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06-04-2008, 11:01 AM
Despite any and all objections to his, Obama deserves a chance to be President of the United States. He is far from perfect, but represents a much better option than Hanoi John McCain.
I like Obama's message from last night:

Gabriella --

I'm about to take the stage in St. Paul and announce that we have won the Democratic nomination for President of the United States.

It's been a long journey, and we should all pause to thank Hillary Clinton, who made history in this campaign. Our party and our country are better off because of her.

I want to make sure you understand what's ahead of us. Earlier tonight, John McCain outlined a vision of America that's very different from ours -- a vision that continues the disastrous policies of George W. Bush.

But this is our moment. This is our time. Our time to turn the page on the policies of the past and bring new energy and new ideas to the challenges we face. Our time to offer a new direction for the country we love.

It's going to take hard work, but thanks to you and millions of other donors and volunteers, no one has ever been more prepared for such a challenge.

Thank you for everything you've done to get us here. Let's keep making history.


06-04-2008, 11:05 AM
1)What disasterous policies has President Bush had?
2)Which of those policies does McCain plan to continue?

06-04-2008, 11:10 AM
He doesn't "deserve" anything. Neither does John McCain. What makes you think Obama "deserves" a chance to be President? Because he's Black? Because he's a Democrat? Because you don't pay enough in taxes? Because he's not a Republican? What is it about Obama that makes you think he is owed this opportunity?

If either of them are to attain the office, they will have to earn it. They will have to convince the American people that their vision, their policies are the right ones for this country. At this point, I don't think either one of them is right for the office.

06-04-2008, 11:14 AM
He deserves it because he is a good used car salesman and can talk people into anything....like throwing out the Constitution for his New World Order.

GW in Ohio
06-04-2008, 11:16 AM
1)What disasterous policies has President Bush had?
2)Which of those policies does McCain plan to continue?


06-04-2008, 11:17 AM


GW in Ohio
06-04-2008, 11:18 AM
He deserves it because he is a good used car salesman and can talk people into anything....like throwing out the Constitution for his New World Order.

Hawk: It should be illegal to be as dumb as you.

But this is America, where you are free to be as dumb as you wish.


Hagbard Celine
06-04-2008, 11:20 AM
1)What disasterous policies has President Bush had?
2)Which of those policies does McCain plan to continue?

That's right. Just continue on in your state of denial.
It's funny. When you watch tv or talk to anyone on the street, EVERYONE agrees on what the facts are except for the conservatives on this site.

06-04-2008, 11:26 AM
What is comes down to is that conservative white Americans don't want to vote for a black guy.
They will cast their vote for a bad-tempered white male who collaborated with the enemy, pisses on veteran's rights, wants thousands more Americans to die in an illegal and immoral war and supports the rights of illegal immigrants.
But they won't vote for a black guy.

06-04-2008, 11:31 AM

So, when Barrack talks about "Change" he could just say "Pull out of Iraq".

Why is he speaking in code? If "Change " is pulling out of Iraq why doesn't he make that his campaign slogan. It could be a catchy slogan ;"Obama - A Pull Out That Matters".

06-04-2008, 11:43 AM

Too true. And if McCain loses, Iraq will be why.

06-04-2008, 11:43 AM
That's right. Just continue on in your state of denial.
It's funny. When you watch tv or talk to anyone on the street, EVERYONE agrees on what the facts are except for the conservatives on this site.

Translation - blah blah blah, ba blah blah blah blah, I didn't answer the question, but I did ramble.

06-04-2008, 11:45 AM
What is comes down to is that conservative white Americans don't want to vote for a black guy.
They will cast their vote for a bad-tempered white male who collaborated with the enemy, pisses on veteran's rights, wants thousands more Americans to die in an illegal and immoral war and supports the rights of illegal immigrants.
But they won't vote for a black guy.

I'm calling "Bullshit" on this post.

I can't speak for anyone else, but as for me, I couldn't care less about the man's skin color. For that matter, I couldn't care less about gender, religion, or sexual orientation. I don't like his positions on the things that matter to me. That is why he will not get my vote. The same holds true for McCain. While some of his positions are not too far off from mine, on others that matter I find him to be weak. At this stage of the game, I'm either writing in a candidate or going with the Libertarian or Independent candidate. To change my mind, someone is going to have to do some serious work.

So take your "all conservatives are bigots" attitude and stuff it. http://smileys.on-my-web.com/repository/Tongue/making-fun-054.GIF

06-04-2008, 11:49 AM
Hawk: It should be illegal to be as dumb as you.

But this is America, where you are free to be as dumb as you wish.

