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View Full Version : Al-Qaeda's terrifying vision of a devastated America in the wake of a nuclear attack

05-30-2008, 10:28 AM
Washington is laid to waste. The Capitol is a blackened, smoking ruin. The White House has been razed. Countless thousands are dead.

This is the apocalyptic scene terrorists hope to create if they ever get their hands on a nuclear bomb.

The computer-generated image below was posted on an Islamic extremists' website yesterday.

It appeared as rumours swept the Internet that the FBI was warning that an Al Qaeda video was about to be released urging militants to use weapons of mass destruction to attack the West.

http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/article-23488455-details/Al-Qaeda's+terrifying+vision+of+a+devastated+America+ in+the+wake+of+a+nuclear+attack/article.do

Any other questions as to why we are in Iraq?

05-30-2008, 10:34 AM
They have a dream...


05-30-2008, 10:36 AM
Washington is laid to waste. The Capitol is a blackened, smoking ruin. The White House has been razed. Countless thousands are dead.

This is the apocalyptic scene terrorists hope to create if they ever get their hands on a nuclear bomb.

Sounds like Hollywood; I suppose they stole the footage from any of a hundred movies.

Any other questions as to why we are in Iraq?

Yes --- what in the world does Iraq have to do with any of that?

Nothing, as far as I can tell.

Abbey Marie
05-30-2008, 10:40 AM
Sounds like Hollywood; I suppose they stole the footage from any of a hundred movies.

Yes --- what in the world does Iraq have to do with any of that?

Nothing, as far as I can tell.

Perhaps I have misread you, but you sound so flippant. What do you think it will it take for you to take terrorism seriously?

05-30-2008, 10:52 AM
Washington is laid to waste. The Capitol is a blackened, smoking ruin. The White House has been razed. Countless thousands are dead.

This is the apocalyptic scene terrorists hope to create if they ever get their hands on a nuclear bomb.

The computer-generated image below was posted on an Islamic extremists' website yesterday.

It appeared as rumours swept the Internet that the FBI was warning that an Al Qaeda video was about to be released urging militants to use weapons of mass destruction to attack the West.

http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/article-23488455-details/Al-Qaeda's+terrifying+vision+of+a+devastated+America+ in+the+wake+of+a+nuclear+attack/article.do

Any other questions as to why we are in Iraq?

Um, there weren't any members of AQ in Iraq prior to our kicking over the anthill, and why? Because, while Saddam was an evil rat bastard, he was an evil rat bastard who kept control of that country, and AQ doesn't like answering to others.

So yeah, not a useful point in favor of the Iraq war. We already knew they wanted to destroy America, I kind of got that one somewhere around September of 2001, so this isn't even new. So was there a point to this, or are we simply going after the fear mongering aspect?

05-30-2008, 10:54 AM
Perhaps I have misread you, but you sound so flippant. What do you think it will it take for you to take terrorism seriously?

Another attack.

It HAS been nearly seven years, after all. I think there's a lot of crying going on about attacks that never happen.

I think the real danger is inmigration of Muslims into America and Western Europe, deliberately changing the culture from within, for the worse. That isn't somebody's fearful imagination: we can actually see that happen, in Londonistan, for instance. But nobody will take on the problem of our cultural integrity. Instead they want the Hollywood drama, but year after year passes and that is not what is going on.

05-30-2008, 11:02 AM
Um, there weren't any members of AQ in Iraq prior to our kicking over the anthill, and why? Because, while Saddam was an evil rat bastard, he was an evil rat bastard who kept control of that country, and AQ doesn't like answering to others.

Ah, so we shouldn't free any populations in the world from military dictators because they rule with such an iron fist that groups like AQ can't get in. Why not have our government rule us with an iron fist if its the only way to keep AQ out?

05-30-2008, 11:03 AM
Another attack.

It HAS been nearly seven years, after all. I think there's a lot of crying going on about attacks that never happen.

I think the real danger is inmigration of Muslims into America and Western Europe, deliberately changing the culture from within, for the worse. That isn't somebody's fearful imagination: we can actually see that happen, in Londonistan, for instance. But nobody will take on the problem of our cultural integrity. Instead they want the Hollywood drama, but year after year passes and that is not what is going on.

