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View Full Version : Israel warns Iran: enough

06-06-2008, 10:48 AM
JERUSALEM — Israel will attack Iran if it doesn't abandon its nuclear program, a Cabinet minister hoping to replace embattled Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was quoted Friday as saying.

what are they waiting for??? just do it !!!!!

source (source)

06-06-2008, 10:55 AM
Amen to that! We need to quit tying Israels hands and let them sort out their problems while we support them with weapons and whatever other resources they need. By the way I think we have the same problems as they do.

Hagbard Celine
06-06-2008, 10:59 AM
You guys are talking about WWIII.

06-06-2008, 11:32 AM
before they attack they need to shoot the media !!!!!

06-06-2008, 12:35 PM
You guys are talking about WWIII.

really?.........as opposed to the WW3 that started when Israel bombed Syria last winter?......

Hagbard Celine
06-06-2008, 12:40 PM
really?.........as opposed to the WW3 that started when Israel bombed Syria last winter?......

I was unaware that that conflict had expanded to include the entire world.

In reference to "really?," Yes, I think so. If Israel attacked Iran, Iran is big enough to defend itself and with all the anti-semitic rhetoric they've been dishing-out, along with the rest of the Muslim world, Israel would need help from it's allies (Us and Europe and Japan)--then Iran would drag China into the fray. Then if one person got up, we'd all get up and it'd be anarchy!

I've put it really simplistically, but I think it would go something like that.

06-06-2008, 12:53 PM
I'm going with Hag on this one. after the first strike, it will be a domino effect. one thing will just lead to another till we are all going at it.

and don't forget Russia. i can see Russia more than China. that Putin guy is a hard line old Sovie type.

06-06-2008, 05:24 PM
Unfortunately, there are still people on this board who are outright stupid enough to believe that any nation can "win" a nuclear exchange.
Attention: Any nuclear exchange and the world as we know it is over.

Footnote to Israel's threat: How come, when Iran's PM made his famous statement about "wiping Israel off the map," the western powers were up in arms. But yet there is no outcry when Israel threatens Iran?

Not than any of this matters. According to The Dawn, Pakistan has already pledged to support any Middle East nation that is attacked. Pakistan has nuclear warheads that could be launched on Tel Aviv and wipe out the entire nation within an hour.
Pakistan is on friendly terms with Russia and China.

Do we want to take that chance?

06-06-2008, 05:31 PM
Unfortunately, there are still people on this board who are outright stupid enough to believe that any nation can "win" a nuclear exchange.
Attention: Any nuclear exchange and the world as we know it is over.

Footnote to Israel's threat: How come, when Iran's PM made his famous statement about "wiping Israel off the map," the western powers were up in arms. But yet there is no outcry when Israel threatens Iran?

Not than any of this matters. According to The Dawn, Pakistan has already pledged to support any Middle East nation that is attacked. Pakistan has nuclear warheads that could be launched on Tel Aviv and wipe out the entire nation within an hour.
Pakistan is on friendly terms with Russia and China.

Do we want to take that chance?
Where was the 'up in arms' from the Western press? Got some links? Seriously, most from the West, US exempted agrees with Iran.

06-06-2008, 05:36 PM
I don't agree with either of them. I believe both of them are terrorist nations.
Our policy should be that neither should attack the other. Since it could lead to a cataclysmic nuclear exchange.

My personal feeling: Leave them alone to battle and wipe out each other.

06-06-2008, 06:24 PM
I don't agree with either of them. I believe both of them are terrorist nations.
Our policy should be that neither should attack the other. Since it could lead to a cataclysmic nuclear exchange.

My personal feeling: Leave them alone to battle and wipe out each other.

WTF --You just finished saying
Unfortunately, there are still people on this board who are outright stupid enough to believe that any nation can "win" a nuclear exchange.
Attention: Any nuclear exchange and the world as we know it is over.

yet now you think it's fine to
Leave them alone to battle and wipe out each other

What in the hell do you think they are going to use? Slingshots ?????

06-06-2008, 06:43 PM
Unfortunately, there are still people on this board who are outright stupid enough to believe that any nation can "win" a nuclear exchange.
Attention: Any nuclear exchange and the world as we know it is over.

Who said anything about a nuclear exchange? Israel didn't use nukes against Iraq or Syria. No one wants a nuclear war thats why Iran needs to be stopped.

06-06-2008, 06:52 PM
what are they waiting for??? just do it !!!!!

source (source)

Have you learnt nothing from war? No good ever comes of it, and in any situation were it can be avoided it should be. I am amazed that as a nam vet. you are endorsing this move, ain't it meant to be the other way round? i'm meant to be the young pro-war fool, and you're meant to be the 'been there done that' vet. tryin to warn younger generations of the horrors of war.

