15-2008, 10:26 PM
They all know Obamalamadingdong is showing all signs of being an appeaser, so they assumed Bush could only have meant him. Funny, isn't it? :laugh2:

i was taught an old arab saying.....to find the guilty raise your stick and the guilty will run.......

05-15-2008, 10:26 PM
please show me where bush said obama's name....

Everybody knows it's Obama he meant. Are there a lot of choices? No. The Fox Panel covered all that tonight. It wasn't a big mystery.

Also, Bush chose to do it in a speech from Israel: he brought domestic politics into a speech in Israel??? Not nice. Pretty much par for the course for Bush, no class.

05-15-2008, 10:29 PM
Everybody knows it's Obama he meant. Are there a lot of choices? No. The Fox Panel covered all that tonight. It wasn't a big mystery.

Also, Bush chose to do it in a speech from Israel: he brought domestic politics into a speech in Israel??? Not nice. Pretty much par for the course for Bush, no class.

"everybody" i don't so...you said he said obama...he did not...its like abbey said, is he guilty? he made himself look like an idiot by responding... because he is admitting that he is an appeaser...but i'm not really...

and are you saying that obama is the only appeaser? pretty arrogant to assume he was talking about obama...

bush also said he was not talking about obama, are you calling him a liar?

05-15-2008, 10:29 PM
Everybody knows it's Obama he meant. Are there a lot of choices? No. The Fox Panel covered all that tonight. It wasn't a big mystery.

Also, Bush chose to do it in a speech from Israel: he brought domestic politics into a speech in Israel??? Not nice. Pretty much par for the course for Bush, no class.

carter, clinton, kerry, most dems.....all believe in appeasing an enemy......

he brought international policy issues concerning israel into a speach from israel.....

the horror......

05-15-2008, 10:29 PM
Obambam and his loony toon supporters are out of their frikken minds, out in the twilight zone somewhere....

No time was his NAME mentioned..

They even paraded out the loony toony twins, Biden and Kerry..:coffee:

Democrats will not agree with Bush under ANY circumstances.....thats a given, and has proved true for years....this issue....Anwar oil....the oil reserve issue....
you name it....it doesn't matter what side of an issue Bush comes down on...the Dims will ridicule and argue against him....

Abbey Marie
05-15-2008, 10:31 PM
Everybody knows it's Obama he meant. Are there a lot of choices? No. The Fox Panel covered all that tonight. It wasn't a big mystery.

Also, Bush chose to do it in a speech from Israel: he brought domestic politics into a speech in Israel??? Not nice. Pretty much par for the course for Bush, no class.

Really? Ever heard of Jimmah Carter, who was just over there.

05-15-2008, 10:32 PM
Really? Ever heard of Jimmah Carter, who was just over there.

good point!

05-15-2008, 10:36 PM
"everybody" i don't so...you said he said obama...he did not...its like abbey said, is he guilty? he made himself look like an idiot by responding... because he is admitting that he is an appeaser...but i'm not really...

and are you saying that obama is the only appeaser? pretty arrogant to assume he was talking about obama...

bush also said he was not talking about obama, are you calling him a liar?

Good God, of COURSE Bush is a liar!! That man lies as often as he breathes! It's his constant, constant lying that got us into that godforsaken Iraq War!

I would be amazed to hear you or anyone else ever believed a word that man lies out of his mouth.

Of course he's talking about Obama. Obama is leading in the race for president, and Bush seems to belatedly have some urge to help his party, after ruining it for seven years straight.

It may well be Obama does appease (wouldn't surprise me at all; Bush does plenty appeasing too, such as giving North Korea whatever they want), but at this point, he has only incautiously offered to talk to any of these "thugs" as Krauthammer calls them, anytime, anywhere, which isn't very dignified for a President of the United States. I guess our presidents are at every foreign dictator's beck and call these days. Bush and Cheney constantly fly to beg favors of Saudi Arabia, and Obama offers to take over from the State Department and do his own negotiating.

Obama may well be an appeaser but he isn't one yet, and I don't think there are a lot of candidates for that title. Not Hillary: she threatens to "obliterate" Iran, she's no appeaser.

05-15-2008, 10:39 PM
I am so glad you condone and support the president of the united states playing cheap, tawdry political games whilst addressing the legislature of a foreign nation. I can't say I am all that surprised.

I enjoy seeing the "very progressive", genius, elitist getting just a little taste of the shit they have thrown at the President for the last 7 and a half years. Get ready for it, it is going to be a tough 4 years if the punk little clown can last long enough to let the imbeciles of this country elect him. I don't really feel he has the intestinal fortitude to handle what's going to happen to he and that witch wife of his in the next few months.

He is an empty suit and will go poof...... he is certainly no war hardened John McCain ....... pathetic really. How apropos that the ultimate light weight shit head would endorse him ...... he's so committed, that Johnny boy, guess he was too busy blowing his boyfriend, until now, to speak up .:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

05-15-2008, 10:40 PM
Good God, of COURSE Bush is a liar!! That man lies as often as he breathes! It's his constant, constant lying that got us into that godforsaken Iraq War!

I would be amazed to hear you or anyone else ever believed a word that man lies out of his mouth.

Of course he's talking about Obama. Obama is leading in the race for president, and Bush seems to belatedly have some urge to help his party, after ruining it for seven years straight.

It may well be Obama does appease (wouldn't surprise me at all; Bush does plenty appeasing too, such as giving North Korea whatever they want), but at this point, he has only incautiously offered to talk to any of these "thugs" as Krauthammer calls them, anytime, anywhere, which isn't very dignified for a President of the United States. I guess our presidents are at every foreign dictator's beck and call these days. Bush and Cheney constantly fly to beg favors of Saudi Arabia, and Obama offers to take over from the State Department and do his own negotiating.

Obama may well be an appeaser but he isn't one yet, and I don't think there are a lot of candidates for that title. Not Hillary: she threatens to "obliterate" Iran, she's no appeaser.

your opinion...do you have a link about his "many lies?" and you do know that jimmy carter was just over there appeasing hamas...nah, couldn't be about jimmy, nope :poke:

if bush lied about iraq, then almost every major dem and world leader is also a liar, don't go down that road

05-15-2008, 10:41 PM
Ah well..I'd suggest for the boy king to keep up with his whining..

People are going to be sick of him by November..:cheers2:

05-15-2008, 10:44 PM
I guess you are asking because you have never had the experience first hand?

Being editor of the Harvard Law review means you REALLY understand the law. Being a successful community organizer means you really understand the issues that confront working class people. Being a successful politician means you really understand how to move your agenda forward in a shark tank of bipartisan acrimony. Are you really suggesting that Obama is not a smart guy? really????

1)Being editor of a law review doesnt mean you know jack. Having survived law school and having been an editor on a law journal, i can promise you that at the time of graduation you still have alot to learn about the law. In fact, a life time may not get you to a knowledgible level. Editing a law journal just guarentees that you know how to form sentences and cite stuff.

2)You can organize sucessfully in the communitee without dealing with the working class, AKA poor. However, dividing people into class is a foolish thing. What benefits one benefits all. We dont live a zero sum society. Protecting life for example, benefits everyone. Free speech beneits everyone.

3)What evidence do you have that Obama is a successful politician? simply winning elections doesnt make one successful. You have to accomplish things. If that is the measure we use, Obama isnt very successful at all.

as for smart. there are lots of ways to define intelligence.

05-15-2008, 10:52 PM
1)Being editor of a law review doesnt mean you know jack. Having survived law school and having been an editor on a law journal, i can promise you that at the time of graduation you still have alot to learn about the law. In fact, a life time may not get you to a knowledgible level. Editing a law journal just guarentees that you know how to form sentences and cite stuff.

2)You can organize sucessfully in the communitee without dealing with the working class, AKA poor. However, dividing people into class is a foolish thing. What benefits one benefits all. We dont live a zero sum society. Protecting life for example, benefits everyone. Free speech beneits everyone.