:salute::420::salute:Hawk's not dumb- you are, and you just proved it.

06-04-2008, 11:52 AM
What is comes down to is that conservative white Americans don't want to vote for a black guy.
They will cast their vote for a bad-tempered white male who collaborated with the enemy, pisses on veteran's rights, wants thousands more Americans to die in an illegal and immoral war and supports the rights of illegal immigrants.
But they won't vote for a black guy.

What is comes down to is that liberal white Americans want to vote for a black guy.
They will cast their vote for a inexperienced, racist commie who collaborated with the enemy, pisses on veteran's rights, wants thousands more Americans to die by abortion and supports the rights of illegal immigrants.

Pale Rider
06-04-2008, 12:04 PM
What is comes down to is that conservative white Americans don't want to vote for a black guy.
They will cast their vote for a bad-tempered white male who collaborated with the enemy, pisses on veteran's rights, wants thousands more Americans to die in an illegal and immoral war and supports the rights of illegal immigrants.
But they won't vote for a black guy.

Naaaaaah... that ain't true gab, and you know it. I won't vote for hussein because I don't want my taxes to triple, I don't want twenty million illegal aliens to get amnesty, I don't want abortion legal, I want to keep my guns, and I don't want someone with absolutely zero foreign policy experience, is a racist extraordinaire, and has the most liberal voting record in history... that's why I won't vote for hussein. I won't vote for mccain because he'll give amnesty to twenty million illegal aliens, he buys into the global warming bull, and I feel we should work on extricating ourselves from this entanglement in Iraq instead of making plans to stay there for 100 years, and he reaches across the isle just a little too far for me. He's a sell out of true conservative ideas. So I won't vote for him either, and it's got nothing to do with skin color. It's got everything to do with issues.

But I excuse you for throwing out the race card. It's in the liberal hand book.

Abbey Marie
06-04-2008, 12:08 PM
Naaaaaah... that ain't true gab, and you know it. I won't vote for hussein because I don't want my taxes to triple, I don't want twenty million illegal aliens to get amnesty, I don't want abortion legal, I want to keep my guns, and I don't want someone with absolutely zero foreign policy experience, is a racist extraordinaire, and has the most liberal voting record in history... that's why I won't vote for hussein. I won't vote for mccain because he'll give amnesty to twenty million illegal aliens, he buys into the global warming bull, and I feel we should work on extricating ourselves from this entanglement in Iraq instead of making plans to stay there for 100 years, and he reaches across the isle just a little too far for me. He may as well be a sell out of true conservative ideas. So I won't vote for either, and it's got nothing to do with skin color. It's got everything to do with issues.

But I excuse you for throwing out the race card. It's in the liberal hand book.

Heck, Pale, given Obama's close associations with people like Rev. Wrong, and with his church, it could be argued that a vote for Obama is racist.

Pale Rider
06-04-2008, 12:09 PM
Heck, Pale, given Obama's close associations with people like Rev. Wrong, and with his church, it could be argued that a vote for Obama is racist.

Naaaaaah... not a black guy Ab... only white people can be racist.

06-04-2008, 12:11 PM
Here is a change Obama is presenting;

from last night's speech

to recruit an army of new teachers and give them better pay and more support; to finally decide that in this global economy, the chance to get a college education should not be a privilege for the wealthy few, but the birthright of every American. That's the change we need in America. That's why I'm running for President

link (http://www.dailykos.com/story/2008/6/3/20542/43784/234/528616)

So, now it is the federal government's role to hire teacher's? Sorry State and Local governments, Obama is the new sheriff in town.

I would argue that a chance to a college education is not a privilege for the wealthy few, that is just class envy politics, the same old tired rhetoric heard from the left. Nothing new, no big change, same old rhetoric. The politics of class envy, it has been in the left's playbook for years.

06-04-2008, 12:20 PM
Obama is the new sheriff in town.


06-04-2008, 12:27 PM
Despite any and all objections to his, Obama deserves a chance to be President of the United States. He is far from perfect, but represents a much better option than Hanoi John McCain.
I like Obama's message from last night:

those of us that served resent you 'hanoi McCain" slam. of course we realize libs like you hate the military anyway. so on on behalf of us FUCK YOU AND THE DONKEY YOU RODE IN ON

06-04-2008, 12:29 PM

Seriously, Iraq hasnt been a disaster.

Illegal Immigration, that's a disaster.

06-04-2008, 12:30 PM
That's right. Just continue on in your state of denial.
It's funny. When you watch tv or talk to anyone on the street, EVERYONE agrees on what the facts are except for the conservatives on this site.

yet you cant cite any "facts".

