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View Full Version : New poll suggests Obama has big problem with white voters

05-26-2008, 02:38 AM
A new NEWSWEEK Poll underscores Obama's racial challenge.

Faces 12 point deficit vs John McCain.

Even as he closes in on the Democratic nomination for the presidency, Sen. Barrack Obama is facing lingering problems winning the support of white voters--including some in his own party. In a new NEWSWEEK Poll of registered voters, Obama trails presumptive Republican nominee Sen. John McCain 40 percent to 52 percent among whites...

http://www.newsweek.com/id/138456I've thought for awhile now what the polls are starting to show, that the fact that Obama attended a Church where Italians where disparaged as the garlic nosed lynchers of Christ, that the Jews are 'bloodsuckers' or the idolization of the racist bigot Louis Farrakhan, would begin to hurt Obama among white voters. I mean lets be honest for a second, the man attended a 'black power' racist, anti-American, black liberation theological church for 20 years, this man baptized his children, preformed Barrack H. Obama's wedding ceremony, his spiritual mentor...




Here is Infamous racist Louis Farrakhan receiving an award for lifetime achievement! Farrakhan is the cover story of the November/December 2007 issue of Wright’s Trinity United Church Of Christ’s magazine:


Farrakhan’s bigoted and anti-Semitic rhetoric has included statements calling whites “blue eyed devils” and Jews “bloodsuckers” that controlled the slave trade...

How with this being your history for 20 years, where you grew up, where you come from, is Obama going to distance himself from these racists? Can he even do so? Louis Farrakhan, Jeremiah Wright, can we judge Barrack Obama by the company he kept? And the Obama supporters have been ignoring the 800lb gorilla in the room, this is a chance to address why, a white voter should overlook your company with racists, be they white or black, and vote for you for President. Will Obama espouse the views of Farrakhan or Wright while President of the United States? Obama just lost two states, one by over 30, one by over 40 points, largely due to the flight of white voters, and now new polling is showing that trend on a national scale, and these are largely the reasons why, so ignoring them will only cause harm.

I welcome debate, how will Obama step out of the shadow of the company he has kept?

Pale Rider
05-26-2008, 04:54 PM
It's not a "suggestion" that hussein has a problem with white voters... he does. It's the truth. Anybody with half a brain has been able to see what this little dog eared racist has been up to for the last twenty years listening to the frothing at the mouth, racist, bigoted, America hating rev wrong... er, wright, not to mention his buddies the bomber ayers and the slum lord resnik, and now the new found ties hussein and his family have to COMMUNISTS! But it's all whitey's fault. Whitey invented aids to kill the black man, white greed is holding the black man down, god damn America and power to the black people. That's what hussein is about. He stood during the playing of the national anthem with Gov. Richardson and Sen. Clinton standing standing behind him, they both covering their heart while hussein doesn't, and he will NOT recite the pledge of allegiance. It amazes me to no end there's people ignorant and retarded enough to support this little anti white, anti American cock sucker. They ought to all be detained and tried for stupidity and treason.

05-26-2008, 06:25 PM
those with white guilt syndrome will immediately declare that his is safe from criticism here because blacks have been oppressed. it does not matter that the stance is wrong, since blacks have been oppressed and america does not have "true equality" then blacks are excused from racist POV's. if you have a problem with obama, it is because you are racist.

05-26-2008, 08:38 PM
It's this black liberation theology, and how it's practiced it's prejudiced against whites. Recognizing that and calling him out on this isn't racist.