3)What evidence do you have that Obama is a successful politician? simply winning elections doesnt make one successful. You have to accomplish things. If that is the measure we use, Obama isnt very successful at all.

as for smart. there are lots of ways to define intelligence.

I have anecdotal evidence from my parents who live(d) in Illinois and know his record of accomplishment as a state senator and his reputation as a successufl community organizer. I have read his books. I have followed his campaign. I believe he is wise beyond his years, but clearly, that is only my opinion. you are obviously free to form your own.

05-15-2008, 11:00 PM
I have anecdotal evidence from my parents who live(d) in Illinois and know his record of accomplishment as a state senator and his reputation as a successufl community organizer. I have read his books. I have followed his campaign. I believe he is wise beyond his years, but clearly, that is only my opinion. you are obviously free to form your own.

Didn't you defend reverin wright?

05-15-2008, 11:03 PM
Didn't you defend reverin wright?

I defended some of what reverend wright had been attacked for.

your point?

05-15-2008, 11:05 PM
I have anecdotal evidence from my parents who live(d) in Illinois and know his record of accomplishment as a state senator and his reputation as a successufl community organizer. I have read his books. I have followed his campaign. I believe he is wise beyond his years, but clearly, that is only my opinion. you are obviously free to form your own.

well you are certainly entitled to your opinions. but just stating your opinion wont convince anyone of anything.

05-15-2008, 11:07 PM
well you are certainly entitled to your opinions. but just stating your opinion wont convince anyone of anything.

careful.....he may unleash his wrath on you......

05-15-2008, 11:11 PM
well you are certainly entitled to your opinions. but just stating your opinion wont convince anyone of anything.

as if you are even remotely willing of being convinced of Obama's qualifications.

05-15-2008, 11:12 PM
careful.....he may unleash his wrath on you......

ooh im scared. the man from maine is coming to get me

05-15-2008, 11:13 PM
as if you are even remotely willing of being convinced of Obama's qualifications.

That of course assumes he is qualified to begin with. Something no one has established.

05-15-2008, 11:14 PM
That of course assumes he is qualified to begin with. Something no one has established.

thanks for making my point.

05-15-2008, 11:26 PM
thanks for making my point.

Funny. you seem to think I am obligated to prove your opinions correct. It's not my fault youre too lazy to construct actual arguments or find actual evidence to support your positions.

Did you ever stop to consider that the reason no one is persuaded by what you say is because you don't back any of your opinions up? or do you simply assume its because everyone else is too intolerant and close minded?

You don't have to respond. I already know which one it is. My questions are merely rhetorical. If you are unfamiliar with the word feel free to look it up at http://www.merriam-webster.com/

BTW don't think you've successfully distracted anyone reading this thread from the topic. I know you are embarassed about Obama being so outraged about President Bush saying something about him that he didnt say. Honestly, I dont know how you prostitute yourself the way you do. It must feel dirty to have to defend something that is so clearly wrong just so your candidate saves face. That's why I recommend getting principles and living by them. That way it doesnt matter what people do, you still have a compass to follow in life rather than some cult of personality that can have you saying and doing things youd never consider without some leader to mindlessly follow.

Of course, that requires thought. It requires admitting that there are good and bad principles to live by. It requires taking responsibility for the choices you make and dealing with the consequences. I know these are foreign concepts in our secular culture. But they really are the clearest way to happiness and peace. And its never too late to repent. That's the beauty of the Atonement.

05-15-2008, 11:26 PM
No one even heard of this doofus outside of Chicago until he started running for President..we still don't know a damn thing about him, but what we are finding out is he is a typical Chicago politician, he hangs with people who hates this country and white people..and his ideas are pure Marxist..

Just who I want for my President..

05-15-2008, 11:52 PM
I defended some of what reverend wright had been attacked for.

your point?

It would be hard to pay any attention to your judgement if you felt a need to bend over backwards in search of a way to defend that classless, dim witted, overacting pastor wanna be. That pile of shit who preached about a false Jesus, used GOD's name to take money from the naive idiots that attended his social club(church?????) should be tarred and feathered and run out of town. How easily are you impressed? Obamessiah could be a mass murderer and you wouldn't see it.

Obamessiah is a clown, just look at those crazy fake ears, they're a riot. That's why all the kids like him, semi-black clowns are rare.:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

05-16-2008, 03:29 AM

The Bush administration held three rounds of discussions with Iran about security in Iraq last year, including two at the ambassadorial level, and Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that Washington needed to "figure out a way to develop some leverage ... and then sit down and talk with" Iran.


Petraeus spoke with - and negotiated with - the sunni warlords who still had american blood on their hands....got them to quit killing americans and start killing AQ. AND he gave them money to pay their thugs and weapons to arm them with....the very same thugs who had killed our troops. But Petraeus and his boss are heroes.... because, obviously, they are republicans.
You specifically named Gates, Rice, and Petraeus. Seems to me that whatever was done to stop the killing of our GI's and start the elimination of AQI would be a good thing.

05-16-2008, 03:32 AM
Right. Bush calls Obalama an appeaser, but that's completely incorrect as far as we know now. An appeaser tries to satisfy a dictator by giving him what he wants (such as Czechoslovakia) in the hopes that he'll stop his arming and generally warlike behavior: stop building all the Panzers and training troops, for instance.

We know appeasement doesn't work.

BUSH has done the most that way, in all the talks with North Korea and giving in to everything they want all the time. While they build nuke factories in Syria.

I don't care for Obamalama's "I'll talk with any criminal anywhere anytime," but how different is it from Bush constantly flying over to Saudi Arabia and begging them (fruitlessly) to increase oil production? I can remember when heads of other states had to come to US, we weren't told we have to go there like Cheney and Bush constantly do, not that it does any good.

Bush said Obama is appeasing, but he isn't.


Bush did not mention Obama, in fact many from both sides have argued appeasement, Obama just jumped up and down saying, "They mean ME!" It's NOT necessarily about him.

On NK, I agree about the administration; same with the Palestinians.

Pale Rider
05-16-2008, 05:27 AM
as if you are even remotely willing of being convinced of Obama's qualifications.
Which are what........ he's half nigger and hates uppity white people?

Funny. you seem to think I am obligated to prove your opinions correct. It's not my fault you're too lazy to construct actual arguments or find actual evidence to support your positions.

Did you ever stop to consider that the reason no one is persuaded by what you say is because you don't back any of your opinions up? or do you simply assume its because everyone else is too intolerant and close minded?

You don't have to respond. I already know which one it is. My questions are merely rhetorical. If you are unfamiliar with the word feel free to look it up at http://www.merriam-webster.com/

BTW don't think you've successfully distracted anyone reading this thread from the topic. I know you are embarrassed about Obama being so outraged about President Bush saying something about him that he didn't say. Honestly, I don't know how you prostitute yourself the way you do. It must feel dirty to have to defend something that is so clearly wrong just so your candidate saves face. That's why I recommend getting principles and living by them. That way it doesn't matter what people do, you still have a compass to follow in life rather than some cult of personality that can have you saying and doing things you'd never consider without some leader to mindlessly follow.

Of course, that requires thought. It requires admitting that there are good and bad principles to live by. It requires taking responsibility for the choices you make and dealing with the consequences. I know these are foreign concepts in our secular culture. But they really are the clearest way to happiness and peace. And its never too late to repent. That's the beauty of the Atonement.
Outstanding post avatar.... simply outstanding. You have RAIL ROAD SPIKED maggotfrommaine's ass to the floor with such precision and truth, it almost brought a tear to my eye. My hat is off to you sir. :clap:

red states rule
05-16-2008, 05:33 AM
I do not understand why libs like MFM is upset over the Presidents speech (besides his insane hate for the man)

Show me in the speech were Pres Bush mentioned Obama, US policitcs, or Democrats

All Barrry had to do was to agree with pres Bush that appeasement to terrorists is worng, and he would have scored some political points

Instead he has the usual liberal temper tanturm when he thinks someone is talking about him.

