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View Full Version : Hispanics Sue Over English-Only Rule at Catholic School

05-21-2008, 09:35 AM
WICHITA, Kan. — Four Hispanic families are suing St. Anne's Catholic School over a policy that requires students to speak English at all times while at school.

The lawsuit, filed Monday, calls for an end to the policy and asks for an order barring similar policies at other diocese schools. It seeks the return of one student to the school who was allegedly kicked out for refusing to sign the "English only" pledge. And it asks for court costs and unspecified damages for discrimination and emotional suffering.

"Language is an essential characteristic of one's national origin," according to the complaint filed in the case. "The ban on Spanish at St. Anne's created an atmosphere of intimidation, inferiority and isolation for Hispanic students."

The diocese has said the school enacted the policy in response to four students who were using Spanish to bully others and to put down teachers and administrators.


Unfuckin real! You come into OUR country and impose YOUR will onto us? Fuck you!

My favorite part is the we can bully you but you cant bully us bullshit.

05-21-2008, 10:11 AM
um, this is a private school, not a state actor....the lawyer who took this should be ashamed

edit: never mind, the school receives federal funding....

nevertheless, this lawsuit better be tossed, because even though a private school gets federal funding, they have more autonomy than a public school. and there seriously needs to be something on the books about making english mandetory learning and not spanish.

05-21-2008, 10:18 AM
The school ONLY receives federal funding for the school lunch program...If the school wanted to they could forgo that little nicety and let the pukes starve.

05-21-2008, 10:55 AM
Hm, well, on the one hand, limiting speech to English only to prevent bullying is sound, in theory. However, as it says in the article, the reasons for the change keep shifting, and so I am disinclined to believe that this is all that there is to the case.

05-21-2008, 12:01 PM
i dont see how this case is going anywhere. There is nothing in any constitution or laws that says all languages have to be treated the same.