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06-12-2008, 08:14 PM
what does the term social conservative mean?

can you disagree with conservatives/republicans on gay rights and abortion and still be considered a conservative?

06-12-2008, 08:53 PM

06-12-2008, 09:54 PM
what does the term social conservative mean?

can you disagree with conservatives/republicans on gay rights and abortion and still be considered a conservative?

If you disagreed with conservatives/republicans on gay rights and abortion then you probably wouldn't be a social conservative but you could still be a fiscal conservative or defense conservative.

If you are a fiscal conservative and are the opposite of a social conservative then you are probably a libertarian...

My Winter Storm
06-13-2008, 03:41 AM
Conservatives are, in my words: Anti gay, woman hating fetus worshippers. :)

Don't take that literally, though.

Joe Steel
06-13-2008, 05:31 AM
what does the term social conservative mean?

It means you hate anyone who's not a straight, white Christian.

06-13-2008, 05:48 AM
what does the term social conservative mean?

can you disagree with conservatives/republicans on gay rights and abortion and still be considered a conservative?

Being a social conservative means not having to think for yourself. Instead you let others do your thinking for you. That's not limited to social conservatives though, it's frequently found in the Left and often in the hard Left, where, just like conservatives, slogans replace thought. But social conservatives frequently rely on someone who claims to have some sort of knowledge of scripture to help them frame their thoughts and attitudes. The central tenet is "no change". They resist any change from the status quo. Of course the status quo is always changing, that gives rise to conservatives being grumpy all the time :laugh2:

06-13-2008, 06:18 AM
Being a social conservative means not having to think for yourself. Instead you let others do your thinking for you. That's not limited to social conservatives though, it's frequently found in the Left and often in the hard Left, where, just like conservatives, slogans replace thought. But social conservatives frequently rely on someone who claims to have some sort of knowledge of scripture to help them frame their thoughts and attitudes. The central tenet is "no change". They resist any change from the status quo. Of course the status quo is always changing, that gives rise to conservatives being grumpy all the time :laugh2:

Excellent - :clap:

06-13-2008, 06:20 AM
Acts, No, because if you are too flexible that is not a conservative trait. But I say that half seriously as I know many who define themselves as conservative who are pro choice and pro gay marriage. These folks are usually the more economic conservatives. They have it good and think a tax increase will ruin that. lol. Republicans have wrapped themselves in the conservative mantel not because they are conservative but because it has given them a broad coalition. They have also done a great job of labeling liberals as opposed to all things favored by those coalitions even when they collide. Personally, I am still amazed that so many Christians consider themselves conservatives as the past eight years are anything but Christian in my mind.

"Think about it: A conservative Christian is a contradiction in terms. Christ wasn't a conservative. He fed the hungry simply because they were hungry. He didn't require that they go to work first. He healed the sick, simply because they were sick. He didn't push them into an insurance company, or let the drug companies gouge them on prices. Jesus was a liberal; Herod was the conservative." Jesse Jackson