Libs are outraged that Pres Bush "compared" them to Nazi's

Take time to go back into the older threads on this forum, and take a random count to yourself; counting the number of times many of you as Liberals, Democrats, and Progressives have accused Pres Bush of being like a Nazi, or actually called many of us the very same name!

How can any of you honestly justify using the word Nazi toward the President, or any of us that you always oppose; when it was almost a standard word in your daily vocabulary for many years?

05-16-2008, 07:02 AM
I do not understand why libs like MFM is upset over the Presidents speech (besides his insane hate for the man)

Show me in the speech were Pres Bush mentioned Obama, US policitcs, or Democrats

All Barrry had to do was to agree with pres Bush that appeasement to terrorists is worng, and he would have scored some political points

Instead he has the usual liberal temper tanturm when he thinks someone is talking about him.

Libs are outraged that Pres Bush "compared" them to Nazi's

Take time to go back into the older threads on this forum, and take a random count to yourself; counting the number of times many of you as Liberals, Democrats, and Progressives have accused Pres Bush of being like a Nazi, or actually called many of us the very same name!

How can any of you honestly justify using the word Nazi toward the President, or any of us that you always oppose; when it was almost a standard word in your daily vocabulary for many years?

They justify the use of nazi in reference to President Bush and object to it when anyone mentions how they are anything like nazis with two words: Political expediency

red states rule
05-16-2008, 07:06 AM
They justify the use of nazi in reference to President Bush and object to it when anyone mentions how they are anything like nazis with two words: Political expediency

I do not like the term being used period. To me it diminishes what the nazi's were and what they did

My father helped liberate the concentration camps, and those images never left him until the day he died

I tried asking him about what he saw, but he never wanted to talk about it. All people have to do is watch the film the Americans shot at the campes, and then try to compare any US politican to a nazi. If they do they are consumed with hate, and.or stupid

05-16-2008, 08:16 AM
he is the presumed nominee who has said he would talk with Israel's enemies.... and it is election year.... and he is a highly successful lawyer who graduated from Harvard Law and was editor of the Law Review.... I am not sure who should be calling who an idiot in that situation.

He's a highly successful lawyer.

Yet he doesn't even think a ban on handguns in unconstitutional.

He doesn't think his planned government takeover of health care is completely unconstitutional.

He is an idiot. A very well 'educated' one at that.

red states rule
05-16-2008, 08:19 AM
He's a highly successful lawyer.

Yet he doesn't even think a ban on handguns in unconstitutional.

He doesn't think his planned government takeover of health care is completely unconstitutional.

He is an idiot. A very well 'educated' one at that.

This "highly successful lawyer" was stupid enough to get involved with Mr Resko who helped him raise money and helped him in a shady land deal

Did he sleep through his classes and get his law degree through affirmative action?

05-16-2008, 08:48 AM
Seems to me that whatever was done to stop the killing of our GI's and start the elimination of AQI would be a good thing.

I agree. Apparently, you think that talking to the enemies that have killed our troops in Iraq, negotiating with them, giving them weapons and money are are worthwhile endeavors if those efforts bring about a reduction in US casualties. Talking to our enemies most definitely works. That was my point and that was Obama's point.

red states rule
05-16-2008, 08:49 AM
I agree. Apparently, you think that talking to the enemies that have killed our troops in Iraq, negotiating with them, giving them weapons and money are are worthwhile endeavors if those efforts bring about a reduction in US casualties. Talking to our enemies most definitely works. That was my point and that was Obama's point.

We have been "Negotiating " in the ME for 60 years, worked out well eh? Yet libs want to stay the course, a 60 year course, I might add :laugh2:

05-16-2008, 08:52 AM
We have been "Negotiating " in the ME for 60 years, worked out well eh? Yet libs want to stay the course, a 60 year course, I might add :laugh2:

Did Petraeus negotiate with sunni warlords - the very same guys who had killed our troops? how did that work out?

red states rule
05-16-2008, 08:54 AM
Did Petraeus negotiate with sunni warlords - the very same guys who had killed our troops? how did that work out?

Still tossing out that lame attempt to derail the thread? Yurt explained the difference to you - but he used to many words with more then six letters - so you propbably did not get the difference

05-16-2008, 11:51 AM
He's a highly successful lawyer.

Yet he doesn't even think a ban on handguns in unconstitutional.

He doesn't think his planned government takeover of health care is completely unconstitutional.

He is an idiot. A very well 'educated' one at that.

The educated idiots are by far the worst kind.

05-16-2008, 12:01 PM
I agree. Apparently, you think that talking to the enemies that have killed our troops in Iraq, negotiating with them, giving them weapons and money are are worthwhile endeavors if those efforts bring about a reduction in US casualties. Talking to our enemies most definitely works. That was my point and that was Obama's point.

But you have that wrong, they armed them, after AQI more than wore out their welcome.

05-16-2008, 12:28 PM
Still tossing out that lame attempt to derail the thread? Yurt explained the difference to you - but he used to many words with more then six letters - so you propbably did not get the difference

Yurt's "explanation" was and is erroneous. We talk to our enemies now. Do you honestly believe that the sunni warlords agreed to Petraeus's suggestion to give up their fight against us when they first heard it? Or do you think it took some level of diplomacy and conversation on the part of the general and his staff to convince those warlords - the ones with american blood on their hands - to stop shooting at us and start shooting at AQ instead? Because Hamas has stated that they will not recognize Israel, that means that we ignore them? Petraeus didn't ignore the warlords...he engaged them, and got them to change their minds. They were committed to killing shiites and killing us and driving us out of their country. Now they are our allies. Why do you think that Gates is calling for more contact with Iran? To suggest that couldn't happen in an Obama administration is just plain silly. To suggest that when Obama does it it will be appeasement, but when Petraeus and Gates do it, it is heroism is profoundly hypocritical.

05-16-2008, 12:31 PM
But you have that wrong, they armed them, after AQI more than wore out their welcome.

they armed the very terrorists who had been killing Americans months before. Are you saying I have that wrong? Petraeus can talk to cold blooded killers with American blood on their hands...give them weapons and money and that is heroic, but Obama suggesting that we need to continue to engage our enemies with diplomacy is somehow "appeasement"? Can you say that with a straight face?

red states rule
05-16-2008, 12:31 PM
Yurt's "explanation" was and is erroneous. We talk to our enemies now. Do you honestly believe that the sunni warlords agreed to Petraeus's suggestion to give up their fight against us when they first heard it? Or do you think it took some level of diplomacy and conversation on the part of the general and his staff to convince those warlords - the ones with american blood on their hands - to stop shooting at us and start shooting at AQ instead? Because Hamas has stated that they will not recognize Israel, that means that we ignore them? Petraeus didn't ignore the warlords...he engaged them, and got them to change their minds. They were committed to killing shiites and killing us and driving us out of their country. Now they are our allies. Why do you think that Gates is calling for more contact with Iran? To suggest that couldn't happen in an Obama administration is just plain silly. To suggest that when Obama does it it will be appeasement, but when Petraeus and Gates do it, it is heroism is profoundly hypocritical.

Bottom line is, In Pres Bush's speech not a word about Obama, not a word about Dems, and not a word about US politics

Instead of saying they agree with Pres Bush about appeasement - they all attacked. They all acted insulted. They all threw a temper tantrum

The liberal media is pissed off, and Obama supporters are in full spin mode


05-16-2008, 12:33 PM
Bottom line is, In Pres Bush's speech not a word about Obama, not a word about Dems, and not a word about US politics

Instead of saying they agree with Pres Bush about appeasement - they all attacked. They all acted insulted. They all threw a temper tantrum

The liberal media is pissed off, and Obama supporters are in full spin mode


bottom line: Petraeus talks with the terrorists who killed americans...and he give them guns and money. That sounds like Petraeus is an appeaser to me. Gates wants more contact with Iran.... that sounds like appeasement to me. Wouldn't YOU call that appeasement? Giving guns and money to our killers?

red states rule
05-16-2008, 12:35 PM
bottom line: Petraeus talks with the terrorists who killed americans...and he give them guns and money. That sounds like Petraeus is an appeaser to me. Gates wants more contact with Iran.... that sounds like appeasement to me. Wouldn't YOU call that appeasement? Giving guns and money to our killers?