Okay, I agree with your former point, everyone seems obsessed with seeing an imminent attack, much like we were during both runs of the Red Scare. It is being fed even more so by our politicians on both sides of the fence, who wave the fear in our faces for their own gain.

As to the latter point, I believe that the vast majority of Muslims that are moving from the Middle East and up into Europe, and America, are doing so to get away from the constant fighting that they've had to live with til now. This happens any time in which you have a major event like this, same as the exodus of Jewish leading up to and during WWII from Germany and Italy.

As well, it is being proven that pointing out the fallacies that jihadists are exploiting is actually working to get more muslims to realize that what those people are doing is wrong.

Abbey Marie
05-30-2008, 11:06 AM
Another attack.

It HAS been nearly seven years, after all. I think there's a lot of crying going on about attacks that never happen.

I think the real danger is inmigration of Muslims into America and Western Europe, deliberately changing the culture from within, for the worse. That isn't somebody's fearful imagination: we can actually see that happen, in Londonistan, for instance. But nobody will take on the problem of our cultural integrity. Instead they want the Hollywood drama, but year after year passes and that is not what is going on.

I agree with you about the creeping multicultural threat. Just look at the town (?) in Canada where Muslims last year fought to install sharia law. We are primed for it because we, too, are so afraid to offend. Anecdotally, I see many more urban black women lately in Muslim dress. Even young girls.

However, I also take the threat of physical violence very seriously. Anyone who saw those towers go down, or knew someone, as I did, who died in them, has to.

05-30-2008, 11:11 AM
As to the latter point, I believe that the vast majority of Muslims that are moving from the Middle East and up into Europe, and America, are doing so to get away from the constant fighting that they've had to live with til now. This happens any time in which you have a major event like this, same as the exodus of Jewish leading up to and during WWII from Germany and Italy.

You are saying you don't think there is a PLOT to take over the West by in-migrating hundreds of thousands of Muslims and then them having huge families and out-reproducing us.

And I agree: no centralized plot.

However, if they all want Sharia law and all think Islam should conquer the world and the infidel should be relegated to the back, and there are millions of them working in concert for these goals -------- even if it isn't centrally planned, it may well still take over America and Western Europe.

We're on a rachet: they keep persistently insisting we give and they take. We have to accept mosques everywhere, they never accept churches. All their rules must be followed, all ours are negotiable out of existence.

Islam HAS taken over much of the Earth already: the Pope says they have more of the world population now than Christianity. This is how they do it, they just inmigrate everywhere they can, proselytize, and keep racheting the change against the native populations, from Morocco all the way around to Indonesia and deep into Asia and Africa.

We're next.

05-30-2008, 11:15 AM
Ah, so we shouldn't free any populations in the world from military dictators because they rule with such an iron fist that groups like AQ can't get in. Why not have our government rule us with an iron fist if its the only way to keep AQ out?

Um, okay, so what about Darfur, or is genocide not terrorizing to a population? We didn't "free" shit in Iraq, we've blown up half the country, we've given AQ a fighting ground, but we haven't freed a single solitary person. And don't fool yourself, Saddam was not taken out because he was a dictator, he was in power for 14 years without us bothering with him because of that reason, and it wasn't in use this time either.

We CANNOT police the world, and every attempt we take at it turns to shit. We might as well have slapped up recruiting posters for AQ with Iraq. Yeah, we're starting to wear them down through simple attrition.

Now, as I've said previously, a few times, although our war in Iraq was completely unjustified, we need to finish it out, finish what we started when we knocked out their entire power structure, but not because of AQ, or any stupid shit like that, but because we have a responsibility to give those people what we promised them. We started this war, and to maintain any semblance of our own honor, we need to balance this.


Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
"The fact that we live in an open, free society and can't even control our own borders pretty-much means we can't make it impossible for them to attack us. The attacker always has the advantage of knowing what and when and how he is going to strike. All we can do is react.

And where do we draw the line in sacrificing freedom for security. The two are pretty much mutually exclusive. You have to give up one to gain the other.

We demand our government protect us; yet, oppose allowing it the tools necessary to do so."

This is truth, and benjamin franklin even saw the fact in that when he gave this quote

"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

We can NEVER protect ourselves fully from those that would assault us, without killing the heart of what makes our country great. We have too long been living under this fear that "they" might get us.That "they" can win over us through terror.