Unlike you and others I actually pay attention to things. You have to do more than repeat things over and over again to convince me that it's true.

06-04-2008, 12:32 PM
What is comes down to is that conservative white Americans don't want to vote for a black guy.
They will cast their vote for a bad-tempered white male who collaborated with the enemy, pisses on veteran's rights, wants thousands more Americans to die in an illegal and immoral war and supports the rights of illegal immigrants.
But they won't vote for a black guy.

Why do you assume its all about race? Most people I know couldnt care less about the fact that Barrack is half black. This is the problem with the left, you guys are so obsessed with identity that you'll swallow any bad policies the person has just as long as they look good. It's a bunch of bullcrap.

06-04-2008, 01:32 PM
What is comes down to is that conservative white Americans don't want to vote for a black guy.
They will cast their vote for a bad-tempered white male who collaborated with the enemy, pisses on veteran's rights, wants thousands more Americans to die in an illegal and immoral war and supports the rights of illegal immigrants.
But they won't vote for a black guy.

No, conservative white Americans don't want to vote for a shitbag liberal.

Its quite clear that race means everything to you.

What it really comes down to is liberal white Americans don't want to vote for a white man.
They will cast their vote for a well-spoken half-black male who got his blessings from a communist terrorist, pisses on the military, pisses on the Constitution, wants millions more fetuses to die and supports full taxpayer paid health care coverage of millions of illegal immigrants.

06-04-2008, 01:36 PM
Why do you assume its all about race? Most people I know couldnt care less about the fact that Barrack is half black. This is the problem with the left, you guys are so obsessed with identity that you'll swallow any bad policies the person has just as long as they look good. It's a bunch of bullcrap.

Its exactly what Ann Coulter predicted. Liberals like to get a "victim" to push their agendas. Barry is black and this is automatically a "victim" of decades of racism in America. You can't critize such victims or it means you're a heartless bastard, or in this case, racist.

06-04-2008, 02:42 PM
What is comes down to is that conservative white Americans don't want to vote for a black guy.
They will cast their vote for a bad-tempered white male who collaborated with the enemy, pisses on veteran's rights, wants thousands more Americans to die in an illegal and immoral war and supports the rights of illegal immigrants.
But they won't vote for a black guy.

Well heck I would have voted for Colin Powel in a heart beat.

I wonder why CONSERVATIVES wouldn't vote for an ultra LIBERAL.

Yep, must be a race thing. We're so racist afterall. I'm sure it's not the fact that he has no experience. Voted present 180 times while a senator. Hasn't done either job he was already elected to do, to busy climbing the ladder to bother.

Nope, your right gabby, it's the race thing.

06-04-2008, 05:57 PM
those of us that served resent you 'hanoi McCain" slam. of course we realize libs like you hate the military anyway. so on on behalf of us FUCK YOU AND THE DONKEY YOU RODE IN ON

Um....hypocrite much?
So why did "those of you who served" slam John Kerry so much? He served as honorably (probably more) than McCain. Yet you voted for a coward/draft dodger over him.
You totally resented Jane Fonda for her support of the North Vietnamese. But you don't resent McCain for doing the same thing.

Obviously, it is the political affiliation that has changed your mind. McCain pissed on his brethren in Viet Nam and further pissed on those seeking fair treatment for POW/MIA advocates.

No, it is YOU, dear Nam Vet, who is disgracing yourself and your fellow vets by supporting John McCain. You believe all the bullshit and are turning your back on the truth. You are a disgrace to your uniform and what it represents.

06-04-2008, 06:10 PM
Um....hypocrite much?
So why did "those of you who served" slam John Kerry so much? He served as honorably (probably more) than McCain. Yet you voted for a coward/draft dodger over him.
You totally resented Jane Fonda for her support of the North Vietnamese. But you don't resent McCain for doing the same thing.

Obviously, it is the political affiliation that has changed your mind. McCain pissed on his brethren in Viet Nam and further pissed on those seeking fair treatment for POW/MIA advocates.

No, it is YOU, dear Nam Vet, who is disgracing yourself and your fellow vets by supporting John McCain. You believe all the bullshit and are turning your back on the truth. You are a disgrace to your uniform and what it represents.

Kerry served a very short time in the military, lest than a year I believe, then came home and testified against his own service members as being cold blooded killers..He might as well have put the knife in their backs.

I hope you have some proof of all this you're are saying about McCain.
Cause when 200 swift boat vets came out and talked against Kerry, you all called them liars.

06-04-2008, 06:13 PM
I hope you have some proof of all this you're are saying about McCain.
Cause when 200 swift boat vets came out and talked against Kerry, you all called them liars.

