View Full Version : I've decided to become a gay activist

06-03-2008, 05:05 PM
because I think its the right thing to do.

I respect dissenting points of views

But i will speak up when i hear derogatory slurs or jokes against gays.

I respect peoples right to be against homosexuality or homosexual marriage, but you dont have to be an asshole about it.

I accept that I may lose friends or get neg repped for this, but a man has gotta stand up for what he believes in, and accept the consequences no matter what they be.

06-03-2008, 05:24 PM
because I think its the right thing to do.

I respect dissenting points of views

But i will speak up when i hear derogatory slurs or jokes against gays.

I respect peoples right to be against homosexuality or homosexual marriage, but you dont have to be an asshole about it.

I accept that I may lose friends or get neg repped for this, but a man has gotta stand up for what he believes in, and accept the consequences no matter what they be.

Good for you Martin. I hope this is something that lasts a little longer than other public resolutions you have made in the past.

One of my best friends in the entire world is a lesbian. We also work together and, people who know she's my friend and know she's gay STILL make derogetroy remarks about her, to me. Unreal. People can be SO daft sometimes. I tell them to shove it, of course. :laugh2:

06-03-2008, 05:31 PM
I have a gay best friend online, and I truly believe people should have choices, so no, this will not be a passing fancy for me, and good for you for standing up for your friend


Good for you Martin. I hope this is something that lasts a little longer than other public resolutions you have made in the past.

One of my best friends in the entire world is a lesbian. We also work together and, people who know she's my friend and know she's gay STILL make derogetroy remarks about her, to me. Unreal. People can be SO daft sometimes. I tell them to shove it, of course. :laugh2:

06-03-2008, 06:01 PM
You should suck a dick or two so you really know from experience what you're talking about.....:pee:

06-03-2008, 06:06 PM
Does a terrorism expert need to spend a week with al queda to know about terrorism?

does a sports fan have to be a professional athlete to know about sports

does a patient have to be a doctor to learn about and manage his own treatment.

You are a hateful piece of swine, Go sod off you piece of shit :fu:

You should suck a dick or two so you really know from experience what you're talking about.....:pee:

06-03-2008, 06:10 PM
Does a terrorism expert need to spend a week with al queda to know about terrorism?

does a sports fan have to be a professional athlete to know about sports

does a patient have to be a doctor to learn about and manage his own treatment.

You are a hateful piece of swine, Go sod off you piece of shit :fu:

I didn't say you had to be a "professional cock sucker" .....just get a little experience....maybe take a couple inches up the poop chute too....
If you think its all ok....go for it....

06-03-2008, 06:19 PM
again, your an idiot. Not shocking...

I never served a day in the military.

That doesnt mean, I cant read books, and talk to people who have served in the military.

Ive never served a day as a policemen fire fighter or many other things, and some things maybe i would never support or do, doesnt mean im gonna take away someone elses right to make their own choices

for the record though: i support homosexual rights, including marriage and adoption. Its really sad that you shadow the decent people, who actually disagree with me

I didn't say you had to be a "professional cock sucker" .....just get a little experience....maybe take a couple inches up the poop chute too....
If you think its all ok....go for it....

06-03-2008, 06:28 PM
because I think its the right thing to do.

I respect dissenting points of views

But i will speak up when i hear derogatory slurs or jokes against gays.

I respect peoples right to be against homosexuality or homosexual marriage, but you dont have to be an asshole about it.

I accept that I may lose friends or get neg repped for this, but a man has gotta stand up for what he believes in, and accept the consequences no matter what they be.

Could you do this new fad of yours somewhere other than here ?

Mr. P
06-03-2008, 06:30 PM
I know and have worked with many gay folks in my life. They never bothered me or tried to convert me. I have no problem relating my experience with these folks to anyone....they're not monsters to be feared.

06-03-2008, 06:31 PM
could you go fuck youself :fu:

im so fucking tired of you, and youre judgmental, condescending mouth talking shit, that has nothing to do with my threads, i.e. highjacking them.

If you have nothing to say about the topic of my threads, then close your fucking cum catcher, you waste of life and brain matter

Could you do this new fad of yours somewhere other than here ?

06-03-2008, 06:36 PM
just for clarification....are you announcing that you are going to be an activist for gays or that you are going to be a gay activist.....

06-03-2008, 06:40 PM
Im announcing that im an activist for gays

06-03-2008, 06:49 PM
is clarification really neccesary? I thought anyone who fights for the causes of gays is a gay activist, i mean im not fighting for the causes of straights, so how could i be a straight activist.