"They" can do none of these things, because WE are united in freedom, we are, in even our worst moments of argument, more united in those areas which truly matter. On 9/11, when all of our lives were torn apart on that day, there were lines around the corner for those wanting to give blood, to such a point that they began sending people home because they couldn't take in any more blood.

When Katrina destroyed New Orleans, people gave up their lives, their homes, to go there, and to help with the rebuilding.

So here is what I say: Let them come, let them brings bombs, let them bring planes against us, let them be the monsters that they truly are, because as long as we live in freedom, they can never win. As long as one person is left in this world who believes in freedom, the United States of America will stand.

So, it is possible to be against the terrorists without the fear-mongering cowardice that seems so prominent these days.

05-30-2008, 11:22 AM
You are saying you don't think there is a PLOT to take over the West by in-migrating hundreds of thousands of Muslims and then them having huge families and out-reproducing us.

And I agree: no centralized plot.

However, if they all want Sharia law and all think Islam should conquer the world and the infidel should be relegated to the back, and there are millions of them working in concert for these goals -------- even if it isn't centrally planned, it may well still take over America and Western Europe.

We're on a rachet: they keep persistently insisting we give and they take. We have to accept mosques everywhere, they never accept churches. All their rules must be followed, all ours are negotiable out of existence.

Islam HAS taken over much of the Earth already: the Pope says they have more of the world population now than Christianity. This is how they do it, they just inmigrate everywhere they can, proselytize, and keep racheting the change against the native populations, from Morocco all the way around to Indonesia and deep into Asia and Africa.

We're next.

Okay, let's say they get together, all 100 million of them get together, the other 300 million americans out vote them on a 3 to 1 ratio, and our Constitution expressly forbids the use of the Bible or the Sharia law as the laws of the land, so that's shot before it even gets out of the gate.

There are not any statistics out there to back the idea that the Muslims hold the world majority. It may be the "fastest growing" religion currently, but if you also notice, a large number of their own ranks are against the jihadists. Christianity still seems to be the main religion of the world, unless you separate out all the various individual factions. I mean, In no place that I have lived have I seen Mosques in anything that would even come close to the shear volume of Churches, and Jewish Temples. Crap, around here, Masonic Temples outnumber mosques.

We'll be fine, if we wouldn't simply stop being so damned afraid of these people all the freaking time.

05-30-2008, 11:22 AM
However, I also take the threat of physical violence very seriously. Anyone who saw those towers go down, or knew someone, as I did, who died in them, has to.

Sure. I live directly between New York and Washington, and I was depressed and weepy for six months. It may well happen again. We must be on guard against that.

However, I don't think trembling in terror for seven solid years for fear of something that has never happened again is a very good use of life.

I DO think that if we are attacked again, I would like us to get serious about conquering this enemy. Instead of this "they're our bestest friends" messed-up hardly-war-at-all against some other country entirely; instead of letting the culprits escape to a nearby "ally," as if Pakistan was ever our "ally." Actually, you know, DEFEATING the enemy, just for a change.

I think we were REMARKABLY poorly revenged, and it broke the Army into the bargain, so now we don't even have much of a defense left. So I certainly hope we don't get attacked again, because we might well not have any hope of winning against a determined enemy, as badly as these two wars have gone.

Our military has been ruined. That's not a very good response to a major attack on our biggest city. Another such response will destroy us.

05-30-2008, 11:28 AM
Crap, around here, Masonic Temples outnumber mosques.


Abbey Marie
05-30-2008, 11:29 AM
Sure. I live directly between New York and Washington, and I was depressed and weepy for six months. It may well happen again. We must be on guard against that.

However, I don't think trembling in terror for seven solid years for fear of something that has never happened again is a very good use of life.

I DO think that if we are attacked again, I would like us to get serious about conquering this enemy. Instead of this "they're our bestest friends" messed-up hardly-war-at-all against some other country entirely; instead of letting the culprits escape to a nearby "ally," as if Pakistan was ever our "ally." Actually, you know, DEFEATING the enemy, just for a change.

I think we were REMARKABLY poorly revenged, and it broke the Army into the bargain, so now we don't even have much of a defense left. So I certainly hope we don't get attacked again, because we might well not have any hope of winning against a determined enemy, as badly as these two wars have gone.

