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View Full Version : YES, You Can Blame The DEMOCRATS For The Fortune You're Spending At The Pump

Pale Rider
05-24-2008, 09:19 PM
Dems Mock Bush-- Vow No New Drilling or Nuclear Plants!!

"All you have to do is drive down the street in your car, see the price at the pump, and you know that Americans can no longer afford George W. Bush as President and his Rubber Stamp Republican Congress."

Nancy Pelosi
April 26, 2006

Despite surging gas prices-- Democrats refuse to drill or develop national reserves. Democrats refuse to approve new refineries. Democrats refuse nuclear energy.

Democrats refuse to drill in ANWR or inside domestic "No Zones." (Senator Craig website)

Democrats promised they had a plan to cut energy prices--
So far they have not produced this plan.


(GP- US Regular Conventional Retail Gas Prices)
The Anchorage Daily News reported on the Democrat's response to this serious crisis:

Democrats pushed back, accusing Bush of trotting out old ideas and of favoring big oil companies at the expense of average Americans.

At a Democrat news conference where Sen. Charles E. Schumer, D-N.Y., said: "He says he's concerned with high gas prices and high food prices and student and home loan problems. But the truth is that the president has closed his eyes and put his hands over his ears as these crises have grown."


Gov. Sarah Palin lauded Bush's call for ANWR exploration.

"President Bush is right. Here in Alaska and across the nation, communities are feeling the pinch of high energy costs. It is absurd that we are borrowing hundreds of billions of dollars from one foreign country to buy oil from another," she said. "It is well past time for America to develop our own supplies."

U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, spoke on the Senate floor on behalf of her bill, co-sponsored by Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens and others, to automatically open ANWR if the world oil price tops $125 a barrel for five days. This week oil prices pushed within $6 of that trigger, a price that just a few years ago seemed absurdly high. Murkowski's bill would channel the federal revenue from ANWR to alternative energy development, programs to help improve energy efficiencies and to those in need.

"Americans are tired of hearing about why the cost of energy is so high, what they want to know is what we in Congress are doing to drive down prices," Murkowski said.


Full article here... (http://gatewaypundit.blogspot.com/2008/04/despite-energy-crisis-dems-vow-no-new.html)

05-25-2008, 12:55 AM
Democrats pushed back, accusing Bush of trotting out old ideas and of favoring big oil companies at the expense of average Americans.

What a lying sack of shit. These bastard have the big five oil companies explaing their profits to a senate committee. They claim to be making approximately 8˘ per gallon. If the five companies have a combined profit of about $200,000,000,000.00 at 8˘ per gallon, the the federal government is bringing in approximately $450,000,000,000.00 at the 18˘ per gallon federal tax. What is their incentive to increase production? Maybe as people drive less and that revenue decreases, they will want to have lower prices and higher consumption.

05-25-2008, 05:02 AM
What a lying sack of shit. These bastard have the big five oil companies explaing their profits to a senate committee. They claim to be making approximately 8˘ per gallon. If the five companies have a combined profit of about $200,000,000,000.00 at 8˘ per gallon, the the federal government is bringing in approximately $450,000,000,000.00 at the 18˘ per gallon federal tax. What is their incentive to increase production? Maybe as people drive less and that revenue decreases, they will want to have lower prices and higher consumption.

reality check......the United States consumes approximately 146 billion gallons of gasoline per year.....


at 18˘ per gallon that generates a revenue of just over $26 billion.....if oil companies only make 8˘ per gallon, then the entire industry should be sharing a profit of around $12 billion.....yet, Exxon alone made $11.7 billion in profits in the 4th quarter of 2007......

Pale Rider
05-25-2008, 07:02 AM
Fact remains, even after you have a discussion on who is making a profit, you can put the lions share of the blame for the $4 a gallon you're paying at the pump on the democraps.

semi liberal girl
05-25-2008, 08:53 AM
reality check......the United States consumes approximately 146 billion gallons of gasoline per year.....


at 18˘ per gallon that generates a revenue of just over $26 billion.....if oil companies only make 8˘ per gallon, then the entire industry should be sharing a profit of around $12 billion.....yet, Exxon alone made $11.7 billion in profits in the 4th quarter of 2007......