06-06-2008, 06:55 PM
First of all, there was no mention of nukes being used by anyone. Israel will make a conventional strike against iran's nuclear facilities. What iran choses to do from there will be decisive, but they can't escalate the war to a level they don't have. After all everyone says they don't have nukes...yet. And they say they are only developing nukes for power sources.

If Israel attacks iran does that mean all the arab countries will hate Israel? I'm sure Israel is real concerned about that. Will the rest of the world condemn Israel for the action? Absolutely. They will all breath a sigh of relief as well. Will iran be able to retaliate? No, they can't reach Isreal without passing through other countries. They will increase hezbo's and hama's attacks. The pressure will be on syria then to honor agreements with iran. That will be interesting.

The only way the US will be directly involved will be if iran decides to retaliate against us in the gulf. In which case russia and china will have to stay out of it. pakistan is still under the rule of masharif. We don't have to worry about them until he is ousted.

06-06-2008, 06:59 PM
Who said anything about a nuclear exchange? Israel didn't use nukes against Iraq or Syria. No one wants a nuclear war thats why Iran needs to be stopped.

What makes you believe that Iran is building nuclear weapons?
It is actually a long and complicated process. I think if Iran or any of its neighbors really wanted nuclear weapons, they could just obtain them from Russia.

Also, there is a difference between building/obtaining nukes and using them. India and Pakistan both have nuclear capability and have been at each other's throats for 30 years. Neither has yet to pull the trigger.

The whole "we have to stop them before they destroy us!" is a scare tactic for war-thirsty militant right wingers. They want an excuse to demonstrate their military powers. Again...

Mr. P
06-06-2008, 07:29 PM
IMO.....Israel WILL make this strike before our Nov. election while they still have logistical support (aerial re-fueling).

06-06-2008, 10:03 PM
First of all, there was no mention of nukes being used by anyone. Israel will make a conventional strike against iran's nuclear facilities. What iran choses to do from there will be decisive, but they can't escalate the war to a level they don't have. After all everyone says they don't have nukes...yet. And they say they are only developing nukes for power sources.

If Israel attacks iran does that mean all the arab countries will hate Israel? I'm sure Israel is real concerned about that. Will the rest of the world condemn Israel for the action? Absolutely. They will all breath a sigh of relief as well. Will iran be able to retaliate? No, they can't reach Isreal without passing through other countries. They will increase hezbo's and hama's attacks. The pressure will be on syria then to honor agreements with iran. That will be interesting.

The only way the US will be directly involved will be if iran decides to retaliate against us in the gulf. In which case russia and china will have to stay out of it. pakistan is still under the rule of masharif. We don't have to worry about them until he is ousted.

If Iran decides to respond with conventional aircraft, they will have to fly over a number of US airbases in Iraq and the surrounding countries. They will not make it to their target. I feel we will react to protect our ally, we have to. The scary thing is what will the Soviets do. I fully believe what Revelations says and feel the attack that starts the ball rolling to the end times will come from the north (Russia).


06-06-2008, 10:06 PM
Unfortunately, there are still people on this board who are outright stupid enough to believe that any nation can "win" a nuclear exchange.
Attention: Any nuclear exchange and the world as we know it is over.

Footnote to Israel's threat: How come, when Iran's PM made his famous statement about "wiping Israel off the map," the western powers were up in arms. But yet there is no outcry when Israel threatens Iran?

Not than any of this matters. According to The Dawn, Pakistan has already pledged to support any Middle East nation that is attacked. Pakistan has nuclear warheads that could be launched on Tel Aviv and wipe out the entire nation within an hour.
Pakistan is on friendly terms with Russia and China.

Do we want to take that chance?

Not true...Japan is still around.

06-06-2008, 10:11 PM
You guys are talking about WWIII.

a low grade wwiii has been in progress since carter.....

hasn't israle blown up reactors before.........

06-06-2008, 10:20 PM
a low grade wwiii has been in progress since carter.....

hasn't israle blown up reactors before.........

Yes, early 80's in Iraq.

WWIII will come,we cannot do anything to stop it. But we can try to diffuse situations that will hasten its coming. I don't know if we can stop Israel from doing what it wants to do.


06-06-2008, 10:22 PM
Yes, early 80's in Iraq.

WWIII will come,we cannot do anything to stop it. But we can try to diffuse situations that will hasten its coming. I don't know if we can stop Israel from doing what it wants to do.


and didn't they just blow up one in syria......

06-06-2008, 10:37 PM
and didn't they just blow up one in syria......

If you listen to Syria, it wasn't a reactor. But I think you are correct.


