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Pale Rider
05-19-2008, 11:41 PM
You chicken-shit pussy! Afraid to answer 2 simple questions because they lead to the demise of your ignorant fucking ramblings. Not that it's some big surprise...tuck tail and run is your M.O.

You're the only person on the board that tries to lie his way around the facts. It's about as transparent as your beer soaked piss.

Now run and hide you wretched little pussy fuck. You're brainless act here is old and stale.

Pale Rider
05-19-2008, 11:42 PM
You chicken-shit pussy! Afraid to answer 2 simple questions because they lead to the demise of your ignorant fucking ramblings. Not that it's some big surprise...tuck tail and run is your M.O.

so i cant disagree with you? cant be criticize anything you do or say without being your enemy, IF that is the case I think that is sad.

Of course you can disagree... just do it in the same tone you expect me to respond in.

You want nice, I'll be nice. You talk shit, you'll get shit back.

05-19-2008, 11:50 PM
One of YOUR links says that one homosexual pedophile molests 7 times more children than one heterosexual pedophile...do you dispute YOUR OWN links?

My link says that 80% of sexual abuse victims are female...20% male. Do you have a problem with those figures?

You said those 80 girls were molested by 80 different men. 1:1 ratio. Those 20 boys molested by 3 men. 6.66:1 ratio. (Also the number of the beast) Thus my comment about homosexuals tending to be serial molesters.

05-19-2008, 11:53 PM
You said those 80 girls were molested by 80 different men. 1:1 ratio. Those 20 boys molested by 3 men. 6.66:1 ratio. (Also the number of the beast) Thus my comment about homosexuals tending to be serial molesters.

Having investigated these crimes for awhile, I can assure you that most molesters are gay, they have more then one victim, and if there's no little boy around, they will fuck a little girl if they have to.

05-19-2008, 11:58 PM
Having investigated these crimes for awhile, I can assure you that most molesters are gay, they have more then one victim, and if there's no little boy around, they will fuck a little girl if they have to.

You realize the gay mafia will ask you to back that up. They don't want to hear the truth about the perverse nature of homosexuality.

Pale Rider
05-20-2008, 12:01 AM
You realize the gay mafia will ask you to back that up. They don't want to hear the truth about the perverse nature of homosexuality.

Or pedophilia. They seem to think pedophiles need defending too.

Really makes me wonder what their motives are.

05-20-2008, 04:25 AM
As stated previously, there are posts in this forum that discuss its cure. How do you cure a non-disease?

But where is it recorded as a disease?

05-20-2008, 04:40 AM
just out of curiosity.....

are you defending gay people that molest underage people of their own sex.....


are you defending gay people that don't molest anyone......

Pedophiles have no clearly defined adult sexual orientation, and are unable to form healthy adult relationships regardless of gender. The conflation of homosexuals with pedophiles is nothing more than an attempt to justify marginalization of homosexuals.

05-20-2008, 04:42 AM
You mean female teachers have never had sex male students, drat :laugh2:

Pedophiles have no clearly defined adult sexual orientation, and are unable to form healthy adult relationships regardless of gender. The conflation of homosexuals with pedophiles is nothing more than an attempt to justify marginalization of homosexuals.

05-20-2008, 06:01 AM
Once again, unable to meaningfully debate the issues, you sidetrack into niggling distractions. Peer review, is the objective review of scholarly and scientific articles by several referees specializing in the field of research, for methodological validity and accuracy . It goes back and forth between the referees several times for review and is sent back to the author either having passed muster or requiring further research, data collection and analysis before being presented again for further review.

The responses that you, PR and your fellow travelers post are becoming more and more pathetic as it becomes clearer and clearer that you don't possess the intellectual ammunition to further debate the matter in any but the most inane and sophomoric terms.

Dismissed.I know what peer review is. You seem to only accept review by peers who publish in pro-gay venues. You ignore the fact that this study showing queers can be cured was done by a researcher instrumental in getting the APA to take queersness off lits list of maladies. It was revieweed by peers, just not ones that you are willing to accept.

05-20-2008, 06:44 AM
I know what peer review is. You seem to only accept review by peers who publish in pro-gay venues. You ignore the fact that this study showing queers can be cured was done by a researcher instrumental in getting the APA to take queersness off lits list of maladies. It was revieweed by peers, just not ones that you are willing to accept.

Where do you find documentation of this peer review? Are the data generated by these studies consistently repeatable by independent, objective researchers? If so, where are the results of these studies published?

Suffice it to say that there is nothing more than anecdotal evidence supporting the efficacy of conversion therapies, whilst there is a large, well documented body of research by a number of different researchers, (that's a key to good research you know...the ability of researchers to independently reproduce the same data and reach the same conclusion) showing little significant difference in the psychological health of homosexuals and their heterosexual counterparts.

05-20-2008, 07:09 AM
You said those 80 girls were molested by 80 different men. 1:1 ratio. Those 20 boys molested by 3 men. 6.66:1 ratio. (Also the number of the beast) Thus my comment about homosexuals tending to be serial molesters.

That maintains the documented 7 times more victims per offender ratio. Most pedophiles are serial offenders.

05-20-2008, 07:11 AM
Having investigated these crimes for awhile, I can assure you that most molesters are gay, they have more then one victim, and if there's no little boy around, they will fuck a little girl if they have to.

Homosexuals molest little girls? Prove it!

05-20-2008, 07:14 AM
You realize the gay mafia will ask you to back that up. They don't want to hear the truth about the perverse nature of homosexuality.

If a male has sex with a female it's homosexual behavior?

05-20-2008, 07:25 AM
Where do you find documentation of this peer review? Are the data generated by these studies consistently repeatable by independent, objective researchers? If so, where are the results of these studies published?

Suffice it to say that there is nothing more than anecdotal evidence supporting the efficacy of conversion therapies, whilst there is a large, well documented body of research by a number of different researchers, (that's a key to good research you know...the ability of researchers to independently reproduce the same data and reach the same conclusion) showing little significant difference in the psychological health of homosexuals and their heterosexual counterparts.

You can go to the aforementioend posts then find out for yourself.

Of course, this ignores that queerness is a disease to begin with.

05-20-2008, 08:01 AM
You said those 80 girls were molested by 80 different men. 1:1 ratio. Those 20 boys molested by 3 men. 6.66:1 ratio. (Also the number of the beast) Thus my comment about homosexuals tending to be serial molesters.

That maintains the documented 7 times more victims per offender ratio. Most pedophiles are serial offenders.

Re-read what I wrote. Male/female pedophiles 1:1 ratio. Male/male pedophiles 6.66:1 ratio. Your numbers show homosexual pedophiles to be serial molesters, not heterosexual pedophiles.

05-20-2008, 08:02 AM
If a male has sex with a female it's homosexual behavior?

When did I say that? Please post a link so you can refresh my memory.

05-20-2008, 10:17 AM
Pedophiles have no clearly defined adult sexual orientation, and are unable to form healthy adult relationships regardless of gender. The conflation of homosexuals with pedophiles is nothing more than an attempt to justify marginalization of homosexuals.

question too tough for you............

Pale Rider
05-20-2008, 02:04 PM
question too tough for you............

Gee bro... five little words and you ground this debate to a screeching halt... :laugh:

But I think the homo pedophile defenders are ashamed of being exposed also.

05-20-2008, 02:15 PM
You mean female teachers have never had sex male students, drat :laugh2:

Yep, same thing. Sorry.

05-20-2008, 02:18 PM
question too tough for you............

No, your question was a variant of "Do you still beat your wife? Answer yes or no please."

05-20-2008, 02:25 PM
You can go to the aforementioend posts then find out for yourself.

Of course, this ignores that queerness is a disease to begin with.

The "aforementioned posts" are little more than opinion pieces with little to back them up in the way of methodology or objectivity.

The weight of research data spanning more than forty years, from multiple independent researchers and studies led to the removal of homosexuality from the DSM. You and your fellow travelers hold a different opinion, but that opinion is of little consequence in the face of the facts against it.

Pale Rider
05-20-2008, 04:00 PM
The "aforementioned posts" are little more than opinion pieces with little to back them up in the way of methodology or objectivity.

The weight of research data spanning more than forty years, from multiple independent researchers and studies led to the removal of homosexuality from the DSM. You and your fellow travelers hold a different opinion, but that opinion is of little consequence in the face of the facts against it.

Ten times more substantive and factual information from studies conducted over a span of decades has conclusively proven that homosexuals are seven times more prevalent pedophiles than a hetero.

I'm sorry this upsets your love of homosexuals. I just didn't realise you had such a love for pedophiles as well, to the extent that you find yourself unable to accept the facts.

And just to give you something else to ignore, dismiss, piss on, here's some truth for your pipe full of lies.....