Our military has been ruined. That's not a very good response to a major attack on our biggest city. Another such response will destroy us.

There is a huge difference between "trembling in terror" as you put it, and being vigilant/using intelligence, to stop future attacks. Some folks in this country try to equate the two, as a political ploy to use against Republicans. While simultaneously crying about restricted civil liberties when the gov't tries to keep track of terrorist chatter.

With pics like the one in the OP, and all of the threats we have heard, the attempts to portray Republicans as fear-mongering just to sway votes is pathetic.

05-30-2008, 11:30 AM
My sister worked in Tower 1, my brother, Michael, was going to a private school at the time (Regis), and had to take the PATH train into NYC every day to get there from Jersey City. They were supposed to meet up for breakfast that morning near Heather's office, up on those top floors that were cut off by the plane.

Now, I lucked out, and both of them had run late that day. If they'd been on time, i would be an only child. That said, I still will not react out of fear of them. It just isn't going to happen, not now, and not ever, because that is when they win, when they get us to jump, and so far, they're kicking the shit out of us on that end.

Yeah, we're racking the better body count, but then, they believe they're martyring themselves, so they don't really care beyond using it to add fuel to fire, and as a way of recruiting people who had been close those that were killed.

05-30-2008, 11:33 AM
There is a huge difference between "trembling in terror" as you put it, and being vigilant/using intelligence, to stop future attacks. Some folks in this country try to equate the two, as a political ploy to use against Republicans. While simultaneously crying about restricted civil liberties when the gov't tries to keep track of terrorist chatter.

With pics like the one in the OP, and all of the threats we have heard, the attempts to portray Republicans as fear-mongering just to sway votes is pathetic.

Nah, the Dems are doing it just as much. Both sides repeatedly use fear left and right, such as Rumsfeld's "Terror Alert" levels crap, which, oddly seemed to jump any time a crucial elections was coming up. No one side is more responsible than the other for waving the terrorist flag in our faces.

05-30-2008, 11:39 AM
Yeah, we're racking the better body count, but then, they believe they're martyring themselves, so they don't really care beyond using it to add fuel to fire, and as a way of recruiting people who had been close those that were killed.

I don't think they do like to be martyrs; that's just a few unbalanced people, I think.

I think this war HAS pointed out that we are willing to totally trash Muslim countries pretty much at random if we are attacked; that we are dangerous and angry and MAY remove and kill any leader who allows this sort of operation to be planned on their soil. Or we may leave them alone as in Pakistan, but that country has been in turmoil from it all as well.

Obviously we have not achieved our stated war aims, as Bush stupidly restated them during the occupation (stable Iraqi government, yeah, there's a hope). The idea of war goals that depend on the ENEMY to achieve is so incredibly stupid to someone who actually studies military history, that I can't believe the Pentagon didn't clue him in; probably it did and Bush ignored it.

However, even though the Iraq war aims were unachievable, we have certainly well and truly trashed that country bigtime, and Afghanistan will never be the same either, though there aren't many people there to notice.

So I think the war may have served as a deterrent, so good. Think about Saddam being in that spiderhole and then brutally hanged!! It's enough to give any Arab leader nightmares. But enough already; I don't see how Iraq can be much more trashed than it is now; let them do the rest of the demolition themselves.

I don't like Iraqis and I don't care what happens to them, but this war is ruining US. Enough.

05-30-2008, 11:47 AM
There is a huge difference between "trembling in terror" as you put it, and being vigilant/using intelligence, to stop future attacks. Some folks in this country try to equate the two, as a political ploy to use against Republicans. While simultaneously crying about restricted civil liberties when the gov't tries to keep track of terrorist chatter.

Well, not me. I'm all for the gov. listening in, carry on at will. I agree it's important. I also approve of the entrapment operations carried out against real moron Muslim Americans, like those pizza delivery boys planning to attack Fort Dix. Sheeeeeeeesh. Good idea to make an example out of all those types. I do think it will stop Fifth Column activity.

With pics like the one in the OP, and all of the threats we have heard, the attempts to portray Republicans as fear-mongering just to sway votes is pathetic.

