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View Full Version : Ternment is too largehe Libertarian Party

06-08-2008, 11:49 AM
Let us not forget that there is another choice everyone! While I am certain that the two major political parties will not allow Bob Barr to debate with them due to the fact that any Libertarian could easily make mince meat out of a Dem Or Repub in a head to head debate about civil liberty, I have a little more confidence in our board that it will include the "alternative" this election cycle.

It is time for folks to begin to question rather our system really works as it is, or not! Well, it does not! I would strongly encourage everyone, left and right to investigate the party who offers true representation of your base beliefs as Americans. There is a party that has offered you this for decades but we have ignored it.

This election has already established itself for one very repetitive thing. More of the same. The same ol tired shit. One claims he represents change, one says he offers enough of it to be different than the incumbant party but has new ideas that his constituancy would not support. Same ol tired shit man. Here is what I know will cause real change. 3 million Libertarian votes. That's right. 3 milliopn Libertarian votes in this election would cause more change than any election in history. You want to see some interestin g interviews on the Sunday Morning discussion programs following our election. Watch the strategists wiggle in their chair when chris Wallace asks," What do you think happened this election Mr/Miss So in so that caused three million Americans to vote for Libertarians? Just the thought of watching Howard Dean try to explain his views on the matter would be better than any episode of Redeye.

It is time to send a responsible message to our government, our senators and the American people. Government is too large! Our politicians lie! All of them! The only ones who don't are Libertarians and we for some reason don't want to hear the truth. Our country being in the World Police officer business has weakened our dollar, ruined our reputation and caused terrorists to attack our nation. Government has absolutely destroyed our education system. Standards are set low so "no child is left behind". It ought to be called "no child accelerates too much". It is against the law to save more than ten thousand dollars in your home. Where the hell did that come from? You bank account, your business, you liberty and your life is subject to scrutiny at the whim of government. Wake up people. Damn!

Now! Lets discuss it.

06-08-2008, 11:57 AM
Let us not forget that there is another choice everyone! While I am certain that the two major political parties will not allow Bob Barr to debate with them due to the fact that any Libertarian could easily make mince meat out of a Dem Or Repub in a head to head debate about civil liberty, I have a little more confidence in our board that it will include the "alternative" this election cycle.

It is time for folks to begin to question rather our system really works as it is, or not! Well, it does not! I would strongly encourage everyone, left and right to investigate the party who offers true representation of your base beliefs as Americans. There is a party that has offered you this for decades but we have ignored it.

This election has already established itself for one very repetitive thing. More of the same. The same ol tired shit. One claims he represents change, one says he offers enough of it to be different than the incumbant party but has new ideas that his constituancy would not support. Same ol tired shit man. Here is what I know will cause real change. 3 million Libertarian votes. That's right. 3 milliopn Libertarian votes in this election would cause more change than any election in history. You want to see some interestin g interviews on the Sunday Morning discussion programs following our election. Watch the strategists wiggle in their chair when chris Wallace asks," What do you think happened this election Mr/Miss So in so that caused three million Americans to vote for Libertarians? Just the thought of watching Howard Dean try to explain his views on the matter would be better than any episode of Redeye.

It is time to send a responsible message to our government, our senators and the American people. Government is too large! Our politicians lie! All of them! The only ones who don't are Libertarians and we for some reason don't want to hear the truth. Our country being in the World Police officer business has weakened our dollar, ruined our reputation and caused terrorists to attack our nation. Government has absolutely destroyed our education system. Standards are set low so "no child is left behind". It ought to be called "no child accelerates too much". It is against the law to save more than ten thousand dollars in your home. Where the hell did that come from? You bank account, your business, you liberty and your life is subject to scrutiny at the whim of government. Wake up people. Damn!

Now! Lets discuss it.

I screwed the header!

06-08-2008, 03:16 PM
Let us not forget that there is another choice everyone! While I am certain that the two major political parties will not allow Bob Barr to debate with them due to the fact that any Libertarian could easily make mince meat out of a Dem Or Repub in a head to head debate about civil liberty, I have a little more confidence in our board that it will include the "alternative" this election cycle.

It is time for folks to begin to question rather our system really works as it is, or not! Well, it does not! I would strongly encourage everyone, left and right to investigate the party who offers true representation of your base beliefs as Americans. There is a party that has offered you this for decades but we have ignored it.

This election has already established itself for one very repetitive thing. More of the same. The same ol tired shit. One claims he represents change, one says he offers enough of it to be different than the incumbant party but has new ideas that his constituancy would not support. Same ol tired shit man. Here is what I know will cause real change. 3 million Libertarian votes. That's right. 3 milliopn Libertarian votes in this election would cause more change than any election in history. You want to see some interestin g interviews on the Sunday Morning discussion programs following our election. Watch the strategists wiggle in their chair when chris Wallace asks," What do you think happened this election Mr/Miss So in so that caused three million Americans to vote for Libertarians? Just the thought of watching Howard Dean try to explain his views on the matter would be better than any episode of Redeye.

