View Full Version : This Sucks!!!!

06-08-2008, 08:29 PM
So, Pale Rider gets a permanent ban and Acts the retarded mother fucker gets to come back as if nothing ever happened? WTF is up with that?

Let me see, Pale Rider has the highest reputation points, is the 3rd highest poster and contributes a lot to the board.

Acts is a moronic pervert living in his mommy's basement and sucking his mommy's pussy when he isn't buisy birdsplatting all over the board.

Jim, you chose Acts over Pale, all I can say is


06-08-2008, 08:32 PM
Jims been gettin an awful lot of open messages these days....

06-08-2008, 08:33 PM
I could be wrong, but this was not a smart post. Pale already knows that he must conform to Jim's rules. He knows how to get a hold of him.

06-08-2008, 08:33 PM
So, Pale Rider gets a permanent ban and Acts the retarded mother fucker gets to come back as if nothing ever happened? WTF is up with that?

Let me see, Pale Rider has the highest reputation points, is the 3rd highest poster and contributes a lot to the board.

Acts is a moronic pervert living in his mommy's basement and sucking his mommy's pussy when he isn't buisy birdsplatting all over the board.

Jim, you chose Acts over Pale, all I can say is


Acts has received his temp bans, always apologized, and then returned. If he acts up again, he'll receive the same.

Big bad Pale chooses to threaten me via email and my cell phone. Wants to get the big bad Vagos to come and beat me down. LOL An old prick shouldn't bite off more than he can chew.

He got a warranted ban - I don't think that gives him the right to threaten me, talk shit about my wife and son and plenty of other things about my personal life.

As for you flipping me off, if you don't like my actions, you can go fuck yourself for all I give a shit.

06-08-2008, 08:51 PM

Big bad Pale chooses to threaten me via email and my cell phone. Wants to get the big bad Vagos to come and beat me down. LOL An old prick shouldn't bite off more than he can chew.

He got a warranted ban - I don't think that gives him the right to threaten me, talk shit about my wife and son and plenty of other things about my personal life.


wow- he must be off his rocker!

06-08-2008, 09:00 PM
wow- he must be off his rocker!

I have every message he ever left for me saved and converted to wav files. I also have all his emails saved.

Here's a list of ways to get yourself permanently banned:

1 - Call me 8 times throughout the middle of the night and wake my family over an internet ban
2 - Leave messages threatening me
3 - Threaten to get a biker gang after me
4 - Mention my wife in correspondence with me (and not in a nice way)
5 - Bring up my son in ANY way at all
6 - Go to another board (USMB in Pale's case) and start a thread trashing me and my board over a 24hr time out
7 - Threaten my brother - even if he is a prick at times

Truth be told, Pale has unleashed his temper on me before. I was man enough to forgive and forget, and he came back. All I asked was to please not threaten people and disrupt the board. I can take a lot, I'm a very forgiving person. But those who know me personally also know that once I'm pushed too far I can be a real bastard myself.

My only goal was to reel things in a little bit around here and make the atmosphere a little friendlier. I wasn't looking to ban anyone, and I don't think a day away from the board is that big of a deal - but some think otherwise.

Hagbard Celine
06-08-2008, 09:11 PM
I have every message he ever left for me saved and converted to wav files. I also have all his emails saved.

Here's a list of ways to get yourself permanently banned:

1 - Call me 8 times throughout the middle of the night and wake my family over an internet ban
2 - Leave messages threatening me
3 - Threaten to get a biker gang after me
4 - Mention my wife in correspondence with me (and not in a nice way)
5 - Bring up my son in ANY way at all
6 - Go to another board (USMB in Pale's case) and start a thread trashing me and my board over a 24hr time out
7 - Threaten my brother - even if he is a prick at times

Truth be told, Pale has unleashed his temper on me before. I was man enough to forgive and forget, and he came back. All I asked was to please not threaten people and disrupt the board. I can take a lot, I'm a very forgiving person. But those who know me personally also know that once I'm pushed too far I can be a real bastard myself.

My only goal was to reel things in a little bit around here and make the atmosphere a little friendlier. I wasn't looking to ban anyone, and I don't think a day away from the board is that big of a deal - but some think otherwise.

Wow. Not cool. That's nuts Jim. I hope this is the end of that craziness for you and your fam.