It doesn't bother me at all, because the pic presumably IS a Hollywood mockup, you know --------- I can't see these types being able to do that sort of advanced model-making or photoshopping. But Hollywood destroys both Washington and New York on a regular basis. For example, Cloverfield ------ wonderful movie, really original, I recommend it.

So they stole a Hollywood pic to talk-talk-talk about destroying America, yeah, yeah. I already knew they want Death to America, and I am so not impressed. If that's what they want then want must be their master, too bad for them, because they would need a lot more camels and donkeys than they can muster to achieve that.

Lots of people hate lots of people in this world. If they can't do anything about it, who cares. It's just the human condition.

05-30-2008, 12:19 PM
They have a dream...


Not such a bad thing perhaps. We could start fresh, with just a copy of the Constitution.

05-30-2008, 12:34 PM
Not such a bad thing perhaps. We could start fresh, with just a copy of the Constitution.

That's what Tom Clancy thought, with "Executive Orders." The plot had a Japanese pilot destroying the Capitol Building and all the senators and representatives and executive branch -------- except for Jack Ryan, who took over as prez.

Of course, the next year bin Laden used the idea to bomb New York and the Pentagon and apparently tried to get the White House with Flight 93.

But he didn't write much after that; I suspect Clancy felt guilty.

05-30-2008, 02:07 PM
That's what Tom Clancy thought, with "Executive Orders." The plot had a Japanese pilot destroying the Capitol Building and all the senators and representatives and executive branch -------- except for Jack Ryan, who took over as prez.

Of course, the next year bin Laden used the idea to bomb New York and the Pentagon and apparently tried to get the White House with Flight 93.

But he didn't write much after that; I suspect Clancy felt guilty.Actually the plot of "Executive Orders" starts after the plane crash. It was the sequel to "Debt of Honor", which was published in 1994. Bin Laden claims that he was inspired by the destruction of towers in Lebanon by Israel during the 1982 Lebanon War.

Abbey Marie
05-30-2008, 02:51 PM
Not such a bad thing perhaps. We could start fresh, with just a copy of the Constitution.

Aggh! You don't want the unions and PC-awarded contracts to unqualified minority owned businesses rebuilding DC. Did you see what happened to the rebuilt houses in Philly after the MOVE standoff? And forget seeing anymore beautiful religious artwork in those buildings.

Hagbard Celine
05-30-2008, 03:31 PM
Washington is laid to waste. The Capitol is a blackened, smoking ruin. The White House has been razed. Countless thousands are dead.

This is the apocalyptic scene terrorists hope to create if they ever get their hands on a nuclear bomb.

The computer-generated image below was posted on an Islamic extremists' website yesterday.

It appeared as rumours swept the Internet that the FBI was warning that an Al Qaeda video was about to be released urging militants to use weapons of mass destruction to attack the West.

http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/article-23488455-details/Al-Qaeda's+terrifying+vision+of+a+devastated+America+ in+the+wake+of+a+nuclear+attack/article.do

Any other questions as to why we are in Iraq?

Yeah, why are we in Iraq when Al-Qaeda wasn't there before we invaded? :poke:
I believe the clinical term for what you are is "numb-nuts."
Don't kid yourself, Al-Qaeda is now in Iraq because of our invasion. We took-out the lynch-pin that was stablizing the Sunni-Shiite struggle in the Middle East and now the politics of the region have been complicated beyond repair for the next 50 to 100 years. Great job Americuh! Yeah! :thumb:

05-30-2008, 03:49 PM
Al-Qaeda has PTSD.

05-30-2008, 04:17 PM
The image used is a screen shot from a video game, Fallout 3. This doesn't make their desire to see it happen any less real, it just makes them as unoriginal as any other cut and paste hack.

Hagbard Celine
05-30-2008, 04:25 PM
The image used is a screen shot from a video game, Fallout 3. This doesn't make their desire to see it happen any less real, it just makes them as unoriginal as any other cut and paste hack.

I'd like to see Jessica Simpson's oiled-up tits bouncing up and down in my face, but where am I going to meet Jessica Simpson? And where are these monkeys going to get a nuke?
It's a completely unrealistic scenario just like the one used to promote the use of torture. "What if by torturing someone you could stop a nuke from going off?"
What if by not torturing someone you do the same thing? It's a stupid ruse to give idiots something to chatter about and be afraid of. :rolleyes:

05-30-2008, 04:37 PM
I'd like to see Jessica Simpson's oiled-up tits bouncing up and down in my face, but where am I going to meet Jessica Simpson?