Homosexuality and Psychiatry



Exposed: The Myth That Psychiatry Has Proven That Homosexual Behavior Is Normal

In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) removed homosexuality as a mental disorder from the APA's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders (DSM-II).

This decision was a significant victory for homosexual activists, and they have continued to claim that the APA based their decision on new scientific discoveries that proved that homosexual behavior is normal and should be affirmed in our culture.

This is false and part of numerous homosexual urban legends that have infiltrated every aspect of our culture. The removal of homosexuality as a mental disorder has given homosexual activists credibility in the culture, and they have demanded that their sexual behavior be affirmed in society.

What Really Happened?
Numerous psychiatrists over the past decades have described what forces were really at work both inside and outside of the American Psychiatric Association-and what led to the removal of homosexuality as a mental disorder.

Dr. Ronald Bayer explains how homosexual activists captured the APA for political gain.
Dr. Ronald Bayer, a pro-homosexual psychiatrist has described what actually occurred in his book, Homosexuality and American Psychiatry: The Politics of Diagnosis. (1981)

In Chapter 4, "Diagnostic Politics: Homosexuality and the American Psychiatric Association," Dr. Bayer says that the first attack by homosexual activists against the APA began in 1970 when this organization held its convention in San Francisco. Homosexual activists decided to disrupt the conference by interrupting speakers and shouting down and ridiculing psychiatrists who viewed homosexuality as a mental disorder. In 1971, homosexual activist Frank Kameny worked with the Gay Liberation Front collective to demonstrate against the APA's convention. At the 1971 conference, Kameny grabbed the microphone and yelled, "Psychiatry is the enemy incarnate. Psychiatry has waged a relentless war of extermination against us. You may take this as a declaration of war against you."

Homosexuals forged APA credentials and gained access to exhibit areas in the conference. They threatened anyone who claimed that homosexuals needed to be cured.

Kameny had found an ally inside of the APA named Kent Robinson who helped the homosexual activist present his demand that homosexuality be removed from the DSM. At the 1972 convention, homosexual activists were permitted to set up a display booth, entitled "Gay, Proud and Healthy."

Kameny was then permitted to be part of a panel of psychiatrists who were to discuss homosexuality. The effort to remove homosexuality as a mental disorder from the DSM was the result of power politics, threats, and intimidation, not scientific discoveries.

Prior to the APA's 1973 convention, several psychiatrists attempted to organize opposition to the efforts of homosexuals to remove homosexual behavior from the DSM. Organizing this effort were Drs. Irving Bieber and Charles Socarides who formed the Ad Hoc Committee Against the Deletion of Homosexuality from DSM-II.

The DSM-II listed homosexuality as an abnormal behavior under section "302. Sexual Deviations." It was the first deviation listed.

After much political pressure, a committee of the APA met behind closed doors in 1973 and voted to remove homosexuality as a mental disorder from the DSM-II. Opponents of this effort were given 15 minutes to protest this change, according to Dr. Jeffrey Satinover, in Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth. Satinover writes that after this vote was taken, the decision was to be voted on by the entire APA membership. The National Gay Task Force purchased the APA's mailing list and sent out a letter to the APA members urging them to vote to remove homosexuality as a disorder. No APA member was informed that the mailing had been funded by this homosexual activist group.

According to Satinover, "How much the 1973 APA decision was motivated by politics is only becoming clear even now. While attending a conference in England in 1994, I met a man who told me an account that he had told no one else. He had been in the gay life for years but had left the lifestyle. He recounted how after the 1973 APA decision, he and his lover, along with a certain very highly placed officer of the APA Board of Trustees and his lover, all sat around the officer's apartment celebrating their victory. For among the gay activists placed high in the APA who maneuvered to ensure a victory was this man-suborning from the top what was presented to both the membership and the public as a disinterested search for truth."

Dr. Socarides Speaks Out

Dr. Satinover shows how APA's policies were influcenced by closeted homosexual APA leaders.
Dr. Charles Socarides has set the record straight on how homosexuals inside and outside of the APA forced this organization to remove homosexuality as a mental disorder. This was done without any valid scientific evidence to prove that homosexuality is not a disordered behavior.

Dr. Socarides, writing in Sexual Politics and Scientific Logic: The Issue of Homosexuality writes: "To declare a condition a 'non-condition,' a group of practitioners had removed it from our list of serious psychosexual disorders. The action was all the more remarkable when one considers that it involved an out-of-hand and peremptory disregard and dismissal not only of hundreds of psychiatric and psychoanalytic research papers and reports, but also a number of other serious studies by groups of psychiatrists, psychologists, and educators over the past seventy years…"

Socarides continued: "For the next 18 years, the APA decision served as a Trojan horse, opening the gates to widespread psychological and social change in sexual customs and mores. The decision was to be used on numerous occasions for numerous purposes with the goal of normalizing homosexuality and elevating it to an esteemed status.

"To some American psychiatrists, this action remains a chilling reminder that if scientific principles are not fought for, they can be lost-a disillusioning warning that unless we make no exceptions to science, we are subject to the snares of political factionalism and the propagation of untruths to an unsuspecting and uninformed public, to the rest of the medical profession, and to the behavioral sciences." Dr. Socarides' report is available from the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality.

Homosexuality is a MENTAL DISORDER. (http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Evils%20in%20America/Sodomy/homosexuality_and_psychiatry.htm)

05-20-2008, 04:38 PM
Re-read what I wrote. Male/female pedophiles 1:1 ratio. Male/male pedophiles 6.66:1 ratio. Your numbers show homosexual pedophiles to be serial molesters, not heterosexual pedophiles.


The rate of homosexual versus heterosexual child sexual abuse is staggering," said Reisman, who was the principal investigator for an $800,000 Justice Department grant studying child pornography and violence. "Abel’s data of 150.2 boys abused per male homosexual offender finds no equal (yet) in heterosexual violations of 19.8 girls."

To get an accurate picture, you have to maintain 2 ratios: 80% female:20% male victims AND 7 times more victims per homosexual pedophile than heterosexual. I used 100 victims because it was easy to figure the percentage with. You can use any numbers as long as they maintain the two ratios above.

For instance, 1 homosexual pedophile molests 7 boys. According to the studies, in that same time, four times as many girls (28) would have been molested by 28 different men. 28 out of 29 pedophiles, or 96.5%, are heterosexual.

Notice the study found 20 victims per heterosexual offender. I'd call that serial also. I wasn't trying to marginalize homosexual pedophilia.

05-20-2008, 04:47 PM
When did I say that? Please post a link so you can refresh my memory.

I'm sorry, you seemed to be agreeing with ranger's bullshit that homosexual males molest girls. It's one of the most retarded notions I've seen to date. I suppose some of you will attempt to redefine homosexuality so that it includes opposite gender sex.

05-20-2008, 06:10 PM
So missileman, you would or would not agree that anyone who questions homosexuality is smeared in the media

I love how people who dont seem to believe in god, or those who use scripture to be against the death penalty turn around and condemn us religious folks, (but dont have the balls to say muslims and jews) for using the same scripture to condemn homosexuality.

I just love it, hey you :poke: conservative, you have no right to be against homosexuality, and the bible means nothing, but our feelings for homosexuals mean so much

its a bit hypocritical to me :slap:

05-20-2008, 06:12 PM

I'm sorry, you seemed to be agreeing with ranger's bullshit that homosexual males molest girls. It's one of the most retarded notions I've seen to date. I suppose some of you will attempt to redefine homosexuality so that it includes opposite gender sex.

05-20-2008, 06:48 PM


05-20-2008, 06:50 PM
Thank You for the link.


05-20-2008, 08:52 PM
The "aforementioned posts" are little more than opinion pieces with little to back them up in the way of methodology or objectivity.

The weight of research data spanning more than forty years, from multiple independent researchers and studies led to the removal of homosexuality from the DSM. You and your fellow travelers hold a different opinion, but that opinion is of little consequence in the face of the facts against it.

Not quite. Pale cited some studies that were done by a guy who's supposedly big in the field. Not exactly an opinion piece. Sorry for you man.

05-20-2008, 09:09 PM
I'm sorry, you seemed to be agreeing with ranger's bullshit that homosexual males molest girls. It's one of the most retarded notions I've seen to date. I suppose some of you will attempt to redefine homosexuality so that it includes opposite gender sex.

Homosexual males can and do molest little girls. Just because they switch off DOES NOT make them heterosexual. Just extreme perverse fucks that they really are.


05-20-2008, 10:10 PM
Homosexual males can and do molest little girls. Just because they switch off DOES NOT make them heterosexual. Just extreme perverse fucks that they really are.


As I predicted...someone wants to redefine homosexuality.

Pale Rider
05-20-2008, 10:47 PM
As I predicted...someone wants to redefine homosexuality.