It is time to send a responsible message to our government, our senators and the American people. Government is too large! Our politicians lie! All of them! The only ones who don't are Libertarians and we for some reason don't want to hear the truth. Our country being in the World Police officer business has weakened our dollar, ruined our reputation and caused terrorists to attack our nation. Government has absolutely destroyed our education system. Standards are set low so "no child is left behind". It ought to be called "no child accelerates too much". It is against the law to save more than ten thousand dollars in your home. Where the hell did that come from? You bank account, your business, you liberty and your life is subject to scrutiny at the whim of government. Wake up people. Damn!

Now! Lets discuss it.

I don't have a problem with starting the Libertarian party off with House of Representatives and Senators, if you can get enough of them in place to make a difference, then go for the Presidency. Right now, as in the past, it will just get a socialist in the Presidency, just like in 92. Even by some miracle, you would get Barr in place, what could he do? The majority in Congress of both Republicans and Democrats would work together to destroy him........ that is reality. Try getting 5 Senators and 5 Representatives, that would be a goal to go for. Try getting state Senators, mayors, Governors..... anything, Making sure we end up with Obama is a worse outcome then anyone could imagine. If Libertarians are successful at doing that, you can be sure nobody will vote for them again and they will be hated just like Perot is for giving us Clinton.

06-08-2008, 03:56 PM
yeah, im having a hard time wanting to vote for either choice on the two main monopolies i mean main party tickets

Let us not forget that there is another choice everyone! While I am certain that the two major political parties will not allow Bob Barr to debate with them due to the fact that any Libertarian could easily make mince meat out of a Dem Or Repub in a head to head debate about civil liberty, I have a little more confidence in our board that it will include the "alternative" this election cycle.

It is time for folks to begin to question rather our system really works as it is, or not! Well, it does not! I would strongly encourage everyone, left and right to investigate the party who offers true representation of your base beliefs as Americans. There is a party that has offered you this for decades but we have ignored it.

This election has already established itself for one very repetitive thing. More of the same. The same ol tired shit. One claims he represents change, one says he offers enough of it to be different than the incumbant party but has new ideas that his constituancy would not support. Same ol tired shit man. Here is what I know will cause real change. 3 million Libertarian votes. That's right. 3 milliopn Libertarian votes in this election would cause more change than any election in history. You want to see some interestin g interviews on the Sunday Morning discussion programs following our election. Watch the strategists wiggle in their chair when chris Wallace asks," What do you think happened this election Mr/Miss So in so that caused three million Americans to vote for Libertarians? Just the thought of watching Howard Dean try to explain his views on the matter would be better than any episode of Redeye.

It is time to send a responsible message to our government, our senators and the American people. Government is too large! Our politicians lie! All of them! The only ones who don't are Libertarians and we for some reason don't want to hear the truth. Our country being in the World Police officer business has weakened our dollar, ruined our reputation and caused terrorists to attack our nation. Government has absolutely destroyed our education system. Standards are set low so "no child is left behind". It ought to be called "no child accelerates too much". It is against the law to save more than ten thousand dollars in your home. Where the hell did that come from? You bank account, your business, you liberty and your life is subject to scrutiny at the whim of government. Wake up people. Damn!

Now! Lets discuss it.

06-08-2008, 05:22 PM
I'm right with you, Emmett. Once I become a Georgia resident, I'm registering Libertarian.

As to what a Libertarian President could do when in office... I think he would have to work every issue one by one. For example, if Barr wanted to repeal parts of the Patriot Act, he'd probably have an easier time convincing Democrats, whereas if he wanted to eliminate a particular government agency, he'd have an easier time (theoretically, at least) working with Republicans.

06-08-2008, 07:12 PM
Don't be afraid Sitarro. Remember it is principle and ethics my friend. Bob Barr is not going to be elected. We Libertarians know that and wholeheartedly accept it. Why would we work so hard to elect someone who is not electable? It is simple my dear Watson. The message!!!!!

First of all, Bob Barr is in theory a conservatve. He has learned to accept some of the platform offered by the true Libertarian belief. He has a ways to go. Hopefully with the support of the Ron Paul crowd he will recieve the largest turn out ever as a Libertarian candidate for president. If and when that happens it will send a message to our politicians and the people of this country that really needs to be heard. Hide and Watch. Better yet, join and make a difference.

06-08-2008, 07:14 PM
The message!!!!!

Who is the message for?