You remind me of a kid at the high school dance who sees other kids whispering. You get all defensive and think they are talking about you

Why are libs so upset over Pres bush's speech? Is your guilt getting to you?

05-16-2008, 12:37 PM
You remind me of a kid at the high school dance who sees other kids whispering. You get all defensive and think they are talking about you

Why are libs so upset over Pres bush's speech? Is your guilt getting to you?

Why can't you answer a question, RSR?

why are you so afraid of an honest, back and forth conversation?

Is Petraeus an appeaser? yes or no?

and if not, why not.

red states rule
05-16-2008, 12:39 PM
Why can't you answer a question, RSR?

why are you so afraid of an honest, back and forth conversation?

Is Petraeus an appeaser? yes or no?

and if not, why not.

You do have to find a way to change the subject. Libs are fit to be tied over a nonevent, your boy is acting all insulted over nothing

Pre Bush must have touched a nerve with the left, and the voters are seeing them trying to defned their policy of terrorism

Very telling

05-16-2008, 12:45 PM
You do have to find a way to change the subject. Libs are fit to be tied over a nonevent, your boy is acting all insulted over nothing

Pre Bush must have touched a nerve with the left, and the voters are seeing them trying to defned their policy of terrorism

Very telling

it is the subject. for months you have been calling Obama an appeaser. I only ask you if you consider Petraeus an appeaser as well.
He gives guns and money to the very people who slaughtered our troops. Is that appeasement? Do you approve of talking with our killers in that way?

red states rule
05-16-2008, 12:48 PM
it is the subject. for months you have been calling Obama an appeaser. I only ask you if you consider Petraeus an appeaser as well.
He gives guns and money to the very people who slaughtered our troops. Is that appeasement? Do you approve of talking with our killers in that way?

OMG, does Pres Bush have you peace niks pissed off. I have never see a speech where Pres Bush talks about a Republican Senator, get so many lefties upset.

Your boy Barry is showing how he can't handle the pressure od the priomary - how the hell will he deal with the pressure of the WH

Will he ask his critics Will you stop talking about me, pretty please?"

05-16-2008, 12:52 PM
OMG, does Pres Bush have you peace niks pissed off. I have never see a speech where Pres Bush talks about a Republican Senator, get so many lefties upset.

Your boy Barry is showing how he can't handle the pressure od the priomary - how the hell will he deal with the pressure of the WH

Will he ask his critics Will you stop talking about me, pretty please?"

let me know when you get the courage to answer a simple question.

red states rule
05-16-2008, 12:54 PM
let me know when you get the courage to answer a simple question.

You tell the world when libs have the courage to stand up to terrorists - and not surrender and appease

05-16-2008, 12:56 PM
You tell the world when libs have the courage to stand up to terrorists - and not surrender and appease

ok... board...it is clear that RSR is not capable of answering my question. Any of you other Bush supporters - other than wacko gun toting extremists - care to give it a try?

Pale Rider
05-16-2008, 01:05 PM
ok... board...it is clear that RSR is not capable of answering my question. Any of you other Bush supporters care to give it a try?

Your question/diversion is irrelevant.

The subject at hand in this thread is how your little lop eared, racist, elitist, whitey hating, nigger can say he'd talk to every last two bit dictator and terrorist in the world, and hillary clinton immediately says that's just dumb and shows his inexperience, but the President makes a very general reference to people that want to appease terrorists, and all of a sudden it's an attack on hussein. What kind of bull shit is that? What kind of egotistical crap is that for hussein to immediately think, "it's all about me?" The general consensus on all the news channels this morning is already that hussein and the democrats are grossly over reacting.

Fact of the matter is, your oreo messiah is an inexperienced, lying, egotistical, whiny little bitch who thinks the world revolves around him, and the more of this that happens, the more people are going to get the whole picture of what this little shit stain is truly about. We already know what "YOU" are all about maggot, so just knowing you'd eat the corn out of hussein's shit gives any person with half a brain enough reason to stop and think. Every single one of you people are a danger to this country, and I truly wish we'd have another civil war so I could put a bullet in as many of you people as I could.

How's that for a fucking try you filthy, stinking, steaming pile of pig shit?

red states rule
05-16-2008, 01:07 PM
Your question/diversion is irrelevant.

The subject at hand in this thread is how your little lop eared, racist, elitist, whitey hating, nigger can say he'd talk to every last two bit dictator and terrorist in the world, and hillary clinton immediately says that's just dumb and shows his inexperience, but the President makes a very general reference to people that want to appease terrorists, and all of a sudden it's an attack on hussein. What kind of bull shit is that? What kind of egotistical crap is that for hussein to immediately think, "it's all about me?"

Fact of the matter is, your oreo messiah is an inexperienced, lying, egotistical, whiny little bitch who thinks the world revolves around him, and the more of this that happens, the more people are going to get the whole picture of what this little shit stain is truly about. We already know what "YOU" are all about maggot, so just knowing you'd eat the corn out of hussein's shit gives any person with half a brain enough reason to stop and think. Every single one of you people are a danger to this country, and I truly wish we'd have another civil war so I could put a bullet in as many of you people as I could.

Pale, will you stop holding back and tell us how you really feel

Pretty please?

05-16-2008, 01:09 PM
Yurt's "explanation" was and is erroneous. We talk to our enemies now. Do you honestly believe that the sunni warlords agreed to Petraeus's suggestion to give up their fight against us when they first heard it? Or do you think it took some level of diplomacy and conversation on the part of the general and his staff to convince those warlords - the ones with american blood on their hands - to stop shooting at us and start shooting at AQ instead? Because Hamas has stated that they will not recognize Israel, that means that we ignore them? Petraeus didn't ignore the warlords...he engaged them, and got them to change their minds. They were committed to killing shiites and killing us and driving us out of their country. Now they are our allies. Why do you think that Gates is calling for more contact with Iran? To suggest that couldn't happen in an Obama administration is just plain silly. To suggest that when Obama does it it will be appeasement, but when Petraeus and Gates do it, it is heroism is profoundly hypocritical.

your boy obama does not agree with you concerning hamas LOL

Responding to Mr. McCain’s accusations in an interview with CNN on Thursday, Mr. Obama elaborated on that position. He again called Hamas a terrorist group and said that “we should not talk to them unless they recognize Israel, renounce violence and are willing to abide by previous accords” that Israel has negotiated with its neighbors and with the Palestine Liberation Organization.

That is not a new position for Mr. Obama. In 2006, he, like Mr. McCain, was a co-sponsor of the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act, which called on “members of the international community to avoid contact with and refrain from financially supporting the terrorist organization Hamas” until it met all of the same requirements that Mr. Obama enumerated again on Thursday.


he is saying exactly what i have been telling you....ouch!

i disagree with the article on his having the same position in 2006, now, after being called to the floor over hamas, obama has strengthened his anti hamas position

red states rule
05-16-2008, 01:12 PM
Barry in his own words

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/oSFSUbMWenU&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/oSFSUbMWenU&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

05-16-2008, 01:12 PM
your boy obama does not agree with you concerning hamas LOL


he is saying exactly what i have been telling you....ouch!

i disagree with the article on his having the same position in 2006, now, after being called to the floor over hamas, obama has strengthened his anti hamas position

I disagree with his position and think he is doing a bit of pandering to the jewish lobby. I think that petraeus would disagree with him as well...don't you? Gates too!

05-16-2008, 01:17 PM
I disagree with his position and think he is doing a bit of pandering to the jewish lobby. I think that petraeus would disagree with him as well...don't you? Gates too!

dude, you just got pwned...what about all that stuff oblaba is going to sit down and talk with hamas about? making stuff up i see...and i cannot speak for those two, asking me to do so shows desperation because your boy does not agree with you....ah, mfm finally disagrees with something on obama, holy crap, he's cracking

Pale Rider
05-16-2008, 01:19 PM
Pale, will you stop holding back and tell us how you really feel

Pretty please?