Exxon paid over $30 bilion in taxes to the US government last year - a tax rate of over 40%. Then you have money from the gas tax, and royalties from oil leases

The government is the one making the windfall, not the oil companies

05-25-2008, 09:21 AM
reality check......the United States consumes approximately 146 billion gallons of gasoline per year.....


at 18˘ per gallon that generates a revenue of just over $26 billion.....if oil companies only make 8˘ per gallon, then the entire industry should be sharing a profit of around $12 billion.....yet, Exxon alone made $11.7 billion in profits in the 4th quarter of 2007......

Exxon makes more products than just gasoline and gasoline is what your article was directed at. They didn't say fuel, does that mean they aren't counting jet fuel or diesel...... that isn't gasoline. Just out of Houston, Continental Airlines is burning at least 2,000,000 gallons of jet fuel per day, 365 days a year and that is a conservative estimate. Continental is the world's fifth largest airline and that is one city, Newark is burning as much or more since many TransAtlantic flights leave out of there.

Then there are the trucks that burn diesel, how many gallons is that per year?

Then there are all of the nonfuel products that are made from oil that Exxon would show a profit on.

05-25-2008, 09:37 AM
Exxon paid over $30 bilion in taxes to the US government last year - a tax rate of over 40%. Then you have money from the gas tax, and royalties from oil leases

The government is the one making the windfall, not the oil companies

Exactly, that's why the government isn't doing anything about it except for the show trials designed to make congress look good and big oil look bad.

05-25-2008, 10:16 AM
Exactly, that's why the government isn't doing anything about it except for the show trials designed to make congress look good and big oil look bad.

It's vital that democrats KEEP Americans dissastified with the status quo although I'm sure the republicans would do it too if the shoe were on the other foot. It's the price we party for having our glorious 2 party system.

semi liberal girl
05-25-2008, 10:21 AM
It's vital that democrats KEEP Americans dissastified with the status quo although I'm sure the republicans would do it too if the shoe were on the other foot. It's the price we party for having our glorious 2 party system.

Republicans have tried to bring the answer to high gas prices to pass, but the libs, greens, RINO's and enviro wackos have blocked every attempt

I have never seen a bunch of idiots like we have opposing drilling for our own oil. THey want high gas prices, and they want them higher before the election

That is one reason I am so pissed at my party. They want as many people as possible hurting so they can grab more power.

And guess what, they still will not do what is needed to solve the problem - they will only raise taxes and make the matter much worse

05-25-2008, 10:25 AM
Republicans have tried to bring the answer to high gas prices to pass, but the libs, greens, RINO's and enviro wackos have blocked every attempt

I have never seen a bunch of idiots like we have opposing drilling for our own oil. THey want high gas prices, and they want them higher before the election

That is one reason I am so pissed at my party. They want as many people as possible hurting so they can grab more power.

And guess what, they still will not do what is needed to solve the problem - they will only raise taxes and make the matter much worse

Yup--a great example of how Americans pay through the nose while our two parties posture for power.

semi liberal girl
05-25-2008, 10:30 AM
Yup--a great example of how Americans pay through the nose while our two parties posture for power.

Yep, the Dems block all attempts to solve the issue, and idiots blame Republicans for not doing anything

Meanwhile, Dems want higher taxes on oil companies, and attack them for making a profit

Meanwhile the idiots who support Democrats think higher taxes on the oil companies will increase supply and lower the price at the pump

05-25-2008, 12:20 PM
Exxon makes more products than just gasoline and gasoline is what your article was directed at. They didn't say fuel, does that mean they aren't counting jet fuel or diesel...... that isn't gasoline. Just out of Houston, Continental Airlines is burning at least 2,000,000 gallons of jet fuel per day, 365 days a year and that is a conservative estimate. Continental is the world's fifth largest airline and that is one city, Newark is burning as much or more since many TransAtlantic flights leave out of there.