I guess technically, If i wanna be p.c. I could say im an activist for gay causes, or a straight activist or jewish straight activist, white jewish straight activist or white jewish straight activist who likes pizza :laugh2:

06-03-2008, 07:07 PM
I want the word "gay" back. Let's return it to the masses. In 1940 there was a movie called The Gay Caballero. The title did not mean that the main character, The Cisco Kid (played by Cesar Romero) was a homosexual (though he did run around with that sidekick Gordito http://smileys.on-my-web.com/repository/Thinking/thinking-020.gif), it meant he was happy. There was 1934's The Gay Divorcee. Sure, there was dancing, but it was Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. 1962's animated Gay Purr-ee with Robert Goulet and Judy Garland...Okay, forget that one...

The Gay Shoe Clerk (1903), The Gay Falcon (1941), The Gay Sisters (1942), The Gay Deception (1935), The Gay Desperado (1936), The Gay Bride (1934), The Gay Ranchero (1948), Let Us Be Gay (1930), Our Hearts Were Young and Gay (1944), you get the idea.

People used to find themselves "in a gay mood." A person could describe a tract of low-lying grassland as "the gay sunny meadows."

A once innocuous, widely used word has been stolen from our lexicon and taken on new meaning.

Well, I'm here to say...

I'm mad as hell and I want my GAY back!!

06-03-2008, 07:11 PM
Does a terrorism expert need to spend a week with al queda to know about terrorism?

does a sports fan have to be a professional athlete to know about sports

does a patient have to be a doctor to learn about and manage his own treatment.

You are a hateful piece of swine, Go sod off you piece of shit :fu:

Yes, yes, and yes! :laugh2:

06-03-2008, 07:13 PM
I want the word "gay" back. Let's return it to the masses. In 1940 there was a movie called The Gay Caballero. The title did not mean that the main character, The Cisco Kid (played by Cesar Romero) was a homosexual (though he did run around with that sidekick Gordito http://smileys.on-my-web.com/repository/Thinking/thinking-020.gif), it meant he was happy. There was 1934'2 The Gay Divorcee. Sure, there was dancing, but it was Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. 1962's animated Gay Purr-ee with Robert Goulet and Judy Garland...Okay, forget that one...

The Gay Shoe Clerk (1903), The Gay Falcon (1941), The Gay Sisters (1942), The Gay Deception (1935), The Gay Desperado (1936), The Gay Bride (1934), The Gay Ranchero (1948), Let Us Be Gay (1930), Our Hearts Were Young and Gay (1944), you get the idea.

People used to find themselves "in a gay mood." A person could describe a tract of low-lying grassland as "the gay sunny meadows."

A once innocuous, widely used word has been stolen from our lexicon and taken on new meaning.

Well, I'm here to say...

I'm mad as hell and I want my GAY back!!

I agree. Let's call them what they used to call themselves before they stole the word gay: queer.

It will make make friend Bob Gay very, well, gay.

06-03-2008, 08:05 PM
I had a friend growing up by the name of Chris Gay. His older brother...NO LIE....Ben Gay!

06-03-2008, 08:10 PM
A once innocuous, widely used word has been stolen from our lexicon and taken on new meaning.

Well, I'm here to say...

I'm mad as hell and I want my GAY back!!

To some degree thats where in the war lies. When we let the other side control the terminology we put ourselves in the weaker position during the debate. It's not gay, it's not lesbian, its sexual deviance.

Just like when they use the word fetus instead of the word baby. One word has no real word picture that goes along with it while the other does. Everyone has seen a baby at some point and how cute and vulnerable it is. Most people have held or touched a baby and seen the life in it. Thats why they use the term fetus in the abortion debate and thats also why they use the words gay, lesbian and sexual orientation. It diffuses the reality of what they are supporting or doing.

Please don't try to tell me that they don't recruit, propagate and use subversive tactics. If they didn't their numbers would not increase. Its not natural or normal. They are very clever recruiters and subversives. Those of you who support them now but didn't previously, ask yourself how that happened. Ask yourself how and why you changed your view. It has nothing to do with you becoming more intellectual or tolerant. It has everything to do with their strategy and subversion. They converted your opinion from negative to positive or neutral.

06-03-2008, 08:20 PM
Poor martin and said1 get all huffy and pissed ....

If they think two men sucking on each other and sodomizing each other is normal, why get pissed at me....

they think its all perfectly normal human behavior...they should try it ....
if its normal, its normal.....they might even like it....

