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View Full Version : personal responsibility

06-17-2008, 05:36 AM
It seems to me, that in the u.s. we are seeing more and more lack of personal responsibility.

Their seems to be a lack of personal responsibility when it comes to sex. People are not protecting themselves from sexually transmitted diseases, not taking precautions against pregnancy, and not taking pre-cautions to safe gaurd others from their own std's.

we have a lack of personal responsibility in economics. From credit cards, to managing one's checkbook, to home loans, americans seem to think, they dont have to be responsible, because someone else will bail them out, or are very greedy

and finally, a lack of personal responsibility when it comes to the law. Whether that is enabling others to break the law, offering moral support to law breakers, or breaking the law yourself. Americans dont seem to take any responsibility for their actions, its always someone elses fault, and it doesnt matter if we allow others to break the law, because we can rationalize i.e. lie to ourselves and others.

We are doomed without a return to america learning how to take personal responsibility for their actions, so they will make better choices, because they wont act like teenagers who feel invincible because the government will save them from themselves

06-17-2008, 04:28 PM
You've been talking to too many liberals.

Especially the group crying about the housing crisis and how the gov. should buy help them out of the fix they got themselves into.

06-17-2008, 04:53 PM
Be careful Martin. The title of your thread is fightin' words with Liberals. They want government and judicial intervention, mass murder (abortion), as well as your tax dollars rather than personal responsibility.

06-17-2008, 05:34 PM
It seems to me, that in the u.s. we are seeing more and more lack of personal responsibility.

Their seems to be a lack of personal responsibility when it comes to sex. People are not protecting themselves from sexually transmitted diseases, not taking precautions against pregnancy, and not taking pre-cautions to safe gaurd others from their own std's.

we have a lack of personal responsibility in economics. From credit cards, to managing one's checkbook, to home loans, americans seem to think, they dont have to be responsible, because someone else will bail them out, or are very greedy

and finally, a lack of personal responsibility when it comes to the law. Whether that is enabling others to break the law, offering moral support to law breakers, or breaking the law yourself. Americans dont seem to take any responsibility for their actions, its always someone elses fault, and it doesnt matter if we allow others to break the law, because we can rationalize i.e. lie to ourselves and others.

We are doomed without a return to america learning how to take personal responsibility for their actions, so they will make better choices, because they wont act like teenagers who feel invincible because the government will save them from themselves

You seem to have a different idea of what taking personal responsibility means than I do. Personal responsibility is accepting the consequences of what you do. People can have casual sex and still take responsibility for the consequences by accepting what they did, the disease, taking care of their child, etc.

In fact, it seems to me having "protected" sex is a symptom of irresponsibility. Because you are trying to pretend your actions dont have consequences.

Nor is there anything wrong with helping others who are struggling.

06-19-2008, 02:54 PM
I had a client yesterday, a prisoner. I ended up getting 4 out of 6 charges thrown out at the preliminary level. And he was mad at me because I wasnt doing my job asking irrelevant questions.

And so it was all my fault he was sitting in prison. And I'm just thinking has this guy ever considered that he is responsible for being in jail? I mean stop freaking committing crimes.

06-19-2008, 04:23 PM
I had a client yesterday, a prisoner. I ended up getting 4 out of 6 charges thrown out at the preliminary level. And he was mad at me because I wasnt doing my job asking irrelevant questions.

And so it was all my fault he was sitting in prison. And I'm just thinking has this guy ever considered that he is responsible for being in jail? I mean stop freaking committing crimes.


Watch to about 30 seconds in, right where Jim Carrey gives some legal advice to one of his clients.

06-19-2008, 04:38 PM
You seem to have a different idea of what taking personal responsibility means than I do. Personal responsibility is accepting the consequences of what you do. People can have casual sex and still take responsibility for the consequences by accepting what they did, the disease, taking care of their child, etc.

In fact, it seems to me having "protected" sex is a symptom of irresponsibility. Because you are trying to pretend your actions dont have consequences.
Nor is there anything wrong with helping others who are struggling.

while i don't personally agree, i absolutely see your point and your point is valid. guess i have a ways to go....