Not me, can't stand her.

And where are these monkeys going to get a nuke?
It's a completely unrealistic scenario just like the one used to promote the use of torture. "What if by torturing someone you could stop a nuke from going off?"
What if by not torturing someone you do the same thing?

I'm not sure it's unrealistic, though I do think it is unlikely that they will be able to acquire a nuke.

It's a stupid ruse to give idiots something to chatter about and be afraid of. :rolleyes:

Again, I'm not convinced it is a stupid ruse, unlikely as I believe it to be, but I also don't think it is anything for Joe Average to fret over. That strikes me as a waste of time and energy.

05-30-2008, 06:46 PM
Um, okay, so what about Darfur, or is genocide not terrorizing to a population?
Say what? You're the one that is suggesting we should of left Saddam in power because he ruled so tightly that AQ couldn't get in there. Darfur is another example of a dictatorship government terrorizing its own population...just like Saddam did. I'm not really understanding why you bring up Darfur, do you want us to "police" that country?

We didn't "free" shit in Iraq, we've blown up half the country, we've given AQ a fighting ground, but we haven't freed a single solitary person. And don't fool yourself, Saddam was not taken out because he was a dictator, he was in power for 14 years without us bothering with him because of that reason, and it wasn't in use this time either.

Thats really easy for you to say when you live in a free country. The Iraqis lived in a completely totalitarian society. Its absurd to suggest they haven't been freed from that government's tyranny. Of course they do have alot of violence and many may come under persecution from terrorists, but thats why we are still there, to fight and kill those elements. Pulling out would only ensure another Taliban type regime would be stood up and impose a dicatorship over the people.

We CANNOT police the world, and every attempt we take at it turns to shit. We might as well have slapped up recruiting posters for AQ with Iraq. Yeah, we're starting to wear them down through simple attrition.

Well I am all for just bombing the fuck out of countries that are our enemy. But if no attempt is ever made to set up some sort of functioning government, lawlessness and terrorists will simply take root and rule through dicatorship.

So, it is possible to be against the terrorists without the fear-mongering cowardice that seems so prominent these days.
What exactly is "fear-mongering cowardice"?

05-30-2008, 07:16 PM
Aggh! You don't want the unions and PC-awarded contracts to unqualified minority owned businesses rebuilding DC. Did you see what happened to the rebuilt houses in Philly after the MOVE standoff? And forget seeing anymore beautiful religious artwork in those buildings. Actually I was thinking of bulldozing it all and then spreading a lot of grass seed. The only buildings that would need to be rebuilt would be the ones used for business that is specifically enumerated in the Constitution, and that would probably only require about 1% of the infrastructure that is in DC now.

05-30-2008, 09:26 PM
Washington is laid to waste. The Capitol is a blackened, smoking ruin. The White House has been razed. Countless thousands are dead.

This is the apocalyptic scene terrorists hope to create if they ever get their hands on a nuclear bomb.

The computer-generated image below was posted on an Islamic extremists' website yesterday.

It appeared as rumours swept the Internet that the FBI was warning that an Al Qaeda video was about to be released urging militants to use weapons of mass destruction to attack the West.

http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/article-23488455-details/Al-Qaeda's+terrifying+vision+of+a+devastated+America+ in+the+wake+of+a+nuclear+attack/article.do

Any other questions as to why we are in Iraq?

Ummm...Sorry to disappoint you, but the image is a screenshot from a game in development by Bethesda Softworks..."Fallout 3".

Go to the game's <a href=http://fallout.bethsoft.com/eng/home/home.php>website</a> and click on the "Art" softkey.

Jesus but you people need to get a grip.

05-30-2008, 09:44 PM
Um, there weren't any members of AQ in Iraq prior to our kicking over the anthill, and why? Because, while Saddam was an evil rat bastard, he was an evil rat bastard who kept control of that country, and AQ doesn't like answering to others.

So yeah, not a useful point in favor of the Iraq war. We already knew they wanted to destroy America, I kind of got that one somewhere around September of 2001, so this isn't even new. So was there a point to this, or are we simply going after the fear mongering aspect?

