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View Full Version : Obama Supporters - Don't Count Every Vote

red states rule
05-29-2008, 06:36 AM
Dems are about to do a 180 on their talking points of 2000 and 2004 - to make sure every vote is counted

In 2008, to ensure the black guy wins, they are going to ignore the votes of Dem voters in 2 states - FL and MI

Led by Howie Dean McGovern, the party that claims to stand for the "little guy" is about to shove millions of little people under the bus and give the party nomination to the weakest candidate and the person that lost the popular vote count in the primaries

May 28, 2008
Hillary Agonistes: Don't Count Every Vote?
By Rich Lowry

During the 2000 election controversy, Democrats brayed “count every vote” in Florida and discounted George Bush’s eventual victory in the Electoral College because he lost the national popular vote to Al Gore. Hillary Clinton has to yearn for the return of that Democratic Party of yore.

HBO just aired a docudrama — Recount, starring Kevin Spacey as a heroic Gore spokesman — that romanticizes the Democratic fight to count votes in Florida, even as Democrats have excluded Florida’s votes in their entirety from their nomination process this year and are eager to nominate the candidate, Barack Obama, who might end up with fewer popular votes than his challenger.

Back in 2000, Democrats were contemptuous of rules and technicalities about how ballots had to be marked and the process for recounts. All that mattered was the popular will. And the biggest ultimate obstacle to it was the Electoral College, which kept Al Gore from the White House in this “stolen election.”

Well, the Democrats’ attachment to the unadulterated popular will has gone the way of the hanging chad. Suddenly, Democrats are sticklers for rules. Florida and Michigan became non-states for moving their primary contests up in the calendar in defiance of Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean. A mere matter of timing has been enough to “disenfranchise” — to use the 2000 argot — 2.3 million Democratic voters.


05-29-2008, 07:37 AM
ho hum

how many threads are you going to start just so you can blah blah blah the same tired old talking points?

The democrats in those two states have a right to be mad - at their state committee leaders. They broke the rules. Now the voters of those states will pay the penalty for their party leaders breaking those rules. They should boot their state committee members off the committee and elect smarter ones.

red states rule
05-29-2008, 09:56 AM
Party hack do hate to see their hypocrisy shown in the light of day