06-08-2008, 09:25 PM
I probably should be banned, then go and find a rehab center who treats people addicted to their computers.:laugh2:

06-08-2008, 10:54 PM
I probably should be banned, then go and find a rehab center who treats people addicted to their computers.:laugh2:

If Stephanie is ever banned, I am leaving the board. I would have no one to exchange sly banter and unseen rabbit punches with.
And I would have to look up all those right-wing blog posts by myself.

I wish Ranger hadn't gotten banned before I came back on. I never got his e-mail address, so I could send him these Victoria's Secret coupons.

06-08-2008, 11:05 PM
If Stephanie is ever banned, I am leaving the board. I would have no one to exchange sly banter and unseen rabbit punches with.
And I would have to look up all those right-wing blog posts by myself.

I wish Ranger hadn't gotten banned before I came back on. I never got his e-mail address, so I could send him these Victoria's Secret coupons.

Well, golly gee Gabs..
I would never be banned, I'm way too sweet of a person all the time..:coffee:

06-08-2008, 11:09 PM
Some people take the internet wayyy to seriously.

Mr. P
06-08-2008, 11:11 PM
If Stephanie is ever banned, I am leaving the board. I would have no one to exchange sly banter and unseen rabbit punches with.
And I would have to look up all those right-wing blog posts by myself.

I wish Ranger hadn't gotten banned before I came back on. I never got his e-mail address, so I could send him these Victoria's Secret coupons.
Send em to me...I tried to get one for a friend and have received 650 spam e-mails for my effort in a week. I was an IDIOT!

06-08-2008, 11:27 PM
That is why the discount coupons are free, Mr. P! :lmao:

Oh well, all is not lost for Ranger. At least he found something that sucked. :p

06-09-2008, 03:55 AM
ya think :laugh2:

Some people take the internet wayyy to seriously.

06-09-2008, 04:13 AM
Some people take the internet wayyy to seriously.

I know, along the way some folk have forgotten about the real reason for the internet...

06-09-2008, 05:11 AM
I have every message he ever left for me saved and converted to wav files. I also have all his emails saved.

Here's a list of ways to get yourself permanently banned:

1 - Call me 8 times throughout the middle of the night and wake my family over an internet ban
2 - Leave messages threatening me
3 - Threaten to get a biker gang after me
4 - Mention my wife in correspondence with me (and not in a nice way)
5 - Bring up my son in ANY way at all
6 - Go to another board (USMB in Pale's case) and start a thread trashing me and my board over a 24hr time out
7 - Threaten my brother - even if he is a prick at times

Truth be told, Pale has unleashed his temper on me before. I was man enough to forgive and forget, and he came back. All I asked was to please not threaten people and disrupt the board. I can take a lot, I'm a very forgiving person. But those who know me personally also know that once I'm pushed too far I can be a real bastard myself.

My only goal was to reel things in a little bit around here and make the atmosphere a little friendlier. I wasn't looking to ban anyone, and I don't think a day away from the board is that big of a deal - but some think otherwise.

I always knew PR was unhinged, but I never imagined it was that bad. Wow.

Sir Evil
06-09-2008, 01:58 PM
So, Pale Rider gets a permanent ban and Acts the retarded mother fucker gets to come back as if nothing ever happened? WTF is up with that?

Let me see, Pale Rider has the highest reputation points, is the 3rd highest poster and contributes a lot to the board.

Acts is a moronic pervert living in his mommy's basement and sucking his mommy's pussy when he isn't buisy birdsplatting all over the board.

Jim, you chose Acts over Pale, all I can say is



About time this foul mouthed, cry everytime someone said something negative towards him after he stirred it up, alcoholic wannabe biker got his dumbass banned permanently!

He needs to spend more time customizing his radio flyer instead of playing on the computer all day role playing something he isn't man enough to be.

The Only Thing That Sucks Here is that there is a moron out there that would make a post like this. You are either afraid of this turds online biker persona, or you are the recipient of his tiny tool. Either way coming to this foul mothed, washed up, used to be in the Village People band, drunks defense shows that you haven't nothing to really offer if you think he was anything other than a detriment to the forum. Because someone posts a lot does not make them asset, because someone has reputation points does not make them worthy of anything more than a product of a flawed online system. And any member who thinks they are worth something, and that others are jealous of reputation points is.... well, just an IDIOT!

06-09-2008, 02:32 PM
Acts has received his temp bans, always apologized, and then returned. If he acts up again, he'll receive the same.

Jimmy you don't see a pattern there? Really I think its because he is not in control of his own mental actions.

The board is over his head.

Sir Evil
06-09-2008, 02:36 PM
I have every message he ever left for me saved and converted to wav files. I also have all his emails saved.