06-06-2008, 11:50 PM
If Israel launches a military strike without just and reasonable cause, the U.S. would be stupid to assist them. We have already started one war. Why help start another?

If Israel wants to attack, they should go at it alone. With no assistance from any other nation. Why should we aid an aggressor terrorist state?

The U.S. has heavily armed Saudi Arabia and a few other Middle East nations. They could effectively surround and blockade Israeli as a counter strike.

Why would the U.S. be bound to assist an aggressor who started a war? How many Israeli troops are in the Middle East?

An Israeli attack on Iran or Syria would signal their demise.

06-06-2008, 11:55 PM
If Israel launches a military strike without just and reasonable cause, the U.S. would be stupid to assist them. We have already started one war. Why help start another?

If Israel wants to attack, they should go at it alone. With no assistance from any other nation. Why should we aid an aggressor terrorist state?

The U.S. has heavily armed Saudi Arabia and a few other Middle East nations. They could effectively surround and blockade Israeli as a counter strike.

Why would the U.S. be bound to assist an aggressor who started a war? How many Israeli troops are in the Middle East?

An Israeli attack on Iran or Syria would signal their demise.

israel has bombed both iran and syria in the past decade and defeated all the arab nations twice.....

06-07-2008, 12:21 AM
If Israel launches a military strike without just and reasonable cause, the U.S. would be stupid to assist them. We have already started one war. Why help start another?

If Israel wants to attack, they should go at it alone. With no assistance from any other nation. Why should we aid an aggressor terrorist state?

The U.S. has heavily armed Saudi Arabia and a few other Middle East nations. They could effectively surround and blockade Israeli as a counter strike.

Why would the U.S. be bound to assist an aggressor who started a war? How many Israeli troops are in the Middle East?

An Israeli attack on Iran or Syria would signal their demise.

It may signal a lot of things, but it will not be their demise. They will be standing over any country that attacks them, if you believe the word (which I do).

We are their #1 ally, we will do what is necessary to assist them if and when they decide to remove the threat that a nuc. reactor is in any neighboring country.


06-07-2008, 01:25 AM
If Israel launches a military strike without just and reasonable cause, the U.S. would be stupid to assist them. We have already started one war. Why help start another?

If Israel wants to attack, they should go at it alone. With no assistance from any other nation. Why should we aid an aggressor terrorist state?

We didn't start the war but hopefully we will finish it.

Wow you are really anti-Israel. Do you hate Jews or just Israel? You keep referring to Israel as terrorists.

06-07-2008, 05:44 AM
How many Israeli troops are in the Middle East?

uh, all of them.......

06-07-2008, 09:36 AM
If Israel launches a military strike without just and reasonable cause, the U.S. would be stupid to assist them. We have already started one war. Why help start another?

If Israel wants to attack, they should go at it alone. With no assistance from any other nation. Why should we aid an aggressor terrorist state?

The U.S. has heavily armed Saudi Arabia and a few other Middle East nations. They could effectively surround and blockade Israeli as a counter strike.

Why would the U.S. be bound to assist an aggressor who started a war? How many Israeli troops are in the Middle East?

An Israeli attack on Iran or Syria would signal their demise.

iran has threatened to wipe Israel off the map. They are building nuclear weapons to do just that. I think that is just cause for Israel to strike. What war have we started? Are you referring to going into iraq after they failed to live up to their cease fire agreements for 12 years. That was just a continuation.

The arab countries already surround Israel and attempt to blockade them at every point. The arabs are not innocent victims dominated by big bad Israel. Exactly what war did Israel start? Do you have any idea where Israel is on the world map. You really should look it up. Then you wouldn't ask silly questions like the one above.

The latest attack on syria was played down as a fly over by syria, later to dropping fuel tanks. Real threat of demise there.

06-07-2008, 09:45 AM
If Israel launches a military strike without just and reasonable cause, the U.S. would be stupid to assist them. We have already started one war. Why help start another?

If Israel wants to attack, they should go at it alone. With no assistance from any other nation. Why should we aid an aggressor terrorist state?

The U.S. has heavily armed Saudi Arabia and a few other Middle East nations. They could effectively surround and blockade Israeli as a counter strike.

Why would the U.S. be bound to assist an aggressor who started a war? How many Israeli troops are in the Middle East?

An Israeli attack on Iran or Syria would signal their demise.

If Israel wants to attack, they should go at it alone

they always do. and they need no permission when it comes to their national security. they attack nuke sites under construction.

you are a jew hater.