I don't give a shit what the homo's do in their private life....what I demand is they keep it private and stop trying to convince me its normal....what I think is irrelevant....

06-03-2008, 08:20 PM
Please don't try to tell me that they don't recruit, propagate and use subversive tactics. If they didn't their numbers would not increase. Its not natural or normal. They are very clever recruiters and subversives. Those of you who support them now but didn't previously, ask yourself how that happened. Ask yourself how and why you changed your view. It has nothing to do with you becoming more intellectual or tolerant. It has everything to do with their strategy and subversion. They converted your opinion from negative to positive or neutral.

Tell me about it. I used to hate queers until I started going to the meetings.

06-03-2008, 08:22 PM
Poor martin and said1 get all huffy and pissed ....

If they think two men sucking on each other and sodomizing each other is normal, why get pissed at me....

they think its all perfectly normal human behavior...they should try it ....
if its normal, its normal.....they might even like it....

I don't give a shit what the homo's do in their private life....what I demand is they keep it private and stop trying to convince me its normal....what I think is irrelevant....

You go that right. Totally irrelevant. :laugh2:

Pale Rider
06-03-2008, 08:25 PM
I agree. Let's call them what they used to call themselves before they stole the word gay: queer.

It will make make friend Bob Gay very, well, gay.

It's a time before martin was around. He doesn't even know of the homos being "in the closet" at one time. He doesn't know that it was deemed a mental illness until the militant faggots invaded the ADC and made them change it under massive pressure. He has no memory of us calling the homos, queer, faggot, cock sucker, fairy, sausage seeker, butt boy, pole smoker, fancy pants, bruce, etc., all he knows is of the time AFTER they highjacked the word "gay" in an attempt to soften their sick, perverted image to the public.

Yeah martin, this is where ya lose me pal. To start thinking that men fucking each other up the ass and sucking each other cocks is OK with you... well... no, we don't need to be friends anymore I guess if that's the way you want it. That's the sickest most twisted, perverted, vile and disgusting shit on earth, and if you're going to fight to push that agenda... so long.

06-03-2008, 08:29 PM
Glad to see you're gonna try it...you and martin can get together and be "normal" all you want.....you might try a butt plug before your first time...:poke:

Mr. P
06-03-2008, 08:34 PM
I'll never understand why some have such an interest in their neighbors sex lives.

06-03-2008, 08:43 PM
Glad to see you're gonna try it...you and martin can get together and be "normal" all you want.....you might try a butt plug before your first time...:poke:

You're a very classy dude. If I ever decide to 'try' it, I'd look for the hottest dyke in town. Thanks for the support, though. :)

06-03-2008, 08:47 PM
I had a friend growing up by the name of Chris Gay. His older brother...NO LIE....Ben Gay! Did he get that way from someone squeezing his tube?

06-03-2008, 08:51 PM
I'll never understand why some have such an interest in their neighbors sex lives. Do you honestly think that people here do?

06-03-2008, 09:18 PM
because I think its the right thing to do.

I respect dissenting points of views

But i will speak up when i hear derogatory slurs or jokes against gays.

I respect peoples right to be against homosexuality or homosexual marriage, but you dont have to be an asshole about it.

I accept that I may lose friends or get neg repped for this, but a man has gotta stand up for what he believes in, and accept the consequences no matter what they be.

If I were gay this announcement would be one of the worst things that ever happened to me. And I take this stand knowing full well that you will neg rep me for this --AGAIN.:laugh2:

Pale Rider
06-03-2008, 09:31 PM
I'll never understand why some have such an interest in their neighbors sex lives.

And I never understood why the homos had to push their perversion with such fervor in everybody's face... watch any homo pride parades lately Mr. P?

Or how about a new friend making a very public announcement that he was going to become a homo activist?

Seems like whether a person is interested or not they're going to get that sick shit pushed in their face.

Pale Rider
06-03-2008, 09:35 PM
Do you honestly think that people here do?

Well... so far martin is, with his new decree of homo activism.

06-03-2008, 09:36 PM
And I never understood why the homos had to push their perversion with such fervor in everybody's face... watch any homo pride parades lately Mr. P?

Or how about a new friend making a very public announcement that he was going to become a homo activist?

Seems like whether a person is interested or not they're going to get that sick shit pushed in their face.

Hey---you can't speak about the National Spokesman for Gays like that !!!!:laugh2::laugh2:

His mom is gonna be so proud !!!!:lol:

06-03-2008, 09:45 PM
because I think its the right thing to do.

I respect dissenting points of views

But i will speak up when i hear derogatory slurs or jokes against gays.