If you want proof, look at a couple of other McCain threads that I posted. Former POWs who served with McCain testified to his willingness to collaborate with the enemy.

The "swift boat" charges against Kerry were disproved within months after they were made. Generally, they were liars. You just choose to forget this. Perhaps your brain has been frozen since then.

06-04-2008, 06:21 PM
If you want proof, look at a couple of other McCain threads that I posted. Former POWs who served with McCain testified to his willingness to collaborate with the enemy.

The "swift boat" charges against Kerry were disproved within months after they were made. Generally, they were liars. You just choose to forget this. Perhaps your brain has been frozen since then.

Oh really..so the swift boaters were proven liars, but these pow's you dug up are telling the ABSOLUTE TRUTH..

speaking of frozen brains..

06-04-2008, 07:15 PM
If you want proof, look at a couple of other McCain threads that I posted. Former POWs who served with McCain testified to his willingness to collaborate with the enemy.

The "swift boat" charges against Kerry were disproved within months after they were made. Generally, they were liars. You just choose to forget this. Perhaps your brain has been frozen since then.

yeah we'll wait for your proof. not your opinion. Kerry shot his self in the head for running for prez on just his war record alone. there's your sign. as far as my uniform goes I have an honorable discharge. so shove it

06-05-2008, 09:51 AM
Kerry served a very short time in the military, lest than a year I believe, then came home and testified against his own service members as being cold blooded killers..He might as well have put the knife in their backs.

I hope you have some proof of all this you're are saying about McCain.
Cause when 200 swift boat vets came out and talked against Kerry, you all called them liars.

Here are just a few links that expose the "swift boat" lies. There are others.
But knowing how content you are to live in your cocoon of hatred against anything non-conservative Republican, reading only right-wing blogs, I can't see you coming into the light anytime soon. That is why you won't enjoy Missouri. The outside world actually manages to creep through occasionally.




06-05-2008, 09:53 AM
as far as my uniform goes I have an honorable discharge. so shove it

Doesn't make you intelligent or give you the ability to render good decisions.

06-05-2008, 10:01 AM
Doesn't make you intelligent or give you the ability to render good decisions.

ill take 10 McCains to 1 limp dick black assed muslim anyday. and since your here you said McCain was a draft dodger???? we're all waiting for your useless reply.

06-05-2008, 10:08 AM
Here are just a few links that expose the "swift boat" lies. There are others.
But knowing how content you are to live in your cocoon of hatred against anything non-conservative Republican, reading only right-wing blogs, I can't see you coming into the light anytime soon. That is why you won't enjoy Missouri. The outside world actually manages to creep through occasionally.




now your posting lies. I was a swift boat member honey............

06-05-2008, 10:10 AM
Doesn't make you intelligent or give you the ability to render good decisions.

actually it does.....based on their training......and your training in decision making and crisis management while under stress was obtained from where.....

06-05-2008, 10:11 AM
I was a swift boat member honey............

Well, there you go. Now I know the swift boat group was lying.

Because all those sources are lying, and you are telling the truth.
No wonder the GOP is in trouble.
Either that, or you need help with the Agent Orange effects.

06-05-2008, 10:16 AM
Well, there you go. Now I know the swift boat group was lying.

Because all those sources are lying, and you are telling the truth.
No wonder the GOP is in trouble.
Either that, or you need help with the Agent Orange effects.

and we shot scary Kerry in the head. mission accomplished honey........

06-05-2008, 10:40 AM
and we shot scary Kerry in the head. mission accomplished honey........

Apparently you missed big time: Kerry is a U.S. Senator currently.

Our military: all talk, never winning nothing.

06-05-2008, 11:22 AM
Apparently you missed big time: Kerry is a U.S. Senator currently.

Our military: all talk, never winning nothing.

a senator is the same as a prez of course. glad you misinformed us.

06-05-2008, 11:46 AM
What is comes down to is that conservative white Americans don't want to vote for a black guy.
They will cast their vote for a bad-tempered white male who collaborated with the enemy, pisses on veteran's rights, wants thousands more Americans to die in an illegal and immoral war and supports the rights of illegal immigrants.
But they won't vote for a black guy.

WRONG, I would vote for J.C. Watts if he were running.

I just won't vote for a LIBERAL no matter his skin color. I won't vote for a Democrat no matter how conservative he claimed to be either because of the Dems platform. Skin color has nothing at all to do with it.

06-05-2008, 12:30 PM
a senator is the same as a prez of course. glad you misinformed us.

Oh, say, did I misinform us? Nope, because you said:

and we shot scary Kerry in the head. mission accomplished honey........