06-07-2008, 09:51 AM
Have you learnt nothing from war? No good ever comes of it, and in any situation were it can be avoided it should be. I am amazed that as a nam vet. you are endorsing this move, ain't it meant to be the other way round? i'm meant to be the young pro-war fool, and you're meant to be the 'been there done that' vet. tryin to warn younger generations of the horrors of war.

No good comes from war. Tell that to the millions of Europeans freed from Nazism because of war. Tell that to the South Koreans who don't have to suffer like their cousins in the north because of war. Tell that to the Iraqis who are free because of war.

I'm a vet too and sometimes you just have to open a can of whoop ass and take care of the problem.

06-07-2008, 10:11 AM
Have you learnt nothing from war? No good ever comes of it, and in any situation were it can be avoided it should be. I am amazed that as a nam vet. you are endorsing this move, ain't it meant to be the other way round? i'm meant to be the young pro-war fool, and you're meant to be the 'been there done that' vet. tryin to warn younger generations of the horrors of war.

this is the middle east pal. war is a way of life over there. have you learned nothing???? the younger generation WILL get the war experience. you cannot avoid it. they were fighting wars before you were born. and they will keep fighting wars long after you and I gone.
I am endorsing using force against force. I support Isreal. I say strike.

06-07-2008, 10:31 AM
maybe we should send Jimmy Cater to Iran????? :lol:

06-07-2008, 10:43 AM
Have you learnt nothing from war? No good ever comes of it, and in any situation were it can be avoided it should be. I am amazed that as a nam vet. you are endorsing this move, ain't it meant to be the other way round? i'm meant to be the young pro-war fool, and you're meant to be the 'been there done that' vet. tryin to warn younger generations of the horrors of war.

A lot of good comes out of war. But only if the right people win. You are implying that all Vets should be anti-war because they have been there. And that all young people should be pro-war because they haven't. You couldn't be more wrong. The Vets understand the reality of war and the necessity.

iran is our enemy. They want to destroy us. At some point we are going to have to fight them. As a combat Vet I prefer fighting them on our terms and not theirs. I also prefer that any civilian casualties be iranian and not American. Most Vets support the military and it's actions. Just because we have seen the horror doesn't mean we run away from it and encourage others not to face it.

06-07-2008, 11:50 AM
A lot of good comes out of war. But only if the right people win. You are implying that all Vets should be anti-war because they have been there. And that all young people should be pro-war because they haven't. You couldn't be more wrong. The Vets understand the reality of war and the necessity.

iran is our enemy. They want to destroy us. At some point we are going to have to fight them. As a combat Vet I prefer fighting them on our terms and not theirs. I also prefer that any civilian casualties be iranian and not American. Most Vets support the military and it's actions. Just because we have seen the horror doesn't mean we run away from it and encourage others not to face it.

Just as I thought. You actually enjoy war. You think everyone should experience it.
Just because you enjoyed the carnage and bloodshed doesn't mean everyone else will. I don't believe our young people should emulate those of you who jerk off to old war films, using mass murder depictions as money shots.
I think it is pretty sick that you actually enjoy the prospect of killing people and watching them die. It's not wonder that you support the war in Iraq and want to see it escalate. It gives rise to more death. And if Americans are among the dead, that is just collateral damage that must be accepted.
The next global war will not be fought with guns and tanks. The damage will not be restricted to bricks and mortar. The effects of nuclear warfare will extend far further than infantile grunt mind can relate to.
There will be more death and destruction than even you have the capability of enjoying. It will be your community, your home, your family. All dead.
Have fun. :D

Wow you are really anti-Israel. Do you hate Jews or just Israel? You keep referring to Israel as terrorists.

I am anti-terrorist.
Israel is just as much a terrorist state as its adversaries. They thrive on attacking each other. Israel and the Palestinians are equally at fault for the current situation.

06-07-2008, 01:11 PM
maybe we should send Jimmy Cater to Iran????? :lol:

Only if we strap him to an ICBM aimed at Tehran.

06-07-2008, 01:11 PM
A lot of good comes out of war. But only if the right people win. You are implying that all Vets should be anti-war because they have been there. And that all young people should be pro-war because they haven't. You couldn't be more wrong. The Vets understand the reality of war and the necessity.

iran is our enemy. They want to destroy us. At some point we are going to have to fight them. As a combat Vet I prefer fighting them on our terms and not theirs. I also prefer that any civilian casualties be iranian and not American. Most Vets support the military and it's actions. Just because we have seen the horror doesn't mean we run away from it and encourage others not to face it.


Well said.