I respect peoples right to be against homosexuality or homosexual marriage, but you dont have to be an asshole about it.

I accept that I may lose friends or get neg repped for this, but a man has gotta stand up for what he believes in, and accept the consequences no matter what they be.

gay huh.......not that there is anything wrong with that......what is your first cause going to be........

Mr. P
06-03-2008, 09:59 PM
Do you honestly think that people here do?

Some here do...hell yes! honestly.

Mr. P
06-03-2008, 10:02 PM
And I never understood why the homos had to push their perversion with such fervor in everybody's face... watch any homo pride parades lately Mr. P?

Or how about a new friend making a very public announcement that he was going to become a homo activist?

Seems like whether a person is interested or not they're going to get that sick shit pushed in their face.

Nope I don't watch that channel, nor do I see it in my everyday life.

06-03-2008, 10:07 PM
You should suck a dick or two so you really know from experience what you're talking about.....:pee:

so your qualifications to comment on this are gained by just such an experience.......good for you for coming out online......

Pale Rider
06-03-2008, 10:08 PM
Or how about a new friend making a very public announcement that he was going to become a homo activist?

Nope I don't watch that channel, nor do I see it in my everyday life.

Aaaahh... that's what THIS thread is all about... so...

06-03-2008, 10:09 PM
I didn't say you had to be a "professional cock sucker" .....just get a little experience....maybe take a couple inches up the poop chute too....
If you think its all ok....go for it....

a couple of glasses of wine and if ya ask em to spit on it first you should be able to bury it to the hilt.....

06-03-2008, 10:11 PM
I want the word "gay" back. Let's return it to the masses. In 1940 there was a movie called The Gay Caballero. The title did not mean that the main character, The Cisco Kid (played by Cesar Romero) was a homosexual (though he did run around with that sidekick Gordito http://smileys.on-my-web.com/repository/Thinking/thinking-020.gif), it meant he was happy. There was 1934's The Gay Divorcee. Sure, there was dancing, but it was Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. 1962's animated Gay Purr-ee with Robert Goulet and Judy Garland...Okay, forget that one...

The Gay Shoe Clerk (1903), The Gay Falcon (1941), The Gay Sisters (1942), The Gay Deception (1935), The Gay Desperado (1936), The Gay Bride (1934), The Gay Ranchero (1948), Let Us Be Gay (1930), Our Hearts Were Young and Gay (1944), you get the idea.

People used to find themselves "in a gay mood." A person could describe a tract of low-lying grassland as "the gay sunny meadows."

A once innocuous, widely used word has been stolen from our lexicon and taken on new meaning.

Well, I'm here to say...

I'm mad as hell and I want my GAY back!!

i hear the leprechans are filing suit to get their rainbow back........

Mr. P
06-03-2008, 10:27 PM
Aaaahh... that's what THIS thread is all about... so...

Donno..I was responding to YOUR post only it that quote.

Pale Rider
06-03-2008, 10:40 PM
Donno..I was responding to YOUR post only it that quote.

Oh... OK... then anm isn't your friend... got'cha.

Mr. P
06-03-2008, 10:41 PM
Oh... OK... then anm isn't your friend... got'cha.

Who is anm?

Pale Rider
06-03-2008, 11:09 PM
Who is anm?

actsnobelmartin... the guy that started the thread... the one that is proclaiming to the world he's now a homo activist...

... if he's your friend, then what I said is correct.... if he's not your friend I stand corrected.

06-03-2008, 11:40 PM
I had a friend growing up by the name of Chris Gay. His older brother...NO LIE....Ben Gay!

:laugh2: :laugh: :lmao:

06-03-2008, 11:47 PM
It's a time before martin was around. He doesn't even know of the homos being "in the closet" at one time. He doesn't know that it was deemed a mental illness until the militant faggots invaded the ADC and made them change it under massive pressure. He has no memory of us calling the homos, queer, faggot, cock sucker, fairy, sausage seeker, butt boy, pole smoker, fancy pants, bruce, etc., all he knows is of the time AFTER they highjacked the word "gay" in an attempt to soften their sick, perverted image to the public.

You assume what i know and dont know

Yeah martin, this is where ya lose me pal. To start thinking that men fucking each other up the ass and sucking each other cocks is OK with you... well... no, we don't need to be friends anymore I guess if that's the way you want it.

I guess we were never really friends then, because friends allow each other to disagree, and when you told me it was ok to disagree with you, you lied to me.

you are no better then oca, you are a bully, you cuss, call names, and act like a drunk belligerant, because I and others whom you dont agree dont bown down and kiss you ass.