This little ballkissingfaggotfrommaine just brings it out in me partner... :dunno:

And he'll read it and then ignore it anyway. He's a gutless little skanky liberal hussein whore.

05-16-2008, 01:19 PM
dude, you just got pwned...what about all that stuff oblaba is going to sit down and talk with hamas about? making stuff up i see...and i cannot speak for those two, asking me to do so shows desperation because your boy does not agree with you....ah, mfm finally disagrees with something on obama, holy crap, he's cracking

I think Obama should sit down and talk with any and all of our enemies. Just like Petraeus sits down and not only talks to our killers, but gives them guns and money!

red states rule
05-16-2008, 01:20 PM
dude, you just got pwned...what about all that stuff oblaba is going to sit down and talk with hamas about? making stuff up i see...and i cannot speak for those two, asking me to do so shows desperation because your boy does not agree with you....ah, mfm finally disagrees with something on obama, holy crap, he's cracking

He will have to turn in his Obama T shirt for this one

red states rule
05-16-2008, 01:21 PM
This little ballkissingfaggotfrommaine just brings it out in me partner... :dunno:

And he'll read it and then ignore it anyway. He's a gutless little skanky liberal hussein whore.

He has that effect on alot of people Pale

05-16-2008, 01:23 PM
I think Obama should sit down and talk with any and all of our enemies. Just like Petraeus sits down and not only talks to our killers, but gives them guns and money!

to compare a battlefield situation with political stand offs is disingenuous...on the battlefield, it may become necessary to work with a lesser enemy in order to destroy a greater enemy and in doing so, immediately save lives and create a bigger chance of winning the war. i can't believe you are comparing live battlefields to political fields.... and here you are the navy boy and know so much more than me :poke:

red states rule
05-16-2008, 01:24 PM
to compare a battlefield situation with political stand offs is disingenuous...on the battlefield, it may become necessary to work with a lesser enemy in order to destroy a greater enemy and in doing so, immediately save lives and create a bigger chance of winning the war. i can't believe you are comparing live battlefields to political fields.... and here you are the navy boy and know so much more than me :poke:

There is no difference to libs like MFM. He wants to wave the white flag to all our enemies, and invite them over for coffee to discuss how to improve the image of America in the eyes of the worlds

05-16-2008, 01:27 PM
to compare a battlefield situation with political stand offs is disingenuous...on the battlefield, it may become necessary to work with a lesser enemy in order to destroy a greater enemy and in doing so, immediately save lives and create a bigger chance of winning the war. i can't believe you are comparing live battlefields to political fields.... and here you are the navy boy and know so much more than me :poke:

Petraues talking with sunnis in Iraq was a political discussion. It went on over months. It was diplomacy with our enemies. We convinced our enemies to become our allies. we now arm and pay our former killers. for you to suggest that there is no correlation is absurd.

And when Gates calls for more contacts with Iran, what battlefield is that?:poke::poke::poke::poke::poke:

oh..and did I say...:poke::poke::poke:???

05-16-2008, 01:45 PM
There is no difference to libs like MFM. He wants to wave the white flag to all our enemies, and invite them over for coffee to discuss how to improve the image of America in the eyes of the worlds

its true. in his mind a raging battle is the same as political posturing, but he's the "expert" on this stuff because he was in the military...seriously, he's cracked

05-16-2008, 01:51 PM
its true. in his mind a raging battle is the same as political posturing, but he's the "expert" on this stuff because he was in the military...seriously, he's cracked

do you honestly think that the months and months of discussions between sunni warlords and Petraeus took place in the middle of a "raging battle"?

05-16-2008, 01:54 PM
do you honestly think that the months and months of discussions between sunni warlords and Petraeus took place in the middle of a "raging battle"?

do you honestly think that there was not daily fighting occurring? just because conversations takes months, does not mean a battle was not being waged :poke:

are you sure you were in the military?

red states rule
05-16-2008, 01:56 PM
do you honestly think that there was not daily fighting occurring? just because conversations takes months, does not mean a battle was not being waged :poke:

are you sure you were in the military?

Yea he was, Here is the pic of his ID card

05-16-2008, 01:58 PM
do you honestly think that there was not daily fighting occurring? just because conversations takes months, does not mean a battle was not being waged :poke:

are you sure you were in the military?

sporadic contact between isolated insurgents and American patrols is hardly a "raging battle", is it? Or do you want to dial back the hyperbole a bit?

and yes...I am sure I was in the military. Are you sure you are an attorney?

05-16-2008, 02:04 PM
sporadic contact between isolated insurgents and American patrols is hardly a "raging battle", is it? Or do you want to dial back the hyperbole a bit?

and yes...I am sure I was in the military. Are you sure you are an attorney?

say that to the men and women who were dying daily from those "sporadic" attacks...whats wrong with you? FACT: it was a battle and we were currently engaged in warfare....do you deny that?

i'm just throwing your BS "i know more than you" stuff back in your face, can't handle it big boy? then you shouldn't go around acting like an arrogant know-it-all prick

05-16-2008, 02:16 PM
say that to the men and women who were dying daily from those "sporadic" attacks...whats wrong with you? FACT: it was a battle and we were currently engaged in warfare....do you deny that?

i'm just throwing your BS "i know more than you" stuff back in your face, can't handle it big boy? then you shouldn't go around acting like an arrogant know-it-all prick

I think there is a difference between "raging battles" and sporadic skirmishes in a prolonged occupation. Some months during Petraeus's teneure we lost less than a man a day. Clearly. If our casualties are one or two a day throughout the entire nation of Iraq, one can hardly claim that they were lost in the middle of a raging battle. Or would you continue to dispute that and say that "raging battle" is appropriate?

I have never claimed I know it all, yurt. Like I said... I am sure that you know much more than I do about the vibrant legal scene in central california than I will ever know. I am sure that there are countless subjects that I couldn't even begin to name in which you have superior knowledge to me. I would suggest, that I might have an edge on you when it comes to a few topics, however... or would you claim superiority across the entire span of human knowledge?

05-16-2008, 02:25 PM
I think there is a difference between "raging battles" and sporadic skirmishes in a prolonged occupation. Some months during Petraeus's teneure we lost less than a man a day. Clearly. If our casualties are one or two a day throughout the entire nation of Iraq, one can hardly claim that they were lost in the middle of a raging battle. Or would you continue to dispute that and say that "raging battle" is appropriate?

I have never claimed I know it all, yurt. Like I said... I am sure that you know much more than I do about the vibrant legal scene in central california than I will ever know. I am sure that there are countless subjects that I couldn't even begin to name in which you have superior knowledge to me. I would suggest, that I might have an edge on you when it comes to a few topics, however... or would you claim superiority across the entire span of human knowledge?

the battle was raging at times, and a battle at all times. and yes, please bow to my superior knowledge of all things that span even beyond human knowledge :laugh2:

05-16-2008, 02:31 PM
the battle was raging at times, and a battle at all times. and yes, please bow to my superior knowledge of all things that span even beyond human knowledge :laugh2:

the battle was raging and yet, across the entire breadth of Iraq.... with 150 thousand troops engaged in this raging battle, we only lost two guys a day?


and your arrogance about your own intelligence is noted.... but it did not come as a surprise. It does, however, tend to make polite conversation with you a tad problematic. Not only do you know more about YOUR business, you denigrate me about my knowledge of MY business....I suppose that is because you are really the source of all wisdom, eh?

05-16-2008, 02:53 PM
the battle was raging and yet, across the entire breadth of Iraq.... with 150 thousand troops engaged in this raging battle, we only lost two guys a day?


and your arrogance about your own intelligence is noted.... but it did not come as a surprise. It does, however, tend to make polite conversation with you a tad problematic. Not only do you know more about YOUR business, you denigrate me about my knowledge of MY business....I suppose that is because you are really the source of all wisdom, eh?

you have denigrated my business numerous times asswipe. claiming i bill clients while i am on here, that i am a lousy lawyer, you're pathetic, a hyprocrical bitter person that can't face the reality he's gay...

red states rule
05-16-2008, 03:13 PM
you have denigrated my business numerous times asswipe. claiming i bill clients while i am on here, that i am a lousy lawyer, you're pathetic, a hyprocrical bitter person that can't face the reality he's gay...

