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View Full Version : Readers slam McClellan book

06-05-2008, 11:38 PM
Here is something that should warm your collective hearts and minds:

I was reading the first set of reviews for Scott McClellan's Bush Bash Book. It made me glad that I didn't pre-order or buy it when I saw it.
Bush loyalists slam McClellan for his lack of loyalty and for selling out his former boss for monetary compensation. Anti-Bush readers are asking "if you knew all this was going on, why didn't you say so sooner? You lied for three years, but are now recanting to make money."

The basic complaint is that there is nothing new presented. Much of what McClellan "discloses" has already been reported in the alternative media. He spends too much time discussing his upbringing and how he got his job and too little relating actual facts.
Some politicos also believe McClellan is withholding more sensitive information, so to not burn all of his bridges at the same time.

File under: It seemed like a good idea at the time.

06-06-2008, 12:05 AM
he was once a liar and a stooge....now he is the messiah.....but enough about obama......lets talk about scott.....oh wait.....

06-06-2008, 01:04 AM
This news doesn't do shit for my mind or heart..I couldn't care less.
But, watching the libs and media "cream their jeans" over this book and Scotty McClellan, has been a real hoot.:cool:

Hagbard Celine
06-06-2008, 09:07 AM
This news doesn't do shit for my mind or heart..I couldn't care less.
But, watching the libs and media "cream their jeans" over this book and Scotty McClellan, has been a real hoot.:cool:

Oops! I creamed my jeans.

06-06-2008, 09:49 AM
I doubt I will buy the book, too much good stuff out there to waste time reading what you know. He is interesting in his retelling of the Plame affair, proves what liars Cheney et. al. are, and confirms they purposely broke a law for which they should be in jail. Of course to the wingnuts lying about blow jobs trumps tyranny and putting a fellow American in danger.

Hagbard Celine
06-06-2008, 10:02 AM
Why would anybody read about something they already know?

06-06-2008, 08:37 PM
Why would reading another opinion of the same accusations somehow constitute "proof" to even a moron like midcan5....
Another opinion isn't proof of anything, except to show another body on your side....