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View Full Version : McCain's energy policy gets it!

06-22-2008, 01:32 AM
This country is facing an energy crisis, we’re all aware of this each time we spend 100.00 just to fill up our tanks. For awhile now, we’ve been very ‘creative’ in how we’ve addressed the energy crisis, grow our way out, funny. First let’s start with some basic facts…

1.<!--[endif]-->This country hasn’t built a new refinery to convert crude oil to gas since I believe 1976, over 30 years. Our demand for gas has now surpassed our ability to convert from crude to gas, requiring us to import not only the crude, but the finished product, gasoline.

<!---->2.<!--[endif]-->This nation is the Saudi Arabia of coal, meaning we have some of the world’s largest coal reserves, a known energy source, in our own backyard, in clear abundance, yet we sit on it, because the extremist environmentalist refuse to allow us to tap the resource even as Clean Coal technologies are making this resource environmentally friendly. Nuclear power is another alternative for cheep local energy.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->3.<!--[endif]-->Lastly we have many untapped reserves of oil in this nation. From our coastline to a patch in the Arctic Circle known as ANWAR, the extreme environmentalists refuse to allow us to drill our own oil, we need to tap US supplies, not get ripped off for Middle Eastern oil. It’s a vicious cycle; we pay billions to terrorist sponsors for oil, and then pay billions to fight terrorists. There is a better way, and Obama, and the far left he’s never stood up too is not the answer, fortunately McCain, the alternative, shows he gets it, and has some great ideas himself.

McCain calls for building 45 new nuclear reactors<o></o>

Sen. John McCain called Wednesday for the construction of 45 new nuclear reactors by 2030 and pledged $2 billion a year in federal funds "to make clean coal a reality," measures designed to reduce dependence on foreign oil.<o></o> McCain delivered a speech in Texas in which he made the case for a nationwide effort to reduce dependence on foreign oil, [I]including additional drilling in U.S. coastal waters…<o></o>

The Republican presidential contender said Missouri gets about 85 percent of its electricity from coal, an abundant natural resource in the U.S.

"Perhaps no advancement in energy technology could mean more to America than the clean burning of coal and the capture and storage of carbon emissions,"

With the $2 billion in federal funds, he said, "We will build the demonstration plants, refine the techniques and equipment, and make clean coal a reality. This single achievement will open vast amounts of our oldest and most abundant resource. And it will deliver not only electricity but jobs to some of the areas hardest hit by our economic troubles."
We need an energy policy that makes sense and depends on the US not the Middle East. McCain gets that, Obama thinks he'll invent some new way out.

Vote John McCain in Nov.

Joe Steel
06-22-2008, 05:09 AM

We need an energy policy that makes sense and depends on the US not the Middle East. McCain gets that, Obama thinks he'll invent some new way out.

Vote John McCain in Nov.

Better to breathe than drive. We can't wreck the environment just to have big cars and trucks. Eventually we'll have to make a choice. It might as well be now.

By the way, McCain is crazy. Voting for him would be like cutting your own throat.

06-22-2008, 05:56 AM
I just sat down and read Obama's energy policies....


Item 1, cap and trade.....if you have the money to spend you can pollute the environment....."Obama supports implementation of a market-based cap-and-trade system to reduce carbon emissions by the amount scientists say is necessary: 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050"......

Item 2, spending $150 billion...."Obama will invest $150 billion over 10 years to advance the next generation of biofuels and fuel infrastructure...."

Item 3, become energy independent by not using energy....."Obama's plan will reduce oil consumption by at least 35 percent, or 10 million barrels per day, by 2030"....

his focus is clearly on environment and reduced consumption....not expansion of domestic production......

Joe Steel
06-22-2008, 07:06 AM
We need an energy policy that makes sense and depends on the US not the Middle East. McCain gets that, Obama thinks he'll invent some new way out.

Vote John McCain in Nov.

McCain is confused.

"McCain has spent the week focusing on energy policy, making some surprising, and inaccurate, statements.

Among them:

He said that ending a moratorium on offshore oil drilling "would be very helpful in the short term in resolving our energy crisis." But according to a government report, offshore oil wouldn't have much of an impact on supply or prices until 2030.