Yurt, take it as just another one of MFM's sermons. This time from the Book of Threats and Insults

Pale Rider
05-16-2008, 04:06 PM
do you honestly think that there was not daily fighting occurring? just because conversations takes months, does not mean a battle was not being waged :poke:

are you sure you were in the military?

Just as sure as he preaches in church on Sundays.

red states rule
05-16-2008, 04:11 PM
Just as sure as he preaches in church on Sundays.

He has a great sneerside manner in the pulpit

05-16-2008, 05:44 PM
you have denigrated my business numerous times asswipe. claiming i bill clients while i am on here, that i am a lousy lawyer, you're pathetic, a hyprocrical bitter person that can't face the reality he's gay...

bitter? I am one of the least bitter people in the universe! I may not have much patience for fools, but I am hardly bitter. And I am gloriously heterosexual and damned glad I am. I have a gorgeous young wife and we have a great life in all respects!

I merely point out that you claim to know your business - which I have no doubt that you do - and to know MY business. That's sort of silly...don't ya think?

05-16-2008, 05:45 PM
i'd rather have house as my preacher then reverend contempt (for others) :coffee:

He has a great sneerside manner in the pulpit

red states rule
05-16-2008, 05:45 PM
bitter? I am one of the least bitter people in the universe!

Those with the affliction are the last ones to know they have it :laugh2:

red states rule
05-16-2008, 05:47 PM
i'd rather have house as my preacher then reverend contempt (for others) :coffee:

He is the life of the cesspool, isn't he? :laugh2:

05-16-2008, 05:48 PM
i'd rather have house as my preacher then reverend contempt (for others) :coffee:

so...have you told her the big secret yet?:laugh2:

05-16-2008, 05:49 PM
yeah :laugh2:, I told her their was this gay guy harrassing me on a political chat board, and she laughed :dance:

so...have you told her the big secret yet?:laugh2:

red states rule
05-16-2008, 05:50 PM
so...have you told her the big secret yet?:laugh2:

That you sit alone at night, drinking Scotch, and talking to ghosts?

05-16-2008, 05:50 PM
but thats an insult to cesspool's :laugh2:

He is the life of the cesspool, isn't he? :laugh2:

05-16-2008, 05:51 PM
be careful rsr you dont want to offend his royal buttness or king fudge packer, he might get mad :coffee:, and attack you with his jesus-like sermons :laugh2:

05-16-2008, 05:53 PM
That you sit alone at night, drinking Scotch, and talking to ghosts?

I normally sit with my wife in the sofa immediately next to me drinking decaf green tea and talking to her as I type. Every once in a while, I read her one of your pathetic posts just for the comedic effect.

05-16-2008, 05:55 PM
unlike you, i dont bring your family or people you love or care for into it, but that doesnt stop you from calling my girlfriend stupid, or hoping rsr dies or cancer, and making jokes about it, you sick fuck


I normally sit with my wife in the sofa immediately next to me drinking decaf green tea and talking to her as I type. Every once in a while, I read her one of your pathetic posts just for the comedic effect.

red states rule
05-16-2008, 05:56 PM
I normally sit with my wife in the sofa immediately next to me drinking decaf green tea and talking to her as I type. Every once in a while, I read her one of your pathetic posts just for the comedic effect.

Another whopper from the master of "emblishments"

Drunk already, or having more nightmares from your childhood?

05-16-2008, 05:56 PM
be careful rsr you dont want to offend his royal buttness or king fudge packer, he might get mad :coffee:, and attack you with his jesus-like sermons :laugh2:

you don't offend me martin... really you don't. you mildly annoy me sometimes, but mostly, the only emotion I feel about you is profound pity. I can't begin to imagine how badly it would suck to be looking at the rest of my life being retarded AND ugly AND fat AND obnoxious AND addicted to porn like you have to do.:laugh2:

red states rule
05-16-2008, 05:58 PM
you don't offend me martin... really you don't. you mildly annoy me sometimes, but mostly, the only emotion I feel about you is profound pity. I can't begin to imagine how badly it would suck to be looking at the rest of my life being retarded AND ugly AND fat AND obnoxious AND addicted to porn like you have to do.:laugh2:

Ah, another sermon from the pastor. This taken form the book of Contempt

05-16-2008, 06:00 PM
Another whopper from the master of "emblishments"

Drunk already, or having more nightmares from your childhood?

"emblishment"? LOL

man...life must be hard when you can't even write in your own language. Can you read the labels on the cans of stuff you stock the shelves with at your job?

My wife is laughing at you!

05-16-2008, 06:03 PM
your language is asshole, appeaser, pathetic panty waste, and little bitch

"emblishment"? LOL

man...life must be hard when you can't even write in your own language. Can you read the labels on the cans of stuff you stock the shelves with at your job?

My wife is laughing at you!

05-16-2008, 06:12 PM
your language is asshole, appeaser, pathetic panty waste, and little bitch

but somehow, I am the insulting one.... hmmmmm:lol:

05-16-2008, 06:14 PM
No, i do see how it is a tit for tat.

I do honestly see you as a smart guy, and i cant criticize you alone, when it takes two, or in this case 4 to fight lol

but somehow, I am the insulting one.... hmmmmm:lol:

05-16-2008, 06:20 PM
I dont hate you, and yes I am insulting you now.

Because I am angry about how you are treating yurt, rsr and me.

If you would calm down a bit, I might be willing to try and get others off your back

if I would calm down a bit????



You can get angry at me and insult me and that is perfectly OK, and, from your perspective, perfectly justified.... but somehow, it doesn't seem to go both ways with you.

go jack off in your fucking hat.

got that?

05-16-2008, 06:22 PM
You have a point, that i am being a bit hypocritical. :coffee: just a bit lol

Anyways, I'd like to offer you an olive branch, a truce if ya like.

if I would calm down a bit????



You can get angry at me and insult me and that is perfectly OK, and, from your perspective, perfectly justified.... but somehow, it doesn't seem to go both ways with you.

go jack off in your fucking hat.

got that?

05-16-2008, 06:25 PM
You have a point, that i am being a bit hypocritical. :coffee: just a bit lol

Anyways, I'd like to offer you an olive branch, a truce if ya like.

don't bother.

05-16-2008, 06:39 PM
bitter? I am one of the least bitter people in the universe! I may not have much patience for fools, but I am hardly bitter. And I am gloriously heterosexual and damned glad I am. I have a gorgeous young wife and we have a great life in all respects!

I merely point out that you claim to know your business - which I have no doubt that you do - and to know MY business. That's sort of silly...don't ya think?

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha

05-16-2008, 07:12 PM
bitter? I am one of the least bitter people in the universe! I may not have much patience for fools, but I am hardly bitter. And I am gloriously heterosexual and damned glad I am. I have a gorgeous young wife and we have a great life in all respects!

I merely point out that you claim to know your business - which I have no doubt that you do - and to know MY business. That's sort of silly...don't ya think?

:lol: fag

05-16-2008, 07:19 PM
I think Obama should sit down and talk with any and all of our enemies. Just like Petraeus sits down and not only talks to our killers, but gives them guns and money!

Seriously, you are now losing it. Why so desperate? Seems your choice is winning?

05-16-2008, 07:22 PM
Seriously, you are now losing it. Why so desperate? Seems your choice is winning?

are you suggesting that Petraeus has not done exactly that?

who do you think pays and arms the sunni neighborhood watches?

who do you think they are made up of?

05-16-2008, 07:22 PM
sporadic contact between isolated insurgents and American patrols is hardly a "raging battle", is it? Or do you want to dial back the hyperbole a bit?

and yes...I am sure I was in the military. Are you sure you are an attorney?