06-07-2008, 01:27 PM
Just as I thought. You actually enjoy war. You think everyone should experience it.
Just because you enjoyed the carnage and bloodshed doesn't mean everyone else will. I don't believe our young people should emulate those of you who jerk off to old war films, using mass murder depictions as money shots.
I think it is pretty sick that you actually enjoy the prospect of killing people and watching them die. It's not wonder that you support the war in Iraq and want to see it escalate. It gives rise to more death. And if Americans are among the dead, that is just collateral damage that must be accepted.
The next global war will not be fought with guns and tanks. The damage will not be restricted to bricks and mortar. The effects of nuclear warfare will extend far further than infantile grunt mind can relate to.
There will be more death and destruction than even you have the capability of enjoying. It will be your community, your home, your family. All dead.
Have fun. :D

I am anti-terrorist.
Israel is just as much a terrorist state as its adversaries. They thrive on attacking each other. Israel and the Palestinians are equally at fault for the current situation.

you forgot to call us Nazi's

06-07-2008, 01:44 PM
Only if we strap him to an ICBM aimed at Tehran.



06-07-2008, 09:59 PM
Just as I thought. You actually enjoy war. You think everyone should experience it.
Just because you enjoyed the carnage and bloodshed doesn't mean everyone else will. I don't believe our young people should emulate those of you who jerk off to old war films, using mass murder depictions as money shots.
I think it is pretty sick that you actually enjoy the prospect of killing people and watching them die. It's not wonder that you support the war in Iraq and want to see it escalate. It gives rise to more death. And if Americans are among the dead, that is just collateral damage that must be accepted.
The next global war will not be fought with guns and tanks. The damage will not be restricted to bricks and mortar. The effects of nuclear warfare will extend far further than infantile grunt mind can relate to.
There will be more death and destruction than even you have the capability of enjoying. It will be your community, your home, your family. All dead.
Have fun. :D

I am anti-terrorist.
Israel is just as much a terrorist state as its adversaries. They thrive on attacking each other. Israel and the Palestinians are equally at fault for the current situation.

As usual you have no clue what your talking about. I don't enjoy war, I understand it. I supported the war with iraq and the continuing occupation. Not out of love for blood and killing, but because it was and is necessary.

The global war is going on right now. It's just not in your face. Because it's being kept over there which allows you to go about your business of shopping and school and adopting. There is not going to be a nuclear exchange. even though there are many nuclear nations in the world therre is only one with the capacity to strike the US. That is russia. And they do not want such a war any more than we do. This war and the next will be fought conventionally just like every other one.

You haven't had to experience people dying in front of you or mass graves, or bodies mutilated. And that is because of guys like me. Who came home to be scorned by people like you and are still scorned today. You may have your freedoms, but you don't have my respect.

Your not an anti-terrorist, your an anti-Semite. You have proved that repeatedly in your posts. Your also an elitist little girl with a silver spoon and no appreciation for anything or any one. One day your karma is going to come back to bite you.

06-08-2008, 01:18 AM
Gaffer, it is too bad you are on the wrong side. With those type of thoughts, you would make an excellent terrorist. You already have the convictions and mindset of one.

06-08-2008, 08:01 AM
Gaffer, it is too bad you are on the wrong side. With those type of thoughts, you would make an excellent terrorist. You already have the convictions and mindset of one.

once again. this coming from a jew hater. you labeled yourself and by god your gonna wear it


06-08-2008, 08:33 AM
No good comes from war. Tell that to the millions of Europeans freed from Nazism because of war. Tell that to the South Koreans who don't have to suffer like their cousins in the north because of war. Tell that to the Iraqis who are free because of war.

Raed the whole setance, it does not end with a comma but with a full stop "No good ever comes of it, and in any situation were it can be avoided it should be." It could not be avoided with the nazi's. As for the 'free' iraqi's that is the example i would use to show how negitive war is, i can't believe you would use it as a pro-war example.

I'm a vet too and sometimes you just have to open a can of whoop ass and take care of the problem.

Right...just open a 'can of woopass' and kill thousands of innocents along the way (as is current;y happening in Iraq.

this is the middle east pal. war is a way of life over there. have you learned nothing???? the younger generation WILL get the war experience. you cannot avoid it. they were fighting wars before you were born. and they will keep fighting wars long after you and I gone.

Right, so war is a 'way of life' over there...so you support...More war...that'll help right? Your attitude seems to be 'its inevitable so lets just get into it' Good luck with that...

I am endorsing using force against force. I support Isreal. I say strike.
Says it all really...Learned NOTHING

A lot of good comes out of war. But only if the right people win.

:laugh2: oh please, more, more, this is some funny shit...:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

You are implying that all Vets should be anti-war because they have been there. And that all young people should be pro-war because they haven't. You couldn't be more wrong. The Vets understand the reality of war and the necessity.