Then there are the trucks that burn diesel, how many gallons is that per year?

Then there are all of the nonfuel products that are made from oil that Exxon would show a profit on.

Crude oil output is key to the success of the company. Exxon said it produced 2.7 million barrels a day in 2006, and oil and gas production accounted for $26.2 billion, or two-thirds of the company's profit.

so adjust the numbers by a third.....it still far more than 8 cents.....


05-25-2008, 12:21 PM
Fact remains, even after you have a discussion on who is making a profit, you can put the lions share of the blame for the $4 a gallon you're paying at the pump on the democraps.

and the fact remains, if you repeat the oil companies statement that they are only earning eight cents per gallon, you are repeating an obvious lie.....

semi liberal girl
05-25-2008, 12:26 PM
and the fact remains, if you repeat the oil companies statement that they are only earning eight cents per gallon, you are repeating an obvious lie.....

You are right - it is only a dime

05-25-2008, 12:29 PM
You are right - it is only a dime

actually, it's around $1.20 as I documented in an earlier thread.....

semi liberal girl
05-25-2008, 12:33 PM
actually, it's around $1.20 as I documented in an earlier thread.....

ABC & NBC Focus on Exxon Profits, Skip How Government Gets More in Taxes
By Brent Baker | April 28, 2006 - 00:23 ET

The broadcast network evening newscasts on Thursday night hyperventilated over “record” profits for ExxonMobil, but failed to point out how government taxes exceed oil company earnings. ABC even fretted about how much ExxonMobil “spent rewarding shareholders,” though it was less than the federal government took in taxes, and NBC excoriated the company for “cashing in” at 9.5 cents per dollar.

“Today, ExxonMobil reported profits of $8.4 billion for the first three months of this year, its best first quarter ever,” ABC anchor Elizabeth Vargas asserted at the top of World News Tonight before Betsy Stark complained: “The company says that's a record level of investment in new supplies. Maybe so, but it's less than it spent rewarding shareholders. 15 percent of profits went directly to shareholders in the form of cash dividends, and the biggest chunk, 40 percent, was used to repurchase Exxon's own stock." But ExxonMobil paid 83 percent as much as the $8.4 billion it earned, $7 billion, $2 billion more than a year earlier, in just federal income tax -- and a lot more in other taxes.

Over on the NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams promised, in his tease, “a reality check on sky-high oil company profits,” but all Lisa Myers delivered was demagoguery. Myers began by charging that “for outraged consumers, the staggering profit numbers boil down to this: Exxon earned 9.5 cents on every dollar of gasoline and oil sold, cashing in at every stage of the process." Yes, ExxonMobil cashed in by investing and working to get their product to the retail customer while the federal government collected 18.4 cents per gallon in tax for doing nothing. Federal, state and local taxes total an average of 46 cents per gallon -- significantly more than the 28 cents Exxon earned on a $3 gallon of gas


05-25-2008, 12:52 PM
Semi.....for one thing, even Exxon admits they make more than ten cents a gallon.....the statement you quote says ten cents per DOLLAR, and with gas at $4 a gallon, you are up to 40 cents.....

however, if you take the number of gallons of gasoline that Exxon sold in 2007 and calculate it against the profit they made, it is nearly three times that amount....

when did defending oil companies become a conservative principle?.....we are pro-business, but there are millions of business that are hurt as much as the consumer by the high cost of oil.....why are the six or seven oil companies more important than all of them?........

semi liberal girl
05-25-2008, 01:04 PM
Semi.....for one thing, even Exxon admits they make more than ten cents a gallon.....the statement you quote says ten cents per DOLLAR, and with gas at $4 a gallon, you are up to 40 cents.....

however, if you take the number of gallons of gasoline that Exxon sold in 2007 and calculate it against the profit they made, it is nearly three times that amount....

when did defending oil companies become a conservative principle?.....we are pro-business, but there are millions of business that are hurt as much as the consumer by the high cost of oil.....why are the six or seven oil companies more important than all of them?........