I'm not sure what you were paying attention to, but until the 'surge' was in place, American GI's were dying at a rate we all found unacceptable. So yes, battles were 'raging on.'

05-16-2008, 07:28 PM
I'm not sure what you were paying attention to, but until the 'surge' was in place, American GI's were dying at a rate we all found unacceptable. So yes, battles were 'raging on.'

good point K

05-16-2008, 07:29 PM
I'm not sure what you were paying attention to, but until the 'surge' was in place, American GI's were dying at a rate we all found unacceptable. So yes, battles were 'raging on.'

until the surge was in place, we might very well have found four dead americans every day (which has only happened in two months) out of a military force of well over 100K troops in a country that is 170K square miles to be a an "unacceptable" rate, but there have not been many "raging battles" -as opposed to minor, fleeting skirmishes - in Iraq since Fallujah.

Pale Rider
05-16-2008, 08:31 PM
ok... board...it is clear that RSR is not capable of answering my question. Any of you other Bush supporters - other than wacko gun toting extremists - care to give it a try?

Your question/diversion is irrelevant.

The subject at hand in this thread is how your little lop eared, racist, elitist, whitey hating, nigger can say he'd talk to every last two bit dictator and terrorist in the world, and hillary clinton immediately says that's just dumb and shows his inexperience, but the President makes a very general reference to people that want to appease terrorists, and all of a sudden it's an attack on hussein. What kind of bull shit is that? What kind of egotistical crap is that for hussein to immediately think, "it's all about me?" The general consensus on all the news channels this morning is already that hussein and the democrats are grossly over reacting.

Fact of the matter is, your oreo messiah is an inexperienced, lying, egotistical, whiny little bitch who thinks the world revolves around him, and the more of this that happens, the more people are going to get the whole picture of what this little shit stain is truly about. We already know what "YOU" are all about maggot, so just knowing you'd eat the corn out of hussein's shit gives any person with half a brain enough reason to stop and think. Every single one of you people are a danger to this country, and I truly wish we'd have another civil war so I could put a bullet in as many of you people as I could.

How's that for a fucking try you filthy, stinking, steaming pile of pig shit?

I normally sit with my wife in the sofa immediately next to me drinking decaf green tea and talking to her as I type. Every once in a while, I read her one of your pathetic posts just for the comedic effect.

And I knew you'd ignore this and go about your insulting and smart assed comments even though I and others answered your asinine questions.

You don't deserve to even post on this board anymore you pompous buffoon.

05-16-2008, 08:42 PM
until the surge was in place, we might very well have found four dead americans every day (which has only happened in two months) out of a military force of well over 100K troops in a country that is 170K square miles to be a an "unacceptable" rate, but there have not been many "raging battles" -as opposed to minor, fleeting skirmishes - in Iraq since Fallujah.

and, your point that the change was anything but 'the surge'?

05-16-2008, 09:05 PM
and, your point that the change was anything but 'the surge'?

my point is that we appeased terrorists who had killed us. we gave them guns and money on the promise that they would use them against our enemies and not us.... the fact that, so far, they have honored that promise does not make our actions any less "appeasing". does it?

and I also believe that the actions of Muqtada al Sadr in calling and maintaining a ceasefire were every bit as significant in the decreased violence and carnage as our troop surge and our appeasement of sunni warlords were.

Which underscores what I have said all along...this is an Iraqi problem and until sunnis and shiites either figure out how to divide the territory into different countries, or decide that they are willing to put aside a milennium of hatred, there ain't shit we will be able to do that will provide any lasting peace to the region, regardless of how many years we stay there, regardless of how may more American lives we lose, or how many more billions of American taxpayer's dollars we flush down the shitter.

05-16-2008, 09:12 PM
I think Obama should sit down and talk with any and all of our enemies. Just like Petraeus sits down and not only talks to our killers, but gives them guns and money!

who would you like obama to sit down and talk with ......

05-16-2008, 09:14 PM
who would you like obama to sit down and talk with ......

Iran, North Korea, Hamas... for starters.

05-16-2008, 09:16 PM
Iran, North Korea, Hamas... for starters.At the presidential level, that is what you are saying, right?

05-16-2008, 09:17 PM
Iran, North Korea, Hamas... for starters.

why ..... they are not a threat to attack america.....

05-16-2008, 09:18 PM
At the presidential level, that is what you are saying, right?

haven't you heard obl has already won....the just need to count the votes.....the bitch and old codger are out......

05-16-2008, 09:21 PM
haven't you heard obl has alreday won....the just need to count the votes.....the bitch and old codger are out......

That will probably come to past, though I wouldn't bet on it.

05-16-2008, 09:26 PM
At the presidential level, that is what you are saying, right?
at the official governmental level... leading to the presidential level.

but hey, kathianne...that's me talking. I don't pretend to speak for Obama or to be privy to the nuances of foreign policy that he will be privy to as president.

05-16-2008, 09:27 PM
haven't you heard obl has already won....the just need to count the votes.....the bitch and old codger are out......

I find your references to barack obama as obl to be degrading and inappropriate.

05-16-2008, 09:30 PM
my point is that we appeased terrorists who had killed us. we gave them guns and money on the promise that they would use them against our enemies and not us.... the fact that, so far, they have honored that promise does not make our actions any less "appeasing". does it?

and I also believe that the actions of Muqtada al Sadr in calling and maintaining a ceasefire were every bit as significant in the decreased violence and carnage as our troop surge and our appeasement of sunni warlords were.

Which underscores what I have said all along...this is an Iraqi problem and until sunnis and shiites either figure out how to divide the territory into different countries, or decide that they are willing to put aside a milennium of hatred, there ain't shit we will be able to do that will provide any lasting peace to the region, regardless of how many years we stay there, regardless of how may more American lives we lose, or how many more billions of American taxpayer's dollars we flush down the shitter.

Sadr is hiding in iran, again. And his militia is not listening to him. They have been making daily attacks. They have been given the chance to join the government and so far most are refusing, because they are just thugs. sadr is proving to be irrelevant. It's just a matter of time before they go the way of AQI. Most of the talking is being done by the iraqi government.

05-16-2008, 09:31 PM
Sadr is hiding in iran, again. And his militia is not listening to him. They have been making daily attacks. They have been given the chance to join the government and so far most are refusing, because they are just thugs. sadr is proving to be irrelevant. It's just a matter of time before they go the way of AQI. Most of the talking is being done by the iraqi government.

I guess you've got it all figured out, then.

Pale Rider
05-16-2008, 09:36 PM
I find your references to barack obama as obl to be degrading and inappropriate.

I thought it was a perfect fit... could have added racism to the OBL though.... that would have made it more correct.

Pale Rider
05-16-2008, 09:37 PM
I guess you've got it all figured out, then.

You'd do well to learn from it.

05-16-2008, 09:38 PM
I guess you've got it all figured out, then.

Yes I have, and I have shared it many times. Your just too dense to figure it out. You keep pumping out the spin and I'll keep correcting you when your wrong.

05-16-2008, 09:39 PM
Iran, North Korea, Hamas... for starters.

It may come to pass.....as soon as surrender papers can be drawn up, these meeting could take place.....:lol::lol::lol:

05-16-2008, 09:44 PM
Yes I have, and I have shared it many times. Your just too dense to figure it out. You keep pumping out the spin and I'll keep correcting you when your wrong.

I wonder why you haven't been called to washington to dispense your delphic wisdom?

05-16-2008, 09:51 PM
I wonder why you haven't been called to washington to dispense your delphic wisdom?

They don't have my phone number.

Why aren't you in washington working to undermine the administration that you despise so much. After all you have all that mideast experience to draw on. They could use another dhimi in HC.

05-16-2008, 09:55 PM
They don't have my phone number.

Why aren't you in washington working to undermine the administration that you despise so much. After all you have all that mideast experience to draw on. They could use another dhimi in HC.

because he is too smart for washington...and he knows it.....

05-16-2008, 09:58 PM
They don't have my phone number.

