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05-24-2008, 11:24 AM
I'm shocked!

I haven't seen it yet, but I really figured you guys would be talking about it.

05-24-2008, 12:56 PM
Not me. I havent seen a full movie yet. I think its a highly overrated series!!

05-24-2008, 01:01 PM
I won't see it because of that dumb global warming chest wax commercial he did. Lost respect for him.

05-24-2008, 06:40 PM
It was good. Much better than The Temple of Doom, almost as good as Raiders of the Lost Ark, but not as good as The Last Crusade.

They did a nice job of tying some old legends together, they caught the spirit of the mid 1950s nicely, the Red Scare, the attitude of the youth of the time, and acknowledged the advancing years of the lead character. They maintained that feel of the old serials of the '30s, '40s' and '50s, the inspiration for the original film. The only place the film fell flat was, there was no real sense of peril for the main characters. This may have been the result of the first three films, by now we all know Indiana Jones always wins.

Overall, it was worth the time and the price.

semi liberal girl
05-27-2008, 05:39 PM
I loved it. Of course most of the time I want to entertained and not preached at.
I felt it was just a basic romping adventure. It had humor, suspence, love and action. What more can you ask for.

I think the temple was the worst for me. I liked the first the best.

I have to say I like Harrison Ford. He has his oppinions, but doesn't bash the country he lives and earns his money in. Like a number of actors and entainers I know of.

Has anyone seen Narnia? I really thought the first was well put together and great special effects. I am a kid at heart and grew up on Narina on pbs.
I want to go this week. Let me know what you thought.

Enjoy the popcorn

red states rule
05-27-2008, 05:53 PM
I loved it. Of course most of the time I want to entertained and not preached at.
I felt it was just a basic romping adventure. It had humor, suspence, love and action. What more can you ask for.

I think the temple was the worst for me. I liked the first the best.

I have to say I like Harrison Ford. He has his oppinions, but doesn't bash the country he lives and earns his money in. Like a number of actors and entainers I know of.

Has anyone seen Narnia? I really thought the first was well put together and great special effects. I am a kid at heart and grew up on Narina on pbs.
I want to go this week. Let me know what you thought.

Enjoy the popcorn

I can't wait to see it love. When I see you next we will go. Snce you loved it I am sure you will not mind seeing it again

05-27-2008, 09:29 PM
tsk tsk Harrison Ford.

it was ok. not like the originals. kinda like the star wars movies. it was Indy.....but it wasn't Indiana Jones. and his shirt didn't get ripped off for some reason...guess no one wanted to see old man chest.

and anything is better than Temple of Doom my brother.

Hagbard Celine
05-27-2008, 09:34 PM
Indy 4 sucked hind tit. This is an opinion coming from a guy who likes the franchise so much he wore the hat to the movie (me).

I'm going to cling tightly to the original three and pretend that this one doesn't exist.

The first three quarters of the movie were okay although there were parts involving a refridgerator, what can only be described as "spider people," a "snake-rope" and an omage to George of the Jungle that elicited audible moans from me and the rest of the crowd. The ending was like being slapped in the face with a turd.

Lucas and Spielberg promised that they wouldn't use "much" CGI--2/3 of the movie was CGI.

Also, half of the scenes in the movie exactly parallel the storyline of the Brendan Frasier sequel to the Mummy.


One out of five stars, no thumbs up, I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul.

05-27-2008, 09:41 PM
Indy 4 sucked hind tit. ..... Indie 2 was a loser as well. They went with "cutesie" for that one. :puke:

Hagbard Celine
05-27-2008, 09:43 PM
Indie 2 was a loser as well. They went with "cutesie" for that one. :puke:

The Temple of Doom is so much better than this one that it doesn't even compare.

05-27-2008, 09:44 PM

Hag agrees with Debbie?

Hagbard Celine
05-27-2008, 09:46 PM
tsk tsk Harrison Ford.

it was ok. not like the originals. kinda like the star wars movies. it was Indy.....but it wasn't Indiana Jones. and his shirt didn't get ripped off for some reason...guess no one wanted to see old man chest.

and anything is better than Temple of Doom my brother.

I disagree. Temple is the perfect off-shoot adventure to be sandwiched in between Raiders and Crusade.
The first three movies are classics.

05-27-2008, 09:47 PM
The Temple of Doom is so much better than this one that it doesn't even compare. I haven't seen #4, but if Doom is the one with the ditzy blonde and the cute asian kid the #4 must suck the dead root. That movie sucked. It was stoopid.

Hagbard Celine
05-27-2008, 09:51 PM

Hag agrees with Debbie?

I don't know who Debbie is. What I do know is Indy, and this fell short. The plot has too many holes in it to count. My ass could've written a better screen play--even with the hokey alien plot line.

Hagbard Celine
05-27-2008, 09:55 PM
I haven't seen #4, but if Doom is the one with the ditzy blonde and the cute asian kid the #4 must suck the dead root. That movie sucked. It was stoopid.

I think Temple is great. It has tons of classic Indy moments--the opening scene in Club Obi-Wan, the gross-out dinner scene at the palace, the character-defining scene in which Short-round and Indy play cards while ignoring Willy's shrieks in the background as she encounters every jungle critter in the area, the heart-grabbing scene with Moleram, the rope bridge scene where Indy cuts the rope. That movie is awesome. What's not to like?

05-27-2008, 10:13 PM
I think Temple is great. It has tons of classic Indy moments--the opening scene in Club Obi-Wan, the gross-out dinner scene at the palace, the character-defining scene in which Short-round and Indy play cards while ignoring Willy's shrieks in the background as she encounters every jungle critter in the area, the heart-grabbing scene with Moleram, the rope bridge scene where Indy cuts the rope. That movie is awesome. What's not to like?

Temple is my favorite one, by far. Last Crusade is boring, and I was too young to really love Raiders as much as Temple.

05-28-2008, 05:50 AM
I think Temple is great. It has tons of classic Indy moments--the opening scene in Club Obi-Wan, the gross-out dinner scene at the palace, the character-defining scene in which Short-round and Indy play cards while ignoring Willy's shrieks in the background as she encounters every jungle critter in the area, the heart-grabbing scene with Moleram, the rope bridge scene where Indy cuts the rope. That movie is awesome. What's not to like? That stupid blonde was well, stupid. He would never go for someone like that.

05-28-2008, 09:53 AM
That stupid blonde was well, stupid. He would never go for someone like that.

He was in a temple full of dudes and an Asian kid. I'd sling it her way, too.

Anyway, Family Guy said it best: "Lady only in movie cuz she's sleeping with director!"

05-28-2008, 03:13 PM
Indy 4 sucked hind tit. This is an opinion coming from a guy who likes the franchise so much he wore the hat to the movie (me)..

Nerd alert!! :laugh2:

I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul.

I did rep you for the quote though! :lol:

Hagbard Celine
05-28-2008, 06:19 PM
That stupid blonde was well, stupid. He would never go for someone like that.

Indy would hook-up with anything young and sexy and in front of him.

05-29-2008, 08:00 AM
He was in a temple full of dudes and an Asian kid. I'd sling it her way, too.

Anyway, Family Guy said it best: "Lady only in movie cuz she's sleeping with director!"I agree.

Indy would hook-up with anything young and sexy and in front of him.Maybe for a "slice", but I'd take the wild drunk (#1) or the tight German blonde (#3) anyday.