Look...When someone comes to your house and terrorizes you do you board up the house and lay and wait til they come back? No? Well America called them out old school style. We named a time and place. And they came. Those terrorists seem kind of busy declaring "Death to Americans" over there and less over here.

Abbey Marie
05-31-2008, 01:04 AM
Actually I was thinking of bulldozing it all and then spreading a lot of grass seed. The only buildings that would need to be rebuilt would be the ones used for business that is specifically enumerated in the Constitution, and that would probably only require about 1% of the infrastructure that is in DC now.

You're making me so sad. Some of those buildings are beautiful.

However, the Dep't of Education... :laugh2:

Abbey Marie
05-31-2008, 01:13 AM
Ummm...Sorry to disappoint you, but the image is a screenshot from a game in development by Bethesda Softworks..."Fallout 3".

Go to the game's <a href=http://fallout.bethsoft.com/eng/home/home.php>website</a> and click on the "Art" softkey.

Jesus but you people need to get a grip.

What an irrelevant point. What difference does it make whose mouse or keyboard or camera created the image? What matters is that terrorists embrace the idea and posted it on their web sites. If someone posts pictures of people being lynched on their site, and describes the lynchings as a dream they would like to see come true, does it matter who originally created the pictures? Does the fact that the picture is taken from another source make the desire to lynch any less horrible? Or make people not feel the need to protect themselves from lynchings?

05-31-2008, 01:17 AM
What an irrelevant point. What difference does it make whose mouse or keyboard or camera created the image? What matters is that terrorists embrace the idea and posted it on their web sites. If someone posts pictures of people being lynched on their site, and describes the lynchings as a dream they would like to see come true, does it matter who originally created the pictures? Does the fact that the picture is taken from another source make the desire to lynch any less horrible? Or make people not feel the need to protect themselves from lynchings?

That was kind of my point after I mentioned the fact that they had used a game screenshot about nine posts back.

05-31-2008, 01:17 AM
If not specifically Al Qaeda, some other group will still try and come after us. Unless of course, the Dems take charge and give everything away.

Abbey Marie
05-31-2008, 01:21 AM
That was kind of my point after I mentioned the fact that they had used a game screenshot about nine posts back.

I remember that, mick. I guess bully was too excited to read the whole thread. :) :beer:

05-31-2008, 07:57 AM
Look...When someone comes to your house and terrorizes you do you board up the house and lay and wait til they come back? No? Well America called them out old school style. We named a time and place. And they came. Those terrorists seem kind of busy declaring "Death to Americans" over there and less over here. Bingo! :clap:

05-31-2008, 07:58 AM
I remember that, mick. I guess bully was too excited to read the whole thread. :) :beer:
You mean Bully didn't read before he incorrectly assumed what had been written? Whouda thunk?:laugh2:

05-31-2008, 10:26 AM
What an irrelevant point. What difference does it make whose mouse or keyboard or camera created the image? What matters is that terrorists embrace the idea and posted it on their web sites. If someone posts pictures of people being lynched on their site, and describes the lynchings as a dream they would like to see come true, does it matter who originally created the pictures? Does the fact that the picture is taken from another source make the desire to lynch any less horrible? Or make people not feel the need to protect themselves from lynchings?

Wow...Y'all will grasp at any straw to justify the continuation of the Bush administration's failed policy in Iraq. :coffee:

05-31-2008, 10:34 AM
Look...When someone comes to your house and terrorizes you do you board up the house and lay and wait til they come back? No? Well America called them out old school style. We named a time and place. And they came. Those terrorists seem kind of busy declaring "Death to Americans" over there and less over here.

As for myself, I'd throw the house open and lay in wait for the fuckers to come back. A low-velocity, dum-dum hollow-point to their backs of their heads would solve the problem...messy, but solved.

All Iraq has become is a training ground for terrorists from around the world. The weaker specimens get weeded out and the battle hardened survivors take their knowledge and skills out to train a new generation of fanatics. In case you hadn't noticed, Bin Ladin has yet to be captured or confirmed dead and Al Qaeda has reconstituted itself to, or better than, pre-9/11 levels in the border regions between Afghanistan and our good friend and ally in the "war on terruh", Pakistan. This because Chimpy McPresident decided it was more important to work out his chubby for Saddam than to wipe the scourge that is Al Qaeda off the face of the earth when he had the chance.

