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06-23-2008, 01:35 PM
"We are poised for the nastiest, most racist presidential contest in modern American history. Why? Because John McCain can't win any other way.

Is there an antidote? Yes, and it's fourfold, dictated as much by our psychology as our politics...."

McCain's Low Road To Victory by Drew Westen

The effort to make this campaign about voters' unconscious fears of Obama has already begun.

"Seldom has a presidential candidate faced such long odds. John McCain has repeatedly allied himself with the most unpopular president since the history of modern polling. He has embraced the most unpopular war since Vietnam. The U.S. economy continues its downward slide. Polls show generic Democratic candidates leading by double digits at all levels of government.

And those are just the beginning of McCain's problems. He is caught between a rock and a hard place in the core narrative about what he stands for. Moderates are turned off every time he takes a right turn to bow to a base whose ideology has proven destructive, while the GOP base is distinctly unenthusiastic about a candidate they suspect is really not one of them. Add to the mix an extraordinarily charismatic candidate running against an extraordinarily uncharismatic one, and it's no surprise that Republicans are openly expressing angst.

With all that stacked against him, the only road that could take McCain to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is the low road, one of the few pieces of infrastructure left in good repair by President Bush. His father paved it against Michael Dukakis, George W. Bush repaved it running against John Kerry, and the GOP repainted the dotted line in now-Senator Bob Corker's 2006 contest with Harold Ford. The path to success for McCain is to make the election a referendum on his opponent, by working in silent concert with 527 groups and media outlets such as Fox News to pursue character assassination, guilt by association, and, most of all, the effort to paint Obama as different, foreign, unlike "us," and dangerous (and did I mention that he's black?).

Over the last several weeks, McCain has been running "The American President," an ad with all the trappings of positivity, but that actually sets the stage for all future attacks. The attacks will not come from McCain. They will come from the momentarity dormant 527s behind them, giving McCain plausible deniability while they make the presidential contest about Barack Obama's differentness and activate unconscious racial sentiments that Republicans have preyed upon for four decades."


06-23-2008, 01:36 PM
if we keep saying it, it will be true....if we keep saying it, it will be true....if we keep saying it, it will be true....if we keep saying it, it will be true....if we keep saying it, it will be true.... :tinfoil:

06-23-2008, 01:50 PM
You can't turn around these days without hearing stories in the press about this candidate playing the race card. Preying on the perceived weakness that is his opponent's skin color. It's all about race, says he. His supporters say it isn't about race, yet the idea that you would not vote for him makes you a bigot. The candidate is, of course, Barack Obama. He and his followers are the ones who first injected race into this campaign. They are the ones who claim McCain will run a campaign founded in the color of Obama's skin. They are the ones who scream "Foul!" and "Racism!" anytime someone dares to question their man's experience, his credibility, his judgement, his agenda, or even his choice of friends. They have laid the foundation for anyone and everyone to see racism where none exists. They are the ones who have set the stage for a campaign with racist undertones. They are the ones who alerted the nation of things to come. They built it, now, whether real or not, it will come.

06-23-2008, 02:31 PM
You can't turn around these days without hearing stories in the press about this candidate playing the race card. Preying on the perceived weakness that is his opponent's skin color. It's all about race, says he. His supporters say it isn't about race, yet the idea that you would not vote for him makes you a bigot. The candidate is, of course, Barack Obama. He and his followers are the ones who first injected race into this campaign. They are the ones who claim McCain will run a campaign founded in the color of Obama's skin. They are the ones who scream "Foul!" and "Racism!" anytime someone dares to question their man's experience, his credibility, his judgement, his agenda, or even his choice of friends. They have laid the foundation for anyone and everyone to see racism where none exists. They are the ones who have set the stage for a campaign with racist undertones. They are the ones who alerted the nation of things to come. They built it, now, whether real or not, it will come.


06-23-2008, 03:00 PM
You can't turn around these days without hearing stories in the press about this candidate playing the race card. Preying on the perceived weakness that is his opponent's skin color. It's all about race, says he. His supporters say it isn't about race, yet the idea that you would not vote for him makes you a bigot. The candidate is, of course, Barack Obama. He and his followers are the ones who first injected race into this campaign. They are the ones who claim McCain will run a campaign founded in the color of Obama's skin. They are the ones who scream "Foul!" and "Racism!" anytime someone dares to question their man's experience, his credibility, his judgement, his agenda, or even his choice of friends. They have laid the foundation for anyone and everyone to see racism where none exists. They are the ones who have set the stage for a campaign with racist undertones. They are the ones who alerted the nation of things to come. They built it, now, whether real or not, it will come.

excellent, well said and very true. obama is a racist tool

06-23-2008, 03:53 PM
You guys must live in fantasyland. Consider only the use of race against McCain in 2000 and you know what is coming. To deny that is to deny reality as you all seem to have no trouble with.


06-23-2008, 03:55 PM
You guys must live in fantasyland. Consider only the use of race against McCain in 2000 and you know what is coming. To deny that is to deny reality as you all seem to have no trouble with.


um, yeah, mccain is the one running now, so stop making lies up about the entire republican party over one tactic

06-23-2008, 04:24 PM
um, yeah, mccain is the one running now, so stop making lies up about the entire republican party over one tactic

Let me rephrase that, you live in Never-Neverland.


06-23-2008, 04:28 PM
John called Cindy a dirty name in 1992.....