Oil companies are not to blame for high gas prices. Government makes more in taxes then oil companies do in profit

Dems, enviro wackos, and greens have put most of our oil reserves off limits to drilling

Microsoft, and GE have a higher profit margin then the oil companies - are their profits out of line as well?

05-25-2008, 01:31 PM
Oil companies are not to blame for high gas prices. Government makes more in taxes then oil companies do in profit

Dems, enviro wackos, and greens have put most of our oil reserves off limits to drilling

Microsoft, and GE have a higher profit margin then the oil companies - are their profits out of line as well?

Just because our oil reserves are off limits does not mean that we have to shut our eyes to obvious lies.....you realize of course that you are letting liberals control your thinking.....they hate oil companies so you think that you must love them.....that is reactionary, not rational....

the source of the eight cents or ten cents claim is the oil companies.....it does not hold up under reasonable scrutiny......

please realize it is possible to be conservative AND be critical of oil companies.....

semi liberal girl
05-25-2008, 01:36 PM
Just because our oil reserves are off limits does not mean that we have to shut our eyes to obvious lies.....you realize of course that you are letting liberals control your thinking.....they hate oil companies so you think that you must love them.....that is reactionary, not rational....

the source of the eight cents or ten cents claim is the oil companies.....it does not hold up under reasonable scrutiny......

please realize it is possible to be conservative AND be critical of oil companies.....

Look, I see US companies atacked and smeared by Democrats for political reasons. Oil companies have done NOTHING wrong, yet they are used to defelect how Democrats have done ZIP in 2 years to do anything to lower gas prices

Oil companies provide the fuel to keep the world economy moving, and the US working. I am fed up with pinheads atacking them. Like the wealth. libs have painted a target on the oil companies, and use them as an excuse for their failures

Again, a dime is all oli companies make off the sale of a galon of gas - while governemt takes 40 to 80 cents per gallon in taxes

Pale Rider
05-25-2008, 03:34 PM
Fact remains, even after you have a discussion on who is making a profit, you can put the lions share of the blame for the $4 a gallon you're paying at the pump on the democraps.

and the fact remains, if you repeat the oil companies statement that they are only earning eight cents per gallon, you are repeating an obvious lie.....

Where did you get I said "oil companies were earning eight cents per gallon" out of me saying "you can blame the democraps for the $4 a gallon gas?"

If all you can do is make stupid statements in obvious attempts to simply insult me, then just shut the fuck up.

Here's your picture:

semi liberal girl
05-25-2008, 03:35 PM
Is PostmodernProphet related to MFM somehow?

Pale Rider
05-25-2008, 03:41 PM
Is PostmodernProphet related to MFM somehow?

If not, they could be. They both have the same whiny little cry baby act.

05-25-2008, 04:04 PM
Semi.....for one thing, even Exxon admits they make more than ten cents a gallon.....the statement you quote says ten cents per DOLLAR, and with gas at $4 a gallon, you are up to 40 cents.....

however, if you take the number of gallons of gasoline that Exxon sold in 2007 and calculate it against the profit they made, it is nearly three times that amount....

when did defending oil companies become a conservative principle?.....we are pro-business, but there are millions of business that are hurt as much as the consumer by the high cost of oil.....why are the six or seven oil companies more important than all of them?........

How much should the stock holders of oil companies make. What is the limit. How about Starbucks, Evian, Titleist, GM? Who are we to tell a private company how much profit they can make. If you want to point fingers, point them at the Wall Street paper pushers that produce nothing but get ridiculously rich by driving these higher prices through speculative buying.

05-25-2008, 04:10 PM
another dem promise of "change"....only they pocket the change in the end

05-25-2008, 04:13 PM
How much should the stock holders of oil companies make. What is the limit. How about Starbucks, Evian, Titleist, GM? Who are we to tell a private company how much profit they can make. If you want to point fingers, point them at the Wall Street paper pushers that produce nothing but get ridiculously rich by driving these higher prices through speculative buying.

as much as they can...that's their job.....but, if GM tells me it only makes ten cents per vehicle and I can prove its not true, why should I pretend they aren't lying?.......and yes, speculators contribute to the high cost of gasoline.....as does the government, as does the consumer, and as do the oil companies.....however, some seem to want to close their eyes to the oil companies.....