And what motivates you Mm? Why do you find yourself compelled to DEFEND HOMOSEXUALS and PEDOPHILES?

The fact that a homo pedophile will molest a little girl as well as molest a little boy is not a new idea. You're out there on that lonely limb again defending a perverse, sick bunch of fucking scum. So I ask you again, why do you defend homosexual pedophiles?

Do you frequent websites looking at pictures of little girls and boys? Are you a member of NAMBLA? If the police were to look through your computer, would they find sexual explicit pictures of little girls and boys? It would appear the chances of that are good, the way you so vehemently defend homos and pedophiles. Maybe law enforcement should be notified about you.

Ranger... think we ought to have the law take a look at this guy?

Why do I ask Ranger? Because he's a cop.

05-20-2008, 10:58 PM
This is making my brain bleed. Either you are agreeing with me or I'm not explaining myself properly. I will address your comments with colored fonts any await your reply.


The rate of homosexual versus heterosexual child sexual abuse is staggering," said Reisman, who was the principal investigator for an $800,000 Justice Department grant studying child pornography and violence. "Abel’s data of 150.2 boys abused per male homosexual offender finds no equal (yet) in heterosexual violations of 19.8 girls." So Abel is saying that a homosexual pedophile has 150.2 victims to only 19.8 per heterosexual pedophile. 150.2 young boys molested by one man? 19.8 is bad enough, but 150.2? That is a serial molester.

To get an accurate picture, you have to maintain 2 ratios: 80% female:20% male victims AND 7 times more victims per homosexual pedophile than heterosexual. I used 100 victims because it was easy to figure the percentage with. You can use any numbers as long as they maintain the two ratios above. Lucky enough I work with numbers day in and day out so working ratios off of his 160 child sampling isn't hard for me. (side note; Apparently Abel made a lot of money with this study.)

For instance, 1 homosexual pedophile molests 7 boys. According to the studies, in that same time, four times as many girls (28) would have been molested by 28 different men. 28 out of 29 pedophiles, or 96.5%, are heterosexual. Again, Male/female pedophiles 1:1 ratio. Male/male pedophiles 7:1 ratio. Your numbers show homosexual pedophiles to be serial molesters, not heterosexual pedophiles.

Notice the study found 20 victims per heterosexual offender. I'd call that serial also. I wasn't trying to marginalize homosexual pedophilia. The way you worded your posts you appeared to be marginalizing homosexual pedophilia.

05-20-2008, 11:22 PM
That nut sniffing remark that I made got your ass tore up and ready for battle. Why are you so defensive, pr?

Are you not the boy dog you pretend to be?

Pale Rider
05-20-2008, 11:34 PM
That nut sniffing remark that I made got your ass tore up and ready for battle. Why are you so defensive, pr?

Are you not the boy dog you pretend to be?

Another drunken night of trying to get banned Pb?

You just never learn do ya? What a thick headed dumb fuck.

05-21-2008, 12:36 AM
Let me share some of that "truth" you so desparately seek, cowgirl.

Another drunken night of trying to get banned Pb?

You just never learn do ya? What a thick headed dumb fuck.

I didn't seek you out and call you names. You did that to me. I didn't neg rep you before you neg repped me. I didn't seek your opinion with malice at any time but you have certainly approached me with malice and dishonesty practically every time you have addressed me. Do I need to show the proof of that?

This old dog won't tolerate your nut sniffing. Keep it up, cowgirl, and I'll show what a real vet is all about, dig it?

Pale Rider
05-21-2008, 02:28 AM
Let me share some of that "truth" you so desparately seek, cowgirl.

I didn't seek you out and call you names. You did that to me. I didn't neg rep you before you neg repped me. I didn't seek your opinion with malice at any time but you have certainly approached me with malice and dishonesty practically every time you have addressed me. Do I need to show the proof of that?

This old dog won't tolerate your nut sniffing. Keep it up, cowgirl, and I'll show what a real vet is all about, dig it?

Yeah... show me... homo boy. Show me how tough you can talk you freakin' scrawnie little bitch.

You're nothing but a cancer on this message board you fucking shit stain. Go fuck yourself you whiny little sissie girl.

Dig that.

05-21-2008, 02:38 AM
'Zat all you got, cowgirl?

Yeah... show me... homo boy. Show me how tough you can talk you freakin' scrawnie little bitch.

You're nothing but a cancer on this message board you fucking shit stain. Go fuck yourself you whiny little sissie girl.

Dig that.

I don't see many of your friends coming to defend you and you certainly depend on someone else to defend you. You even tried to get sweet Abbey to defend you and that failed. What a puss you are, white boy butt fucker.

Pale Rider
05-21-2008, 02:44 AM
'Zat all you got, cowgirl?

I don't see many of your friends coming to defend you and you certainly depend on someone else to defend you. You even tried to get sweet Abbey to defend you and that failed. What a puss you are, white boy butt fucker.

Well guess what Einstein... WE'RE THE ONLY ONES ON THE BOARD GENIUS! Just how can somebody "come to my defense" WHEN THERE'S NO ONE HERE?!

I know that liquor you're pumping down your pie hole slows down your bring but hey, fuck man.... get a clue.... :laugh:

Good Lord... sober up chief.

05-21-2008, 02:55 AM
Thanks for the "chief" remark, deickliqour, but I am certainly no chief.

Well guess what Einstein... WE'RE THE ONLY ONES ON THE BOARD GENIUS! Just how can somebody "come to my defense" WHEN THERE'S NO ONE HERE?!

I know that liquor you're pumping down your pie hole slows down your bring but hey, fuck man.... get a clue.... :laugh:

Good Lord... sober up chief.

Get a grip, cowgirl. Are the pm's I am now receiving indicative of your (our) loneliness?

05-21-2008, 04:03 AM

this makes me feel groovy

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/VnLhvMStUWU&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/VnLhvMStUWU&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

05-21-2008, 06:55 AM
This is making my brain bleed. Either you are agreeing with me or I'm not explaining myself properly. I will address your comments with colored fonts any await your reply.

Abel's study found 20 victims per heterosexual offender. I consider that serial also. I'm not arguing that homosexual pedophiles aren't serial molesters...the data suggests ALL pedophiles are. Homosexual pedophiles are more prolific.

Pale Rider
05-21-2008, 12:33 PM
Thanks for the "chief" remark, deickliqour, but I am certainly no chief.

Get a grip, cowgirl. Are the pm's I am now receiving indicative of your (our) loneliness?

Take a couple asprin when you wake up from your stupor and maybe that will help your hang over.

I've never PM'd you in my life you lying sack of shit. Comments left in reps don't count moron.

My Winter Storm
05-29-2008, 04:25 AM

Homosexuals Recruit Public School Children

Homosexuality And Pedophilia

Homosexual Propagandists Use Schools And Libraries To Normalize Homosexual Behaviors.

Homosexual publishing companies are churning out dozens of books targeted to kindergarteners, pre-teens, and teenagers to normalize homosexual behavior and to push for homosexual marriage and adoption.

Many of these books are designed to stigmatize opponents of homosexual behavior as bigoted and hateful and inaccurately portray “happy” homosexual families consisting of two men or two women and their children. All children in homosexual families come from broken homes or were conceived by artificial insemination. A homosexual household is by definition, abnormal, and children are at greater risk for molestation (http://us2000.org/cfmc/Pedophilia.pdf)in these homes than in homes with a mother and father who care for their own biological children.

One of the most popular books distributed by homosexual activists to preteen and teenagers is Two Teenagers In Twenty, (formerly called One In Ten, and published by Alyson Publishers, Boston). It describes the sexual experiences of teenagers who engage in homosexual behaviors. One chapter of the book details the seduction of a teenage girl by her dance instructor on a field trip out of town.

Alyson Publishers is also the publisher of the out-of-print book, The Age Taboo—Gay Male Power, Sexuality, Power, and Consent, which includes essays on having sex with children and teenagers. One essay is written by North American Man-Boy Love Association founder David Thorstad!

The books listed below are from “twolives.com,” a homosexual publishing company.


Pale, you know we never agree on anything, but seriously, dude. I really thought you were smarter than to compare homosexuals to pedophiles. Surely you are smart enough to know that they are not the same.

05-29-2008, 06:16 AM
Pale, you know we never agree on anything, but seriously, dude. I really thought you were smarter than to compare homosexuals to pedophiles. Surely you are smart enough to know that they are not the same.

PR and his fellow travelers don't care that they are not the same. It suits their purposes to conflate homosexuality with pedophilia.

05-29-2008, 08:02 AM
PR and his fellow travelers don't care that they are not the same. It suits their purposes to conflate homosexuality with pedophilia. The statistics tying queers and peds together are irrefutable.

05-29-2008, 08:29 AM
The statistics tying queers and peds together are irrefutable.

Yes, they are refutable.

<blockquote>Other researchers have taken different approaches, but have similarly failed to find a connection between homosexuality and child molestation. Dr. Carole Jenny and her colleagues reviewed 352 medical charts, representing all of the sexually abused children seen in the emergency room or child abuse clinic of a Denver children's hospital during a one-year period (from July 1, 1991 to June 30, 1992). <b>The molester was a gay or lesbian adult in fewer than 1% in which an adult molester could be identified – only 2 of the 269 cases</b> (Jenny et al., 1994).

In yet another approach to studying adult sexual attraction to children, some Canadian researchers observed how homosexual and heterosexual adult men responded to slides of males and females of various ages (child, pubescent, and mature adult). All of the research subjects were first screened to ensure that they preferred physically mature sexual partners. In some of the slides shown to subjects, the model was clothed; in others, he or she was nude. The slides were accompanied by audio recordings. The recordings paired with the nude models described an imaginary sexual interaction between the model and the subject. The recordings paired with the pictures of clothed models described the model engaging in neutral activities (e.g., swimming). To measure sexual arousal, changes in the subjects' penis volume were monitored while they watched the slides and listened to the audiotapes. The researchers found that homosexual males responded no more to male children than heterosexual males responded to female children (Freund et al., 1989).

Science cannot prove a negative. Thus, these studies do not prove that homosexual or bisexual males are no more likely than heterosexual males to molest children. However, each of them failed to prove the alternative hypothesis that homosexual males are more likely than heterosexual men to molest children or to be sexually attracted to children or adolescents. - <a href=http://psychology.ucdavis.edu/rainbow/HTML/facts_molestation.html>Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation</a></blockquote>

You should really stop repeating unsupported, pseudo-scientific BS as if it were fact. It makes you look more ignorant than you actually are. But since that's all you've got, that's what you'll use.

05-29-2008, 08:34 AM
Yes, they are refutable...... I'm glad that you finally see the truth here, as I'm not interested in revisiting this argument again, only to have you ignore the obvious statistics, or come up with some bullshit saying that child molesters can't distinguish between boys and girls. :laugh2:

05-29-2008, 09:42 AM
I'm glad that you finally see the truth here, as I'm not interested in revisiting this argument again, only to have you ignore the obvious statistics, or come up with some bullshit saying that child molesters can't distinguish between boys and girls. :laugh2:

Don't recall ever saying that. The fact of the matter is that pedophiles never developed the capacity for mature, adult, sexual relationships with adults of either gender and lack any clearly identifiable adult sexual orientation. This developmental deficit leads them to, instead, focus their sexual attraction on children, of either or both genders. Those are the facts, supported by independent research. I'm sorry that reality does not conform to your narrow, blinkered, dogmatic view, but your denial of the facts does not change them.

05-29-2008, 11:03 AM
Don't recall ever saying that. The fact of the matter is that pedophiles never developed the capacity for mature, adult, sexual relationships with adults of either gender and lack any clearly identifiable adult sexual orientation. This developmental deficit leads them to, instead, focus their sexual attraction on children, of either or both genders. Those are the facts, supported by independent research. I'm sorry that reality does not conform to your narrow, blinkered, dogmatic view, but your denial of the facts does not change them.

Just as predicted. :lol:

Pale Rider
05-29-2008, 01:02 PM
Pale, you know we never agree on anything, but seriously, dude. I really thought you were smarter than to compare homosexuals to pedophiles. Surely you are smart enough to know that they are not the same.

I'm not making any assumptions. I'm simply posting the facts, and the facts prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that most pedophiles are homosexuals.

Sorry that puts you in a bad light. Maybe it's time to quit lying to yourself and get help.

05-29-2008, 02:17 PM
Just as predicted. :lol:

And your prediction was...?

As usual, you lack the intellectual ammunition to support your assertions and you simply attempt to change the topic. You should really look into sharpening your rhetorical skills, or seek therapy. Either would lead to a tremendous improvement in the quality of your discourse.

05-29-2008, 02:19 PM
I'm not making any assumptions. I'm simply posting the facts, and the facts prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that most pedophiles are homosexuals.

Sorry that puts you in a bad light. Maybe it's time to quit lying to yourself and get help.

PR, see <a href=http://www.debatepolicy.com/showpost.php?p=252451&postcount=298>post #298</a>.

Pale Rider
05-29-2008, 02:24 PM
PR, see <a href=http://www.debatepolicy.com/showpost.php?p=252451&postcount=298>post #298</a>.

Bull... see this (http://us2000.org/cfmc/Pedophilia.pdf) from post #1.

05-29-2008, 04:28 PM
Bull... see this (http://us2000.org/cfmc/Pedophilia.pdf) from post #1.

Which one of the following statements from that link is true?

1. Males account for 25 to 35 percent of child sexual abuse victims.


2. it is estimated that approximately 80 percent of pedophilic victims are
boys who have been molested by adult males.

Those figures aren't even remotely in the same ballpark...and you wonder why some of us question your sources.

#2 is actually 100% opposite of the child abuse statistics that I posted that showed a little over 80% of victims are female.

05-29-2008, 04:33 PM
I'm not making any assumptions. I'm simply posting the facts, and the facts prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that most pedophiles are homosexuals..

That statement is a lie, no matter how many times you repeat it. I've proven it's a lie, using your own links. Noone has refuted the numbers I've posted.

05-29-2008, 05:32 PM
And your prediction was...?

As usual, you lack the intellectual ammunition to support your assertions and you simply attempt to change the topic. You should really look into sharpening your rhetorical skills, or seek therapy. Either would lead to a tremendous improvement in the quality of your discourse.
Wow I didn't realize you were that slow. Read the last sentence, post 299, and the bolded portion of the quote, post 301.

Pale Rider
05-29-2008, 06:36 PM
Which one of the following statements from that link is true?

1. Males account for 25 to 35 percent of child sexual abuse victims.


2. it is estimated that approximately 80 percent of pedophilic victims are
boys who have been molested by adult males.

Those figures aren't even remotely in the same ballpark...and you wonder why some of us question your sources.

#2 is actually 100% opposite of the child abuse statistics that I posted that showed a little over 80% of victims are female.
They're both true. You just don't know how to work out averages by percentages with that 2nd grade sipher'n edumacation of yours.

That statement is a lie, no matter how many times you repeat it. I've proven it's a lie, using your own links. Noone has refuted the numbers I've posted.
It has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that most pedophiles are homosexuals. Every statistic, every study, every interview, even law enforcement data backs that up.

At this point, I would suggest that if you have such feelings yourself, hence the reason you so vehemently defend this sick perversion, seek help.

05-29-2008, 06:51 PM
They're both true. You just don't know how to work out averages by percentages with that 2nd grade sipher'n edumacation of yours.

Sorry, but there's not a fuckin school in the U.S. that will try to equate 25% and 80%...try again. Both of those statements can't be true.

It has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that most pedophiles are homosexuals. Every statistic, every study, every interview, even law enforcement data backs that up.

At this point, I would suggest that if you have such feelings yourself, hence the reason you so vehemently defend this sick perversion, seek help.

If 80% of molestation victims are FEMALE, there is NO WAY IN HELL that homosexuals make up the majority of pedophiles.

Pale Rider
05-29-2008, 07:12 PM
Sorry, but there's not a fuckin school in the U.S. that will try to equate 25% and 80%...try again. Both of those statements can't be true.
This has been explained to you over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and you still don't get it, and I'm completely convinced that you either one, are too stupid to realize that of the 25% to 35% of molested victims that are boys, 80% of those were molested by homosexual men, or, you just will NOT admit the truth because you ARE a pedophile and don't want these numbers to be publicized.

If 80% of molestation victims are FEMALE, there is NO WAY IN HELL that homosexuals make up the majority of pedophiles.
And the claim that "the majority of pedophiles are homosexual" was NEVER, EVER MADE. The point of this WHOLE THREAD is that the majority of molestations commited against little boys is done by HOMOSEXUALS!!! DO YOU FUCKING GET THAT MUTTON HEAD???!!! The link between homosexual men and pedophile has been proven, by a MOUNTAIN of research and facts and collected data, much of whick I have posted here, only to have YOU DEFEND PEDOPHILES as if they're somehow GREAT PEOPLE!

My God Mm.... you really ARE dumber than a day old turd aren't you.

05-29-2008, 09:21 PM
This has been explained to you over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and you still don't get it, and I'm completely convinced that you either one, are too stupid to realize that of the 25% to 35% of molested victims that are boys, 80% of those were molested by homosexual men, or, you just will NOT admit the truth because you ARE a pedophile and don't want these numbers to be publicized.

Unfortunately for you, that's NOT what the link says...read it again. It says 25-35% of VICTIMS are boys and then says 80% of VICTIMS are boys. They both can't be true. It doesn't say a damned thing about 80% of BOY victims being molested by men.

And the claim that "the majority of pedophiles are homosexual" was NEVER, EVER MADE.

BULLSHIT! You've been making that claim over and over and over...here is just ONE of the times you made the statement:

I'm not making any assumptions. I'm simply posting the facts, and the facts prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that most pedophiles are homosexuals.

Pale Rider
05-30-2008, 12:10 AM
Unfortunately for you, that's NOT what the link says...read it again. It says 25-35% of VICTIMS are boys and then says 80% of VICTIMS are boys. They both can't be true. It doesn't say a damned thing about 80% of BOY victims being molested by men.
Since you don't have the ability to read that correctly and understand it, I'll quote from another study...

from page 2, http://www.traditionalvalues.org/pdf_files/TVCSpecialRptHomosexualRecruitChildren.PDF

Reisman points to research conducted by Dr. Gene Abel on the vastly different rates of molestations committed by homosexual pedophiles (known as pederasts) versus molestation rates of girls among heterosexual pedophiles. In a sample of 153 self confessed homosexual pederasts, they admitted to a total of 22,981 victims. This comes to 150.2 boys per offender. Self admitted molesters of girls committed 4,435 molestations or 19.8 girl victims by each heterosexual pedophile. According to Abel, homosexual child molesters, "sexually molest young boys with an incidence that is occurring from five times greater than the molestation of girls."

Now I don't know what more you require from this point on. It's been explained in English and terms a second grader could understand.

BULLSHIT! You've been making that claim over and over and over...here is just ONE of the times you made the statement:
I'll eat this one. That's not what I meant. The fact of the matter is, the frequency of homosexuals molesting young boys, percentage wise, comparative to heteros molesting young girls, is greater, as illustrated above.

Now, I've done my part, now I think you owe the board an explanation as to why you so vehemently have been in here DEFENDING HOMOSEXUAL PEDOPHILES! Tell us.....

... are you a pedophile Mm? Is THAT your motivation?

05-30-2008, 04:35 AM
Bull... see this (http://us2000.org/cfmc/Pedophilia.pdf) from post #1.

The authors are linked at the hip to the Family Research Council and Focus on the Family. Not one of their citations come from independent research studies or peer reviewed journals. They present opinion as fact in pursuit of their anti homosexual agenda.

If you want to present a credible argument, cite valid, repeatable and independently verifiable scientific studies rather than right wing-nut dogma.

05-30-2008, 04:40 AM
Wow I didn't realize you were that slow. Read the last sentence, post 299, and the bolded portion of the quote, post 301.

Ummm...not so much. You mistake your obtuseness for perspicacity. B'bye now.

05-30-2008, 04:47 AM
Since you don't have the ability to read that correctly and understand it, I'll quote from another study...

from page 2, http://www.traditionalvalues.org/pdf_files/TVCSpecialRptHomosexualRecruitChildren.PDF

Now I don't know what more you require from this point on. It's been explained in English and terms a second grader could understand.

I'll eat this one. That's not what I meant. The fact of the matter is, the frequency of homosexuals molesting young boys, percentage wise, comparative to heteros molesting young girls, is greater, as illustrated above.

Now, I've done my part, now I think you owe the board an explanation as to why you so vehemently have been in here DEFENDING HOMOSEXUAL PEDOPHILES! Tell us.....

... are you a pedophile Mm? Is THAT your motivation?

<blockquote>study; <i>n</i>: a careful examination or analysis of a phenomenon, development, or question - Merriam-Webster</blockquote>

Your citation from the <i>Traditional Values</i> "Special Report" IS NOT a study. It is nothing more than an extended editorial. Please learn the difference...It'll give you some small measure of credibility.

My Winter Storm
05-30-2008, 05:37 AM
Other researchers have taken different approaches, but have similarly failed to find a connection between homosexuality and child molestation. Dr. Carole Jenny and her colleagues reviewed 352 medical charts, representing all of the sexually abused children seen in the emergency room or child abuse clinic of a Denver children's hospital during a one-year period (from July 1, 1991 to June 30, 1992). <b>The molester was a gay or lesbian adult in fewer than 1% in which an adult molester could be identified – only 2 of the 269 cases</b> (Jenny et al., 1994).

And there we have it. Have an answer for this one, Pale?

Pale Rider
05-30-2008, 11:20 AM
The authors are linked at the hip to the Family Research Council and Focus on the Family. Not one of their citations come from independent research studies or peer reviewed journals. They present opinion as fact in pursuit of their anti homosexual agenda.

If you want to present a credible argument, cite valid, repeatable and independently verifiable scientific studies rather than right wing-nut dogma.

<blockquote>study; <i>n</i>: a careful examination or analysis of a phenomenon, development, or question - Merriam-Webster</blockquote>

Your citation from the <i>Traditional Values</i> "Special Report" IS NOT a study. It is nothing more than an extended editorial. Please learn the difference...It'll give you some small measure of credibility.

And there we have it. Have an answer for this one, Pale?

OOOOOoooooooh I get it.... "my" facts = false, "you're" crap = true.......... yeah, that's it. Because everybody knows..... HOMOSEXUALITY IS NORMAL RIGHT? Of course it is, because you three idiots say so. Two pedophile defenders and one lesbian. Noooooooo there's no bias there in anything YOU people would say is there? Naaaaaaaahhh.... YOU people are NORMAL to argue that BUT FUCKING and MOLESTING YOUNG CHILDREN IS NORMAL! You can take a Chevy and paint it any color you want, but it's still going to be a Chevy, just as you can try and dismiss the facts that homos molest more young boys, percentage wise, than hetero pedophiles molest little girls. Doesn't matter where or who discovered the facts, you can paint 'em any color you want, but the facts are still going to be the facts at the end of the day.

I've proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is a link between homosexuality and pedophilia. You sick fucks deny it. WHAT A FUCKING SURPRISE!!! And the story that avatar just posted about young boys that were adopted in europe that were MOLESTED by their SICK HOMO ADOPTED PARENTS because people were AFRAID to THINK THE UNTHINKABLE! They were AFRAID of people like YOU sick fuckers that do your best to SHUT NORMAL PEOPLE UP. You are SCARED that people will actually see your SICK, PERVERTED, SHIT for what it really is.... SICK, PERVERTED, SHIT! You people need to just get back in your fucking closet and let the NORMAL, MAJORITY get along with the business of NORMAL every day life, and keep your BUT POKING, CHILD MOLESTING ways AWAY FROM US!

You sick fuckers have NO MORAL or NATURAL GROUND to stand on.

05-30-2008, 12:09 PM
The authors are linked at the hip to the Family Research Council and Focus on the Family. Not one of their citations come from independent research studies or peer reviewed journals. They present opinion as fact in pursuit of their anti homosexual agenda.

If you want to present a credible argument, cite valid, repeatable and independently verifiable scientific studies rather than right wing-nut dogma.
Pot, meet kettle:
You cited this web page: http://psychology.ucdavis.edu/rainbow/HTML/facts_molestation.html

Which is identical in content to this one: http://www.rainbowfamilynm.org/pubs/Facts.About.Homosexuality.and.Child.Molestation.ht m

Which means that UC Davis is in the lap of Rainbow Family.

05-30-2008, 12:13 PM
And there we have it. Have an answer for this one, Pale?
The "study" basically claims that child molesters can't distinguish between boys and girls. In other words, if an adult male claims to be heterosexual, but molests a young boy, then its not a homosexual attack. That's obviously untrue, so the "study" conclusions are meaningless.

05-30-2008, 05:24 PM
Since you don't have the ability to read that correctly and understand it, I'll quote from another study...

There's nothing wrong with my reading ability, your link contains figures that dispute each other. Maybe you should spend a little more time scrutinizing what they actually say before posting them.

from page 2, http://www.traditionalvalues.org/pdf_files/TVCSpecialRptHomosexualRecruitChildren.PDF

Now I don't know what more you require from this point on. It's been explained in English and terms a second grader could understand.

You haven't been paying attention. I've been citing the 7 to 1 ratio for several posts now. Here's your problem: That 7 to 1 ratio is proof that totally refutes your assumption that homosexuals are more likely PER CAPITA to engage in pedophilia.

I'll eat this one. That's not what I meant. The fact of the matter is, the frequency of homosexuals molesting young boys, percentage wise, comparative to heteros molesting young girls, is greater, as illustrated above.

Now, I've done my part, now I think you owe the board an explanation as to why you so vehemently have been in here DEFENDING HOMOSEXUAL PEDOPHILES! Tell us.....

... are you a pedophile Mm? Is THAT your motivation?

I'm not defending anything. Your continued accusations are nothing more than a smoke screen for your inability to formulate an intelligent argument. BTW, what did you wash down that shit sandwich I made you eat with? Hope you're hungry...lots more heading your way.

05-30-2008, 05:28 PM
You sick fuckers have NO MORAL GROUND to stand on.

Lighten up on the morality sermon Francis...we've already established that your sense of morality includes delivering people to Satan.

My Winter Storm
05-30-2008, 09:10 PM
OOOOOoooooooh I get it.... "my" facts = false, "you're" crap = true.......... yeah, that's it. Because everybody knows..... HOMOSEXUALITY IS NORMAL RIGHT? Of course it is, because you three idiots say so. Two pedophile defenders and one lesbian. Noooooooo there's no bias there in anything YOU people would say is there? Naaaaaaaahhh.... YOU people are NORMAL to argue that BUT FUCKING and MOLESTING YOUNG CHILDREN IS NORMAL! You can take a Chevy and paint it any color you want, but it's still going to be a Chevy, just as you can try and dismiss the facts that homos molest more young boys, percentage wise, than hetero pedophiles molest little girls. Doesn't matter where or who discovered the facts, you can paint 'em any color you want, but the facts are still going to be the facts at the end of the day.

I've proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is a link between homosexuality and pedophilia. You sick fucks deny it. WHAT A FUCKING SURPRISE!!! And the story that avatar just posted about young boys that were adopted in europe that were MOLESTED by their SICK HOMO ADOPTED PARENTS because people were AFRAID to THINK THE UNTHINKABLE! They were AFRAID of people like YOU sick fuckers that do your best to SHUT NORMAL PEOPLE UP. You are SCARED that people will actually see your SICK, PERVERTED, SHIT for what it really is.... SICK, PERVERTED, SHIT! You people need to just get back in your fucking closet and let the NORMAL, MAJORITY get along with the business of NORMAL every day life, and keep your BUT POKING, CHILD MOLESTING ways AWAY FROM US!

You sick fuckers have NO MORAL or NATURAL GROUND to stand on.

Take a deep breath, and calm down. No need to get worked up about it.
You have proven there is a link, but you seem to also imply that homosexuals are all pedophiles, and that itself cannot be proven. All you have shown is that there are homosexual pedophiles, it doesn't change the fact that the majority of pedophiles are heterosexual.
The gay couple who molested those kids should be jailed for life, but just because they were homosexual doesn't automatically mean that all gays are pedophiles. The authorities should have acted on their suspicions. Being 'afraid' of being labelled homophobic is not an excuse. They believed these kids to be in danger and they IGNORED them. Fear of being labelled is no justification for leaving the kids with people who were harming them.

Pale Rider
05-31-2008, 12:55 PM
The moral of the story is, more homosexual pedophiles molest little boys by percentage than any other category, illustrating a definite link between homosexuality and pedophilia. A cock is a cock to a homo, they just want to suck it, and if it's on a young boy, all the better. Just ask our two NAMBLA members here defending the pedophiles, bullypulit and bottlerocket.

The other half of the story is, we have three people here that are defending pedophilia. bull, bottlerocket, and slit licker. I think they all have ulterior motives. Two very well could be homos themselves, thus good candidates for being a pedophile themselves... I mean why else would they so vehemently defend child molesters, and one admitted lesbo, who hasn't lead us to believe she's a child molester, but by virtue of being a lesbian, is displaying a gross misunderstanding of her sexual identity, and molesting a child may not be out of her sick sexual parameters.

And there you have it.

Pale Rider
05-31-2008, 01:03 PM
Take a deep breath, and calm down. No need to get worked up about it.
Keep your advice, I don't need it.

You have proven there is a link,
Beyond a shadow of a doubt.

but you seem to also imply that homosexuals are all pedophiles,
Wrong. I never said or implied that. The fact of the matter is, "more" homosexuals are pedophiles than heteros, by about a factor of 5.

05-31-2008, 01:10 PM
The moral of the story is, more homosexual pedophiles molest little boys by percentage than any other category, illustrating a definite link between homosexuality and pedophilia. A cock is a cock to a homo, they just want to suck it, and if it's on a young boy, all the better. Just ask our two NAMBLA members here defending the pedophiles, bullypulit and bottlerocket.

The other half of the story is, we have three people here that are defending pedophilia. bull, bottlerocket, and slit licker. I think they all have ulterior motives. Two very well could be homos themselves, thus good candidates for being a pedophile themselves... I mean why else would they so vehemently defend child molesters, and one admitted lesbo, who hasn't lead us to believe she's a child molester, but by virtue of being a lesbian, is displaying a gross misunderstanding of her sexual identity, and molesting a child may not be out of her sick sexual parameters.

And there you have it.

Pointing out that you're full of shit isn't defending anything...it's a hobby. As you're full of shit more often than not, it's a hobby I'll be enjoying for a long time to come.

All you've proven with all your posts is that a homosexual pedophile is more prolific than a heterosexual one. That same data PROVES, beyond any doubt, that there is NO link between homosexuality and pedophilia as LESS THAN 4% OF PEDOPHILES ARE HOMOSEXUAL.

Try to refute that with something other than the same old accusations that are nothing more than a smokescreen.

Pale Rider
05-31-2008, 01:15 PM
By percentage, more homosexuals are pedophiles than heteros.

Missleman is a homo pedophile. You should be locked up you sick, card carrying NAMBLA sons a bitch.

05-31-2008, 01:50 PM
I must admit I am as guilty as anybody else when it comes to provoking reaction for personal entertainment but I am fed up to the back teeth with this thread and those that continue to pretend they buy into the supposition.

Paedophiles are animals, they shouldn't be allowed a human gender tag.Homosexuals, the politically correct brigade and unbiased, right minded people alike have every right to be outraged by the thread title and continued mongering by some here.

05-31-2008, 02:51 PM
By percentage, more homosexuals are pedophiles than heteros.

Missleman is a homo pedophile. You should be locked up you sick, card carrying NAMBLA sons a bitch.

There's a fucking surprise. More lies from the board LIAR and HYPOCRITE. Mr. Christian Morality himself just refuses to stop breaking commandments and then rails about immorality. You're a fucking joke POLE RIDER! The punch line is "I took my _____ to a brothel and bought him a hooker".


05-31-2008, 04:17 PM
Ordinarily, I would feel some pity for a person whose nearly entire posting career has been exposed as a waste of time and endless stream of misinformation, but, since PR is the colossal sphincter that he is, the process has resulted in a pleasant satisfaction.

Pale Rider
05-31-2008, 06:51 PM
Blah, blah, blah missiledick.... you're a rancid homo pedophile defender. Go crawl back under that filthy rock where you came from. No one needs your kind here or anywhere else you sick mother fuck.

Stay away from the boys mister NAMBLA... you ought to be arrested and thrown in jail.

If has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, in this thread and others, that homosexuals molest young boys by a frequency of five times more than hetero pedophiles, PROVING there is a link between homosexuality and pedophila. Others here know it, have seen it, understand the numbers and how they are calculated, and have accepted the truth. Only you mister NAMBLA, you're the only one left DEFENDING the HOMO PEDOPHILES! I can't put into words what I think of your SICK MOTHER FUCKING FAGGOT PEDOPHILE ASS.

05-31-2008, 07:05 PM
The moral of the story is, more homosexual pedophiles molest little boys by percentage than any other category, illustrating a definite link between homosexuality and pedophilia. ..

What you've demonstrated in your postings is more or less a corelation - something to base further research, demonstrating (proving) that there is in fact a link between homosexuality and pedophilia and WHY.

Personally, I would say it's higher amoung people who are openly gay due to their own histories of abuse and the corelations between sexual abuse of children and homosexuality. That is, the instances of childhood sexual abuse is higher in the gay community, and abusers were more often than not abused themselves.

Then there is certain ethnic groups where pedophillia is higher than other groups, while at the same time, these same groups where sexual abuse of children is outrageous, also have a very low homosexual population.

05-31-2008, 07:15 PM
Pale, the bottom line is these liberals are all too afraid to say gays are more likely to be pedophiles than heterosexuals. They've been brainwashed into believing homosexuality is "normal" and natural, when it is neither.

They can't change the math, if homosexuals make up more than 2-4% of total pedophile, then by definition that group is more likely to be a pedophile

We've also seen the numbers proving that homosexual pedophiles commit the act against children with greater frequency and against a much larger amount of children. We can debate the numbers with every survey and report we find that changes these numbers a little bit, but the point is we should not be entrusting homosexuals with CHILDREN. Its a travesity, its criminal neglect to let it happen. Its knowingly putting children in harms way.

Are foster children safer from sexual molestation by being with homosexual parents, or heterosexual ones? You liberals know the answer to that, but you won't admit it.

05-31-2008, 07:32 PM
Blah, blah, blah missiledick.... you're a rancid homo pedophile defender. Go crawl back under that filthy rock where you came from. No one needs your kind here or anywhere else you sick mother fuck.

Stay away from the boys mister NAMBLA... you ought to be arrested and thrown in jail.

If has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, in this thread and others, that homosexuals molest young boys by a frequency of five times more than hetero pedophiles, PROVING there is a link between homosexuality and pedophila. Others here know it, have seen it, understand the numbers and how they are calculated, and have accepted the truth. Only you mister NAMBLA, you're the only one left DEFENDING the HOMO PEDOPHILES! I can't put into words what I think of your SICK MOTHER FUCKING FAGGOT PEDOPHILE ASS.

Again, you offer nothing to refute the facts, just more empty accusations. LESS THAN 4% OF PEDOPHILES ARE HOMOSEXUALS...I'VE PROVEN IT WITH YOUR OWN LINKS.

You can repeat your lying attack on me til the cows come home, it doesn't alter the fact that I'm right and you're wrong.

Post one quote from me where I've defended pedophilia you sorry sack of shit...JUST ONE. I'll wager $1000 that you can't fucking produce one. :fu:

BTW pussy...you can still stick your negative rep in that anus between your chin and nose.

05-31-2008, 07:33 PM
They can't change the math, if homosexuals make up more than 2-4% of total pedophile, then by definition that group is more likely to be a pedophile

It's less than 4%...I've proven it with the numbers.

Pale Rider
05-31-2008, 09:24 PM
It's less than 4%...I've proven it with the numbers.

The only thing you've proven is that you'll defend homosexuals pedophiles to the bitter end even in the face of facts that everyone else sees and understands.

You must REALLY LOVE THE HOMO PEDOPHILES missiledick. You make me sick, and you should be watched. From your performance here I wouldn't put it past you that you're capable of molesting young boys yourself.

05-31-2008, 09:29 PM
The only thing you've proven is that you'll defend homosexuals pedophiles to the bitter end even in the face of facts that everyone else sees and understands.

You must REALLY LOVE THE HOMO PEDOPHILES missiledick. You make me sick, and you should be watched. From your performance here I wouldn't put it past you that you're capable of molesting young boys yourself.

Go fuck yourself retard...I knew you'd come up short to a challenge to back up that lying shithole under your nose. C'mon BOY...back it up. Quote a single post where I've defended pedophilia. DON'T BE A PUSSY ALL YOUR LIFE!

05-31-2008, 09:32 PM
Go fuck yourself retard...I knew you'd come up short to a challenge to back up that lying shithole under your nose. C'mon BOY...back it up. Quote a single post where I've defended pedophilia. DON'T BE A PUSSY ALL YOUR LIFE!

337 posts in this thread and you're still defend pedophilia and homos. Must be an obsession with you. Usually that means you are one.......

05-31-2008, 10:01 PM
337 posts in this thread and you're still defend pedophilia and homos. Must be an obsession with you. Usually that means you are one.......

Same challenge to you fucktard.

Pale Rider
05-31-2008, 10:55 PM
Go fuck yourself retard...I knew you'd come up short to a challenge to back up that lying shithole under your nose. C'mon BOY...back it up. Quote a single post where I've defended pedophilia. DON'T BE A PUSSY ALL YOUR LIFE!

If defending them isn't what you're doing, what would you call it mister NAMBLA?

You've pissed on every single fact and figure that's been posted in this thread proving the link between homosexuals and pedophilia. THAT'S DEFENDING THEM! Even if you are going to try and pull a mfm and spin, twist, contort and lie your way out of it.

You're a filthy, rotten, piece of child molesting faggot defending, scum of earth, low life. If I owned the board, I'd ban you just for that. I wouldn't want a sordid, obscene, pervert like you stinking up my board. You need a good ass kickin'.

05-31-2008, 11:08 PM
If defending them isn't what you're doing, what would you call it mister NAMBLA?

You've pissed on every single fact and figure that's been posted in this thread proving the link between homosexuals and pedophilia. THAT'S DEFENDING THEM! Even if you are going to try and pull a mfm and spin, twist, contort and lie your way out of it.

You're a filthy, rotten, piece of child molesting faggot defending, scum of earth, low life. If I owned the board, I'd ban you just for that. I wouldn't want a sordid, obscene, pervert like you stinking up my board. You need a good ass kickin'.

No stupid...I've been using your own facts and figures to prove you're full of shit.

One more time...quit being a lying sack of shit pussy and quote where I've defended pedophilia. Either that or just shut your fucking mouth.

As for an ass kickin, you aren't smart enough or man enough for the job BOY!

Pale Rider
06-01-2008, 01:17 AM
No stupid...I've been using your own facts and figures to prove you're full of shit.

One more time...quit being a lying sack of shit pussy and quote where I've defended pedophilia. Either that or just shut your fucking mouth.

As for an ass kickin, you aren't smart enough or man enough for the job BOY!

Congratulations... you've just been awarded the board "HOMO PEDOPHILE DEFENDER" award.

As for anything else to say here, nothing more than the police should do some checking into your sick, pervert, self. I wouldn't doubt they'd find some little boy you've molested.

I already moped the floor with you son, you're just too fucking stupid to realise it, and everybody can see right through your mfm act you lying sons a bitch.

Get a life or get lost you offensive, punk ass, depraved, faggot pedophile defender.

06-01-2008, 06:39 AM
Congratulations... you've just been awarded the board "HOMO PEDOPHILE DEFENDER" award.

As for anything else to say here, nothing more than the police should do some checking into your sick, pervert, self. I wouldn't doubt they'd find some little boy you've molested.

I already moped the floor with you son, you're just too fucking stupid to realise it, and everybody can see right through your mfm act you lying sons a bitch.

Get a life or get lost you offensive, punk ass, depraved, faggot pedophile defender.

Up for a wager PUSSY? If you're able to quote a single post of mine where I've ACTUALLY defended pedophilia, not this smokescreen, can't win an argument bullshit, you keep throwing up here, but a statement I've made that condones the practice of pedophilia as you imply, I'LL LEAVE THE BOARD...permanently.

BUT, when you can't produce such a statement, YOU LEAVE...permanently.

C'mon BOY...put your money where your mouth is or STFU.

Pale Rider
06-01-2008, 08:53 AM
Up for a wager PUSSY? If you're able to quote a single post of mine where I've ACTUALLY defended pedophilia, not this smokescreen, can't win an argument bullshit, you keep throwing up here, but a statement I've made that condones the practice of pedophilia as you imply, I'LL LEAVE THE BOARD...permanently.

BUT, when you can't produce such a statement, YOU LEAVE...permanently.

C'mon BOY...put your money where your mouth is or STFU.

I prove there's a link, you deny the facts. You act as though the numbers don't add up, parse words and outright lie about the truth. The whole board knows you're the biggest homo defender here already, now you're including your sick defense for the homo pedophiles as well. What a legacy you have here. A homo defender, and now a homo pedophile defender.

B,bye butt fuck boy.

06-01-2008, 09:23 AM
I prove there's a link, you deny the facts. You act as though the numbers don't add up, parse words and outright lie about the truth. The whole board knows you're the biggest homo defender here already, now you're including your sick defense for the homo pedophiles as well. What a legacy you have here. A homo defender, and now a homo pedophile defender.

B,bye butt fuck boy.

You're as gutless as you are brainless...I KNEW you'd act like a panty waist bitch! PUT UP OR SHUT UP BOY!

06-01-2008, 02:44 PM
C'mon asshole! You made a big speech about how you'd throw me off if it was your board. I've opened the door and given you the opportunity to make your little fantasy come true and you just sit there with your dick in your hand? All you have to do is prove your lie and I'm outta here.

Pale Rider
06-01-2008, 03:33 PM
You're as gutless as you are brainless...I KNEW you'd act like a panty waist bitch! PUT UP OR SHUT UP BOY!

See ya, homo pedophile defender. No one wants your stentch around here anymore. Now keep your word leave you sick, low life, son of a bitchin', pervert.

06-01-2008, 04:01 PM
See ya, homo pedophile defender. No one wants your stentch around here anymore. Now keep your word leave you sick, low life, son of a bitchin', pervert.

There was a condition to my leaving...and you haven't fulfilled it yet pussy. I notice you didn't have the balls to accept the wager either. What a fucking coward you are.

Pale Rider
06-01-2008, 04:04 PM
There was a condition to my leaving...and you haven't fulfilled it yet pussy. I notice you didn't have the balls to accept the wager either. What a fucking coward you are.

You've defended the pedophiles tooth and nail almost from the beginning of this thread mfm... er... Mm. Your parsing of words and lying about it now isn't going to get you off the hook.

Now leave pervert.

06-01-2008, 04:27 PM
You've defended the pedophiles tooth and nail almost from the beginning of this thread mfm... er... Mm. Your parsing of words and lying about it now isn't going to get you off the hook.

Now leave pervert.

All you have to do is post one statement of mine that condones pedophilia. Just one. You're nothing more than a gutless liar if you don't.

Pale Rider
06-01-2008, 04:40 PM
All you have to do is post one statement of mine that condones pedophilia. Just one. You're nothing more than a gutless liar if you don't.

How about the whole thread. All anybody has to do is read it to see that you've been trying to pick apart the facts, distort, and outright lie about the indisputable evidence linking homosexuality and pedophilia. That is in effect a defense of it. You know it, I know it, anybody that reads this thread knows it, and you haven't yet explained you're motivation for it. One can only guess you're a homo yourself, and quite possibly a pedophile also.

You are the boards biggest homo defender. Always have been, no doubt always will be. And the fact that there is now a provable link between pedophilia and homosexuality must have really struck a nerve with you, so you have done your best to defend the homos once again, only this time it's the homo pedophiles.

You're busted. Now gather up whatever pride you may have and leave like you said you would. No where on earth is the stench of pedophiles needed, or the sorry pieces of shit that would defend them, like you.

06-01-2008, 04:47 PM
How about the whole thread. All anybody has to do is read it to see that you've been trying to pick apart the facts, distort, and outright lie about the indisputable evidence linking homosexuality and pedophilia. That is in effect a defense of it. You know it, I know it, anybody that reads this thread knows it, and you haven't yet explained you're motivation for it. One can only guess you're a homo yourself, and quite possibly a pedophile also.

You are the boards biggest homo defender. Always have been, no doubt always will be. And the fact that there is now a provable link between pedophilia and homosexuality must have really struck a nerve with you, so you have done your best to defend the homos once again, only this time it's the homo pedophiles.

You're busted. Now gather up whatever pride you may have and leave like you said you would. No where on earth is the stench of pedophiles needed, or the sorry pieces of shit that would defend them, like you.

Why don't you just admit that you can't find one. It's such a simple requirement to get me to leave. It must really suck to not be able to meet it. YOU ARE A GUTLESS LYING PUSSY, POLE RIDER!

Pale Rider
06-01-2008, 04:59 PM
Why don't you just admit that you can't find one. It's such a simple requirement to get me to leave. It must really suck to not be able to meet it. YOU ARE A GUTLESS LYING PUSSY, POLE RIDER!

Why don't you just admit you've defended the homo pedophiles in almost every post you've made?

You're all alone now pervert defender. Try and show some diginity and leave like you said you would, and take your filthy faggot pedophile defense with you. We don't need sick rat fucks like your butt boy ass here. You stink the place up.

06-01-2008, 05:05 PM
Why don't you just admit you've defended the homo pedophiles in almost every post you've made?

You're all alone now pervert defender. Try and show some diginity and leave like you said you would, and take your filthy faggot pedophile defense with you. We don't need sick rat fucks like your butt boy ass here. You stink the place up.

Balls in your court...obviously not in your jeans. You post a single statement of mine that condones pedophilia and I'll leave. Your smokescreen is as transparent as glass. YOU ARE A GUTLESS LIAR.

Pale Rider
06-01-2008, 05:11 PM
Balls in your court...obviously not in your jeans. You post a single statement of mine that condones pedophilia and I'll leave. Your smokescreen is as transparent as glass. YOU ARE A GUTLESS LIAR.

You can reply with the same old shit like you've been doing here for another five thousand posts, but that isn't going to get you off the hook. You're busted. You're a faggot defender, and now an exposed faggot PEDOPHILE defender.

I will never, EVER, as long as I'm on this board let you forget it either. Your only way out is to leave like you said you would. This mfm lying act won't help you now.

Git yer faggot pedophile defending ass a goin'. We don't need your perverted, homo agenda, NAMBLA loving carcass here.

06-01-2008, 05:14 PM

06-01-2008, 05:21 PM
You can reply with the same old shit like you've been doing here for another five thousand posts, but that isn't going to get you off the hook. You're busted. You're a faggot defender, and now an exposed faggot PEDOPHILE defender.

I will never, EVER, as long as I'm on this board let you forget it either. Your only way out is to leave like you said you would. This mfm lying act won't help you now.

Git yer faggot pedophile defending ass a goin'. We don't need your perverted, homo agenda, NAMBLA loving carcass here.


Pale Rider
06-01-2008, 05:27 PM

You may as well admit it now and save yourself the trouble of posting another five thousand posts with the same inane bull shit. You're busted you maggot ridden piece of faggot pedophile defending shit.

Now leave, like you said you would. We don't need your stinking smegma ass in here smelling the place up anymore. You're just too damn sick in the head for the rest of us.

06-01-2008, 05:28 PM

Pale Rider
06-01-2008, 05:32 PM

That's just a little too much like nm for me... :slap:

06-01-2008, 05:36 PM
You may as well admit it now and save yourself the trouble of posting another five thousand posts with the same inane bull shit. You're busted you maggot ridden piece of faggot pedophile defending shit.

Now leave, like you said you would. We don't need your stinking smegma ass in here smelling the place up anymore. You're just too damn sick in the head for the rest of us.

You're the biggest liar on the board asshole! I'm sure as hell not going to take your word on whether or not you've met the requirement for me leaving. Post a statement of mine that condones pedophilia or shut the fuck up already. It's not an unreasonable request, and your continued stonewalling is really making you look like the pathetic piece of shit I've always known you are.

Pale Rider
06-01-2008, 05:42 PM
You're the biggest liar on the board asshole! I'm sure as hell not going to take your word on whether or not you've met the requirement for me leaving. Post a statement of mine that condones pedophilia or shut the fuck up already. It's not an unreasonable request, and your continued stonewalling is really making you look like the pathetic piece of shit I've always known you are.

The whole thread, as well every other thread about homos, is testament to your never ending defense of faggots, and now faggot pedophiles. There is nothing else needed for one to see. Your actions speak for themselves.

You defend one of the sickest sexual perversion on earth, and now you defend the link to pedophilia. I don't see how you can live with yourself. You should be too ashamed to even show your face in public, let alone parade around here on the board in all your faggot pedophile defending glory.

You are the lowest form of human trash the earth has. You should be jailed, neutered so you can't molest any children, and given a lobotomy.

06-01-2008, 06:03 PM
The whole thread, as well every other thread about homos, is testament to your never ending defense of faggots, and now faggot pedophiles. There is nothing else needed for one to see. Your actions speak for themselves.

You defend one of the sickest sexual perversion on earth, and now you defend the link to pedophilia. I don't see how you can live with yourself. You should be too ashamed to even show your face in public, let alone parade around here on the board in all your faggot pedophile defending glory.

You are the lowest form of human trash the earth has. You should be jailed, neutered so you can't molest any children, and given a lobotomy.

Just more hollow empty fluff from the board's biggest mangina. Your posse's gonna have to start wearing bags on their heads to hide their shame.

Pale Rider
06-01-2008, 06:08 PM
Just more hollow empty fluff from the board's biggest mangina. Your posse's gonna have to start wearing bags on their heads to hide their shame.

Well it's becoming real evident you have nothing left worth saying. You've been exposed as the boards biggest homo defender, and now the boards biggest homo PEDOPHILE defender.

You have my permission to leave now smegma.

06-01-2008, 06:11 PM
Well it's becoming real evident you have nothing left worth saying. You've been exposed as the boards biggest homo defender, and now the boards biggest homo PEDOPHILE defender.

You have my permission to leave now smegma.

You have my permission to blow yourself asshole. I'll leave when I feel like it, or when you quit being a giant pussy and post the required statement. Don't like it...too bad.

Pale Rider
06-01-2008, 06:25 PM
You have my permission to blow yourself asshole. I'll leave when I feel like it, or when you quit being a giant pussy and post the required statement. Don't like it...too bad.

Yes I know with your faggot background men sucking each other off is something that's ever present in that sick, perverted mind of yours, even sucking the little boys dicks aye, since you so vehemently have been defending the faggot pedophiles here.

The whole board is statement enough moron. Now leave. Nobody, anywhere, needs a sick fucker like you hanging around, especially if they have little boys.

06-01-2008, 07:25 PM
Yes I know with your faggot background men sucking each other off is something that's ever present in that sick, perverted mind of yours, even sucking the little boys dicks aye, since you so vehemently have been defending the faggot pedophiles here.

The whole board is statement enough moron. Now leave. Nobody, anywhere, needs a sick fucker like you hanging around, especially if they have little boys.

Ain't life a bitch for you! I'll be here to remind everyone what a lying, hypocritical, un-Christian, piece of shit pussy you really are.

I'm under no obligation to meet my end of the bargain UNTIL YOU"VE MET YOURS.

06-01-2008, 07:30 PM
Hey pussy...how do you like my new sig?

Abbey Marie
06-01-2008, 07:31 PM
This has gone far enough.