You wouldnt know friendship or true friendship if it kicked you in the ass

That's the sickest most twisted, perverted, vile and disgusting shit on earth, and if you're going to fight to push that agenda... so long.

You are one the most hateful, intolerant, angry, paranoid, mean-spirited jerks i have ever met. And to think I ever thought you deserved pos rep, i must have been on drugs, youre a disgrace to the human race.

06-03-2008, 11:57 PM
no offense, but i cant understand how you dont get that non gay people can support gay causes, meaning an activist of gays or gay activist, do i really have to be that politically correct?

gay huh.......not that there is anything wrong with that......what is your first cause going to be........

06-04-2008, 12:13 AM
You wouldnt know friendship or true friendship if it kicked you in the ass

Hate to burst your pious bubble but Pale has been a friend of mine ( as well as Ranger's)for many years now.

06-04-2008, 12:16 AM
its not pious, its an opinion.

He was not a real friend to me.

Perhaps you had a better experience then me.

Nice to know you felt the need to be his pitbull :laugh2:

Hate to burst your pious bubble but Pale has been a friend of mine ( as well as Ranger's)for many years now.

06-04-2008, 12:24 AM
again, your an idiot. Not shocking...

I never served a day in the military.

No surprise there

That doesnt mean, I cant read books, and talk to people who have served in the military.

DOes mean those people know either

Ive never served a day as a policemen fire fighter or many other things, and some things maybe i would never support or do, doesnt mean im gonna take away someone elses right to make their own choices

I'm thanking my stars for this, you're too much of a dumbass to be in a profession where decisions have to be made quickly.

for the record though: i support homosexual rights, including marriage and adoption. Its really sad that you shadow the decent people, who actually disagree with me

Bully for you. Don't force feed your bullshit on me. I think it's a total load of crap, right up there with the global warming bullshit. It's an excuse for people to do whatever they want.

06-04-2008, 12:30 AM
No surprise there

get off pale's nuts already. My god do you love him that much?

DOes mean those people know either

I'm thanking my stars for this, you're too much of a dumbass to be in a profession where decisions have to be made quickly.

:coffee: oh no, someone dissed your boyfriend :laugh2:

Bully for you. Don't force feed your bullshit on me. I think it's a total load of crap, right up there with the global warming bullshit. It's an excuse for people to do whatever they want.

Youre right, i should just let you brake into gay peoples homes and shoot them, dam them for being born :laugh2:

06-04-2008, 12:33 AM
Youre right, i should just let you brake into gay peoples homes and shoot them, dam them for being born :laugh2:

I'll start with you.

06-04-2008, 12:37 AM
well im flattered, really... but i dont swing that way.

Youll just have to find someone else to fulfill that fantasy

I'll start with you.

Pale Rider
06-04-2008, 12:38 AM
You are one the most hateful, intolerant, angry, paranoid, mean-spirited jerks i have ever met. And to think I ever thought you deserved pos rep, i must have been on drugs, youre a disgrace to the human race.

I never knew you had so much hate in you martin, but now I understand what OCA and many others here have been saying for months and months about you... you're a fucking retarded little, moronic, punk, that starts idiotic thread after idiotic thread. I tried to support you when the majority of the board was on your ass. As a matter of fact I supported you from the very moment you signed on to this board until now, and if you don't call that being you're friend, FUCK YOU! I don't need anybody on my friends list that's a mother fucking jack ass prick like you.

Go suck cock retard... since that's what it appears you think is so fucking great.

06-04-2008, 12:54 AM
well im flattered, really... but i dont swing that way.

Youll just have to find someone else to fulfill that fantasy

You only wish someone would want to have sex with you. You're so desperate you'd even take a guy? How pathetic is that. Maybe you should go upstairs and beg your mama for a little pussy. She's probably the only one to take pity on you and fuck you.

My Winter Storm
06-04-2008, 03:24 AM
Wonderful to hear this, Martin. I commend you for making this decision. I would give you rep, but I have to rep other people first, so I'll have to wait. :)

06-04-2008, 06:08 AM
Good lord.


06-04-2008, 08:19 AM
Some here do...hell yes! honestly. I don't think so. Heck I don't. All I've ever asked for is the truth: don't claim that its normal, healthy, natural, not a sin, and not a choice.

06-04-2008, 08:20 AM
Youre right, i should just let you brake into gay peoples homes and shoot them, dam them for being born :laugh2:
They weren't born gay.