05-25-2008, 04:15 PM
If not, they could be. They both have the same whiny little cry baby act.

odd....I have been talking about oil companies....you've been the one whining.....are you sure you aren't confused?......

05-25-2008, 04:16 PM
as much as they can...that's their job.....but, if GM tells me it only makes ten cents per vehicle and I can prove its not true, why should I pretend they aren't lying?.......and yes, speculators contribute to the high cost of gasoline.....as does the government, as does the consumer, and as do the oil companies.....however, some seem to want to close their eyes to the oil companies.....

Can you disprove what the oil companies stated under oath?

05-25-2008, 04:17 PM
Where did you get I said "oil companies were earning eight cents per gallon" out of me saying "you can blame the democraps for the $4 a gallon gas?"

If all you can do is make stupid statements in obvious attempts to simply insult me, then just shut the fuck up.?"

instead of whining because someone challenged your post, why don't you defend it?.....

05-25-2008, 04:21 PM
Can you disprove what the oil companies stated under oath?

I've done it in more depth on a previous thread and I have touched on it here.....first of all, the claim is made that they make ten cents per gallon.....the quote Semi provided above admits to ten cents per dollar.....unless you know where we can buy gas for a dollar a gallon it quadruples right out of the gate.....

if you divide their profits by the amount of gasoline sold in this country it is obvious that they are making substantially more than ten cents a gallon....and more than forty cents a gallon......

05-25-2008, 04:30 PM
Look, I see US companies atacked and smeared by Democrats for political reasons. Oil companies have done NOTHING wrong, yet they are used to defelect how Democrats have done ZIP in 2 years to do anything to lower gas prices

Oil companies provide the fuel to keep the world economy moving, and the US working. I am fed up with pinheads atacking them. Like the wealth. libs have painted a target on the oil companies, and use them as an excuse for their failures

Again, a dime is all oli companies make off the sale of a galon of gas - while governemt takes 40 to 80 cents per gallon in taxes

I am sorry, Semi, but a dime is NOT all oil companies make off a gallon of gas, and YOUR quote makes that clear, they admit to making a dime for every dollar of revenue.....so, if anyone is like MFM here it would be the people who keep making claims in the face of the obvious fact they are wrong...

you say oil companies have done nothing wrong.....how do you know what they have done or haven't done....you have come to that conclusion simply because you don't like the fact that liberals have attacked them....

I find that to be a problem with those who have recently joined the ranks of conservative.....and there you join Pale......"conservative" is not defined as "anti-liberal".....Pale has trouble articulating conservative principles unless he can cut and paste them...

the important principle to keep in mind here is that conservatives are pro-business......but there are more businesses than oil......the oil companies have a goal.....to keep people using oil and to make as much money out of every drop of it that they can....that is their job.....

that is not necessarily good for business.....certainly not for the millions of businesses that need energy....

please understand that it is possible to take a position which complies with the conservative principles of supporting business without taking the position that we should let oil companies do anything they want and suck it up......

semi liberal girl
05-25-2008, 04:36 PM
More on the profit and taxes paid by Exxon

The issue here is the profit figures for Exxon Mobile. This oil company has been a favorite target for leftist, anti-capitalist politicians. I'm sure you remember Hillary screeching about wanting "to take those profits" so that she could spend them.

Recap: In 2006 Exxon reported profits of $39.5 billion. Politicians went nuts. In 2007 those profits went to $40.6 billion. Politicians went nutsier.

The reason politicians can successfully demagogue these profits is that the vast majority .. and we're talking 95% and above .. of Americans couldn't tell you the difference between a profit and a profit margin if their flat screen TVs depended on it. Simply stated, profit is the total amount you make. Profit margin is how much you make on each dollar of sales. You would think that this would be taught in our government schools ... but if you did think that you would be wrong.

