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05-30-2008, 08:52 AM
People can vote for whom they want, that is how our system works. What is hypocritical is the media's critique of bitter, uneducated, economically disadvantaged, white voters who refuse to vote for obama, as if showing that racism is alive and well. i am pretty sure obama's camp also has mentioned this and i am positive obama believes this given his bitter comments in SF and his attendance of a racist church. what the media ignores is:

The system is designed to benefit candidates who do well among loyal Democratic constituencies, and none is more loyal than black voters. Obama, who would be the first black candidate nominated by a major political party, has been winning 80 percent to 90 percent of the black vote in most primaries, according to exit polls.

"Black districts always have a large number of delegates because they are the highest performers for the Democratic Party," said Elaine Kamarck, a Harvard University professor who is writing a book about the Democratic nominating process.

"Once you had a black candidate you knew that he would be winning large numbers of delegates because of this phenomenon," said Kamarck, who is also a superdelegate supporting Clinton.


05-30-2008, 09:16 AM
You know...Bitter, uneducated, economically disadvantaged redneck hillbillies STILL know a socialist when they see one. No matter WHAT color it is wrapped up in.

Unlike the people who vote for Obama BECAUSE of his skin color at least those others who dont are smart enough to see oppression for what it really is.

05-30-2008, 09:44 AM
It's not as though Obama being a dark color is all that's the matter with him.

He's too young, he's naive about geopolitics, he probably is pretty close to a socialist! and he belongs to a church that avidly and passionately hates whites and says so all the time and is married to a woman who hates whites.

Most of us are whites, so that's a problem, IMO.

Also he thinks we shouldn't drive the cars we want to drive and shouldn't keep our houses at 72 degrees......... darn, if I wanted some totalitarian to tell me every detail of how to live, I'd vote for a fascist!! http://macg.net/emoticons/angry5.gif

06-01-2008, 05:20 AM
The media clearly hypes Obama to the exclusion of Everyone else. Hillary is truly the superior candidate. The agenda is very clear to me.

This, too, will not be forgotten.