Really? well someone forgot to tell any of the vets. i've seen, and friends of the family that are currently serving in Iraq, every time they come back they tell us how horrid it is, the death, distrust and genral horrors of war that they have gone through in the past few years, you also use the word necessity, was Iraq a necessity? if so why? was nam a necessity? if so why?

iran is our enemy. They want to destroy us. At some point we are going to have to fight them. As a combat Vet I prefer fighting them on our terms and not theirs.
Right, anyother country's that you want to attack ASAP aswell?

I also prefer that any civilian casualties be iranian and not American
yeah, who cares, after all they're only iranians.

Just because we have seen the horror doesn't mean we run away from it and encourage others not to face it.

Its not about runing away from it, its trying to avoid it if possible, and not encouraging future generations to go through thses horrors

06-08-2008, 08:46 AM
Raed the whole setance, it does not end with a comma but with a full stop "No good ever comes of it, and in any situation were it can be avoided it should be." It could not be avoided with the nazi's. As for the 'free' iraqi's that is the example i would use to show how negitive war is, i can't believe you would use it as a pro-war example.

Right...just open a 'can of woopass' and kill thousands of innocents along the way (as is current;y happening in Iraq.

Right, so war is a 'way of life' over there...so you support...More war...that'll help right? Your attitude seems to be 'its inevitable so lets just get into it' Good luck with that...

Says it all really...Learned NOTHING

:laugh2: oh please, more, more, this is some funny shit...:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

Really? well someone forgot to tell any of the vets. i've seen, and friends of the family that are currently serving in Iraq, every time they come back they tell us how horrid it is, the death, distrust and genral horrors of war that they have gone through in the past few years, you also use the word necessity, was Iraq a necessity? if so why? was nam a necessity? if so why?

Right, anyother country's that you want to attack ASAP aswell?

yeah, who cares, after all they're only iranians.

Its not about runing away from it, its trying to avoid it if possible, and not encouraging future generations to go through thses horrors

ziiing .........right over the top of your head

06-08-2008, 08:51 AM
Gee, thanks for such a comprehensive reply, you really put me in my place *rolls eyes*

06-08-2008, 08:56 AM
Gee, thanks for such a comprehensive reply, you really put me in my place *rolls eyes*

liberal as long as its YOUR family thats put to death under sword that fine with me. ALWAYS better you than me. always...........

06-08-2008, 08:59 AM
liberal as long as its YOUR family thats put to death under sword that fine with me. ALWAYS better you than me. always...........

Well you are encouraging war, and so the death of American troops (never mind the enemy and civi's)...and you don't care?

06-08-2008, 09:08 AM
Well you are encouraging war, and so the death of American troops (never mind the enemy and civi's)...and you don't care?

my war's over. this one is yours. and the one after that is the next generations. I defy you to change it. I defy you.

06-08-2008, 09:12 AM
my war's over. this one is yours. and the one after that is the next generations. I defy you to change it. I defy you.

So you don't think we should be learning from these wars? you think we should just keep going cus its obviously gonna happen anyway? its thinking like that which makes it inevitable, sorry for me being such a retard, i mean imagine trying to hope that people would see the futility of war, maybe i just have too much faith in other people.

You honestly have no idea how pissed of i am to hahve read that comment.

06-08-2008, 09:34 AM
So you don't think we should be learning from these wars? you think we should just keep going cus its obviously gonna happen anyway? its thinking like that which makes it inevitable, sorry for me being such a retard, i mean imagine trying to hope that people would see the futility of war, maybe i just have too much faith in other people.

You honestly have no idea how pissed of i am to hahve read that comment.

so WTF are you gonna do about ??!!! sit there on your lazy ass and let it happen??? your a coward and I would never put my life in your incompetent hands.
so stop bitching. lets have it.

whats your solution to the problem????

I thought so. you don't have one. any more complaints????

06-08-2008, 09:44 AM
well??? im waiting Noir. whats the answer. how are YOU going to stop wars??? answer up or your ass goes on ignore !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

06-08-2008, 09:48 AM
so WTF are you gonna do about ??!!! sit there on your lazy ass and let it happen???

Why what do you do? sit there on your lazy ass and smile and men are sent to their deaths? 'its their time don't'cha know :salute:'
I'll do all i can do, whenever that means going on anti-war marchs, giving anti-war speechs or chosing who gets my vote at ellections.

your a coward and I would never put my life in your incompetent hands.
so stop bitching. lets have it.

Classic, i don't support war and mindless death, i must be a coward i'm not a real man,

whats your solution to the problem????

Gee, i dunno, how about not supportin war and death unless it is the last resort. Oh wait...that would be stupid wouldn't it?

I thought so. you don't have one. any more complaints????

