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05-25-2008, 11:57 PM
My sister went to Minneapolis this morning, so my brother-in-law decided to put together a huge cook out as a way to fend off boredom. My husband and I decided to attend (we were the Anglos that didn't speak Spanish).
It was a total vegetarian nightmare. There was so much cooked meat, it was unreal. Along with roasted corn in the shucks and much other side dishes. I can't even begin to estimate how many people showed up (Green Cards were not checked).
The food was non-ending, as were the beverages (alcoholic and non). Two police cars stopped to check things out. They all left with a plate of food. So we had no complaints about the smoke and the loud Mexican music.
I couldn't get my husband to do the hat dance, though.

When the Este Los Angelenos are cooking, a good time will be had by all. Even if you don't speak Spanish. :)

05-26-2008, 12:02 AM
No boobie pics?

05-26-2008, 01:26 AM
Anybody get stabbed?

Pale Rider
05-26-2008, 10:36 AM
Anybody get stabbed?

The cops would have had they done their job and checked green cards. I guess a free plate of food beats doing their job any day.

05-26-2008, 10:54 AM
The Los Angeles Police Department does not check for green cards. That is the job of INS and the federal government.

If Sitarro wants to show up at the next BBQ, I am sure someone would be glad to stab him. We were too busy eating.

05-26-2008, 11:15 AM
other than the alcohol that party sounds great... my mouth is watering thinking of bbq later today:)

05-26-2008, 11:19 AM
I am too lazy to cook today. I believe one of the parental units will be due for a call. :)

Mr. P
05-26-2008, 11:33 AM
I am too lazy to cook today. I believe one of the parental units will be due for a call. :)

Ahhhh the mark of a true lib, make someone else provide cuz I don't feel like it. :laugh2: :poke:

Pale Rider
05-26-2008, 06:37 PM
The Los Angeles Police Department does not check for green cards. That is the job of INS and the federal government.

If Sitarro wants to show up at the next BBQ, I am sure someone would be glad to stab him. We were too busy eating.

That's my point... the LAPD SHOULD be checking green cards. An illegal alien is a criminal, and it's the cops job to find and detain criminals. The cops SHOULD be checking but kullyfornia is a known sanctuary state. The cops are negligent in their duties. Had two cops showed up at a party like you described down in Phoenix under Sheriff Joe Arpaio's jurisdiction, it would have been a different story.

I'd have brought my .45 to a party like that. Whenever I'm in a bar around here and I see a mexican, I keep my eye on them. Just yesterday in Yerington another four people were shot in a little bar by a mexican. The mexican was shot by a concealed carry person in the bar that had his piece. Fuck the card, I carry my piece anyway. The government doesn't have to know I have it. In the boot it goes.

05-26-2008, 07:00 PM
enjoying fire roasted green chile burgers.....

just to gross out some of you i will detail the "burger" and then detail the package which is very good, and no, boca does NOT have the same taste, kinda like cardboard seasoned with my mesquite rub....anything to please the mrs....right?

boca burger :laugh2:
canned fire roasted chile, roasted again over the grill
horseradish cheese, melted over the roasted chiles
san luis sourdough bread grilled to a light perfection (buns are boring)
shredded lettuce

Pale Rider
05-26-2008, 07:04 PM
Didn't mean to spoil your thread gab, but you're the one that always brings up the illegal thingy... like you like to throw it in people's face... well, you know how I feel about that.

05-26-2008, 07:14 PM
enjoying fire roasted green chile burgers.....

just to gross out some of you i will detail the "burger" and then detail the package which is very good, and no, boca does NOT have the same taste, kinda like cardboard seasoned with my mesquite rub....anything to please the mrs....right?

boca burger :laugh2:
canned fire roasted chile, roasted again over the grill
horseradish cheese, melted over the roasted chiles
san luis sourdough bread grilled to a light perfection (buns are boring)
shredded lettuce
salt/pepperLOL! I hear ya, but I'm the low fat person. Also low sodium, so even Boca Burgers out. I'm an agreeable sort though. I did the normal brat, burger, dog, and chicken thing. I also did low sodium turkey brats.

Regular salads, plus cukes in no fat yogurt, no fat sour cream, and spices. Raw veggies with green onion/yogurt dressing.

Strawberry shortcake, with ice cream and whipped cream. I went with angel good cake and unsweetened.

Guess which has no left overs? Dang those kids!