And I pointed out that you didn't shoot Kerry at all, none of you Vietnam veterans managed to shoot him, however hard you may have tried or wished you could. IF you are an assassin and a murderer, your aim is terrible, and don't expect bin Laden to hire you to murder American politicians, because nobody is going to hire some burned out vet who talks up shooting American politicians but whose reality apparently exists entirely in his own diseased imagination.

Posters generally ---------- I think this wild and probably criminal talk of shooting major American politicans is pretty terrible and I don't care to be associated with it. I think the managers of this site ought to consider how much good it does you all legally to have worthless nothings come on here and talk about shooting major presidential candidates.

06-05-2008, 12:39 PM
If you want proof, look at a couple of other McCain threads that I posted. Former POWs who served with McCain testified to his willingness to collaborate with the enemy.

The "swift boat" charges against Kerry were disproved within months after they were made. Generally, they were liars. You just choose to forget this. Perhaps your brain has been frozen since then.

I've seen interviews with McCain's cellmate. He said the accusations are absurd.



Don't let the facts hit you on your ass on the way out. :scared:

06-05-2008, 12:51 PM
No hiding how much the Libs on this board hate our military but even more so how much they hate those who served. You all should be ashamed of yourselves. Oh wait you're Liberals, you have no shame.

My hats off to anyone who served honorably. Thank you! Thanks Nam Vet for your service.

06-05-2008, 01:00 PM
Oh, say, did I misinform us? Nope, because you said:

And I pointed out that you didn't shoot Kerry at all, none of you Vietnam veterans managed to shoot him, however hard you may have tried or wished you could. IF you are an assassin and a murderer, your aim is terrible, and don't expect bin Laden to hire you to murder American politicians, because nobody is going to hire some burned out vet who talks up shooting American politicians but whose reality apparently exists entirely in his own diseased imagination.

Posters generally ---------- I think this wild and probably criminal talk of shooting major American politicans is pretty terrible and I don't care to be associated with it. I think the managers of this site ought to consider how much good it does you all legally to have worthless nothings come on here and talk about shooting major presidential candidates.


GW in Ohio
06-05-2008, 01:20 PM
Hawk's not dumb- you are, and you just proved it.

Oh, piss off.

And take off your cheerleader skirt and those cute little saddle shoes.

I imagine the Hawk can fight his own battles.

06-05-2008, 01:23 PM
Oh, piss off.

And take off your cheerleader skirt and those cute little saddle shoes.

I imagine the Hawk can fight his own battles.

I'm sure he can clean your clock as easly as I have.

GW in Ohio
06-05-2008, 01:31 PM
I'm sure he can clean your clock as easly as I have.

You're a legend in your own mind, glockie.

When I read your posts here, and hear about how you win every argument and vanquish every liberal you encounter, I think maybe you ought to run for public office.

What do you say?

06-05-2008, 01:42 PM
You're a legend in your own mind, glockie.

When I read your posts here, and hear about how you win every argument and vanquish every liberal you encounter, I think maybe you ought to run for public office.

What do you say? I've already held political offices, two of them actually. But let’s not digress from the subject at hand.

How often have I issued a direct challenge to your positions and you've run away? I've lost count.

GW in Ohio
06-05-2008, 02:02 PM
I've already held political offices, two of them actually. But let’s not digress from the subject at hand.

How often have I issued a direct challenge to your positions and you've run away? I've lost count.

glockie: You ask rhetorical questions, or questions about something said on another thread 300 posts earlier.

I'm sorry if I don't always respond to you. I must be a sore disappointment to you.

I often lose sleep thinking about it.

06-05-2008, 02:05 PM
glockie: You ask rhetorical questions, or questions about something said on another thread 300 posts earlier.

I'm sorry if I don't always respond to you. I must be a sore disappointment to you.

I often lose sleep thinking about it.

Actually GW, your pattern is like this: toss a bomb, I call you on it, you try to deflect, I call you on it, then you move on.

06-05-2008, 04:55 PM
how can you call him hanoi john mccain, that is disgraceful!

Despite any and all objections to his, Obama deserves a chance to be President of the United States. He is far from perfect, but represents a much better option than Hanoi John McCain.
I like Obama's message from last night:

06-05-2008, 05:02 PM
how can you call him hanoi john mccain, that is disgraceful!

brain fart. Hanoi Jane

06-05-2008, 05:30 PM
Hanoi Jane Fonda and Hanoi John McCain need to get together and compare notes. Perhaps they appeased the same people and don't know it.