Post that shit in the humor section, and title it "beer muscles"


06-09-2008, 02:40 PM

Post that shit in the humor section, and title it "beer muscles"


I remember the first one, ask Jimmy I laughed so friggin hard listening to it that I almost pissed myself!

Ooops no sure if I was supposed to mention I heard it, oh well Pale knows I heard the first drunken tirade..................publicly flog me if you want to.

Sir Evil
06-09-2008, 02:50 PM
I remember the first one, ask Jimmy I laughed so friggin hard listening to it that I almost pissed myself!

Ooops no sure if I was supposed to mention I heard it, oh well Pale knows I heard the first drunken tirade..................publicly flog me if you want to.


T'was a classic!

06-09-2008, 03:30 PM
....publicly flog me if you want to. I'm looking forward to witnessing said flogging. I envision a "Braveheart" scene. :poke:

06-09-2008, 06:00 PM
I have every message he ever left for me saved and converted to wav files. I also have all his emails saved.

Here's a list of ways to get yourself permanently banned:

1 - Call me 8 times throughout the middle of the night and wake my family over an internet ban
2 - Leave messages threatening me
3 - Threaten to get a biker gang after me
4 - Mention my wife in correspondence with me (and not in a nice way)
5 - Bring up my son in ANY way at all
6 - Go to another board (USMB in Pale's case) and start a thread trashing me and my board over a 24hr time out
7 - Threaten my brother - even if he is a prick at times

Truth be told, Pale has unleashed his temper on me before. I was man enough to forgive and forget, and he came back. All I asked was to please not threaten people and disrupt the board. I can take a lot, I'm a very forgiving person. But those who know me personally also know that once I'm pushed too far I can be a real bastard myself.

My only goal was to reel things in a little bit around here and make the atmosphere a little friendlier. I wasn't looking to ban anyone, and I don't think a day away from the board is that big of a deal - but some think otherwise.

Oh. My. Gawd. I had a feeling that was beneth the surface, but shit. Wow. Creepy. I think he might be my ex-husband. :laugh2:

06-09-2008, 06:13 PM
1 - Call me 8 times throughout the middle of the night and wake my family over an internet ban
2 - Leave messages threatening me
3 - Threaten to get a biker gang after me
4 - Mention my wife in correspondence with me (and not in a nice way)
5 - Bring up my son in ANY way at all
6 - Go to another board (USMB in Pale's case) and start a thread trashing me and my board over a 24hr time out
7 - Threaten my brother - even if he is a prick at times

From a few weeks ago

And also on a serious note, I'll bet you couldn't find a more loyal and trustworthy friend than Pale.

Still stand by that Abbey? :laugh2:

06-09-2008, 09:23 PM
Thats Enough About Pale. Hes A Good Guy And Was Just Having A Bad Day. Please Leave It At That.

Abbey Marie
06-09-2008, 09:50 PM
From a few weeks ago

Still stand by that Abbey? :laugh2:

Yup, in fact I do. Pale has his faults, but he stood by Martin when most other people here were mocking him mercilessly, and begging for him to be banned. But then, you weren't even here when most of that went on. So, here's another thing I stand by- it's pretty dumb to dig up old posts to laugh at something you don't have a clue about. But, hey, at least you enjoyed yourself. :rolleyes:

06-09-2008, 09:53 PM

About time this foul mouthed, cry everytime someone said something negative towards him after he stirred it up, alcoholic wannabe biker got his dumbass banned permanently!

He needs to spend more time customizing his radio flyer instead of playing on the computer all day role playing something he isn't man enough to be.

The Only Thing That Sucks Here is that there is a moron out there that would make a post like this. You are either afraid of this turds online biker persona, or you are the recipient of his tiny tool. Either way coming to this foul mothed, washed up, used to be in the Village People band, drunks defense shows that you haven't nothing to really offer if you think he was anything other than a detriment to the forum. Because someone posts a lot does not make them asset, because someone has reputation points does not make them worthy of anything more than a product of a flawed online system. And any member who thinks they are worth something, and that others are jealous of reputation points is.... well, just an IDIOT!

Pretty manly of you to post shit about my husband AFTER he has been permanetly banned and isnt allowed to defend himself.

06-09-2008, 09:57 PM
Yup, in fact I do. Pale has his faults, but he stood by Martin when most other people here were mocking him mercilessly, and begging for him to be banned. But then, you weren't even here when most of that went on. So, here's another thing I stand by- it's pretty dumb to dig up old posts to laugh at something you don't have a clue about. But, hey, at least you enjoyed yourself. :rolleyes:

Gawd :rolleyes: it was only a joke, chill your baps,

06-09-2008, 09:59 PM
Dang all of this sucks. Pale, well he doesn't back down, even when he should. I agree with Abbey, he's probably a very loyal friend, once he really counts one as such. On the other hand, he really refused to abide by the rules, that can't be tolerated.

Acts on the other hand, shifts with whatever catches his attention. That's just the way he is. His causes change by the hour, so does his loyalty and his affiliations. But he usually stays within the rules, until he can't. Then as Jim stated, is apologetic, I'm sure profusely. Then he does it again, for another cause.

06-09-2008, 10:01 PM
Thats Enough About Pale. Hes A Good Guy And Was Just Having A Bad Day. Please Leave It At That.


06-09-2008, 10:04 PM
Dang all of this sucks. Pale, well he doesn't back down, even when he should. I agree with Abbey, he's probably a very loyal friend, once he really counts one as such. On the other hand, he really refused to abide by the rules, that can't be tolerated.

Acts on the other hand, shifts with whatever catches his attention. That's just the way he is. His causes change by the hour, so does his loyalty and his affiliations. But he usually stays within the rules, until he can't. Then as Jim stated, is apologetic, I'm sure profusely. Then he does it again, for another cause.

Pale didnt really refuse to abide by the rules...He wanted the rules to apply to everyone equally....In fact it was Pale that pm'd many people and told us to put mfm on ignore. Jim told people over and over again to knock it off or else....Pale got frustrated and said well if Jim doesnt care about his board and all that mfm and acts are doing why should I...so Pale went back to attacking mfm.

So it was Pale that was used as an example....

06-09-2008, 10:06 PM
this thread is pointless........

Abbey Marie
06-09-2008, 10:09 PM
Gawd :rolleyes: it was only a joke, chill your baps,

Gawd, people who mock and then say "chill" sound so puerile. :poke: :laugh2:

Baps? :confused:

Mr. P
06-09-2008, 10:10 PM
this thread is pointless........


Mr. P
06-09-2008, 10:11 PM
Gawd, people who mock and then say "chill" sound so puerile. :poke:

Baps? :confused:

Kings English is my guess. :laugh2:

06-09-2008, 10:15 PM
Dang all of this sucks. Pale, well he doesn't back down, even when he should. I agree with Abbey, he's probably a very loyal friend, once he really counts one as such. On the other hand, he really refused to abide by the rules, that can't be tolerated.

Acts on the other hand, shifts with whatever catches his attention. That's just the way he is. His causes change by the hour, so does his loyalty and his affiliations. But he usually stays within the rules, until he can't. Then as Jim stated, is apologetic, I'm sure profusely. Then he does it again, for another cause.

Ya but Marty is 12 years old or has aspegers.

06-09-2008, 10:17 PM
Ya but Marty is 12 years old or has aspegers.

In either case, it works for him.

06-09-2008, 10:18 PM
Pales threatened plenty of people before. I found the off the wall rants funny myself but not sorry he got banned. Some things are over the line even for me. Calling people up and making it real life instead of just the net for one.

06-09-2008, 10:18 PM
and then the minute i dared to disagree with him, he threw me and our friendship away like a used tissue.

Yup, in fact I do. Pale has his faults, but he stood by Martin when most other people here were mocking him mercilessly, and begging for him to be banned. But then, you weren't even here when most of that went on. So, here's another thing I stand by- it's pretty dumb to dig up old posts to laugh at something you don't have a clue about. But, hey, at least you enjoyed yourself. :rolleyes:

06-09-2008, 10:20 PM
and then the minute i dared to disagree with him, he threw me and our friendship away like a used tissue.

Holy shit Marty---how old are you???--really ???

06-09-2008, 10:21 PM
and then the minute i dared to disagree with him, he threw me and our friendship away like a used tissue.

that is not how it happened at all...and pale is not here, so drop the talk about pale as he is not here to defend himself

06-09-2008, 10:22 PM
and then the minute i dared to disagree with him, he threw me and our friendship away like a used tissue.

Yes Martin, but so has psycho and others. You need to pick up on that. If Pale was your 'friend', you should have recognized what was important to him and found a way to reconcile your desire to be a gay rights advocate and your friendship, instead you did a frontal assault.