05-26-2008, 07:31 PM
LOL! I hear ya, but I'm the low fat person. Also low sodium, so even Boca Burgers out. I'm an agreeable sort though. I did the normal brat, burger, dog, and chicken thing. I also did low sodium turkey brats.

Regular salads, plus cukes in no fat yogurt, no fat sour cream, and spices. Raw veggies with green onion/yogurt dressing.

Strawberry shortcake, with ice cream and whipped cream. I went with angel good cake and unsweetened.

Guess which has no left overs? Dang those kids!

*runs away screaming*

LOL, yeah boca burgers are very low in fat............and taste

must please yoga wife

05-26-2008, 07:35 PM
Wife made me try tofu burgers, once. She spit it out faster then anything and we went and got real burgers for dinner.

05-26-2008, 07:40 PM
Wife made me try tofu burgers, once. She spit it out faster then anything and we went and got real burgers for dinner.

hahahaa, sadly not the case here, them 'burgers' have a scant semblance to a burger, whereas tofu....good lord, fart patties.... even she did not like those... i just read that organic beef is actually good for you. the process is entirely different from concentrated animal feeding.

05-26-2008, 07:41 PM
hahahaa, sadly not the case here, them 'burgers' have a scant semblance to a burger, whereas tofu....good lord, fart patties.... even she did not like those... i just read that organic beef is actually good for you. the process is entirely different from concentrated animal feeding.

My wife finally figured out my machine runs on caffeine, chocolate and sex.

05-26-2008, 11:21 PM
I thought I was joking when I mentioned hitting up one of the parental units for a free meal. Then I got a call from the adoption people, wanting to know if we would like to take our daughter out for Memorial Day.
So we put together a hastily arranged dinner at the home of my husband's parents, so our daughter could meet her new relatives. We couldn't reach my brother-in-law, but my cousin Dahlia and her husband came over.

To tell you the truth, I would much prefer to chow down with a group of Mexicans than a bunch of radical right-wingers or an assortment of gun nuts.
I have gone by myself to East Los Angeles several times and never felt threatened. The neighborhood where I grew up is about 70 percent Mexican immigrant. I know a lot of them. They are very nice people.

My question is: If you go to a place where a lot of Mexicans are gathered, how do you decide if any of them are here illegally? Do you walk up and ask?
I didn't know about 90 percent of the people who were at Sunday's BBQ. I didn't feel threatened by any of them. No one caused trouble. It was a civil gathering.

Asking too many questions is not only nosy, it can be hazardous to your health. A not too bright fellow learned that a couple of years ago.
From what I understand, he was part owner of a parts and supply shop near Chino. The area went from predominantly Anglo to overwhelmingly Mexican. Another similar shop, operated by Mexicans, began to take almost all his business.
Since the place was occupied almost 24/7, dude felt it was a hangout for illegals. The police ignored him, so he decided he was going to do something about it himself. He told his son and daughter he was going to confront them.
He and another guy disappeared one night and were never heard from again.

05-26-2008, 11:32 PM
I thought I was joking when I mentioned hitting up one of the parental units for a free meal. Then I got a call from the adoption people, wanting to know if we would like to take our daughter out for Memorial Day.
So we put together a hastily arranged dinner at the home of my husband's parents, so our daughter could meet her new relatives. We couldn't reach my brother-in-law, but my cousin Dahlia and her husband came over.

To tell you the truth, I would much prefer to chow down with a group of Mexicans than a bunch of radical right-wingers or an assortment of gun nuts.
I have gone by myself to East Los Angeles several times and never felt threatened. The neighborhood where I grew up is about 70 percent Mexican immigrant. I know a lot of them. They are very nice people.

My question is: If you go to a place where a lot of Mexicans are gathered, how do you decide if any of them are here illegally? Do you walk up and ask?
I didn't know about 90 percent of the people who were at Sunday's BBQ. I didn't feel threatened by any of them. No one caused trouble. It was a civil gathering.

Asking too many questions is not only nosy, it can be hazardous to your health. A not too bright fellow learned that a couple of years ago.
From what I understand, he was part owner of a parts and supply shop near Chino. The area went from predominantly Anglo to overwhelmingly Mexican. Another similar shop, operated by Mexicans, began to take almost all his business.
Since the place was occupied almost 24/7, dude felt it was a hangout for illegals. The police ignored him, so he decided he was going to do something about it himself. He told his son and daughter he was going to confront them.
He and another guy disappeared one night and were never heard from again.

Too bad all of the mexican immigrants I know are the ones who are molesting their children, shooting each other over drug deals gone bad, or kidnapping each other to hold for ransom.