Abbey Marie
06-04-2008, 08:45 AM
Though this whole thread is contemptible, I had to take a moment to point out that it is true, Pale has been a loyal friend to you all along, even when most other people were belittling you. Even behind the scenes. As a result, I think it's a shame that you would turn on him, especially so publicly. In my world, when people have my back, it means something, regardless of a difference of political or social opinion.

Perhaps it is all because of your Aspbergers, I don't know.


06-04-2008, 10:13 AM
he ended our friendship simply for disagreeing with him.

and i snapped :death:

Though this whole thread is contemptible, I had to take a moment to point out that it is true, Pale has been a loyal friend to you all along, even when most other people were belittling you. Even behind the scenes. As a result, I think it's a shame that you would turn on him, especially so publicly. In my world, when people have my back, it means something, regardless of a difference of political or social opinion.

Perhaps it is all because of your Aspbergers, I don't know.


06-04-2008, 10:18 AM
he ended our friendship simply for disagreeing with him.

and i snapped :death:

Then maybe you can appreciate the fact that when someone talks trash about MY FRIEND I too am going to come after you with both guns blazing...

All you had to do was disagree with him and walk away.

Hagbard Celine
06-04-2008, 10:21 AM
Why not just be a straight activist who stands for gay rights? :poke: :dance:

06-04-2008, 10:22 AM
fine, can we quit with the word games

Ive discussed this issue with my best friend (who is gay), and he says its not an issue.


ok, im a straight (heterosexual), jewish, pizza loving defender of the gays :laugh2:

Why not just be a straight activist who stands for gay rights? :poke: :dance:

06-04-2008, 11:43 AM
When I saw this thread title on the main page, the word 'activist' is left off.
Made me think that perhaps, in some case, men can be converted... :p

06-04-2008, 11:54 AM
fine, can we quit with the word games

Ive discussed this issue with my best friend (who is gay), and he says its not an issue.

.... Why don't you get him to do some man-love on you to prove to yourself how its normal, natural, healthy and all that?

Pale Rider
06-04-2008, 01:14 PM
Why don't you get him to do some man-love on you to prove to yourself how its normal, natural, healthy and all that?


06-04-2008, 01:31 PM
fine, can we quit with the word games

Ive discussed this issue with my best friend (who is gay), and he says its not an issue.


ok, im a straight (heterosexual), jewish, pizza loving defender of the gays :laugh2:

Does your best friend approve of your referring to homosexuals as "the gays"? What about your use of the word "cumcatcher" earlier in this thread?

06-04-2008, 02:26 PM
because I think its the right thing to do.

I respect dissenting points of views

But i will speak up when i hear derogatory slurs or jokes against gays.

I respect peoples right to be against homosexuality or homosexual marriage, but you dont have to be an asshole about it.

I accept that I may lose friends or get neg repped for this, but a man has gotta stand up for what he believes in, and accept the consequences no matter what they be.

Hey Ray you can't knock your lady up if she's constantly tagging you in the can with Doc Johnson products, just thought you should know that.

By the way, queers are sick people and thats a proven fact, do you also stand up for the polygamists in Texas who marry 70 yr old dudes with 14 yr old chicks?

06-04-2008, 02:30 PM
again, your an idiot. Not shocking...

I never served a day in the military.

for the record though: i support homosexual rights, including marriage and adoption. Its really sad that you shadow the decent people, who actually disagree with me

No, it just means you are a chickenhawk.

So you support things that are obviously wrong? Just goes to further my point all along about you that you are retarded and cannot decipher simple fact from fiction.

BTW I can show you that you are a hypocrite on the queer marriage subject if you'd like me to.

06-04-2008, 02:30 PM
:laugh2: This argument is so ridiculous.

I cant change peoples attractions. I dont want to make people's choices for them, i dont get your insistence, that i must be gay, to know what being gay is like.

Jews have suffered for being different, blacks, asians, gays, even irish,

Why don't you get him to do some man-love on you to prove to yourself how its normal, natural, healthy and all that?

06-04-2008, 02:32 PM
cum catcher is slang for mouth. :)

and i dont need my best friends approval before i say things, besides he does approve what i say because he knows where im coming from

Does your best friend approve of your referring to homosexuals as "the gays"? What about your use of the word "cumcatcher" earlier in this thread?

06-04-2008, 02:39 PM
:laugh2: This argument is so ridiculous.

I cant change peoples attractions. I dont want to make people's choices for them, i dont get your insistence, that i must be gay, to know what being gay is like.