Yessir....midcan takes the 'high road'.....well, for a Dimocrat anyway....:lol:

06-23-2008, 04:45 PM
You can't turn around these days without hearing stories in the press about this candidate playing the race card. Preying on the perceived weakness that is his opponent's skin color. It's all about race, says he. His supporters say it isn't about race, yet the idea that you would not vote for him makes you a bigot. The candidate is, of course, Barack Obama. He and his followers are the ones who first injected race into this campaign. They are the ones who claim McCain will run a campaign founded in the color of Obama's skin. They are the ones who scream "Foul!" and "Racism!" anytime someone dares to question their man's experience, his credibility, his judgement, his agenda, or even his choice of friends. They have laid the foundation for anyone and everyone to see racism where none exists. They are the ones who have set the stage for a campaign with racist undertones. They are the ones who alerted the nation of things to come. They built it, now, whether real or not, it will come.

I agree. I refuse to be painted with that brush. Obama and his minions are the racists. I will not vote for him based on his proclamations regarding the WOT and his Illinois voting record. It has zip to do with race.

06-23-2008, 06:16 PM
Let me rephrase that, you live in Never-Neverland.


what party has had the most african american members in the whitehouse cabinet? i'll give you a hint, it starts with an R

06-23-2008, 08:16 PM
You guys must live in fantasyland. Consider only the use of race against McCain in 2000 and you know what is coming. To deny that is to deny reality as you all seem to have no trouble with.


does anyone else think that citing tactics against John McCain as evidence that he will use those tactics is incredibly stupid?

06-23-2008, 09:33 PM
I am already sick to death hearing about the boy wonders skin color..


I will be voting against the white half of him.

This campaign tactic of the Obamsbams...................stinks. Why do you suppose he has kept his well off white relatives in the closet?

It's all their plan, to scream racism..they make me sick

06-23-2008, 10:47 PM
does anyone else think that citing tactics against John McCain as evidence that he will use those tactics is incredibly stupid?

amazing isn't it...

06-24-2008, 07:27 AM
I like how they will be watching for "code words". that is how they know the racism will be slipped in

06-24-2008, 08:38 AM
I like how they will be watching for "code words". that is how they know the racism will be slipped in

Racism has already been slipped in by Obama.

06-24-2008, 10:15 AM
Racism has already been slipped in by Obama.

oh i know that. i mean that his people will be watching McCain, for the "code words". that way they can cry foul as soon as it happens

06-25-2008, 08:11 PM
Funny how it is always the other person with the flaws.


"University of Connecticut professor Jack Dovidio, who has researched racism for more than 30 years, estimates up to 80 percent of white Americans have racist feelings they may not even recognize.

"We've reached a point that racism is like a virus that has mutated into a new form that we don't recognize," Dovidio said.

He added that 21st-century racism is different from that of the past.

"Contemporary racism is not conscious, and it is not accompanied by dislike, so it gets expressed in indirect, subtle ways," he said.

That "stealth" discrimination reveals itself in many different situations."

06-25-2008, 08:23 PM
Fuckin' Whitey.

06-25-2008, 08:40 PM
Funny how it is always the other person with the flaws.


"University of Connecticut professor Jack Dovidio, who has researched racism for more than 30 years, estimates up to 80 percent of white Americans have racist feelings they may not even recognize.

"We've reached a point that racism is like a virus that has mutated into a new form that we don't recognize," Dovidio said.

He added that 21st-century racism is different from that of the past.

"Contemporary racism is not conscious, and it is not accompanied by dislike, so it gets expressed in indirect, subtle ways," he said.

That "stealth" discrimination reveals itself in many different situations."

so what racist feelings do you have that you do not recognize :laugh2:

06-25-2008, 08:41 PM
Funny how it is always the other person with the flaws.


"University of Connecticut professor Jack Dovidio, who has researched racism for more than 30 years, estimates up to 80 percent of white Americans have racist feelings they may not even recognize.

"We've reached a point that racism is like a virus that has mutated into a new form that we don't recognize," Dovidio said.

He added that 21st-century racism is different from that of the past.

"Contemporary racism is not conscious, and it is not accompanied by dislike, so it gets expressed in indirect, subtle ways," he said.

That "stealth" discrimination reveals itself in many different situations."

Did he study if blacks have racist feelings they don't recognize? How about Asians? He sounds like another white man on a guilt trip.

06-25-2008, 08:42 PM
Fuckin' Whitey.

Haven't you heard, Gaf? Only white conservatives are racists.

06-25-2008, 08:48 PM
Fuckin' Whitey.

Haven't you heard, Gaf? Only white conservatives are racists.

yeah, and we don't even know it :laugh2:

06-25-2008, 08:57 PM
yeah, and we don't even know it :laugh2:

That's because we do not possess the intelligence required to put a series of words together in such a fashion as to form a cognitive sentence expressing our views, feelings, or opinions. Then again, even if we did it wouldn't matter because we would be wrong and racists.

06-25-2008, 09:06 PM
That's because we do not possess the intelligence required to put a series of words together in such a fashion as to form a cognitive sentence expressing our views, feelings, or opinions. Then again, even if we did it wouldn't matter because we would be wrong and racists.


06-25-2008, 09:18 PM
Fuckin' Whitey.

Haven't you heard, Gaf? Only white conservatives are racists.

yea but we were born this way.....we wouldn't choose to be like this......we need acceptance tollerance and compasion......