The food is better at the mexican cookouts though.

05-27-2008, 12:27 AM
Too bad all of the mexican immigrants I know are the ones who are molesting their children, shooting each other over drug deals gone bad, or kidnapping each other to hold for ransom.

You could say the same thing about any redneck trailer trash neighborhood in the U.S. You don't have to be Mexican to do those things.
Any of those things could be happening in your neighborhood. Even in your house. You can't make blanket judgments.

Pale Rider
05-27-2008, 03:15 AM
If you're here illegally you should be deported. It's as simple as that. Can you go around and confront every mexican in the country? No. Of course not. But you can start asking them about their immigration status when they're confronted for legal reasons. Deportation through attrition. It's a plan that works, as proven by Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Phoenix. Nothing inhuman about it. If you're here illegally, you gotta go, that's all. You're a criminal, and need to be deported. Whether you're a real good person or a gangster, it makes no difference, you're here illegally, you gotta go.

I'd have never thrown in my opinion had the subject not been brought up in the first place.

My two cents.

05-27-2008, 06:18 PM
Pale, I respect your opinions. You know I do. I just don't agree with a lot of them.

How can you confront someone for "legal reasons" at a cookout? It's a peaceful occasion. The music was a little loud, but it was easy to buy off the authorities on that one.

Sure, those here illegally should be deported. Perhaps the police should go after them. At the same time that they aggressively go after pot smoker, underage drinkers and drunk drivers with previous convictions.
Until our government works to close the borders and prosecute those who hire illegals, I am not going to worry about it. Deporting illegals will not solve the problems. Preventing them from getting here and obtaining employments solves the problems.

Until them, I am accepting them as my neighbors. I would much rather live with illegals than drunks and druggies. Or people who cheat on their taxes and steal from their workplace.

Sheriff Joe is more legend than actuality. What works in Arizona wouldn't work in Los Angeles (or any large city). He would be over his head in less than six months.

You have your view and I have mine. I am not going to live in an no-minority gated enclave, clutching my gun tightly each time I go out.
I you want to live with hate and fear, go ahead. I am not going to do it. And I am not going to teach it to my daughter. She will learn that ALL types of people are here friends, unless proven otherwise.
I won't be afraid to let her stay with my sister in East Los Angeles. She can learn to live with others, just like I have. We'll even teach her to speak Spanish. She already wants to learn. :)

Mr. P
05-27-2008, 06:37 PM
Pale, I respect your opinions. You know I do. I just don't agree with a lot of them.

How can you confront someone for "legal reasons" at a cookout? It's a peaceful occasion. The music was a little loud, but it was easy to buy off the authorities on that one.

Sure, those here illegally should be deported. Perhaps the police should go after them. At the same time that they aggressively go after pot smoker, underage drinkers and drunk drivers with previous convictions.
Until our government works to close the borders and prosecute those who hire illegals, I am not going to worry about it. Deporting illegals will not solve the problems. Preventing them from getting here and obtaining employments solves the problems.

Until them, I am accepting them as my neighbors. I would much rather live with illegals than drunks and druggies. Or people who cheat on their taxes and steal from their workplace.

Sheriff Joe is more legend than actuality. What works in Arizona wouldn't work in Los Angeles (or any large city). He would be over his head in less than six months.

You have your view and I have mine. I am not going to live in an no-minority gated enclave, clutching my gun tightly each time I go out.
I you want to live with hate and fear, go ahead. I am not going to do it. And I am not going to teach it to my daughter. She will learn that ALL types of people are here friends, unless proven otherwise.
I won't be afraid to let her stay with my sister in East Los Angeles. She can learn to live with others, just like I have. We'll even teach her to speak Spanish. She already wants to learn. :)

It sounds like yer saying some criminals are OK others aren't. Are they all yer friends until they cut you, steal from you or cause you some direct harm?

05-27-2008, 07:08 PM
Pale, I respect your opinions. You know I do. I just don't agree with a lot of them.

How can you confront someone for "legal reasons" at a cookout? It's a peaceful occasion. The music was a little loud, but it was easy to buy off the authorities on that one.

Sure, those here illegally should be deported. Perhaps the police should go after them. At the same time that they aggressively go after pot smoker, underage drinkers and drunk drivers with previous convictions.
Until our government works to close the borders and prosecute those who hire illegals, I am not going to worry about it. Deporting illegals will not solve the problems. Preventing them from getting here and obtaining employments solves the problems.