Why aren't you in washington working to undermine the administration that you despise so much. After all you have all that mideast experience to draw on. They could use another dhimi in HC.

give 'em your email. for somebody who isn't IN the middle east, you seem to have such a certainty about what is happening. I am sure they could put your wisdom to use in the Bush administration.... they have so precious little of it in there now.

and what is "HC"?

05-16-2008, 10:11 PM
I just read a lot of reports from the middle east. People that are there now. Writing about the things they have seen and done. Embedded reporters and milblogs can give you a lot of insight. You ought to try them sometime. You might learn something, though you might not like what you learn.

HC was a typo, should have been HS.

05-16-2008, 10:13 PM
I find your references to barack obama as obl to be degrading and inappropriate.

freudian....get over it......did you hear that obama said he won't talk with hamas.....until they renounce violence and recognize israel.....

05-16-2008, 10:29 PM
freudian....get over it......did you hear that obama said he won't talk with hamas.....until they renounce violence and recognize israel.....

But....but....that's what Bush said.

05-16-2008, 10:32 PM
freudian....get over it......did you hear that obama said he won't talk with hamas.....until they renounce violence and recognize israel.....

I did hear that. I disagree with such a position. but then, that is not the first time, nor will it be the last, where I disagree with a standard bearer for my party.

oh yeah...and "freudian" my ass.:laugh2:

05-16-2008, 10:42 PM
I did hear that. I disagree with such a position. but then, that is not the first time, nor will it be the last, where I disagree with a standard bearer for my party.

oh yeah...and "freudian" my ass.:laugh2:

actually it was a mistake i meant to type bho......anyway you believe in unconditional talks then.....i agree with that concept....in all negotiations....

why do you see iran, nk and hamas and syria as a threat to america

05-16-2008, 10:44 PM
actually it was a mistake i meant to type bho......anyway you believe in unconditional talks then.....i agree with that concept....in all negotiations....

why do you see iran, nk and hamas and syria as a threat to america

I said that I would want Obama talking with them. They are clearly not our friends and some would suggest that talking to those folks who are not our friends is somehow "appeasement". I disagree.

05-16-2008, 10:51 PM
I said that I would want Obama talking with them. They are clearly not our friends and some would suggest that talking to those folks who are not our friends is somehow "appeasement". I disagree.

if the results of those talks result in foreign aid or trade then the claims of appeasement will be accurate....

but obama has promised tough diplomacy and proposed conditional talks......

05-16-2008, 10:57 PM
if the results of those talks result in foreign aid or trade then the claims of appeasement will be accurate....

but obama has promised tough diplomacy and proposed conditional talks......

like arming and paying sunni militiamen in Iraq who had previously been killing our troops on their promise to not do so as long as we arm and pay them?

would THAT be some form of appeasement?

05-16-2008, 10:58 PM
like arming and paying sunni militiamen in Iraq who had previously been killing our troops on their promise to not do so as long as we arm and pay them?

would THAT be some form of appeasement?


05-16-2008, 11:00 PM

how so

05-16-2008, 11:03 PM

thank you.

05-16-2008, 11:10 PM
like arming and paying sunni militiamen in Iraq who had previously been killing our troops on their promise to not do so as long as we arm and pay them?

would THAT be some form of appeasement?

The warlords came to us and said they wanted to get rid of AQI. How is that appeasement?

05-16-2008, 11:16 PM
The warlords came to us and said they wanted to get rid of AQI. How is that appeasement?

paying and arming the killers of american soldiers on their promise to kill someone else instead is appeasement, I would think.

05-16-2008, 11:29 PM
how so

it meets the definition of appeasement ...... trading goods or services to your enemy or hostile force to gain peace .......

obama has said he would never appease anyone.....so i guess under him our forces would have still been at war with the the people that are now on our side....

so basicaly what mfm said was bush is better at winning the peace than obama will be......strange he is voting for such a hater.....

05-16-2008, 11:30 PM
paying and arming the killers of american soldiers on their promise to kill someone else instead is appeasement, I would think.

clinton did it.....kennedy did it.....hell all presidents have done it.....

05-16-2008, 11:31 PM
it meets the definition of appeasement ...... trading goods or services to your enemy or hostile force to gain peace .......

obama has said he would never appease anyone.....so i guess under him our forces would have still been at war with the the people that are now on our side....

so basicaly what mfm said was bush is better at winning the peace than obama will be......strange he is voting for such a hater.....

so you agree that bush is a terrorist appeaser?


05-16-2008, 11:33 PM
The warlords came to us and said they wanted to get rid of AQI. How is that appeasement?

we gave the hostile force something in exchange for their peace offering.....meets the definition of appeasement......

05-16-2008, 11:33 PM
paying and arming the killers of american soldiers on their promise to kill someone else instead is appeasement, I would think.

They changed their view. They turned on AQI. They came to the US for assistance. We agreed to help them. There were conditions set down. Anyone known to have taken part in attacks on the US forces were not allowed to be a part of the paramilitary, and many were turned over for prosecution. I'm sure many were missed as well. There weren't just promises made. The warlords had to prove themselves. Any appeasement was on the part of the warlords.

05-16-2008, 11:35 PM
so you agree that bush is a terrorist appeaser?


they were not terrorists......they were insurgents and or freedom fighters......

they were made to realize, through deft negotiations, that we were on the same side fighting against the same hostile force.....

good foreign diplomacy to win the peace.....

pity obama is not an appeaser.....

05-16-2008, 11:45 PM
we gave the hostile force something in exchange for their peace offering.....meets the definition of appeasement......

So who appeased who? We had agreements between both sides I see no appeasement. They fought AQ, they pinpointed AQ locations, they took casualties among their people when AQ took revenge, they allowed the US forces to come in and secure the area, they formed paramilitary organizations that the US armed and paid to protect their property and tribal area. What exactly did the US give up? How were the warlords appeased?

red states rule
05-19-2008, 06:01 AM
So lets see. It is OK for the left to insult Pres Bush by calling him Hitler, and a madman. It is fine for libs to call his foreign policy cowboy diplomacy.

But libs meltdown when Pres Bush reminds people how some tried to appease Hitler in the 1930's

Ok, I got it now

More liberal double standards

05-19-2008, 07:29 AM
So lets see. It is OK for the left to insult Pres Bush by calling him Hitler, and a madman. It is fine for libs to call his foreign policy cowboy diplomacy.

But libs meltdown when Pres Bush reminds people how some tried to appease Hitler in the 1930's

Ok, I got it now

More liberal double standards

I think it's a mental thing, too many years entrusted to quack psychiatrists(Dr. Phil)....... the wiring is all screwed up in their heads.

red states rule
05-19-2008, 07:34 AM
I think it's a mental thing, too many years entrusted to quack psychiatrists(Dr. Phil)....... the wiring is all screwed up in their heads.

If Obama gets so bent out of shape over this speech, it shows he is not mature enough to deal with people like little Adolf from Iran, or terrorists like AQ or Hamas

05-19-2008, 11:08 AM
If Obama gets so bent out of shape over this speech, it shows he is not mature enough to deal with people like little Adolf from Iran, or terrorists like AQ or Hamas

you mean - imadejihadinmypants from iran :laugh2:

red states rule
05-19-2008, 11:11 AM
you mean - imadejihadinmypants from iran :laugh2:

Yep. The same guy libs welcomed with open arms when he took his tour of America

Everything was fine until he took a shot a gays

Pale Rider
05-19-2008, 12:34 PM
Yep. The same guy libs welcomed with open arms when he took his tour of America

Everything was fine until he took a shot a gays

What queers? There's no queers in Iran. Little Hitler said so. They kill 'em.

Gee... I wonder if that qualifies them as "homophobes?"

red states rule
05-19-2008, 12:40 PM
What queers? There's no queers in Iran. Little Hitler said so. They kill 'em.

Gee... I wonder if that qualifies them as "homophobes?"

That is why the libe in the crowd booed him

Libs love little Adolf. He hates Pres Bush as much as they do - so he has to be an OK guy to them