06-09-2008, 10:25 PM
that is not how it happened at all...and pale is not here, so drop the talk about pale as he is not here to defend himself

That's called message boards, you get banned and people get to talk without your two cents added in. Sides it's always fun to read about yourself while banned, least it's something I've always enjoyed.

06-09-2008, 10:28 PM
Yes Martin, but so has psycho and others. You need to pick up on that. If Pale was your 'friend', you should have recognized what was important to him and found a way to reconcile you desire to be a gay rights advocate and your friendship, instead you did a frontal assault.

Oh man--don't something like "frontal assault" to Marty. :laugh2:

Abbey Marie
06-09-2008, 10:32 PM
and then the minute i dared to disagree with him, he threw me and our friendship away like a used tissue.

That's a two-way street, sweetie. And it doesn't negate all the times he did stand up for you. In your defense, maybe you didn't realize how much he did stick up for you. Any-waaay, I think it's past time to stop debating the point.

06-09-2008, 10:33 PM
That's a two-way street, sweetie. And it doesn't negate all the times he did stand up for you. In your defense, maybe you didn't realize how much he did stick up for you. Any-waaay, I think it's past time to stop debating the point.

well said abbey.....time to close this and move on ....no?

06-09-2008, 10:34 PM
That's a two-way street, sweetie. And it doesn't negate all the times he did stand up for you. In your defense, maybe you didn't realize how much he did stick up for you. Any-waaay, I think it's past time to stop debating the point.

Yep, if Pale did what Jim said, it's past time. I would hope ANM realizes that he contributed to the over the top behavior, as actions have consequences. It might as well serve as a learning opportunity.

06-09-2008, 10:34 PM
Oh man--don't something like "frontal assault" to Marty. :laugh2:

gay right activist and frontal assult.......damn i know there is a line in there somewhere.......

06-09-2008, 10:36 PM
gay right activist and frontal assult.......damn i know there is a line in there somewhere.......

Knock it off you guys, this is a teachable moment. ;)

Abbey Marie
06-09-2008, 10:38 PM
gay right activist and frontal assult.......damn i know there is a line in there somewhere.......

This is why I can't close the thread.

06-09-2008, 10:41 PM
and i put up with him being mean to people and said nothing.


That's a two-way street, sweetie. And it doesn't negate all the times he did stand up for you. In your defense, maybe you didn't realize how much he did stick up for you. Any-waaay, I think it's past time to stop debating the point.

06-09-2008, 10:46 PM
and i put up with him being mean to people and said nothing.


What's funny about it? You threw the jester, why?

06-09-2008, 11:03 PM
This thread is bullshit. I'm stunned at the number of people still willing to defend Pale after his actions. You're willing to beat the shit out of someone for burning a flag, but verbal assault, verbal assault based on the goings-on of a f*cking message board no less, that's perfectly acceptable behavior? That's bullshit, and if it were your family he were threatening (and class move bringing his wife and kids into it, too, Pale, since I'm sure you're reading this right now), you'd all feel the same way.

06-09-2008, 11:23 PM
Knock it off you guys, this is a teachable moment. ;)

In your wildest dreams !!!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh2::laugh2:

06-09-2008, 11:34 PM
I laugh at tense moments, helps me calm myself and relax

What's funny about it? You threw the jester, why?

My Winter Storm
06-09-2008, 11:43 PM
This thread is bullshit. I'm stunned at the number of people still willing to defend Pale after his actions. You're willing to beat the shit out of someone for burning a flag, but verbal assault, verbal assault based on the goings-on of a f*cking message board no less, that's perfectly acceptable behavior? That's bullshit, and if it were your family he were threatening (and class move bringing his wife and kids into it, too, Pale, since I'm sure you're reading this right now), you'd all feel the same way.

I'm glad he's gone. The amount of times he directed personal attacks at me, the filth and insults he spouted at people who dared disagree with him, and his immaturity at calling someone up in the middle of the night to bitch about a message board banning really goes to show what a loser he is.

06-10-2008, 05:46 AM
Pretty manly of you to post shit about my husband AFTER he has been permanetly banned and isnt allowed to defend himself.

Not for nothing, but Sir Evil was far from afraid of posting and getting into it with Pale while he was here. They had quite a few run ins, and ONE of the threats that Pale has leveled in the past was against him. Flaming is one thing, threats are another.

With that said, I agree that Pale is no longer here to defend himself as others have pointed out as well. I believe ranger started this thread looking to be banned. I see no point in allowing it to continue.