Until them, I am accepting them as my neighbors. I would much rather live with illegals than drunks and druggies. Or people who cheat on their taxes and steal from their workplace.

Sheriff Joe is more legend than actuality. What works in Arizona wouldn't work in Los Angeles (or any large city). He would be over his head in less than six months.

You have your view and I have mine. I am not going to live in an no-minority gated enclave, clutching my gun tightly each time I go out.
I you want to live with hate and fear, go ahead. I am not going to do it. And I am not going to teach it to my daughter. She will learn that ALL types of people are here friends, unless proven otherwise.
I won't be afraid to let her stay with my sister in East Los Angeles. She can learn to live with others, just like I have. We'll even teach her to speak Spanish. She already wants to learn. :)

you right, we should give up


05-27-2008, 11:52 PM
Yes, you should give up. The best Mexican food is always prepared by people who can't speak English. Many Mexicans are wonderful people. My uncle married one. My sister married one.

Are they all yer friends until they cut you, steal from you or cause you some direct harm?

That is what I think about biker gangs. They are all thugs, right?
What about the single, over-40 men. Aren't they are pedophiles and rapists? Why aren't they married? That's just not normal.

I am guessing that anyone on this board can go into drunken rage and cut/steal/harm another person. Should I be afraid of you?

Mr. P
05-28-2008, 12:12 AM
Yes, you should give up. The best Mexican food is always prepared by people who can't speak English. Many Mexicans are wonderful people. My uncle married one. My sister married one.

That is what I think about biker gangs. They are all thugs, right?
What about the single, over-40 men. Aren't they are pedophiles and rapists? Why aren't they married? That's just not normal.

I am guessing that anyone on this board can go into drunken rage and cut/steal/harm another person. Should I be afraid of you?

I was addressing "criminals" not "Mexicans". You know, folks that break the law? :slap:

05-28-2008, 12:22 AM
Not all criminals are dangerous. Doesn't mean they aren't criminals. But you mix with your criminal associates and I'll mix with mine.

Pale Rider
05-28-2008, 02:16 AM
Pale, I respect your opinions. You know I do. I just don't agree with a lot of them.

How can you confront someone for "legal reasons" at a cookout? It's a peaceful occasion. The music was a little loud, but it was easy to buy off the authorities on that one.

Sure, those here illegally should be deported. Perhaps the police should go after them. At the same time that they aggressively go after pot smoker, underage drinkers and drunk drivers with previous convictions.
Until our government works to close the borders and prosecute those who hire illegals, I am not going to worry about it. Deporting illegals will not solve the problems. Preventing them from getting here and obtaining employments solves the problems.
I agree.

Until them, I am accepting them as my neighbors. I would much rather live with illegals than drunks and druggies. Or people who cheat on their taxes and steal from their workplace.
Many illegals are drunks and druggies gab. Just because you know some decent ones doesn't mean they're all squeaky clean. They're not. As a matter of fact, the majority of illegals that are here are not.

Sheriff Joe is more legend than actuality. What works in Arizona wouldn't work in Los Angeles (or any large city). He would be over his head in less than six months.
Gab.... Phoenix is just as big as L.A., and had just as bad of an illegal problem until Sheriff Joe got elected, and then reelected, and then reelected. People there love him and what he does, and Phoenix doesn't have half the illegal alien problem it did ten years ago.

You have your view and I have mine. I am not going to live in an no-minority gated enclave, clutching my gun tightly each time I go out.
I you want to live with hate and fear, go ahead. I am not going to do it. And I am not going to teach it to my daughter. She will learn that ALL types of people are here friends, unless proven otherwise.
I won't be afraid to let her stay with my sister in East Los Angeles. She can learn to live with others, just like I have. We'll even teach her to speak Spanish. She already wants to learn. :)
I don't live in a no minority gated enclave, clutching my gun tightly in fear and hate either. Far from it. My neighbor across the hall is a muslim. My friend that comes over and parties and is black, and there's plenty of mexicans here too. I have no problem with any of them. America is a nation of immigrants. "LEGAL" immigrants. That's my only point gab. I expect people to respect the laws of my country. If you're here illegally, you should be deported. That is all I have a problem with. Not your race, not your gender, not you're age, not where you're from, only that you are here illegally. No fear, no hate, no gun clutching, none of that. Just please obey the laws of my country. If you don't, you're not respecting my country, and you're not respecting me.

... and I respect your opinions too gab, even though I don't agree with many of them either, but I still think you're alright.

05-28-2008, 12:00 PM
Thank you, Pale. Excellent points, as usual.