05-31-2008, 11:03 AM
Wow...Y'all will grasp at any straw to justify the continuation of the Bush administration's failed policy in Iraq. :coffee:

Hate to point out some facts and ruin your liberal delusion, but these guys have been around long before the Bush Administration and have hated us long before Iraq. So, you can sit and whine that it's all George Bush's fault and our "failed" policy in Iraq has caused more terrorists, but we have been fighting off and on with these guys since we fought back against the Barbary Pirates in 1803.

05-31-2008, 11:05 AM
As for myself, I'd throw the house open and lay in wait for the fuckers to come back. A low-velocity, dum-dum hollow-point to their backs of their heads would solve the problem...messy, but solved.

And then the bomb goes off and bye bye house.

All Iraq has become is a training ground for terrorists from around the world. The weaker specimens get weeded out and the battle hardened survivors take their knowledge and skills out to train a new generation of fanatics. In case you hadn't noticed, Bin Ladin has yet to be captured or confirmed dead and Al Qaeda has reconstituted itself to, or better than, pre-9/11 levels in the border regions between Afghanistan and our good friend and ally in the "war on terruh", Pakistan. This because Chimpy McPresident decided it was more important to work out his chubby for Saddam than to wipe the scourge that is Al Qaeda off the face of the earth when he had the chance.

LIke they weren't training before we were in Iraq? They've been training for terrorism since the 1800s, long before Iraq was even a country.

05-31-2008, 12:09 PM
the commies had the same dream. they had PTSD also. in your deams

05-31-2008, 12:11 PM
As for myself, I'd throw the house open and lay in wait for the fuckers to come back. A low-velocity, dum-dum hollow-point to their backs of their heads would solve the problem...messy, but solved.

All Iraq has become is a training ground for terrorists from around the world. The weaker specimens get weeded out and the battle hardened survivors take their knowledge and skills out to train a new generation of fanatics. In case you hadn't noticed, Bin Ladin has yet to be captured or confirmed dead and Al Qaeda has reconstituted itself to, or better than, pre-9/11 levels in the border regions between Afghanistan and our good friend and ally in the "war on terruh", Pakistan. This because Chimpy McPresident decided it was more important to work out his chubby for Saddam than to wipe the scourge that is Al Qaeda off the face of the earth when he had the chance.

Iraq is JUST the starting point. Do you REALLY think we are EVER going to leave?
Hell no! Just like Germany we need to secure Americas interests in the middle east. What better way than to get rid of Saddam AND create an American base in the middle east.

Do you actually think that there will never be another war in the middle east ever again? Do you actually think that the UAE will NEVER call on us to secure their way of life and their oil interests again?

05-31-2008, 12:17 PM
As for myself, I'd throw the house open and lay in wait for the fuckers to come back. ..... That would have been a great move, economically :rolleyes: Imagine NYC and DC shut down for months, waiting, while these guys plan their next attack- somewhere else. :lame2:

Abbey Marie
05-31-2008, 01:15 PM
Wow...Y'all will grasp at any straw to justify the continuation of the Bush administration's failed policy in Iraq. :coffee:

Seems like a total non-sequiter. :shrug:

06-02-2008, 10:59 AM
From Bullypulpit ----

the image is a screenshot from a game in development by Bethesda Softworks..."Fallout 3".

Jesus but you people need to get a grip.What an irrelevant point. What difference does it make whose mouse or keyboard or camera created the image? What matters is that terrorists embrace the idea and posted it on their web sites.

Wonderful, you found the source. And of course, it's American (no one else would care enough to take the trouble with all that photoshopping, I suspect).

I think it makes a LOT of difference who did it!! Just as it made a LOT of difference that these types couldn't even bomb New York without parasitizing our own commercial planes --- and note --- even our own flight schools!

Because parasites are a problem, but not a big problem: nothing like the problem Nazi Germany was, or even the Kaiser's Germany or Red Square: powers that can make their OWN weapons against us instead of having to parasitize everything we do, those powers are dangerous.

The parasite Islamists are more like nuisances, though I think they should be obliterated if they do attack, however parasitic and small scale.