McCain tried to paint Obama as an opponent of nuclear power, yet Obama has said he is open to nuclear energy being part of the solution and has supported bills that contained nuclear subsidies.

He has soft-pedaled the "cap" portion of his cap-and-trade proposal for greenhouse gases, even denying that it would be a mandate. The cap is a mandatory limit, however, and McCain even says so on his Web site.

McCain's new ad, running this week, rightly says that he bucked his party in supporting action on climate change years ago. But its images of windmills and solar panels are misleading in that he supports subsidies for nuclear power, which isn't pictured, and opposes them for wind and solar energy.

McCain continues to say that a suspension of the federal gas tax will lower prices for consumers, though hundreds of economists say he is wrong.

McCain's Power Outage (http://www.newsweek.com/id/142500/page/1)

06-22-2008, 10:02 AM
Better to breathe than drive. We can't wreck the environment just to have big cars and trucks. Eventually we'll have to make a choice. It might as well be now.

By the way, McCain is crazy. Voting for him would be like cutting your own throat.

Yes, except people aren't making those choices, and like it or not, there are people who need those vehicles for their jobs. And cut the environment crap, why not clean coal, since that is environmentally friendly, or are you just arguing it because the wrong nametag is attached to the bill?

06-22-2008, 10:31 AM
Better to breathe than drive. We can't wreck the environment just to have big cars and trucks. Eventually we'll have to make a choice. It might as well be now.

By the way, McCain is crazy. Voting for him would be like cutting your own throat.

BTY voting for Osama is suicide. his foreign policy will be run by foreigners. and so will you. so cut your own throat

06-22-2008, 10:32 AM
This country is facing an energy crisis, we’re all aware of this each time we spend 100.00 just to fill up our tanks. For awhile now, we’ve been very ‘creative’ in how we’ve addressed the energy crisis, grow our way out, funny. First let’s start with some basic facts…

1.<!--[endif]-->This country hasn’t built a new refinery to convert crude oil to gas since I believe 1976, over 30 years. Our demand for gas has now surpassed our ability to convert from crude to gas, requiring us to import not only the crude, but the finished product, gasoline.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.<!--[endif]-->This nation is the Saudi Arabia of coal, meaning we have some of the world’s largest coal reserves, a known energy source, in our own backyard, in clear abundance, yet we sit on it, because the extremist environmentalist refuse to allow us to tap the resource even as Clean Coal technologies are making this resource environmentally friendly. Nuclear power is another alternative for cheep local energy.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->3.<!--[endif]-->Lastly we have many untapped reserves of oil in this nation. From our coastline to a patch in the Arctic Circle known as ANWAR, the extreme environmentalists refuse to allow us to drill our own oil, we need to tap US supplies, not get ripped off for Middle Eastern oil. It’s a vicious cycle; we pay billions to terrorist sponsors for oil, and then pay billions to fight terrorists. There is a better way, and Obama, and the far left he’s never stood up too is not the answer, fortunately McCain, the alternative, shows he gets it, and has some great ideas himself.
We need an energy policy that makes sense and depends on the US not the Middle East. McCain gets that, Obama thinks he'll invent some new way out.

Vote John McCain in Nov.

ever consider sending this to your elected officals?????

Joe Steel
06-22-2008, 01:30 PM
Yes, except people aren't making those choices, and like it or not, there are people who need those vehicles for their jobs. And cut the environment crap, why not clean coal, since that is environmentally friendly, or are you just arguing it because the wrong nametag is attached to the bill?

There's no such thing as "clean coal."

It's dirty every step of the way "from mine to sky, from extraction to combustion."

Unmasking the truth behind "clean coal" (http://www.greenpeace.org/seasia/en/campaigns/climate-change/climate-impacts/coal/the-clean-coal-myth)

06-22-2008, 06:02 PM
Better to breathe than drive. We can't wreck the environment just to have big cars and trucks. Eventually we'll have to make a choice. It might as well be now.

By the way, McCain is crazy. Voting for him would be like cutting your own throat.

Funny, I've been driving and breathing at the same time for years. I'm willing to bet you've been doing the same. And anyone who thinks you can't do both is crazy.