Jews have suffered for being different, blacks, asians, gays, even irish,

Fuck you for comparing queers who make the choice to do what they do(thats a proven scientific fact) to people who are born what they are.

With that statement you proved yourself to be void of any knowledge on this subject and lord I hope you stay with this cause because with you on the side of the degenerates we'll get rid of queer marriage without a doubt.

06-04-2008, 02:42 PM
cum catcher is slang for mouth. :)

and i dont need my best friends approval before i say things, besides he does approve what i say because he knows where im coming from

For chrissakes someone get it through to this mental defect that he is not cute, thoughtful or even funny. Someone besides me and a couple others please tell him the truth about what the overwhelming majority of the board feels about him, that he's a fucking retard in way over his head here on this board.

06-04-2008, 02:43 PM
:laugh2: This argument is so ridiculous.

I cant change peoples attractions. I dont want to make people's choices for them, i dont get your insistence, that i must be gay, to know what being gay is like.

Jews have suffered for being different, blacks, asians, gays, even irish,

Jews, blacks, asians, and irish are born that way. Gays choose their attractions.

Seriously though, if this gay guy is your best friend, then he could help to show you that butt-fucking is normal, natural, healthy and all that.

Pale Rider
06-04-2008, 02:46 PM
For chrissakes someone get it through to this mental defect that he is not cute, thoughtful or even funny. Someone besides me and a couple others please tell him the truth about what the overwhelming majority of the board feels about him, that he's a fucking retard in way over his head here on this board.

Yeah... pretty much everybody here knows he's fucking retarded... an admitted porn addict retard no less. I guess faggots and their sick sexual life style are just part of his porn addiction.

06-04-2008, 02:57 PM
Jews, blacks, asians, and irish are born that way. Gays choose their attractions.

Seriously though, if this gay guy is your best friend, then he could help to show you that butt-fucking is normal, natural, healthy and all that.

If this queer is truely Ray's friend, and I find it hard to believe this fucking jackoff has friend 1 on this earth besides vivid video and the porn channels on Direct TV, then Ray is the worst fucking friend this queer has...................an enabler.

Hagbard Celine
06-04-2008, 02:59 PM
Jews, blacks, asians, and irish are born that way. Gays choose their attractions.

Seriously though, if this gay guy is your best friend, then he could help to show you that butt-fucking is normal, natural, healthy and all that.

I don't really think you'd have any way of knowing that unless you were actually gay. Anything else is purely speculation.

06-04-2008, 03:03 PM
Yeah... pretty much everybody here knows he's fucking retarded... an admitted porn addict retard no less. I guess faggots and their sick sexual life style are just part of his porn addiction.

I truely cannot stand this piece of shit, i'd piss on his shoes and shove an unchalked pool cue up his ass if he were to run across me, what a total fucking lowlife, not even good enough to scrape cowshit off my Justin ropers.

I'd rather spend the night tied up in a herd of Berger bucking bulls with a salt lick tied to my balls and in heat heifer estrogen spread all over my ass than to have to spend 1 more minute with this fuck or 1 more day with him here on the board.

06-04-2008, 03:05 PM
I don't really think you'd have any way of knowing that unless you were actually gay. Anything else is purely speculation.

Hag how many times does this have to be explained? Hundreds of Millions of dollars and decades spent finding the queer genetic link and to date..................nothing, just speculation. What does that tell you?

I mean supposedly there is a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow too, haven't found it yet, you still think its there?

Hagbard Celine
06-04-2008, 03:09 PM
Hag how many times does this have to be explained? Hundreds of Millions of dollars and decades spent finding the queer genetic link and to date..................nothing, just speculation. What does that tell you?

I mean supposedly there is a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow too, haven't found it yet, you still think its there?

Same argument can be made about God man. My opinion is that it's not really my business. I'm not in the least bit curious about what causes it, but I do know that it's here to stay and the ones it affects claim they can't help it. Who am I to question, especially since it has absolutely no effect on me or mine?

06-04-2008, 03:13 PM
Same argument can be made about God man. My opinion is that it's not really my business. I'm not in the least bit curious about what causes it, but I do know that it's here to stay and the ones it affects claim they can't help it. Who am I to question, especially since it has absolutely no effect on me or mine?

Which goes back to my original argument i've stated for years, noone wants to take away their right to copulate with whomever they want to, but why the push to equate it with normalcy? Since queers are born with all the same inalienable rights that you and I have why the need to create "special rights" based upon a lifestyle choice they made?

If I made the choice to smoke weed instead of drink martinis should I be granted "special rights" based upon that choice?