So ... what has been happening to Exxon's profit margin during these record profit years? Staying about the same, that's what; around 10%. The reason their profits have been increasing is because the price of crude oil has been going up ... bring gas prices up with them ... thus increasing the dollar amount of sales. Profit – up. Profit margins – 'bout the same.

By the way ... financial institutions and cosmetics companies have been enjoying higher margins ... along with many other sectors of our economy.

Now .. the numbers that I presented yesterday. Pretty eye-opening. The research was posted on the Seeking Alpha website.

Over the past three years Exxon Mobile has paid an average of $27 billion a year in taxes to the Imperial Federal Government. This has amounted to about 41% of Exxon's taxable income.

The last year for which complete numbers on who pays what taxes are available was 2004. In 2004 there were 130 million individual tax returns filed. If you take the bottom 50% of those tax returns – 65 million of them – and add up the total amount of taxes those households paid you come up with $27.4 billion. This means that one corporation, Exxon Mobile, pays as much in taxes to the federal government as do the bottom half of individual taxpayers. How's that for paying your fair share.

There's more. The Adjusted gross income for the bottom 50% of taxpayers comes out to about $922 billion. This means that these taxpayers are paying an effective tax rate of about 3% of their adjusted gross income. Exxon? Adjusted gross income of around $67.4 billion in 2006 ... for an effective tax rate of 41%.

There's the facts, my friends. If you're able to absorb them you'll see just how you're being manipulated by the likes of Hillary Clinton and other politicians. If the American voters were truly educated they couldn't get away with it for a minute.


05-25-2008, 06:14 PM
please get it through your head.....I have made no claim that the taxes of oil companies should be increased.....I am simply criticising the continued claim that they only make ten cents a gallon in profit......even this article states that they make a ten percent profit......that would be ten cents for every dollar in revenue......gasoline does not sell for a dollar a gallon......

05-25-2008, 06:33 PM
please get it through your head.....I have made no claim that the taxes of oil companies should be increased.....I am simply criticising the continued claim that they only make ten cents a gallon in profit......even this article states that they make a ten percent profit......that would be ten cents for every dollar in revenue......gasoline does not sell for a dollar a gallon......

so what you're saying is that 10 cents is 10 percents....


05-25-2008, 07:00 PM
I am sorry, Semi, but a dime is NOT all oil companies make off a gallon of gas, and YOUR quote makes that clear, they admit to making a dime for every dollar of revenue.....so, if anyone is like MFM here it would be the people who keep making claims in the face of the obvious fact they are wrong...

you say oil companies have done nothing wrong.....how do you know what they have done or haven't done....you have come to that conclusion simply because you don't like the fact that liberals have attacked them....

I find that to be a problem with those who have recently joined the ranks of conservative.....and there you join Pale......"conservative" is not defined as "anti-liberal".....Pale has trouble articulating conservative principles unless he can cut and paste them...

the important principle to keep in mind here is that conservatives are pro-business......but there are more businesses than oil......the oil companies have a goal.....to keep people using oil and to make as much money out of every drop of it that they can....that is their job.....

that is not necessarily good for business.....certainly not for the millions of businesses that need energy....

please understand that it is possible to take a position which complies with the conservative principles of supporting business without taking the position that we should let oil companies do anything they want and suck it up......

you do realize they sell other things besides gasoline......it is possible that gasoline is less profitable than other things they sell....therfore they could only make 10 cents per gallon but make a 10% profit overall.....

05-25-2008, 09:55 PM
you do realize they sell other things besides gasoline......it is possible that gasoline is less profitable than other things they sell....therfore they could only make 10 cents per gallon but make a 10% profit overall.....

Flying Spaghetti Monster....besides, Sitarro asked the same question on the first page, I provided the quote that said two thirds of their profits came from gas and oil.......

05-25-2008, 09:58 PM
so what you're saying is that 10 cents is 10 percents....


uh, yes....I am saying a ten percent profit means they make ten cents for every dollar of revenue.....does math work differently where you come from?.......