Erm, see above mate, and don't try and be so cocky

06-08-2008, 09:55 AM
Why what do you do? sit there on your lazy ass and smile and men are sent to their deaths? 'its their time don't'cha know :salute:'
I'll do all i can do, whenever that means going on anti-war marchs, giving anti-war speechs or chosing who gets my vote at ellections.

Classic, i don't support war and mindless death, i must be a coward i'm not a real man,

Gee, i dunno, how about not supportin war and death unless it is the last resort. Oh wait...that would be stupid wouldn't it?

Erm, see above mate, and don't try and be so cocky

Gee, i dunno, how about not supportin war and death unless it is the last resort. Oh wait...that would be stupid wouldn't it?

just what i thought. im finished with you !!!!!!

06-08-2008, 09:57 AM
just what i thought. im finished with you !!!!!!

...I wasn't aware we were going out :laugh2:

Seriosly dude whats wrong with having war and death as a last resort?

06-08-2008, 09:59 AM
War is inevitable.

So long as there are men on the planet there will be war. I don't like it, I wish it wasn't so but it is reality. I don't want to see anyone killed but it is going to happen. Ok, maybe a few insane dictators need killin' out in the world.

If there were only a handful of people someone would be murdered out of jealousy. As you have more people living together creating alliances with one another then you will have someone who wants to dominate another group and another group who refuses to be dominated. You have war.

You can hold hands and sing Kum-Ba-Yah all day long but until there is no more sin in the world there will be wars.

I say we fight the war over there rather than over here. Take the war to them and win. Yes there will be consequences and people will die but we have to be on offense at times not just on defense. We are the greatest liberators of people the world has ever seen. We don't keep the ground we capture, we stabilize it and give it back to the people.

06-08-2008, 10:00 AM
...I wasn't aware we were going out :laugh2:

Seriosly dude whats wrong with having war and death as a last resort?

its typed 'seriously' and your generation is down the stool.

06-08-2008, 10:03 AM
War is inevitable.

So long as there are men on the planet there will be war. I don't like it, I wish it wasn't so but it is reality. I don't want to see anyone killed but it is going to happen. Ok, maybe a few insane dictators need killin' out in the world.

If there were only a handful of people someone would be murdered out of jealousy. As you have more people living together creating alliances with one another then you will have someone who wants to dominate another group and another group who refuses to be dominated. You have war.

You can hold hands and sing Kum-Ba-Yah all day long but until there is no more sin in the world there will be wars.

I say we fight the war over there rather than over here. Take the war to them and win. Yes there will be consequences and people will die but we have to be on offense at times not just on defense. We are the greatest liberators of people the world has ever seen. We don't keep the ground we capture, we stabilize it and give it back to the people.

you and I know. but Noir's generation would rather die than switch.

06-08-2008, 10:04 AM
its typed 'seriously' and your generation is down the stool.

lol, sorry, typo, but the fact that you have chosen to point out a typing mistake rather than try and answer my question tells allot.

06-08-2008, 10:14 AM
hey Noir you on Ignore. I only have time for ADULTS. not BABIES.

06-08-2008, 10:35 AM
kool, sorry i tried to debate, silly me.

...now then anyone who replies to this post with the word 'Fuzzybunny' wins £50 :p

06-08-2008, 11:18 AM
The militant Fuzzybunnies believe war is inevitable because they prefer it to peace. They prefer hatred to understanding. They enjoy inflicting death over enjoying life.
Perhaps, when their sons and daughters lie slaughtered on their beloved battlefield, they will begin to understand. But not likely.

06-08-2008, 11:25 AM
The militant Fuzzybunnies believe war is inevitable because they prefer it to peace. They prefer hatred to understanding. They enjoy inflicting death over enjoying life.
Perhaps, when their sons and daughters lie slaughtered on their beloved battlefield, they will begin to understand. But not likely.

your right. i enjoyed blowing up gooks in nam. it was a 'blast' !!!!!

06-08-2008, 11:25 AM
The militant Fuzzybunnies believe war is inevitable because they prefer it to peace. They prefer hatred to understanding. They enjoy inflicting death over enjoying life.
Perhaps, when their sons and daughters lie slaughtered on their beloved battlefield, they will begin to understand. But not likely.

no--they really don't.

06-08-2008, 11:26 AM
Gabosaurus- You're moneys in the post...though Royal mail are very slow these days so don't be expectin it anytime soon.

Perhaps, when their sons and daughters lie slaughtered on their beloved battlefield, they will begin to understand. But not likely.

