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Hagbard Celine
06-10-2008, 09:03 PM
The concept of this movie (teleportation) is really interesting to me. As a kid, the superpower I always wanted the most was teleportation. Anyway, the movie itself is kind of a let down, but overall it's entertaining enough if you've got nothing else in particular to watch.
It starts off really well. The main character is forced into a stressful situation in which he learns that he can teleport. After that there's a pretty cool intro to the movie where you get to see "David" jump all over the world having tea in Paris, surfing in Maldives, etc. all before lunch--that sort of thing. Of course, the first thing he does is what we'd all do. He robs a bank to fund his jumping. Soon after that though the plot makes some unintelligent leaps. In other words, the writing is hackneyed.
David finds out that his carefree existence is far from carefree when he comes home to find Samuel motherf*cking L. Jackson in his "lair." Apparently jumpers have been around for centuries and there is an equally old organization called the Paladins who hunt them. That's all fine.
But then, with full knowledge that the Paladins are hunting him, he goes back to his hometown to reacquaint himself with his childhood gf. If that isn't stupid enough, he runs into his childhood bully and "jumps" him into the same bank vault where the paladins were first made aware of his existence! So of course Sam mf L. Jackson interviews the bully and learns exactly who David is and everyone he ever knew, including his gf (T&A are supplied by Rachel Bilson--who didn't show enough skin imo).
Anyway, some major plot flaws, but overall an entertaining movie. The concept is cool enough to carry the whole thing I guess. :dunno:
Oh, and they totally set the franchise up for sequel(s).
Also, Hayden Christensen sucks at life. Worst actor ever. His acting style is like a kid who's mom is forcing him to be in movies. I'll trade places with you Hayden if it's that big of a chore being a movie star! (shakes head) What a putz.


06-11-2008, 12:41 AM
Yeah, I liked the movie, until I read the original book, which was vastly, vastly better. I mean, seriously, it was what Batman Forever was for the Batman comicbook.

Abbey Marie
06-13-2008, 12:06 AM
It was an enjoyable movie. I thought Christensen did better here than he did in Star Wars. I know, I know, that's not saying too much. But really, he didn't take himself so seriously every second, and he fit the role well. Better than Keanu Reeves in Matrix, anyway.

07-13-2008, 09:15 AM
The movie sucked. Seriously, the plot sucked. The acting sucked. The effects were overrated.

Hollywood took what could have been a very interesting idea, and made it totally suck.