05-25-2008, 10:15 PM
/scratches his head.....say wait a minute folks.....if this gas station dealer is making eight cents a gallon, doesn't that mean Exxon is only making two?.....and that leaves nothing for the distributor and the refinery, let alone the guy pumping the crude out of the ground....

Even some of Exxon's successful and loyal dealers complain. Jerry Daggle owns five Exxon stations in Northern Virginia, and even though they have different competitive conditions and prices, "Exxon magically lets me make about 8 cents a gallon" at each one, he said


05-25-2008, 10:18 PM
/scratches his head.....say wait a minute folks.....if this gas station dealer is making eight cents a gallon, doesn't that mean Exxon is only making two?.....and that leaves nothing for the distributor and the refinery, let alone the guy pumping the crude out of the ground....


no that is not what that means......

05-25-2008, 10:26 PM
no that is not what that means......

dude.....it has been claimed in this thread that the oil industry makes only ten cents per gallon of gas.....when I said that could not be true, people argued with me......yet here is a man who says he is making eight of those cents as a dealer.....if the claim is true that the industry makes only ten and the dealer is making eight of those, that leaves two cents for the rest of the oil industry......and that IS what that means......

05-26-2008, 09:33 AM
I blame Ben Bernanke and the weak dollar for the fortune I'm spending at the pump. The dollar has devalued something like 12% over the last year and a half. That alone has added roughly 50 cents to the price of a gallon of gas.

Pale Rider
05-26-2008, 11:23 AM
I blame Ben Bernanke and the weak dollar for the fortune I'm spending at the pump. The dollar has devalued something like 12% over the last year and a half. That alone has added roughly 50 cents to the price of a gallon of gas.

Yeah I don't care who makes a profit... I care about what I'm paying at the pump. Obviously the price is driven by supply and demand as well as trading. But the fact of the matter is, even though yes we need to diversify, we also need to drill, period. We have PLENTY of oil, and we need to tell the "no drill" democrats to shut the fuck up! And that's exactly what's going to happen once gas hits five bucks a gallon. People are going to be in an uproar. To walk around saying no more drilling, no building new refineries, or any other prohibitive talk will be political suicide. You want fast action, hit people where it hurts them the most... in the wallet.

05-26-2008, 12:41 PM
Yeah I don't care who makes a profit... I care about what I'm paying at the pump. Obviously the price is driven by supply and demand as well as trading. But the fact of the matter is, even though yes we need to diversify, we also need to drill, period. We have PLENTY of oil, and we need to tell the "no drill" democrats to shut the fuck up! And that's exactly what's going to happen once gas hits five bucks a gallon. People are going to be in an uproar. To walk around saying no more drilling, no building new refineries, or any other prohibitive talk will be political suicide. You want fast action, hit people where it hurts them the most... in the wallet.

Exactly! I haven't seen anything from the Dems about their plan to lower the prices of gas. Makes you wonder if their plan involves nationalizing the oil companies as Hugo Chavez did in his country?

Abbey Marie
05-26-2008, 12:46 PM
Exactly! I haven't seen anything from the Dems about their plan to lower the prices of gas. Makes you wonder if their plan involves nationalizing the oil companies as Hugo Chavez did in his country?

I believe there is a thread where Maxine Waters pretty much says that. :coffee:

05-26-2008, 01:11 PM
I am amazed that what is happening is beyond your sight. The Arab, OPEC, nations want the US out of Iraq and Afghanistan. To that end they are willing for US to go bankrupt paying for oil.
They know that we are impotent in world affairs. We can not negotiate anything but preemptive wars.

05-26-2008, 01:16 PM
adjusted for inflation gas is no mor expensive than in the 20's......

further it is the weak dollar that is making oil expensive.....

05-26-2008, 01:28 PM
dude.....it has been claimed in this thread that the oil industry makes only ten cents per gallon of gas.....when I said that could not be true, people argued with me......yet here is a man who says he is making eight of those cents as a dealer.....if the claim is true that the industry makes only ten and the dealer is making eight of those, that leaves two cents for the rest of the oil industry......and that IS what that means......