Looking at the response from some of the vets in this topic it seems very very unlikely from either side

06-08-2008, 11:36 PM
A couple of years ago, there was a firefight on another board about how parents feel when their children go off to war. Not a war where our country is threatened, but where we are threatening someone else.
A couple of posters asserted that any war is a good war, and that all parents feel pride in their children's sacrifice when they die.

I challenged any member to go to the home of an Iraq casualty and ask "aren't you glad your child died in Bush's war? Does the empty chair at dinner make you feel safer? Have you sent Bush a thank you note for allowing your child to die for no reason?"

Might explain why I am here instead of there...

06-09-2008, 08:19 AM
A couple of years ago, there was a firefight on another board about how parents feel when their children go off to war. Not a war where our country is threatened, but where we are threatening someone else.
A couple of posters asserted that any war is a good war, and that all parents feel pride in their children's sacrifice when they die.

I challenged any member to go to the home of an Iraq casualty and ask "aren't you glad your child died in Bush's war? Does the empty chair at dinner make you feel safer? Have you sent Bush a thank you note for allowing your child to die for no reason?"

Might explain why I am here instead of there...

bet you were over joyed at the nr of jews that died on 9-11. which you never heard of. look it up then get back to us. next year !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

06-10-2008, 12:39 AM
bet you were over joyed at the nr of jews that died on 9-11. which you never heard of. look it up then get back to us. next year !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


All that testosterone clouding your mind to the point where you can't even type right.
Dude, you are a disgrace to your name, and all that you pretend to stand for. I have to wonder how much herb you inhaled why sitting around in the jungle.
You make no sense at all. Now that you are out of the military, perhaps you should go back and get your GED.

06-10-2008, 12:43 AM
:suck: :ssex:

what about my testosterone :laugh2:


All that testosterone clouding your mind to the point where you can't even type right.
Dude, you are a disgrace to your name, and all that you pretend to stand for. I have to wonder how much herb you inhaled why sitting around in the jungle.
You make no sense at all. Now that you are out of the military, perhaps you should go back and get your GED.

06-10-2008, 07:51 AM

All that testosterone clouding your mind to the point where you can't even type right.
Dude, you are a disgrace to your name, and all that you pretend to stand for. I have to wonder how much herb you inhaled why sitting around in the jungle.
You make no sense at all. Now that you are out of the military, perhaps you should go back and get your GED.

I was in the USN. figure it out. your the one that's fallin' off the front porch. according the members here. jew hater

06-10-2008, 11:35 AM
I was in the USN. figure it out. your the one that's fallin' off the front porch. according the members here. jew hater

What does this have to do with anything I wrote? :laugh2:

06-10-2008, 12:11 PM
What does this have to do with anything I wrote? :laugh2:

I have to wonder how much herb you inhaled why sitting around in the jungle.

for once. THINK !!!!

Hagbard Celine
06-10-2008, 12:28 PM
for once. THINK !!!!

I don't get it either. :dunno:

06-10-2008, 12:48 PM
The militant Fuzzybunnies believe war is inevitable because they prefer it to peace.
They prefer hatred to understanding.
They enjoy inflicting death over enjoying life.
when their sons and daughters lie slaughtered on their beloved battlefield,
namvet, gabby seems to enjoy putting up these imaginary people with all the horrible characteristics she can invent, and then acting like real people shared them and could be criticized for them. It appears to be a form of mental masturbation she likes. I'm not sure why she does it in public where others can see, though.

When she starts with these hysterical ravings, I generally pass over them and deal with others who don't. Saves a lot of otherwise-wasted bandwidth.

06-10-2008, 12:59 PM
gabosaurus's brain is a piece of swiss cheese. like everyone im putting this on ignore. i cannot deal with her mental disorder. so:

she said:
I have to wonder how much herb you inhaled why sitting around in the jungle.

I replied:
I was in the USN

the USN stands for: United States Navy

get it???? a 4 year old can figure this out !!!!!

06-10-2008, 01:05 PM
gabosaurus's brain is a piece of swiss cheese. like everyone im putting this on ignore. i cannot deal with her mental disorder. so:

she said:

I replied:

the USN stands for: United States Navy

get it???? a 4 year old can figure this out !!!!!

She can go on such tirades, then just when I'm about to join you with closing her out, she writes something lucid, logical, and oftentimes very nice. I think it's being 23 or so.

06-10-2008, 01:08 PM
She can go on such tirades, then just when I'm about to join you with closing her out, she writes something lucid, logical, and oftentimes very nice. I think it's being 23 or so.

I say its a mental disorder. and I do have her on ignore. like most members do. if you want to deal with this be my guest. no offense.

06-12-2008, 05:19 PM
She can go on such tirades,

And when she's not doing that, she's probably wondering why there's so much acrimony between conservatives and liberals. :lol: