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View Full Version : The skeletons in McCain's closet

06-21-2008, 10:43 AM
Keating Five anyone? Debauchery? Infidelity? Traitor to his country?


06-21-2008, 11:30 AM
The skeletons in Osama's closets are now being opened up. but allowing terrorist into this country will rid us of him.

06-21-2008, 05:54 PM
I didn't think you would understand any of it. But do try to read over it again.

Joe Steel
06-22-2008, 05:13 AM
I didn't think you would understand any of it. But do try to read over it again.

Here's some more:

"But there is another, very different side to John McCain. Away from the headlines and the stirring speeches, a less familiar figure lurks. It is a McCain who plans to fight on in Iraq for years to come and who might launch military action against Iran. This is the McCain whose campaign and career has been riddled with lobbyists and special interests. It is a McCain who has sided with religious and political extremists who believe Islam is evil and gays are immoral. It is a McCain who wants to appoint extreme conservatives to the Supreme Court and see abortion banned. This McCain has a notoriously volatile temper that has scared some senior members of his own party. If McCain becomes the most powerful man in the world it would be wise to know what lies behind his public mask, to look at the dark side of John McCain.

The real McCain (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/jun/22/johnmccain.uselections2008

06-22-2008, 05:43 AM
/chuckles...thank you for this thread....if, after thirty years in politics this is the worst you can come up with, I am reassured....

06-22-2008, 09:12 AM
Here's some more:

"But there is another, very different side to John McCain. Away from the headlines and the stirring speeches, a less familiar figure lurks. It is a McCain who plans to fight on in Iraq for years to come and who might launch military action against Iran. This is the McCain whose campaign and career has been riddled with lobbyists and special interests. It is a McCain who has sided with religious and political extremists who believe Islam is evil and gays are immoral. It is a McCain who wants to appoint extreme conservatives to the Supreme Court and see abortion banned. This McCain has a notoriously volatile temper that has scared some senior members of his own party. If McCain becomes the most powerful man in the world it would be wise to know what lies behind his public mask, to look at the dark side of John McCain.

The real McCain (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/jun/22/johnmccain.uselections2008

BTY you link doesn't work. did McCain sabotage it ???? and he's not running based solely on his war record like a numbnut dem did in 04. also the Guardian is a liberal site. so thanks for the 1 side. now ill let you get back to talking with your floze...................:laugh2: