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View Full Version : Congress says screw the troops

05-17-2008, 05:27 PM
I'm in this mess for me!

Congress does some pretty low blows but not a low blow Republican is teamed up with an even lower class Democrat to pass legislation on the backs of our fighting men and women. If this doesn't get vomit in your mouth you are brain dead.

What Does Granting Amnesty Have to Do With Funding Our Troops in Iraq?
By Ira Mehlman
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Yes, she'll fight like a junkyard dog
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Yes, she'll fight like a junkyard dog (87 %)

Yes, but she'll gracefully fade away (8 %)

No, she'll quit before June (5 %)

There is an unwritten rule in Congress that the appropriations process should not be used to pass major legislation. So when the Senate Appropriations Committee makes an exception to this rule, you can bet that they are doing so only to deal with some burning crisis.

For the Senate Appropriations Committee to break with tradition, the interests at stake must be so compelling that circumstances demand that the cumbersome legislative process be bypassed and that the issue be dealt with immediately. And when the legislation gets tacked on to not just any old appropriations bill, but an emergency supplemental appropriations bill to fund our servicemen and women fighting in Iraq, one can assume that the most vital national interests hang in the balance.

What were the compelling interests that led the august Senate Appropriations Committee to include major legislation as part of the military spending bill on Thursday? Amnesty for illegal aliens, and lots of new foreign workers for powerful business interests. http://www.townhall.com/columnists/IraMehlman/2008/05/16/what_does_granting_amnesty_have_to_do_with_funding _our_troops_in_iraq

If Bush doesn't dismiss the House and Senate or hold a daily Special Joint Session with congress at 6:00AM every day until they provide clean funding he is missing a great chance!

05-17-2008, 09:21 PM
I'm in this mess for me!

Congress does some pretty low blows but not a low blow Republican is teamed up with an even lower class Democrat to pass legislation on the backs of our fighting men and women. If this doesn't get vomit in your mouth you are brain dead.
http://www.townhall.com/columnists/IraMehlman/2008/05/16/what_does_granting_amnesty_have_to_do_with_funding _our_troops_in_iraq

If Bush doesn't dismiss the House and Senate or hold a daily Special Joint Session with congress at 6:00AM every day until they provide clean funding he is missing a great chance!

Sure looks like horseshit to me. Haven't Americans already made their positions pretty clear on any kind of amnesty ?