06-05-2008, 05:45 PM
Hanoi Jane Fonda and Hanoi John McCain need to get together and compare notes. Perhaps they appeased the same people and don't know it.

you apporve of Hanoi Jane and what she did. ok

06-05-2008, 08:45 PM
you apporve of Hanoi Jane and what she did. ok

And I said this...where? Obviously, your powers of perception are right down there with your level of intelligence. Below the belt.

06-05-2008, 08:47 PM
And I said this...where? Obviously, your powers of perception are right down there with your level of intelligence. Below the belt.

you said McCain was a draft dodger. explain please

06-05-2008, 08:52 PM
Hanoi Jane Fonda and Hanoi John McCain need to get together and compare notes. Perhaps they appeased the same people and don't know it.

Are you implying some kind of similarity between Fonda and McCain in dealing with the North Vietnamese...???
Normally you're a drive by poster but...

I'll wanna bat that around with you if you like...

06-05-2008, 08:55 PM
Are you implying some kind of similarity between Fonda and McCain in dealing with the North Vietnamese...???
Normally you're a drive by poster but...

I'll wanna bat that around with you if you like...

I think thats drive by troll.

06-05-2008, 09:34 PM
I think thats drive by troll.

Gabby likes to make provocative posts and then run like hell....I have yet to see her stick around and clarify or defend a position or get into a prolonged debate of any kind.....but to be fair, I won't put her on my troll list yet....

06-05-2008, 10:27 PM
you said McCain was a draft dodger. explain please

I never said McCain was a draft dodger. I was referring to Bush and Cheney in the previous election. Both of whom famously shirked their obligation.

06-06-2008, 01:29 AM
I never said McCain was a draft dodger. I was referring to Bush and Cheney in the previous election. Both of whom famously shirked their obligation.

President Bush served, a hell of a lot more than your boy has, and Vice President Cheney didn't qualify because of health problems. What has Obammy done for anyone but herself......err, his self.

For that matter, have you been to South Chicago, the area Obammessiah represented as a State punk Senator? It's a shit hole, he promised to CHANGE that place too. A self serving, empty, slimy suit.

06-06-2008, 05:35 AM
President Bush served, a hell of a lot more than your boy has, and Vice President Cheney didn't qualify because of health problems. What has Obammy done for anyone but herself......err, his self.

For that matter, have you been to South Chicago, the area Obammessiah represented as a State punk Senator? It's a shit hole, he promised to CHANGE that place too. A self serving, empty, slimy suit.
Remember the anti-Dukakis commercial with the shots of bloated dead fish in filthy Boston Harbor? Get ready for some great ones about Obama's district. :laugh2:

06-06-2008, 07:17 AM
What is comes down to is that conservative white Americans don't want to vote for a black guy.
They will cast their vote for a bad-tempered white male who collaborated with the enemy, pisses on veteran's rights, wants thousands more Americans to die in an illegal and immoral war and supports the rights of illegal immigrants.
But they won't vote for a black guy.

And considering that all the Democrats can talk about is their "female candidate" or their "black candidate." From where I stand, it's the Democrats who are the racists and sexists. Hell, look at how their constituents voted during the primaries and you'll see that blacks voted overwhelmingly for Obama while female voters squarely backed Clinton.

When I see people like Gabs bellyaching about conservatives being racist, I tend to believe that Gabs and her ilk are projecting their own racist (and sexist) beliefs onto others.

GW in Ohio
06-06-2008, 12:34 PM
President Bush served, a hell of a lot more than your boy has, and Vice President Cheney didn't qualify because of health problems. What has Obammy done for anyone but herself......err, his self.

For that matter, have you been to South Chicago, the area Obammessiah represented as a State punk Senator? It's a shit hole, he promised to CHANGE that place too. A self serving, empty, slimy suit.

Bush went to a few meetings of the Texas ANG (while Kerry was serving in the 'Nam). Then Bush got himself transfered to the Alabama ANG and nobody remembers him showing up for anything.

I'd like to know more about Cheney's "medical deferment."

06-08-2008, 12:19 AM
you know you are full of shite, you offer "proof" for one assertions and NO proof for the other. that you are a bigot, snob, prick, is not to be dealt with, because your viewpoints/opinions are sacrosanct.

What is comes down to is that conservative white Americans don't want to vote for a black guy.
They will cast their vote for a bad-tempered white male who collaborated with the enemy, pisses on veteran's rights, wants thousands more Americans to die in an illegal and immoral war and supports the rights of illegal immigrants.
But they won't vote for a black guy.

If you want proof, look at a couple of other McCain threads that I posted. Former POWs who served with McCain testified to his willingness to collaborate with the enemy.