Hagbard Celine
06-04-2008, 03:18 PM
Which goes back to my original argument i've stated for years, noone wants to take away their right to copulate with whomever they want to, but why the push to equate it with normalcy? Since queers are born with all the same inalienable rights that you and I have why the need to create "special rights" based upon a lifestyle choice they made?

If I made the choice to smoke weed instead of drink martinis should I be granted "special rights" based upon that choice?

They're not looking for normalcy. If they were, they'd "suck it up" and act straight. What they're looking for is legal rights. I say give 'em to them. What does it hurt? I don't think they're looking for special rights. They're looking for the same rights we have. We can marry any female who'll have us. Why can't they legally marry any person they choose?

Yes. I think smoking weed should be made legal. It also doesn't hurt anyone or anything. It's an arbitrary law that should be done away with.

06-04-2008, 03:20 PM
Why can't they legally marry any person they choose?

Because right is right and you can't ever change that.

Hagbard Celine
06-04-2008, 03:35 PM
Because right is right and you can't ever change that.

What's "right" is a matter of opinion and is subject to cultural change. History shows us that.

06-04-2008, 03:47 PM
What's "right" is a matter of opinion and is subject to cultural change. History shows us that.

Not this baby, ain't nothing ever gonna make this right.

06-04-2008, 04:04 PM
I don't really think you'd have any way of knowing that unless you were actually gay. Anything else is purely speculation. Exactly, which is why Marty should experience it for himself- you too.

Me however, being the closed-minded homophobe that I am, don't have to. The Bible says its an "obamanation", so it is.

06-04-2008, 04:07 PM
What's "right" is a matter of opinion and is subject to cultural change. History shows us that. That's the problems with you lib- er "progressives". There are no core values of right and wrong, only what feels good to you at the moment. First homosexuality, next pedophilia and bestiality.

Abbey Marie
06-04-2008, 04:16 PM
That's the problems with you lib- er "progressives". There are no core values of right and wrong, only what feels good to you at the moment. First homosexuality, next pedophilia and bestiality.

We're supposed to "bless" the beasts and the children, not screw them. :eek:

Hagbard Celine
06-04-2008, 05:02 PM
That's the problems with you lib- er "progressives". There are no core values of right and wrong, only what feels good to you at the moment. First homosexuality, next pedophilia and bestiality.

That's not true. I think lots of things are morally wrong. It's just that to me, if consenting adults want to do something sexual between themselves it's none of my business and I also feel no need to judge them as you apparently do. In my book, if it doesn't hurt others or affect me in any way, I shouldn't waste my time worrying about it.
And I don't understand why you always have to throw-in bestiality and pedophilia. I definately don't think pedophilia is moral or that it should be legal in any way, shape or form. Bestiality--if someone wants to sink that low then whatever man.
That said, those three things are very different and lumping them together is incredibly offensive. None of it is true and it makes you look like an ignorant yokel to say it so why do it? I guess your aim is just to be as insulting as possible, but it really makes no sense.

06-04-2008, 07:05 PM
That's not true. I think lots of things are morally wrong. It's just that to me, if consenting adults want to do something sexual between themselves it's none of my business and I also feel no need to judge them as you apparently do. In my book, if it doesn't hurt others or affect me in any way, I shouldn't waste my time worrying about it.
And I don't understand why you always have to throw-in bestiality and pedophilia. I definately don't think pedophilia is moral or that it should be legal in any way, shape or form. Bestiality--if someone wants to sink that low then whatever man.
That said, those three things are very different and lumping them together is incredibly offensive. None of it is true and it makes you look like an ignorant yokel to say it so why do it? I guess your aim is just to be as insulting as possible, but it really makes no sense.
Actually all three are related because they involve deviant sexual practices. I'm sorry if you find that offensive but better the truth than a lie.

06-04-2008, 07:41 PM
What's "right" is a matter of opinion and is subject to cultural change. History shows us that.

What's right is right and what's wrong isn't.......it doesn't change except in revisionist histories written by people desperate to justify their depravity.

Hagbard Celine
06-06-2008, 10:08 AM
What's right is right and what's wrong isn't.......it doesn't change except in revisionist histories written by people desperate to justify their depravity.

You make it seem as if these people are doing something criminal. I don't get it man. I really don't. Why do you think it's your place to judge or even to agree with what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedrooms? Why do you care to begin with and on top of that, why are you so adamantly against it? As if fighting it will make it go away. :laugh:

06-06-2008, 12:31 PM
You keep at it with that Straw Man Celine but you don't fool anyone except yourself.