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View Full Version : Ethics war heats up as key Obama advisor resigns

06-11-2008, 06:59 PM
not good for obama


CHICAGO (AFP) - Democrat Barack Obama was roiled by another campaign scandal Wednesday when a key advisor resigned amid damaging reports that he had received preferential home loans.

Although Jim Johnson, who has been leading the hunt for a vice presidential candidate, denies any favorable treatment, the accusations could dent Obama's image as an untarnished newcomer who has vowed to clean up Washington politics.

06-11-2008, 07:23 PM
obamanation still hasn't figured it out that everyone associated with him is going to be scrutinized.

06-11-2008, 07:38 PM
*waits for race card naysayers*

06-15-2008, 05:14 AM
not good for obama


CHICAGO (AFP) - Democrat Barack Obama was roiled by another campaign scandal Wednesday when a key advisor resigned amid damaging reports that he had received preferential home loans.

Although Jim Johnson, who has been leading the hunt for a vice presidential candidate, denies any favorable treatment, the accusations could dent Obama's image as an untarnished newcomer who has vowed to clean up Washington politics.

McCain and his supporters shouldn't be throwing stones. McCain was not only associated with the <a href=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keating_Five>Keating Five</a>, he was one of them. As for others on his campaign staff, go to:

<center><a href=http://mccainsource.com/mccain_fact_check?id=0007>McCain’s Lobbyists In Trouble For Foreign Lobbying</a></center>

As for Mr. Johnson's loans with Countrywide, until the details are released...he paid discount points?...Substantial down payments?...A good credit score? Far be it from the right in its criticism of Obama to overlook the obvious.

06-15-2008, 07:10 PM
Let me extrapolate from my early request and ask for resumes of all your friends and acquaintances, this will help me judge you, please do not send what you do or what you have accomplished as it is more important who you know or have known. thanks and I look forward to seeing who you know so I can know you.

06-15-2008, 07:27 PM
Let me extrapolate from my early request and ask for resumes of all your friends and acquaintances, this will help me judge you, please do not send what you do or what you have accomplished as it is more important who you know or have known. thanks and I look forward to seeing who you know so I can know you.

is your snide implication that who you select to associate with is no reflection on your judgement, decission making or morals.....

06-15-2008, 07:28 PM
McCain and his supporters shouldn't be throwing stones. McCain was not only associated with the <a href=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keating_Five>Keating Five</a>, he was one of them. As for others on his campaign staff, go to:

<center><a href=http://mccainsource.com/mccain_fact_check?id=0007>McCain’s Lobbyists In Trouble For Foreign Lobbying</a></center>

As for Mr. Johnson's loans with Countrywide, until the details are released...he paid discount points?...Substantial down payments?...A good credit score? Far be it from the right in its criticism of Obama to overlook the obvious.

are you trying to justify bad behaviour with bad behaviour.....

06-15-2008, 08:28 PM
Let me extrapolate from my early request and ask for resumes of all your friends and acquaintances, this will help me judge you, please do not send what you do or what you have accomplished as it is more important who you know or have known. thanks and I look forward to seeing who you know so I can know you.

charles manson is my best friend, but surely you won't judge that...

06-16-2008, 03:13 AM
And that is a good point, mccain is no angel.

Politicians by nature are not honest people, i simply saw this on yahoo, and thought it interesting,

McCain and his supporters shouldn't be throwing stones. McCain was not only associated with the <a href=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keating_Five>Keating Five</a>, he was one of them. As for others on his campaign staff, go to:

<center><a href=http://mccainsource.com/mccain_fact_check?id=0007>McCain’s Lobbyists In Trouble For Foreign Lobbying</a></center>

As for Mr. Johnson's loans with Countrywide, until the details are released...he paid discount points?...Substantial down payments?...A good credit score? Far be it from the right in its criticism of Obama to overlook the obvious.