The "swift boat" charges against Kerry were disproved within months after they were made. Generally, they were liars. You just choose to forget this. Perhaps your brain has been frozen since then.

you see, you offer proof for something, but not another. because you are full of crap, on both counts btw. but you have a get out of jail card with the racist bit don't you....

you will regret this, voting with 'feelings' is wrong, you of all people should know this given your education.

06-08-2008, 03:46 AM
Bush went to a few meetings of the Texas ANG (while Kerry was serving in the 'Nam). Then Bush got himself transfered to the Alabama ANG and nobody remembers him showing up for anything.

I'd like to know more about Cheney's "medical deferment."

President Bush flew F-102 Delta Daggers for the Air National Guard, just sitting in one of those pieces of shit to start it was more dangerous than anything Kerry did in his 4 months in Vietnam. Oh wait, that's right, he threw a grenade in a load of rice and got rice shrapnel in his ass....... what a badass.:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2: His whole tour was filmed so he could use it for political hay which he did ad nauseum.

here are a few facts about the danger of flying the first supersonic interceptor.....


Even in peacetime conditions, F-102 pilots risked their lives on every flight. Only highly-qualified pilot candidates were accepted for Delta Dagger training because it was such a challenging aircraft to fly and left little room for mistakes. According to the Air Force Safety Center, the lifetime Class A accident rate for the F-102 was 13.69 mishaps per 100,000 flight hours, much higher than the average for today's combat aircraft. For example, the F-16 has an accident rate of 4.14, the F-15 is at 2.47, the F-117 at 4.07, the S-3 at 2.6, and the F-18 at 4.9. Even the Marine Corps' AV-8B, regarded as the most dangerous aircraft in US service today, has a lifetime accident rate of only 11.44 mishaps per 100,000 flight hours. The F-102 claimed the lives of many pilots, including a number stationed at Ellington during Bush's tenure. Of the 875 F-102A production models that entered service, 259 were lost in accidents that killed 70 Air Force and ANG pilots.

06-08-2008, 09:17 AM
Bush went to a few meetings of the Texas ANG (while Kerry was serving in the 'Nam). Then Bush got himself transfered to the Alabama ANG and nobody remembers him showing up for anything.

I'd like to know more about Cheney's "medical deferment."

Who gives a shit about Cheney, we didn' elect him President.

We've yet to hear about Obama's service. :poke:

06-08-2008, 10:58 AM
Obama was never drafted.
Cheney applied for (and was granted) five different deferment. When asked, Cheney replied "I had much more important things to do at that time that serve in the military."
Bush, being the pussy he was at the time, also avoided the draft.

06-08-2008, 11:01 AM
Obama was never drafted.
Cheney applied for (and was granted) five different deferment. When asked, Cheney replied "I had much more important things to do at that time that serve in the military."
Bush, being the pussy he was at the time, also avoided the draft.

Obama was never drafted :laugh2::lol:

06-08-2008, 11:24 AM
What is comes down to is that conservative white Americans don't want to vote for a black guy.
They will cast their vote for a bad-tempered white male who collaborated with the enemy, pisses on veteran's rights, wants thousands more Americans to die in an illegal and immoral war and supports the rights of illegal immigrants.
But they won't vote for a black guy.

Gab, You shopuld be absolutely ashamed of yourself.........but of course you are not. John McCain did not colaberate with the enemy. Let me explain something to you. Have you ever been tortured? I don't mean tortured by the feeling you will get when you read my reply to your senseless statement and know that whatever rhetorical answer you can fathom will be baseless and leave you short of supporting your cruel irresponsible statement about one of the greatest military offerings of selfless servature in American history.
I mean REAL torture. The kind Mr. McCain recieved when he was captured in Viet Nam. He was beaten regularly after recieving a bogus operation in which ligaments were purposely severed. His arm was broken so badly it remains 50% useless to this day. does he complain? NO, He thanks his country for saving him!

Gabby. You are a coward. I know (and so do you) that you would run in face of an enemy. You would hide. You know that. That person who looks at you in the mirror tells you that every time you look at yourself.

Being broken by the enemy is not colaberation. The man who was in charge of the Hanoy Hilton later said of John McCain that he was the toughest most resistant prisoner who ever was imprisoned there. I would think he a wee bit more qualified to make this judgement than your sorry ass.

You know, I've been visiting here for goinbg on four years if you count the old board. Only twice has someone put me in the frame of mind to personally insult them as I have you. You can go back and read my posts and find that I make it a point to never namecall or insult. You have a history of nothing but that. You are a troublemaking coward. I feel confident that if the opportunity ever presented itself for you to defend our country you would RUN which takes a shit on everything you have ever said here.