The oil manufacturer makes 10˘ per gallon, the dealer 8˘ per gallon, the feds 18˘ per gallon, state and local 40˘ per gallon, state tax at .0775˘ per gallon. Everyone gets their piece, the dealers profit does not come out of the oil manufacturers profit.

05-26-2008, 01:32 PM

Speculators are largely responsible for driving crude prices to their peaks in recent weeks and the record oil price now looks like a bubble, George Soros has warned.

The billionaire investor's comments came only days after the oil price soared to a record high of $135 a barrel amid speculation that crude could soon be catapulted towards the $200 mark.

In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, Mr Soros said that although the weak dollar, ebbing Middle Eastern supply and record Chinese demand could explain some of the increase in energy prices, the crude oil market had been significantly affected by speculation.

05-26-2008, 01:36 PM
The oil manufacturer makes 10˘ per gallon, the dealer 8˘ per gallon, the feds 18˘ per gallon, state and local 40˘ per gallon, state tax at .0775˘ per gallon. Everyone gets their piece, the dealers profit does not come out of the oil manufacturers profit.

and what about oil companies that run a complete operation, from pumping oil through retail sales?....when you say an oil company only makes ten cents a gallon, what type of oil company are you talking about......a driller?....a refinery?.....a distribution company?.....

Pale Rider
05-26-2008, 04:10 PM
Exactly! I haven't seen anything from the Dems about their plan to lower the prices of gas. Makes you wonder if their plan involves nationalizing the oil companies as Hugo Chavez did in his country?
It does look a whole lot like that. Scary.

I am amazed that what is happening is beyond your sight. The Arab, OPEC, nations want the US out of Iraq and Afghanistan. To that end they are willing for US to go bankrupt paying for oil.
They know that we are impotent in world affairs. We can not negotiate anything but preemptive wars.
I can't help but see some truth in that statement.

adjusted for inflation gas is no mor expensive than in the 20's......

further it is the weak dollar that is making oil expensive.....


Speculators are largely responsible for driving crude prices to their peaks in recent weeks and the record oil price now looks like a bubble, George Soros has warned.

The billionaire investor's comments came only days after the oil price soared to a record high of $135 a barrel amid speculation that crude could soon be catapulted towards the $200 mark.

In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, Mr Soros said that although the weak dollar, ebbing Middle Eastern supply and record Chinese demand could explain some of the increase in energy prices, the crude oil market had been significantly affected by speculation.
It's not all futures, trading and the weak dollar. If there was MORE oil around so that we weren't being held hostage over it, the market and weak dollar would not be having such a profound impact on the price at the pump. Supply and demand. More supply, less demand. We need to drill, now.

05-26-2008, 07:45 PM
Yeah I don't care who makes a profit... I care about what I'm paying at the pump. Obviously the price is driven by supply and demand as well as trading. But the fact of the matter is, even though yes we need to diversify, we also need to drill, period. We have PLENTY of oil, and we need to tell the "no drill" democrats to shut the fuck up! And that's exactly what's going to happen once gas hits five bucks a gallon. People are going to be in an uproar. To walk around saying no more drilling, no building new refineries, or any other prohibitive talk will be political suicide. You want fast action, hit people where it hurts them the most... in the wallet.

Drill or no drill, the price of oil is going up, because China and India are demanding more. Drilling will ease the upwards pressure. I am still purchasing a plug-in hybrid at my first opportunity. I'm cashing out of the gasoline game.

Pale Rider
05-27-2008, 04:09 AM
Drill or no drill, the price of oil is going up, because China and India are demanding more. Drilling will ease the upwards pressure. I am still purchasing a plug-in hybrid at my first opportunity. I'm cashing out of the gasoline game.

Gas is going to be the number one fuel for cars and trucks for years to come. We could do a lot to ease the pain at the pump if we drilled. America is full of oil. Enough to be oil independent if we combine it with diversification. All we have to do is tell the tree huggers and the dimocraps to shut the hell up.