I come on and read very often however you can see that I post very rarely. I can say this. I will never respond to a single thing you say or [post here again. I wopuld encourage the rest of you to do the same thing.

I am not a John McCain supporter. I am a Libertarian. I would never however make such an unpatriotic statement about such a giving person as Mr. McCain.

Shame on you!!!!!

06-08-2008, 01:35 PM
Gab, You shopuld be absolutely ashamed of yourself.........but of course you are not. John McCain did not colaberate with the enemy. Let me explain something to you. Have you ever been tortured? I don't mean tortured by the feeling you will get when you read my reply to your senseless statement and know that whatever rhetorical answer you can fathom will be baseless and leave you short of supporting your cruel irresponsible statement about one of the greatest military offerings of selfless servature in American history.
I mean REAL torture. The kind Mr. McCain recieved when he was captured in Viet Nam. He was beaten regularly after recieving a bogus operation in which ligaments were purposely severed. His arm was broken so badly it remains 50% useless to this day. does he complain? NO, He thanks his country for saving him!

Gabby. You are a coward. I know (and so do you) that you would run in face of an enemy. You would hide. You know that. That person who looks at you in the mirror tells you that every time you look at yourself.

Being broken by the enemy is not colaberation. The man who was in charge of the Hanoy Hilton later said of John McCain that he was the toughest most resistant prisoner who ever was imprisoned there. I would think he a wee bit more qualified to make this judgement than your sorry ass.

You know, I've been visiting here for goinbg on four years if you count the old board. Only twice has someone put me in the frame of mind to personally insult them as I have you. You can go back and read my posts and find that I make it a point to never namecall or insult. You have a history of nothing but that. You are a troublemaking coward. I feel confident that if the opportunity ever presented itself for you to defend our country you would RUN which takes a shit on everything you have ever said here.

I come on and read very often however you can see that I post very rarely. I can say this. I will never respond to a single thing you say or [post here again. I wopuld encourage the rest of you to do the same thing.

I am not a John McCain supporter. I am a Libertarian. I would never however make such an unpatriotic statement about such a giving person as Mr. McCain.

Shame on you!!!!!

Don't waste your time emmett- the gal has no shame.

06-08-2008, 03:17 PM
But what about the prisoners who were tortured, but never broke? What about the prisoners who were not in a position to curry favor with the enemy?
I am confused about the GOP extremists who continue to believe the "swift boat" lies about John Kerry, even though they have been disproved, but won't consider any of the allegations against John McCain. Perhaps the party affiliation has something to do with it.

And what about McCain's disdain for POW/MIA groups, and is votes against veterans rights?
John McCain is a disgusting individual and a disgrace to this country.

06-08-2008, 03:23 PM
But what about the prisoners who were tortured, but never broke? What about the prisoners who were not in a position to curry favor with the enemy?
I am confused about the GOP extremists who continue to believe the "swift boat" lies about John Kerry, even though they have been disproved, but won't consider any of the allegations against John McCain. Perhaps the party affiliation has something to do with it.

And what about McCain's disdain for POW/MIA groups, and is votes against veterans rights?
John McCain is a disgusting individual and a disgrace to this country.

You are a clown parrot of the left. Gabby want a cracker?:finger3:

06-08-2008, 03:29 PM
So says the American conservative Jihadist. Preaching hate and death, whatever the cost.

06-08-2008, 04:18 PM
So says the American conservative Jihadist. Preaching hate and death, whatever the cost.

Are you talking to me parrot? Try using the quote button, Psycho hasn't figured it out but that's because he's a drunk, what is your excuse. Gabby want a no-salt cracker(you are a Californian after all).:fu::upyours::321::dev3::finger3::D

06-08-2008, 05:01 PM
she's crazier than shit house rat !!!!!!!!!!!!!

06-08-2008, 05:03 PM
:clap: :clap: :clap:

He doesn't "deserve" anything. Neither does John McCain. What makes you think Obama "deserves" a chance to be President? Because he's Black? Because he's a Democrat? Because you don't pay enough in taxes? Because he's not a Republican? What is it about Obama that makes you think he is owed this opportunity?

If either of them are to attain the office, they will have to earn it. They will have to convince the American people that their vision, their policies are the right ones for this country. At this point, I don't think either one of them is right for the office.

06-08-2008, 05:04 PM
:laugh2: :lol: :coffee:

Are you talking to me parrot? Try using the quote button, Psycho hasn't figured it out but that's because he's a drunk, what is your excuse. Gabby want a no-salt cracker(you are a Californian after all).:fu::upyours::321::dev3::finger3::D